All Smiles in Home-From-Home Cosy Cottage

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THE CANBERRA TIMES rtsdry, cry&sati|fficmru

July 16, 20lt



Migrant renters
gyTomMdhoy againsr recently Discrimination in ardved migrants continues Cilbenals rental market. social campai$er and laqer Mariotr Le sdd on Motrday MsLe said shewas "flabbergasted dd disgusred" bythe actioDs ofone landlord who last week sdd she wodd not accept a renral appljcarion by an established dgant fdly of nvebecause lheydRhI be Ms k rsa pp ea iing lor h elp t o f ind a renlal home for fte fady she said the woman had advef ised a house on a Canbena red eilare websile md appetred willing to accept the application based on the aDDeaBnce of some fdlv membiis but chansed hei minit when she realisea they were dgants. she saw rhe name the "Men {milv wrote on the aDDlcation form, a name whirh is-cletrly a Middie Eastern name, she sdd she woul&'t ftnt Sem the home," Ms Le sdd. "l asked her why and if she was woded thev mishl be tenorhts or Dose a secuiitr risk and the woman ;dd 'They mishr bel we coddt which has been The fdly liung in AusraUa for eight ypari had wanred ro move to canbenab norfrside mdwre prepared to pay three monrhs' rent up front. A minodty ol propeny owners beleved migrant tenanr.s were unrc-

Thievesstealnativeand exoticreptilesfrom park

Keeners at a repdle nark jn NSW arP dev;sraFd aflei rHeves hroke b md slole 23 exodc animah, hcluding m allisato4 sn*es and &aBons. Siafi at lhe A$tralian Repdle Park aI Somersby say Se creaturcs need srecialised care and lear they maY nbt suMve awayfromih contoned enUroment theY need. K e e p P r sn o t i r e d f t e a n i m a l s w e r e missinHlate on Sunday njghr. smashed in "PeoDle litrrallv they .nclosLires ro gel i0 affials wanred," senior fuator Liz Vella said. "They hew whal lheywanled." "W" L a keH r e a tp d d e b o u a n h als We lowlhem, sh. said. So tor Sem to Bo mssjng is devistarinB. 'A lot 0f ou dmds ne quite rarp i n Au sBa l i a a n d n e e d sp e cj a l se d care, speciany in these cooler "lf people aren't sure of what freyh doing, the mimds .an Fo doMhil reN auicklv" Ms vslh h:as-appe:ned for anyone who hears about any non-native repdles to contact police or phone Cdmestoppers on 1800 333 000. MP

liable, Ms Le said. One had retered iisquaners". as Io mgnrs "Thr tusDonse fnm manv of the red estare_asents since then has h"en v er y good or h e r t e o p f u w h o I hav e, ont ac t ed ha w 8 o l b a r k t o m e and been very helpfd.' The polticd debate on imdg' of rarion and the vilification miFanls has resulted in fear md Ms k said. dsarituafion, "There have been a lot of fear tacdcs and even lately the attack on usas has 457 Iskilled dgationl "You hav e peop l e o u t r h r r e q u e s rionine anvone who look lkP thcY mishtbe on some kind of a usa ild ihey say rhey donl want to Ber h t r ouhle wit h t h e I m m i g r a t i o n Ms Le said she welcomed recenr efforb by the ACT Human Rights Commbsion to hcreilse awareness among real stale agents md priv' are landlords. A meerinC on housing av ailabilir y f or m i S r a n t s a n d refugees will be heldin Cilberra on Thusday she said. commudty housing orgadsafi on AcT Sheher included dscridnation issues in its 2012-14 policy statement, argling frat luguage hannis andldted access Io housing s uppor t c o u l d b e b e t r e r addre$rd thoush .ultural awtreThe orqmisation also called for a to addrPss the housjns state* pardruk needi of Aborighd dd Tones stidi lslmder residenls h the AcT


Exoli. and mtiw snakes, [zar& includng geckos and &a8ons - and alligator were a small babyherican among rhe reptiles stolen None arc dilserous, Ms VeUa said.

SAD LOSS:A baby Anerican alligatoiaSolomon lslandsskinkand a startodoEe are amdg theanimals stolen from theAustalian Rptil Park atthe weekend.

cottage cosy inhome-from-home Allsmiles


Pollceare invstigating aram rald afrer vandals smashedthfway

FRESHANDBRtcHt(efttoright)ceorgiaO'Leary,Matil&ParkeiAlexandraWinandlsabelCurcioattheCamphllColtaqechildcarecntre. By Datrte Ceccon A$l.4dUiunrFnoufiunold 2 o - v F n - o l d {. a m D b F U c h i l d c a e . . n i r " h a s r u n . d d a v 'a e i n t o a h o m . d u d v l r o m h o , i '. camDbellCottasechildcdecente dhecto; Erin coop;r sdd families could.xpc.ilofrndrhFldgFpla) arFasddimnroveJnurserymorF c o m f o f l a b l e i o r c h i l d r 'n , Dar r. lv in de rs '''e w ad ra i ir lo m ol v a.w d y f r o m t h e vefl ola\ti, and iltilir ril, pnrrF\ Io a D i a r e t h d {l e e l s r u '" h o m F - l i }t ', Ms Coopcr sdd. "We've had a few .o m m Fn r ' l i r o m p e o p l F w r N n g i l r o th e n u Ae r yl tr e l 'n h e b i u 'l l i }'m yl tu g r o n m a l h o m Fl d r d l r N n l r h a r \r Fr r d i n l yr h e d ;r r U o n r h Fr n d u sr ysg o i n Fd r r h Pm u m e n r " ThechldcarecL'ntrenowhas ro om for mother nine chil&en' b r i n sb g i r 'fr p a i i r yr o 6 6 Th c,e n u e i sP4 a n \i o n w a \a .h a n .cr o m p cr r b i n g d e m a n d l o r .h l Jr d r Fl l a .Ps M sC u o p Fr 'a i u Fa m i l e \e tr o l h d a r C a m p b Fl l C o r l r Be w Fr . a kFd l o ( h tr e o l h p r d a v.a ft ,tsn u e sw i l l e Ih "b u l d Fr tookmore lhm avearto comDlete the work. RrIh PXI, president ofthe cnEe's \ilid oDefaror. WV{ACilhcrra. n i o u n tsi n a n d u u r o tr h e b u i l d n g "I ktrow i lot of DeoDl who have moRd house before cbuldnt i m a si n e m n u n sh u u se Wr h 5 T Ms r h l d Fn i l d th a vp r o l d o i r r u f' PilI said. "The $df have done il amuhe job." l h F,;i r r Fw U n o w m p e r n e h n a r i o n a l q u a l i r ysr d d d r d \ r h a r d m to r p r o vi ca r e i l o r d n i n g q u a l i r y. Photo,lAYcRoNAN fte federd sovernmentintoduced lhe staridards last yeil. Educaion and ftaini4 Mitrisler tov tsu.h ,aid thF Campb"il Colaqp u p 8 cd cw d sp d i l o l a w d p r tl a n ,u the ACI 'A number of eilslns serdces are m a n yyFa r su l o d n d n Pe d u p Sa d i n H . l h e yn e Fd F4 r n si u n su n Jr h e ) n Fe d refurbishment," Ms Burch said. "Over the last dree budgets, p r u b a b l ym o r p r h a n c2 ,,Fi l l i u n l h a \ so n p i n l t( ' In ..e d .e r h F a q i l a h i l i ty o t.h i l d ca r Fp l a ce \i n ca n b e i l a .'

which is believd to have taken ptaceaboutlam. owner Ali Parulzl said vandalshad entered by breakinq a wlndow beforchainingthe ATM, locatd just Insrdethe door, to a vehicleand driving away. Mr Parvizi *id hisbusinesi was faing a repat bill ol closeto $o,ooo. In spit ol the damage Mr Parvizi sald hehoFd to reopen lortading by Tuesday "if we can clean uP todayand get some sheeting uP'. Aff Poilcing said two men had ben seen dilving a latemodel white stailon wagon in th area shonv

stolen Vehicles
Thleves hav madeoffwith a bobcat,an excavator and otner heawvehiclesin Forde.The owner had lefr thewhite lsuzu tlppertruck secured on BllzzardCfcuitaDout 7pm on Friday,alongsidean orafrge caterpillarexcavator on a tailer and a caterpillar bobcat. Thethree vehicles and trailei and a number ol tools stored within thevehicls, weremissing when the owner returnd aboutlo.3oam on sundal Aff Pollchg said thestolen vehicles wde estimated to be worth $!oo,ooo.

Anger over refugeets ASIO 'life sentence'

ByDaniel Flitton A secret redsw upheld m Aslo decision to brand a Tamil retugee a t hreal despile rh e secuir y agen. y affirUng ir lost crucid cudence. The reUew conceded that ASIO had relied on an msiBned, trms lated sillmary of lhe mant retugee claim &atwodd "havelittle eidenrary weLght" n couil- even though q ovrrnme nt se s Se ASI O r h R udd findng to justiry locking him in indefiDite detendon. 30, Sasikmthan shamugmayd, has been held since a failed 2009 atempt to sdl to Chrismas Isimd a crime h vet never charsed dS Australia md-has no tighrs to apnrd. He hds sdtered dFprcssion Ist yeil airit told rhe ombudsme other he "dd not expect mlthng rhan to die" in detention. A 21- p dse red ew of hi5. as r obrainedbt Fairlax Meda offers thp liror slmpse ofthe AsIo rulins rhat Sas ii as h e poseia secud ry rh L h e h kno wn, is n mon g s 2 people r erognjse d as refu See s held in d P rendon, u na ble to re runhom e or hve in molher country A copy oftho redew compiled by former judge Mtrgilet Slone, was delivered on Friday weeb after S6i was lold the adverse assessment by ASIO had beetr upheld. kryers are an$y he reUew drh sedions blacked orr "foi ieasons of nadond secudty" - Iocused on Sasi's escape from sri Lanlais cid ffi and does not expldn why he poses a risk to Austala. "This is effectively a life sentence," said lawer SIeDhen tslanks. "The ou:taseous feature of these reilsons is you are leftnone rh dser as to why he is a secudty dsk when vou finish reafrs them." ' But a spokeswo;m for Ms Stone said all aspects of ASIOiSassessment had been endned 'h unclassi lied copy may not mak t obdous that rhis has been done. Howevei lhat d issues vou mav be assued haw be;n addessed.'sh sdd. Sr s i_( ldm s r o h a w b d n p r e s t eaneed as a teetraeer InIo srdng ;rtrlirhe Tadl Tj{erJdurns rhe wai and insAts he was never ; tormil member But an msjgnedswmry of his inledew dth the Uniied Nalions reiugeeaSenry in Indonesia s r ar eshe "joined r h e T i g e 6 i n 1 9 9 9 afrer lxsh ich,'ol, rereived weapons r r aininiand f oug h r t h e S r i b n b Sasi has disputed parts offte UN as a mistanslaa[en(v\ summ4 ton ind was ndr jnteMewed by ASIo before it made its adverse him assessment.ASIO dd hteilew in 2010, but Ms Stone noted my record of that inrerdew appears Io be lost. Ms Stone noled "dthough it wtr mable ro locate the audio rccoding or anv Milten lecord of rhe hteidew Aslo p.odded the wdtten brief ... prepared foi the Dumoses of the intcdew'l Ii Sasils case, Ms stone foilnd: "There cil be little doubtAslo had a somd basis for its assessment h 2009': dth fre rest ofihe senlence

School vandalised
several windowswere snashed and seurity camerasdamaged at a Wanniassaprimary school on sunday. Policefound brokfl panes in two classroom doors and several damaged ssuity cameras at st Anthonys Primary school afrer behg calld there at5.3opm. I isthe second incident of property damage at a school derth holidays, f ollowing rpodd damag at DaramalanCollegelad week. Anyonewith anyinformationon th offences is urged to contactcrime stoppers on laoo333ooo or online at www.act,,au,

to beginners Fun run offers a new challenge

8y RumaisaBilal If frerdns cold momings and a snooze builon have so frr thwdned vou efforts to DreDile for Zrre t?nrera nmes Fuir Rin, Ihere is sdll ' l n 'I a c r . e v e n r u m l t e t e b c F n n e r s can ervr lhemseLves a Hood ahor ot comiletins IhP new lakm disun(e. Fifiess aiainer cathedne McMas' on Tlw knbena ter said proqrms ftmes wabsjtu would give guidante jnlermediato and ro beginner, advmcad runners to be fully preDared for seDtember I ' rumen should stilt "Fiisilim; dth Mo to Sree kilometres, hclud' ingthee ffiutes of wdking and one dnute of running," Ms McMasler said. "The ratio should be gradually md increased to one dnute w* n i n g sr yl e , sh e sa i d . and eilsting 10h and 5km ovents, incorD o r a ti n s a ( i r r l e o f Pa i l i a m e n t old H o u se . Fe d e r a h o n M d l l d d Student Shannon Sulcliffe, 2I, is tahng on her fts l4lm run as she .ecovars tom foot susrv in lanury. "My bo)4rhnd LhaLlinged me a n d I a cce p te d i r sr r a Bh r a w a y. M s as a beginner "I started tdnhg but trow have moved up to lhe htemediale level," she said. Ms sutclifie is raising money for aunsm awareness, a cause dose to her heart as her brother has autism. SThe unbena Timrs Fun Ru on SPn te m b e r I a m c r o n e fu n d s fo r m ^ r r fr d n L 9 5 .h a r i r e s, i n cl u &E ptrtner chadty lhe Hest Foundation ACT For futher information see begirning "L e a n i n g fo r ward, nice rall pos-

pricerise Petrol
Natonal petol Prices havegone pail $1.5ofor th nrst time in f ive monthlastheostof fillinq up in canbrajumped to morehan $155 a litre,new figures show.And they are tipped to go evn higher In the next wek, The latest ffgures f rom lhe Austrailan Insttute of PeroEum showed theprice ofunleaded Ptol rose in Canberra lasl wek,to 155.6C alibeTnE wasthe scond_ hiqneil pilce of th apital citis, bhind Darwins164.t0.

body tre tips I give

rhree dnutes M dudnq tuo weeks. n p vFr h a w Wl h d r i sn a r r e r n ,vo u .i l n a i n . u ti 's. r o u i o .r a r y o r h d vp a n i l l n "* . I d w ;y' a - d u s. r i r fr r st .h p .k w i l h vo u r r h ysi .r tr ' I h e l e v i o sr a tL i n vo u tw a sr u w o r k

tions, Ihe anbena Timps Ftn Rtn i n i l s .1 7 r h ve a r h a ' i n r r o d u r Pd d l4h r u n r 'n a ||s i l M r h u r h cr e vp n h , i n , l u d i n g Syd n .y! L i r y2 su t l n J vcl h o u n e i L i r y2 \Pi Th e d i sr a n '. ;\ a n a d d i r r o n r o l h c

Award Choice Voteforthe 2013 People's

Four outstondingCommunitgGrant projects' ,llVhich one shoul dhsve their funding doubled?





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