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FFY 2009 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant Cook County Funding Application Burbank Police Department

Captain Thomas E. Gename Administrative Services 5650 W. 75 th Place Burbank, Illinois 60459 T)(: 708-924-7300 FA)(: 708-728-0483 FEIN: 36-2698031

Grant Amount Requested:

Federal Fiscal Year 2009:' $69,505.00

Authorized Signature: Name: Title: Date: Authorized Signature: Name: Title: Date:

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Request for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant/Cook County Funding

Name of Organization: Address: Telephone: Fax: FEIN: Date Submitted: Title of Project: Project Description: Amount Requested: Submitted By:

Burbank Police Department 5650 W. 75th Place Burbank, Illinois 60459 708-924-7300 708-728-0483 36-2698031 March 12,2010 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant FFY 2009 Equipment and Technology Improvements and Upgrades $69,505.00 Thomas E. Gename Ca tain Administrative Services

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Burbank Police Department

Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant FFY2009

The Burbank Police Department was established in 1982 and currently has a staff of 53 trained officers providing law enforcement services. The Burbank Police Department in its continuing effort to make the City of Burbank a safer place for its citizens and visitors alike is proposing to use the funds received from the FFY 2009 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant (l.A.G.) to upgrade and expand the technology it uses in order to enhance the detection, enforcement and investigative abilities of its officers. The Department's proposal to use the funds provided by the FFY 2009 Justice Assistance Stimulus Grant to expand and upgrade its equipment beyond current budgetary resources would successfully use the funds in accordance to the grant guidelines of reducing crime and improving public safety. In addition, the funds would assist the Department in its continuing mission to provide quality solutions to complex problems that impact the daily lives of every person that lives and travels within the City's boarders.

A. Goal Statement (Crime Control):

To reduce criminal activity and strengthen the investigative abilities of the Burbank Police Department by purchasing and making use of modem technologies and equipment.

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Burbank Police Department JAG. Stimulus - FFY 2009

B. Statement of Problem:
The recent and continuing economic downturn has created a need to tighten the budget of the Burbank Police Department not only for the upcoming fiscal year but also for future budgets. During the past several years the Department has undertaken a program to strengthen and reinforce the technology and equipment available to effectively provide law enforcement services to its citizens. To reduce expenses and to alleviate personnel cuts the Department has eliminated all major equipment purchases and put a halt to the technology improvements that were implemented in previous fiscal years. The inability to continue technology improvements and upgrade equipment will create a gap that will be difficult to overcome in the future.


Targeted Area:
The intended goal of this program is to upgrade and expand the technology for the improvement of public safety and to reduce crime by enforcing the laws of the United States, the State of Illinois and the City of Burbank throughout the jurisdiction of the Burbank Police Department. The City of Burbank covers approximately 4.5 square miles. The City's eastern border (Cicero Avenue) is shared with the City of Chicago, the western border (Harlem Avenue) with the Village of Bridgeview, the northern border (75th Street) with the City of Bedford Park; and the southern border (8ih Street) with the Village of Oak Lawn. The 2006-2008 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimate for the U.S. Census Bureau estimates the population of Burbank at 27,567 with a racial breakdown as follows: 84.4% white; 15.1% Hispanic; 2.7% Asian; 1.0% African

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Burbank Police Department JAG. Stimulus - FFY 2009

American, 0.2% American Indian, 0.0% Native Hawaiian; and 9.9% Other Races. In the 2006-2008 survey, there were approximately 4,862 city residents between 10 and 19 years of age. The current school enrollment for the public and private schools in the City of Burbank is estimated at 6,307. Fourteen (14) schools are available for the youth of the city to attend, 9 elementary (8 public, 1 private); 3 high schools (1 public, 2 private); 2 special education schools (1 public, 1 private). The 2006-2008 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimate for the U.S. Census Bureau listed the median family income as $63,268.00 and a per capita income of$21,106.00.

D. Targeted Group:
This program and the equipment purchased is intended to target and serve the citizens of the City of Burbank and enhance the law enforcement services provided to them. The primary individuals targeted will be the residents and business owners of the City of Burbank. The outcome from purchasing the additional equipment should be a positive effect on all groups and individuals and a decrease in criminal activity within the City of Burbank.

E. Types of Services:
The Department, with the equipment purchased from the l.A.G. funds, will be able to enhance the enforcement and investigative abilities and services of its officers. The

equipment will help detect, investigate and assist in the prosecution of crime related activities. In addition expanding and upgrading the technology used by the Department will help identify unusual behavior; prevent criminal incidents before they occur and assist in the investigation of incidents after they occur.

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Burbank Police Department

JAG. Stimulus - FFY 2009

The Department is proposing to use grant funds to purchase the following equipment not only to enhance the enforcement and investigative abilities of its officers but also to fulfill its public safety mission. Mobile Digital Video Recording Equipment - The purchase of this equipment will not only allow the Department to upgrade current cameras to a digital format but will also allow for cameras to be installed in vehicles that currently do not have them. The benefits of the cameras are numerous and include but are not limited to improving officer safety and training; resolving complaints; gathering and preserving the chain of evidence and improving public opinion and officer accountability. Automatic License Plate Recognition System (ALPR) - The purchase of this system and related equipment (server) will allow officers to do their job more effectively and efficiently and aid in the recovery of stolen vehicles and in the surveillance and apprehension of suspects involved in drug trafficking, identity theft and other criminal activities. Dell Mini Tower Computers - Grant funds will be used to purchase and update computers operated by law enforcement officers. Current computers do not have the capabilities necessary to operate the records management or surveillance camera programs that were recently updated. In addition the computers will continue to enhance a camera program that was implemented with previous JAG funds. Tramc Speed Radar System - The Department's current speed detection radars have either reached the end of or are nearing the end of their dependable service life. The purchase of updated traffic radar devices will enhance traffic safety for the motoring public traveling through the City of Burbank.

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Burbank Police Department JAG. Stimulus - FFY 2009

F. Implementation Schedule: J.A.G.


IMPLEMENTATION September 2010 October 2010

Equipment Equipment


November 2010
Install Equipment

December 2010
Install Equipment

Note: The implementation schedule may be adjusted as needs dictate and if approval is given.

G. Performance Measure:
Ensuring that a program is working is dependent upon many factors that can be measured from data gathered from a variety of sources. The Department will monitor the use of the equipment purchased and use its records management system to compare the activity generated before and after the purchase of the equipment.

H. Funding Source:
Funding for this project is dependent on the monies available through the grant as indicated in the submitted budget. Any unexpected expenses in support of this project and not indicated will come from the Burbank Police Department budget, if available.

I. Technical Assistance:
No technical assistance will be required from the Judicial Advisory Council at this time.

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A. B. C. D. E. F.

Personnel Fringe Travel Equipment Supplies Other Total Project Costs

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $69,384.30 $120.10 $0.00 $69,505.00

JAG funds requested Non JAG funds committed

$69,505.00 $0.00

Note: Three (3) bids will be received for purchases over $500.00.

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Burbank Police Department

Budget Worksheet FFY 2009 (Stimulus)
A. Personnel (Staff Salaries) Position Classification Annual Salary
% of Time Spent on this Project

Salary Utilized on this Project

llEBG Portion for this Project

Matching Portion for this Project

Total Salaries B. Fringe Benefits C. Travel Total Travel D. Equipment Item

Motorola Automatic License Plate Recognition System (ALPR) Dell Optiplex 760 Server for ALPR System Installation of ALPR System AMR Digital Corporation Mobile Digital Video Recording (MDVR) Equipment AMR Digital Corporation MDVR Equipment - 2 year warranty Installation of AMR Digital Corporation MDVR Equipment Dell Vostro Mini Tower Computer Kustom Signal Inc. Talon II Radar System


Fringe Benefits not requested in grant proposal Expenses associated with sending officers to training classes for gang and/or drug topics


Cost $0.00 Cost

1 @ $26,108.30 1 @ $4,455.00 1 @ $1,264.00 6 @ $4,200.00 6 @ 375.00 6 @$225.00 2 @$924.00 3 @ $2,303.00


$26,108.30 $4,455.00 $1,264.00 $25,200.00 $2,250.00 $1,350.00 $1,848.00 $6,909.00

Total Equipment E. Supplies

Item Office Supplies - binders, copy paper, postage, dividers, ink cartridges, pens etc.


$69,384.30 Cost

Total Supplies F. Other Costs Other Costs Total Total Project Costs:

Miscellaneous cost to sponsor events.


$120.70 Cost




NOTE: Equipment costs as of March 12, 2010 however when purchased three (3) bids will be received for purchases over $500.00 unless system is proprietary or specific to Law Enforcment then a sole source letter will be provided. Page 1 of 1

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