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When and where to get or provide a healing session

One of the best things about acupressure and reflexology is that you can use them virtually anywhere at anytime. You dont need elaborate, time-consuming preparations or a lot of expensive, bulky equipment. If youre treating yourself, all you really need is a peaceful space and your own two hands (a few tools may help, too; see the next section for suggestions). If youre treating someone else, you still need only your hands and a quiet moment. Of course, the ideal is to have a clean, quiet, comfortable space with no interruptions, but you can certainly help ease a headache by pressing points even when sitting on a busy bus. So dont hold back; use acupressure and reflexology when you need them! When to start? The sooner, the better especially if youre suffering from any kind of pain or discomfort. For best results, plan your acupressure and reflexology sessions for a time when you can concentrate without distractions. The exact timing often depends on your personality and preferences. Just as some people are night owls who like to conduct important tasks in the wee hours of the night, most people find that they most enjoy sessions at certain times of the day. Many people like to schedule their sessions for right before bed so that they can take advantage of the relaxing nature of these healing sessions. Others find the sessions invigorating, and thus view them as the perfect way to start the day. The frequency of sessions may also vary depending on your preferences. You may experience a bit of soreness or sensitivity following an intense session. If so, you may want to wait a day or two before your next session. On the other hand, some people treat themselves to numerous mini-sessions several times throughout the day, and this practice isnt unusual. The important thing is to let your body be your guide and do whatever feels best for you.

Preparing Yourself to Give a Healing Session

Before you begin a healing session on yourself or someone else, spend some time preparing for it. You want to focus on locating the source of pain and then coming up with a healing plan and goal. Develop your presence by taking a few minutes to ground and center. (Desarrolle su presencia mediante tomar unos pocos minutos Establecer y concentrar) Also, because this activity is physical, trying some of the stretches in the section Staying fit can help you become physically prepared for your session. Finally, pressure point therapy requires contact between you and your receiver. Be sure your fingernails are short and be aware of cleanliness

Being prepared for the session means preparing your space, too. Having ready everything you require for the session is the last preparation you need. Be sure to have pillows or supports, maps and charts, music, and the healing plan you intend to use easily available.

After the Healing Session

Ideally, the overall healing strategy doesnt stop the minute you stop performing the techniques. For best results, follow up and follow through in the post-session period. One important part of the follow-up is gauging the receivers comfort level, especially as it relates to her condition before a healing plan begins. Ideally, she feels better than she did before. If so, and if she isnt sore, she may wish to have another session quickly.

How long to hold the pressure

How long you hold the pressure depends on the point to some degree. Every point takes the time it needs to change and sometimes it may not want to. Your job is to assist the body in maintaining its own balance, so never force the body to make a change. Every tension in the body (or meridian) relates to something that the body is trying to do. For instance, if you have a hurt toe, your body sends qi to the toe to help it get better. You may decide that the toe has too much qi and try to disperse it, but the body always knows best! You can make suggestions to the body through healing sessions, but you cant force change. Hold a point until you feel it change or release, and then move on. If you hold a point and dont feel a change, move on after 3 to 4 minutes. Sometimes the pressure you apply initiates a change that doesnt complete itself until later. Your receiver may tell you that she didnt feel anything during the session but noticed less pain or tension the next day. Be patient, because you never know what the body may do with what you give it. You can look for three cardinal signs that a point has released: a pulsation in the point, a change in temperature (gets hotter or colder), or a change in sensation, such as more or usually less tenderness, for the receiver. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 4. Palpates: Finally, based on the information that has been gathered, your practitioner may spend about 10 minutes palpating key points on the meridians that indicate the overall balance of the entire meridian. The practitioner notes any sore areas, empty or full points, and asymmetries, and she uses that information later in the session. If your bodywork

practitioner notices any serious medical conditions that are cause for concern (which does indeed happen), she may suggest that you see an appropriate medical specialist. After the session, you get a few minutes to relax before you have to get up. n your follow-up sessions, some issues will get better, revealing other issues underneath. Like peeling an onion, you can always work on something underneath. Each session will contain a re-evaluation of the issues and goals, so expect to spend about 10 minutes at the start of every follow-up session re-assessing. How long you continue will depend on results. You may notice steady improvement and want to stay focused on weekly sessions. You may feel so good that you want to schedule a monthly tune-up, or it may not be helping and you may decide to stop. In all cases, your practitioner can help guide the decision-making process. The routine in this section which requires all of 20 minutes will help keep you healthy if you do it on a regular basis. It focuses on stimulating and regulating qi flow and establishes harmony throughout your body. You can hold all these points on a friend, too. First lead the receiver through the stretching and breathing exercises that follow: 1. Use the bilateral approach on points St 36, Lv 3, and Sp 4. Hold each point on both sides at the same time for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat the sequence two to three times until all points feel equal. 3. Use the bilateral approach on the points Lu 1, B 47, and GB 21. Hold each point for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat the sequence three times. End with 5 to 10 minutes of relaxation, breathing deeply and noticing the relaxation and well-being spreading through your body.

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