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Curriculum Vitae

Dony Meitia
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Place of Birth : Jakarta-Indonesia
Date of Birth : 08/05/1975
Nationality : Indonesian
Address : Jln. Bayem Makmur
RT 05/ RW 012 No.21
Email 12140 Jakarta Selatan
: +62 21 7223268


 09/2004– 01/2009 University of Duisburg- Essen, Germany

Master of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Communications Eng.)
Total Mark: 2.2 (very good)
Master Thesis: “Investigation of Orthogonal Signal Division Multiplexing for
Multipath Power Line Channel”. (Notes: 1.3)

 08/2000–01/2003 University of Indonesia, Jakarta

Degree: Sarjana Teknik (ST) / Bachelor in Electrical Eng.
Total Mark: 3.95 (cum laude)
Bachelor Thesis: “Wireless Auto Speed Observer Base on Microcontroller “.
(Notes: A)
(Software Design – with Delphi)

 08/1993–08/1996 Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung

Degree : Ahli Madya (A. Md) / 3-Years Study program on Electronic
Engineering Polytechnic
Total Mark: 2.97 (good)
Final Thesis: “Micro mouse Robot“. (Notes: B)
(Hardware Development with Microcontroller MCS-51)

Working Experience and Internship

 02/2008–04/2008 System Evaluator for newly developed K0 8-bit microprocessors by NEC.

- Program development in “C” and Assembler to prepare measurement
environment for a new K0 device.
- Program development with LabView to execute measurement tasks for a new
K0 device.
- Execution of several measurement tasks for a new K0 device, e.g. on chip
regulator behavior, LIN features, on-chip temperature security features and
measurements of voltage/current characteristics chart.

 06/1997–06/1999 Surface Testing technician on SCHLUMBERGER Indonesia.

- Preparation on Rig Up and Rig Down from test equipment such as Choke-
Manifold, Separator und level measurement tank.
- Result analysis and providing report.

 05/1996–06/1997 Quality Control on SHARP Semiconductor Indonesia.

- Error and Control analysis of a failure process („Visual“- und X-Ray-
Examination), „Incoming“-, „Dicing“-, „Bonding“-, „Molding“-, „Cutting“-,
„Testing“-, und „Marking“-Process.


 09/1997 3 months “Surface Testing Course” in Pau, France.


 Operation System : Windows System (Vista, XP, 9x NT, 2000).
 Application Software : Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop.
 Programming : Matlab, C / Visual C ++, Delphi, Java, Assembler (Microcontroller
Intel /Atmel MCS-51, NEC 78K0 Variant).
 Data Bank : SQL.
 Assembler : Hardware and Software Intel Microcontroller MCS 51.
 Others : Protel (PCB design), LabView (Measurement technique).

Analog and Digital Circuit, Hardware-design, soldering, manufacturing and testing.

Linguistic Proficiency

 English very good in speaking and writing

 German good in speaking and writing
 Indonesian mother tongue


 Analytical, conceptual and strategic thinking in solving a problem

 Fast learning and eager to learn something new
 Flexible and engages
 Team-oriented and goal-oriented

Jakarta, 15 May 2009

Dony Meitia

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