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Caselet 2.

A pointed absence
Group Number 10:

1) The concerns of the HR are justified.

Mr.Naresh Yadav, a person who has worked before for a multinational company would be familiar with a corporate atmosphere and hence his absence, which are all for genuine reasons, can't be considered as unprofessional. Performance of Mr. Naresh Yadav has been excellent right from when he started working for Golden Bank. Although he missed out on attending to an important client, Mr. Ganguly, he had informed his colleague Ms Sandhya and had also completed verification of Mr.Ganguly's documents. Although he was not available to attend the client personally, he was working even when going for serious family crisis. This in a way shows Mr. Yadav's dedication for his work. Mr. Malvi was furious because he was on the receiving end. His frustration seems legitimate however the problem is more of a communication gap than irresponsibility of Mr. Yadav. If Ms. Malini's speculation of Mr.Yadav taking the matter to court if disciplinary action was taken against him turns out to be true then that can seriously hamper reputation of Golden Bank and may even mean losing out on the high value customers Mr. Yadav had converted from other banks.

2) Our Advise
We would advise some disciplinary action to be taken against Mr Yadav but the nature of that action should not be severe enough to demotivate him. Mr Yadav is well aware that he has not been attending to clients regularly due to his personal reasons and being a manager at the bank, he is leaving a bad impression on his colleagues and other staff members. Mr. Amit Mehra who seems to have a good relation with Mr.Yadav should step in and talk to him personally and make him understand how his uniformed absence is increasing work load on other employees and is hampering their morale. To sort out the miscommunication between colleagues and to eliminate dependencies on SMSes, an online spreadsheet should be created which will act as a record keeping tool for leaves taken by employees. Access to this spreadsheet should be given to all employees of that branch and if a employee wishes to take a leave then he should make an entry in the spreadsheet atleast one day prior to his leave

3) Action to be Taken
Taking into consideration, Mr. Yadav's work for the bank, he should not be sacked. However, he should be issued a memo citing the hardship his colleagues had faced and should be charged with some reduction in his salary for every uninformed leave he takes henceforth

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