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Character : Ralphs Story 1.

Ralph Has a complicated family consisting two brothers , two half brothers , one half-sister , three stepbrother , one stepsister, three stepmother , one stepfather , two stepgrandmother and one stepgrandfather . His real parrents divorces and his mother marries Howard His two biological brother are George and Edward His father has gotten involved with three women after the divorce He constantly shuttled between Mums and Dads home Cannot keep track of which parents house he should go to after school each day and so the lunchbox system is developed. Dumbo lunchbox means Dads house , the Mickey Mouse lunchbox means Mums house. His threestepmothers are Annabel, Janet and flora Has to adjust to his stepmothers different personalities Prefers his latest stepmother flora the most Look forward to her coming baby
Characteristics Quick-witted Understanding of his family situation Flexible for he is able to adjust to his ever-changing family situation quite quickly Helpful towards flora Loving stepson to flora Outspoken and honest Responsible for he reads baby books to Florato help her prepare for the coming baby Intelligent and observant- he quickly figures out that Colin intends to run away


2. Mum Marries Howard after divorcing her first husband Is happy in her second marriage A caring mother to her three sons Allows them to visit their father often Tolerates all her husbands three wives after their divorce Likes his second wife , Janet , the best

Characteristic Hardworking Responsible mother Loving wife to her second husband Can be sly and cunning secretly puts in clothes for Janet to launder

3. Howard Marries Ralphs mother after her divorce Tries his best to be a good father to her three son Caring father to his own children Works hard at his marriage

Characteristic A pleasent man Gets along well with his three sons Able to compromise with his wife


4. Edward ralphs brother a caring brother likes to play with his cat , Brandy loves to eat has once spent his whole allowance on three loaves of bread

Characteristic playful sometimes annoyed with his father

5. George Ralphs brother a caring brother likes to eat Characteristic playful friendly 6. Dad weak allows all of his three wives to make all the decision at home does not seem to mind getting married many times and subjecting his sons to constantly changing family conditions always sides with his wives as opposed to his children divorces his first wife , Ralphs mother loses his second wife , Janet , gets fed up with his ways and leaves him his latest girlfriend , Flora , is much younger than him and is expecting their first child


Characteristics a seemingly uncaring and insensitive father weak for allows his wives to rund the house without his input not a good husband as he has failed in three marriages seems to make an effort with his latest girlfriend , Flora

7. Annabel Ralphs first step mother Health-conscious Is always on diet Selective about food choices Insist that others follow her healthy eating habits Choose what food to eat for the entire family Makes bread for the family because she thinks bread bought at the stpre is stuffed with chemicals Read her star sign forecast everyday Quarrels with her stepsons over Brandy , the cat Eventually stops getting along with Ralphs father Leaves Ralphs father for someone whom she believes is the descendant of King Arthur

Characteristics Unreasonable in her ways Bossy and domineering as she expects everyone to follow her eating habits Does not like people to disagree with her Leaves her husbnad for someone whom she thinks is a better man 8. Janet Ralphs second stepmother Has four children of her own Imposes strict rules at home Has specific rules about everything including time Is very good at drawing up the familys complicated schedule Everyone feels as if they were living in prison when she is around

Cleans and cooks for the family In the end , gets fed up for feels like she was taken advantage of Leaves Ralphs father Characteristics Rigid with rules and regulations Bossy for she expects everyone to live by her rules Unreasonable Fussy and neat

9. Flora Ralphs third stepmother is close to Ralphs age gets along very well with him he describes her as wonderful likes to for coffee and movies with Ralph buys him gifts later become pregnant

Characteristics totally disorganised playful messy does whatever she pleases has poor housekeeping skills has no knowledge abou taking care of baby but willing to learn




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