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SAP IS Industry Solution Oil Tables

OIB_DEF_INDEX_GM Default index for Goods Movement ROIB_DEF_INDEX_GM Default index for HIM defaults - structure TOIBCALC_INTRN Callstack check for FM MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT OIB_A05 HPM: Import/Export for Quantity Conversion (OIB_QCI, OIB1) OIB_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY Display Stucture for OIB_DEFAULTS OIB_A10 HPM QCI Import/export for quantity conversion (intern.table) OI001W Customer fields for Table T001W OIB04 Function module definition (API/AGA/Customer functions) OIB_AROM_HEADER header data table: Industrial aromatic hydrocarbon vcf OIB07 Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface OI0_IFEKPOOAITEX Outline Agreement Item Data (Internal Structure): IS OIL OIB_DEFAULTS Table for Oil Defaults OILT001L Enhancements Downstream to T001l OIB01T Conversion Group Text OILI156SC Data part Oil I156SC OILI156SY Data part OEL I156SY OILKONV46B IS-Oil Rel.4.6B - Do not append/add fields OILT156F_AP 6.20 Include OILT156F now as Append OILT156W_APP Oil Append structure f. transparent table (prev.rel.=pool) OIB_DEF Set default table/transaction switch OIB_AROM_VCF Customizing table for Aromatics Volume Correction factors BAPIOIL2017_GM_ITM_CRTE_PARAM

IS-OIL: BAPI-Kommunik.Strukt: Mat.Bel.Pos. Param. anl. OIB_PPP_DATA Physical properties data table OIB03 Default value qty.conversion (OBSOLETE,do no use any more) OIB07T Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface Text OIB07_HELP Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface OIB_AROM_HEADERT Text table for OIB_AROM_HEADER OIB_CONV_RDGRP Table for classification Conversiongrp - Readinggrp OIB_PPP_HEADER Header data: physical properties of hydrocarbons OIB_PPP_HEADERT Header table: phys. properties of hydrocarb.: Description OIB_RDGGROUPT Description of reading group parameter OIB_RDGRDEF Definition of Reading Groups OIB_RDGRDEFT Description of Reading Group Definition OIB_READINGGROUP Reading group : Define parameters for a conversion group OI0_EKPO_EXT_X Extension structure for EKPOX OI0_EKPO_EXT Extension structure for EKPO

C410 Chart of accts / Account key - acct assign for ED rev OIJNE Nomination Events OIRADBT Document base table C011 Company Code/Payment card type/Splitting result Q001 Company/Card Type/Split Result S430 SIS: (OIL-TSW) Sales document statistics by TSW object ROIITANKDIP Tank strapping history display structure

C013 Company Code / card type OIJNOMI Nomination Item OIAQB Exchange Movements Index LIPSO2 Appendix for Delivery Note Additional Quantities OI001 Company Code Parameters MSEGO2 Material Document Quantities in Additional Units of Measure OIIX OIL-BDRP: Application control record A422 DRC: Sales Area/Material/Wide Area Pricing OIHL License Master Data C012 Sales Org / Card type / split result OIK37 IS OIL: Shadow table for SD document processing Q002 Company/Card Type OIGSVMQ TD Quantity Item for Material on Vehicle E1OILT3 TAS Load information ( shipment enhancement ) A410 Customer/ Plant/ Material/ Base Product S036 LIS: Exchange balance 'Lifts/Receipts' (IS-Oil EXG) OIGS TD Shipment Header OIGSV TD Vehicles in Transport/Shipment OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O1 Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Conversion Parameters OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O2 Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Additional Quantities OIA05 Quantity schedule scheduling table - sales side B400 Bulk shipment type MSEGO1 Quantity Conversion Parameters for Material Documents

Q000 Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $ OIGV TD Vehicle Header OIB_TANKDIP Silo management tank strapping history OIA10L Exchange - Blocked FI-documents by netting process A418 Sales org. B450 OIL-TSW: Carrier/Shipping Type A360 Location / Service type / Material - Street price OIGSI Shipment Item ROIITANKDIP_DISPLAY Display Structure for Tank Management A420 SalesOrg/DistCh/CustGrp/ProdHier/PricDRC A421 SalesOrg/DistCh/CustGrp/Plant/ProdHier/PricDRC OIA12I Movement Based Netting document item OIFBBP1 Business partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN) OIA10 Exchange - Netting document item OIB_USERPARAM HPM user parameter/defaults/favorites OIGSH TD Shipment History ROIGS0 Quantities in TD Shipment - temporary C014 Card Type ROIRB0320 Status listing (IS-Oil SSR) OIAQA Exchange Statement Print Requests OIH03 Excise duty posting control MARDO1 Appendix for Storage Location Additional Quantities ROIGSI Internal Table - Shipment Item

ROIISOCTSM SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDRP) OIA07 Logical Inventory Valuation Segment Table E1OILT1 TAS Load information ( main ) / (-> no append,#494441) OIA10E Index table to find netting docs. by exchange number OIJRRT OIL-TSW: Partner role types MSKAO1 Special Stocks Appendix: Additional Quantities OIKLIDR TD - TAS Reference Table ROIGS Internal Table for Shipment OIFSCTFDDEFC1 Field Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool A412 Vendor/Plant/Material/Base Product OIGSMV TD Material Balance on Vehicle V_TOIGS3 Generated Table for View V_TOIGS3 MKOLO1 Special stocks from vendor additional quantity appendix OIJBRDH RD header f.batch:Don't use(obsolete) & don't delete(XPRA) OIJLOCMAT OIL-TSW: Location Rundown/Planning material table OIJRDH Rundown header: Don't use (obsolete) & don't delete (XPRA) OIJTSMAT OIL-TSW: TS Rundown/Planning material table OIJ_RDHEAD Stock Projection header OIRCPRCHHEAD SSR Pricing - Change header details OIRC_PRLOG_PRM SSR Pricing - Price update parameter log E1OILT2 TAS Additional UOM A423 Customer Specific Tax (FOB) OIGSM TD Material Allocated to a Shipment

OIC_PIPE Origin, Destination, Trip and ex Batch No for Pipeline OIGSE TD Events OIK03 IS-OIL/TAS: Deliveries open for goods issue ROIGSE Internal Table - TD Event OIB02 Conversion Mode (Old Transactions) A337 ContractNr/Plant A415 Carrier, Bulk Shipment Type, Destination Tariff Zone OIGSVMQO2 TD Quantity Item Additional Quantities A413 Carrier, vehicle type OIB05 Oil unit of measure groups OIJ_EL_TICKET_I Universal ticket item table OIRC_GMMH SSR Meters - History OIGSVIIS TD Shipment Assignment of Document Items to Stages OIREBLSTPLT SSR PC: Black List Storage Place Texts (IS-Oil SSR) E1OILT4 Additional quantities in alternative UOMs MARCO1 Appendix for Additional Quantities at Plant Level MSKAHO1 MSKAH: Additional quantities appendix OIK01 IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data A434 Incoterms / Material group 2 - Federal OI3KOMK IS-OIL changes part 2 f.komk (MUST BE between MANDT/SUPOS) OIJ_EL_TICKET_H Universal ticket table TVPODO2 Proof of delivery - Oil additional quantities OIC_KONV Conditions (Procedure Data)

MSKUHO1 MSKUH: Additional quantities appendix MSLBO1 Appendix for Special Stocks with Vendors: Add. Quantities MSPRO1 Project Stock additional quantities OIA10H Exchange - Netting document header OICQ6 Formula Condition Data - Formula Term Items MARDHO1 MARDH: Aditional quantities appendix MCHBO1 Appendix for Additional Quantities at Batch Level OIC_LSMW_PROJ Used LSMW Project for Data exchange OID_EX External Bill of Lading and Misc. Deliv. No OIGSMS TD Material Samples on a Shipment OIGSS TD Shipment Stages OIGSVC TD Transport Unit in Shipment OIGSVCC TD Compartment in Shipment OIGSVCS TD Vehicle Seals on Transport Units OIGSVD TD Driver per Vehicle on a Shipment OIGSVMQM TD On Board Movements References OIGSVMQO1 TD Quantity Item Calculation Parameters OIGVL TD Licenses Needed for Vehicle OIGVT TD Vehicle Header Text OIGVTU TD Vehicle - Transport Unit Assignment MSKUO1 Appendix for Special Stocks with Customers: Add. Quantities OIA11 Exchange assignment for deliveries OIA12ICOND Conditions of OIA12I items

S410 SIS: Business Location Statistics via 'Ship-to' (IS-Oil MR OIISOCISL SOC: Index for storage location/sequence no. access mode A424 Exception for States (FOB) A433 Customer Specific Tax (FOB) - Federal OIANF Fee Condition Records A402 SalesOrg/DistribCh/SDContractNo/Material OICQ4 Formula Condition Data - Formula Header ROIISOCISL SOC: Index for storage location/sequence no. access mode ROIRC_DRUPLD SSR Stocks - Dip readings upload structure OIH_MIGO_HTDP Store the TDP-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature OIJX TSW control record OICQ7 Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance OICF1) A443 Red Rate Exc Duty Comp/Plant/Tax Group/Handling Type B451 Business Partner B452 TranSys E1OILSE Shipment event segment OIC_OIANF Fee Condition Records OIRC_GMMH_DEL SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings history OIRC_MRREJ SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records ISEGO2 Appendix for Physical Inventory Additional Quantities A339 ClsGrp A444 Two-step transfer with tracking sign E1OILMC IS-OIL Material Master Append MARC

OIH01 Excise Duty Rates Table V_OIGSDOCS Generierte Tabelle zu einem View OIAACCGI Fee Account Determination for SD OICQ9 Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance OICF3) OIDAP Automatic Plant Determination OIGSJ1BH Brazilian Taxes for Delivery Header OIH_J1B_T001W Generierte Tabelle zu einem View A361 LocationID/Material - Street price A406 Plant/material V_OIH_J1B_VTYP Generated Table for View V_OIH_J1B_VTYP MKOLHO1 MKOLH: Additional quantities appendix M_OIJEA Generierte Tabelle zu einem View M_OIJEB Generierte Tabelle zu einem View OIK04 IS-OIL/TAS: Idoc data segment ISEGO1 Appendix for Physical Inventory Conversion Parameters A409 Carrier, Bulk Shipment Type, Depart. Point, Dest. Point A425 State Tax FOB S414 SSR DTF statistics LIPSO1 Appendix: Delivery Note - Conversion Parameters MCHBHO1 MCHBH: Additional quantities appendix MSLBHO1 MSLB: Additional quantities appendix MSPRHO1 MSPRH: Additional quantities appendix OIH07 TDP allowed combinations of ED Group and Handling Type

OIJNOMH Nomination Header OIRC_GMMH_AGG01 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly) TOIGS3 TD Intransit Batch/Handling Type Determination A430 DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country A338 Purch.doc./Plant A403 SalesOrg/DistribCh/SDContractNo/Plant/Material OI0_ERDAT Date, time and name of creation and change in txn-data OIAMP Price reference plant assignment OIA_INVCYC_ACT Invoice cycle active flag 1-n (grouped) OIA_INVCYC_STATUS Invoice cycle status 1-n (grouped) OIA_NETFI Exchange Netting fields to be included in FI tables OIBSEG IS-Oil Rel.2.2D - Do not append/add fields OIBSEG10A IS-Oil Rel.3.0A - Do not append/add fields OIBSEG10B IS-Oil Rel.3.0C - Do not append/add fields OIBSEG10C IS-Oil Rel.3.0D - Do not append/add fields OIBSEG40B IS-Oil Rel.4.0B - Do not append/add fields OIC_DEST_ORIG Destination/Origin: City,County,Region,Country + Tax OIFCOBL IS-Oil MRN include structure for COBL-Append OIG_DOCSCD TD-F Enhancement to KOM(K,P,G) to shipm. cost. for documents OIG_MATSCD TD-F Enhancement to KOM(K,P) to shimpm. cost for ASTM mat. OIG_SHPSCD TD-F Enhancement to KOM(K,P,G) to shipm. cost. for shipment OIG_STGSCD TD-F Enhancement to KOM(K,P,G) to shipm. cost. for stages OIG_VEHSCD TD-F Enhancement to KOM(K,P,G) to shipm. cost. for vehicles

OIH_ETAX_KOMP Excise Tax Enhancements to KOMP OIH_J1B_KOMP Brazil Oil Enhancement to KOMP OIJ_PLAN_PRF 3WP Planning Profile OILKONV IS-Oil Rel.3.0C - Do not append/add fields OILKONV10D IS-Oil Rel.3.1H - Do not append/add fields OILT156F IS-OIL enhancements OILT156W IS-Oil fields in T156W OIR_KOMK SSR Fields in Header Pricing OIR_KOMP SSR KOMP fields ROIJNOMIIO TSW Nomination Item Communication Structure ROIJ_EL_TICKET_HVB TSW Universal ticket table Update Structure ROIJ_EL_TICKET_I_IO TSW ticket item table Communication Structure A404 Customer/Material/Plant A407 Route, Loading Point, Discharge Point A408 Carrier A414 Carrier, Bulk Shipment Type A419 ED pricing/Origin/Tax Group/Handl.Type/Orig.reg. A426 State Tax on delivered goods A427 Veh.type A428 SalesOrg/DistChann/CustGrp/DRCMetrInd/ProdHier A429 DRC: Sales Area/Material/State License Fee Zone A431 DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Region A432 DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country/DRC Region

A442 Full Rate Excise Duty Company/Plant/Tax Group A445 Material OIAF7 Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance OICF1) OIAF8 Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance OICF2) OIAF9 Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance OICF3) OIA_IMSEG_GR Load balancing - details from Delivery or MM OIB_T156_FIELDS Material-stock field relation with stock type and SOBKZ OICQ8 Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance CI-Include in OICF2) OIFSCTDSDEFS Data Section Definitions - Screen Configuration Tool OIFSCTFDDEFS Field Definitions - Screen Configuration Tool OIFSCTSNDEFC Screen Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool OIFSCTSNDEFS Screen Definitions - Screen Configuration Tool OIJLOC Location table MARCHO1 MARCH: Additional quantities appendix OIH27 TDP additional checks for sales OIRECH_APPL SSR PC: Clearing House application data (IS-Oil SSR) E1OILSI Shipment item data OIAMSEG MSEG structure for exchange statement OICQ5 Formula Condition Data - Formula Terms OIGRM TD Rack Meter Master Table OIISLVCPO SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion items OIISOCB1 SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk ROIJTIC_IO TSW Ticket Header/Item Communication Structure

S431 PURCHIS: (OIL-TSW) Purchasing document stats by TSW object OIA01 Exchange header (IS-Oil EXG standard/core object) OIA02 Exchange item data - sales side OIA03 Exchange item data - purchasing side OIA05H Quantity schedule header table - sales side OIA06 Quantity schedule scheduling table - purchasing side OIA06H Quantity schedule header table - purchasing side OIA08 LIA Document: Item Data OIA08H LIA Document: Header Data OIA12 Exchange assignment for bulk shipments OIAFE Fee history table OIB06T Unit of Measure group description OIB08 Log for HIM Quantities out of sync with SKU OIB09 Log for missing MSEGO1 and MSEGO2 documents OIB_ANALYS_CNTRL Silo Management OIB_DIP_WL_INDEX Worklist for Silo Management Tank Dips OIB_DIP_WL_USER User Assignment to Silo Man.tank dip worklist OIB_DIP_WORKLIST Worklist for Silo Management Tank Dips OIB_MIGO_HHEAD Store the GOHEAD for MIGOs hold/restore feature OIB_MIGO_HQCI Store the QCI-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature OIB_MIGO_HQCI_E Store the QCI-GOITEM-Bapiret for MIGOs hold/restore feature OIB_MIGO_HQCI_P Store the QCI-GOITEM-Parameter for MIGOs hold/restore featur OIB_MIGO_HQCI_Q Store the QCI-GOITEM-Quantity for MIGOs hold/restore feature

OIB_MIGO_HTST Store the TST-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature OIB_QTCD_RESID Table for residence time Check OICDC Differential Reference Code OICDT Differential Reference Code - Texts OICF1_MIGR Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF1 OICF1_MIGR_REQ Header Patterns per Run OICF2_MIGR Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF2 OICF2_MIGR_REQ Period Patterns per Run OICF3_MIGR Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF3 OICF3_MIGR_REQ Item Patterns per Run OICGN Gross/Net Rule Defaulting OICINT_CAL Interest calculation OICINT_MASTER Interest master data OICINT_SPL Special interest table OICMI Metropolitan Indicator OICMT Metropolitan Indicator - Texts OICNU Gross/Net volume UoM relationships OICPL Customer price list OICQ1 Formula Repository - Formula Header OICQ2 Formula Repository - Formula Term OICQ3 Formula Repository - Formula Term Item OICQCNTL Control Table for F&A Repository OICQOIL F&A Oil Table for Repository Default

OICRD Second level pricing report output definition table OICRDT Report column description OICSDPCDVER Change document version management OICSL State License Fee Zone OICST State License Fee Zone - Texts OICWA Wide Area Pricing Zone OICWT Wide Area Pricing Zone - Texts OIC_ANALLVL Pattern analysis level OIC_ANALLVL_FLDS Fields Used in Pattern Analysis Levels OIC_ANALLVL_T Description of Level in Pattern Analysis OIC_CPE_FO_LINK Relationship Between F&A Formula and CPE Formula OIC_FORM_ATTRIB Attributes of Business Context for F&A Formula OIC_FO_ITM_MIGR Formula Structure Pattern - Term Item Pattern OIC_FO_MIGR_REQ Formula Patterns per Run OIC_FO_PER_MIGR Formula Structure Pattern - Header and Period Pattern OID9I Remapping Default Item Categories OID_TRIP Pipeline Trip Numbers OID_WEAG Last Order Ship-to/Sold-to OIFAAMCSA Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil MRN APPEND maint. concept) OIFBPBLT Location type - permissible partner roles (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRD1 Link dialogs supported for BP - technical cat. (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRD1T Link dialog descriptive text (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRD2 SPA/GPA parameters supported for partner link dialog

OIFBRF1 Business partner roles (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRF1T Business partner roles - texts (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRF2 Bus. par. roles - permissible tech. categories (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRT1 Business partner roles - technical category (IS-Oil MRN) OIFBRT1T Business partner roles - tech. category text (IS-Oil MRN) OIFCHRS2 Retail Network Contract service hours type OIFCHRS2S Retail Network Contract service hours type description OIFPBL Index to point at Business Location OIIGMMH GMM: Meter history OIRBPBLB Business location at business type level (IS-OIL SSR) V_TOIGS2 Generated Table for View V_TOIGS2 V_OIH01A Generated Table for View V_OIH01A V_TOIJX_01 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View OIAKOMF Fee Rate Determination Internal Structure OIGC TD Transport unit OIH2V_J1B Check table for vendor tax group OIHLTR Excise license tracking pointer file OIHTAXKEY Material valuation (include structure) OIH_S_GOITEM_TDP Structure with display TDP fields for goods movement OIISOCTSM SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDR OIJEDIVNDR Assign EDI account numbers to vendors OIRI_VNDDET_VAL Value table for vendor determination BADI OIRI_VNDDET_VALT Text table for vendor determination BADI

SMARDO1 help structure for HPM appendices MARDO1 SMSKAO1 Special stocks on hand posting structure HPM appendix TOIJ_EL_MVSCEN TSW: Define Movement scenarios ROIGSV Io/Area for Vehicle in Shipments ROII_DIP_MVMT Related stock derived from SOC material assignment - structu ROII_DIP_MVMTO1 Related stock derived from SOC material assignment - structu B410 Transportation Planning Point OIJPEG TSW: Pegging of scheduled movements B414 LocationID/PrnGp E1OILSQ Shipment item OIGSVMQ, OIGSVMQM, OIGSVMQO1(->no App,#494441) ROIGSD01_ITEM_ALV TD Transmission Structure for ROIGSD01 (ALV) OIB_MEPO_TRAN structure for 2step trans OICF4 Formula Header -Working Structure for Maintenance Dialog OIIGMMK GMM: General meter header table S412 SSR Margin Report ROIGC Screen Fields of TD Transport Units Transaction ROIRC_SOCDIP SSR Stocks - Dip readings maintenance structure

Remote Logistics Management

OIO_CM_DOC_FLOW RLM document flow index ROIO_GR_LIKP_BADI Delivery header fields for cross dock BAdI OIO_CM_MAIN RLM system parameters ROIO_SEL Selection fields generic+variable use (RANGE)-length 20 char

Production and Revenue Accounting

OIUH_RV_GL Journal Entry General Ledger Table ROIURV01_JEINTF PRA Journal Entries OIUX4_BALANCE Taxes Payable Balance OIUX4_BALANCE_H Taxes Payable Balance History OIU_CM_MAT_PRCD Material and Product Code (processing) Xref OIU_CM_RVWD_TX Valuation Reserve Word Description (TBLRV006) V_OIUCW_NRIT_WHD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View OIUH_CM_BA Oil and Gas appl table OIU_DO_DO Division of Interest Ownership OIUH_RV_OPSL Journal Entry Owner Payable Subledger Table OIUH_JE04 OIUH_JE04 OIUCM_BA_LINK Business Associate -> SAP Master Link OIUH_RV_CYC Accounting Cycle Control Table A405 ContractNr/Well/WC/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A416) OIUH_RV_GTAX Journal Entry Gross Tax Amounts Table OIUH_RV_OTAX Journal Entry Owner Tax Amounts Table OIU_DO_DP DOI Accounting Information OIU_CM_LXPGL_TX Description of Primary Geographical Locations OIU_PR_WCTST Well Test OIUCW_BANK Bank Details OIU_EP_KNB1 E&P Extension for KNB1 OIU_EP_LFA1 E&P Extension for LFA1

OIU_EP_LFB1 E&P Extension for LFB1 OIU_KOMK IS Oil E&P invoicing interface additional header fields OIU_RV_CLT E&P Contract Table Long Term OIU_RV_CT_H E&P Contract Table Header ROIU_REP_PARAMETER Regulatory, Tax and Royalty reporting parameter A411 ContractNr/MP ID/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A438) A416 PRA Pricing - Contract, Well, Well Completion, Material A417 ContractNr/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A440) A438 PRA Pricing - Contract, Measurement Point, Material A440 PRA Pricing - Contract, Material OIUH_SYS_CONSOLE OIUH - System console display OIUVL_SSTH Settlement statement header OIUCI_NOTES Notes for Suspended Line item of Incoming Check OIUH_VL10 VL10 OIU_CM_COMPC PRA Company Codes OIU_COMMON Fields for Common Functions & General Screen Fields OIU_CM_RVWD Valuation Reserve Word (TBLRV006) OIUX4_BAL_CTGZN Taxes Payable Balance Categorization OIUX4_COMMENTS Taxes Payable Comments OIUX4_RESP_ID Taxes Payable Responsibility ID OIUX4_WO_SETUP Taxes Payable Writeoff Configuration OIU_DO_DI Base Venture/DOI Relationship OIU_DO_JV PRA venture extension

OIU_PR_DNSTD Delivery Network Status Detail ROIUX4_BALANCE_KEY TP Recon - Balance Table Key ROIUX4_RESP_ID_SEL Taxes Payable Resp. ID structure ROIUX4_WO_SETUP Structure for Taxes Payable Writeoff Configuration Read more:

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