RSS For Building Strong Nation With Hindutva at Core: Mohan Bhagwat

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00 Jammu Edition

STUdenT aGe
MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013

JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 177





PAGE 2 & 3

RSS for building strong nation with Hindutva at core: Mohan Bhagwat
PATNA, JULY 21: The RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat which has come out in support of Narendra Modi in the run up to 2014 Lok Sabha polls on Sunday said the Sangh's aim is to build a strong India with the "right" leader with Hindutva at its core. "Many misgivings about Sangh is prevailing in the society for different reasons and people talk about Sangh without knowing about it or essence of its activities," Bhagwat said here addressing a gathering on the eve of Shravan Poornima. Bhagwat said the essence of the Sangh activities is to build a strong India with Hindutva at its core. "Hindutva is the core of Hindustan, it is its identity," he said adding that it is wrong to look at Hinduatva as an ideology of a particular religion or community. The Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh

This time China intrudes with horses and ponies

50 soliders enters Chumar sector in Ladakh
LEH, JULY 21: Chinese troops intruded into the Chumar sector in Ladakh on Sunday riding on horses and ponies, around 50 Chinese soldiers intruded into the Indian territory on July 16 staking their claim over the area. The Chinese troops started their incursion in the Chumar area on the evening of July 16 and they remained in the Indian area till the morning of July 17, sources said. Army sources confirmed the incursion saying that Indian troops had intercepted the PLA patrol in the Chumar area and after the usual banner drill between the two sides, the PLA patrol went back into their territory. Sources said the intruding Chinese soldiers asked the Indian soldiers to vacate the area claiming that they were standing in Chinese territory. The incursion by Chinese land forces comes soon after its two helicopters violated Indian air space on July 11 in the Chumar sector. In the same area, PLA troops had intruded Contd p3

Hindutva shouldn't be looked at as an ideology of a particular religion or community Narendra Modi has national appeal: Rajnath
NEW YORK, JULY 21: Bharatiya Janata Party President Rajnath Singh on Sunday virtually anointed Narendra Modi as its man to the top job if the party comes to power after the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. He also claimed that the party will get more allies to fight the polls. The developmental issues rather than the Ram Janam Bhoomi dispute would dominate BJP's poll campaign. "It's not necessary that party president should also be a crowd puller and a prime ministerial candidate. I have an assignment to do for my party. I have a job to deliver that is victory of the party in the 2014 elections." "Seven months before the elections, I have nominated Gujarat Chief Minister

Congress confident of dealing with China

NEW DELHI, JULY 21: The ruling Congress party on Sunday said that the country is prepared to face any kind of incursion from China, after the latest and recurring reports of the neighbouring forces entering into Indian Territory. Congress party spokesperson Meem Afzal said that incursions were not novel and that India is completely prepared to combat any untoward situation at the border. "There is always something happening at the border. It is nothing new. This happens with our border with Pakistan also. They are solved in the bilateral meets and talks. The incident, which you are talking about, is being reported in the media but I don't have proper information about this. The Defence and Foreign ministries can talk better about it. I believe that our country is strong enough that we need Contd p3

(RSS) Sarsanghchalak said that a leader or a political party could do little to make a country strong unless and until there is reform in the society based on the "right" ideology. Bhagwat, said the Sangh's aim is to bring a change in the society by giving the country in the hands of the "right" leader. "Change has always come from socie-

ty and not politics... just change of people in power will not help much...there is need to bring right kind of change in the society based on ideology of Hindutva," he said. Bhagwat was addressing the gathering in the presence of senior BJP leaders of Bihar including former deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Contd p3

Narendra Modi as Chairman of the party's Election Campaign Committee. What is unusual in that? We have nominated Modi like other parties do and why read between lines. I have named him as campaign head in view Contd p3

Peaceful Ayodhya turns into battle field US Vice President arriving on Monday; 1 killed, 2 injured in firing trade, energy, defence on agenda
WASHINGTON, JULY 21: Joe Biden will embark on his maiden visit to India as US Vice-President on Monday to discuss key bilateral issues, including trade, energy and defense, to make Indo-US ties the most important strategic partnership of the 21st century. The first visit by a U.S. Vice President to India in nearly 30 years will be marked by an intensifying disagreements over economic policy, it became apparent this week, as senior administration officials suggested that Joseph Biden would flag the U.S.' interest in seeing further economic liberalisation in certain Indian sectors and explain why U.S. policies on H-1B visas would be beneficial to Indian companies. During his four-day-long stay in India, Biden will hold ited New Delhi in 2008 as a Senator. He will also hold talks with Vice-President Hamid Ansari and Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj. Biden, who wanted to travel to India in the first term itself, would begin his trip with a visit to the Gandhi Smriti Museum. All his meetings have been scheduled for July 23, at the end of which he would attend a dinner hosted in his honour by Ansari. Biden would spend the next two days - July 24 and 25 - in Mumbai, where he would meet business leaders at a round table and deliver a policy speech at the Bombay Stock Exchange. He is expected to set up an "ambitious vision" for the India-US relationship, in addition to a women's empowerment event at IIT Mumbai. Contd p3

JK BJP condemns assaults BRIEFLY 1,100 pilgrims on Buddhists in Zanskar Nearly leave for Amarnath
Demands withdrawal of JKP from Zanaskar

AYODHYA, JULY 21: One person was killed while at least two others were critically injured when a firing broke out between two rival groups of 'Mahants' at the premises of famous Hanumangarhi temple here, close to disputed Ramjanmbhoomi-Babri mosque site. The two groups, being led by Mahant Bhavnath Das and Mahant Harishankar Das, both

China ready to invest $160 Bihar suspends mid-day meal supervisor Delhi University constitutes bn in Andhra Pradesh
Singh was placed under suspension for alleged lapses in monitoring the mid-day meal scheme at the school. Amarjeet Sinha, principal secretary, education, confirmed the action against Satyendra Kumar Singh. "A decision was taken to suspend him on the basis of a report of the two-member high-level committee comprising divisional commissioner of Saran and deputy inspector general of police that found him guilty of negligence of duty," said Sinha. School principal Meena Devi also has been suspended from service for gross negligence. According to district officials, a first information report has been registered against her on penal charges of murder and criminal conspiracy. During a raid on the house of Meena Devi in Gandaman village, an empty bottle of pesticide was seized, police said. On Saturday, a Forensic Science Laboratory report confirmed presence of toxic insecticide strains in the cooking oil used for making food at the school. The poisonous substance, organophosphorus, in oil samples Contd p3

belonging to different sect of Hanumangarhi temple, were for long involved in dispute over properties and wealth being collected by temple from devotees, according to sources. The firing happened this afternoon in the temple premises which fall in the red security zone of Ayodhya. Faizabad Superintendent of Police, Rakesh Saksena, told that the Contd p3

meetings with the top Indian leadership, including President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Biden, accompanied by his wife Jill would arrive in New Delhi on July 22, would focus on the four key issues of economic and trade ties, energy and climate change; defence cooperation and regional cooperation. Biden, 70, had vis-

JAMMU, JULY 21:BJP State President Jugal Kishore Sharma has strongly condemned the unprovoked and brutal lathi charge by JKP and IRP on peaceful demonstrators and demanded judicial enquiry into police excesses and firing and Human Right violation in Zanskar. In a statement Jugal Kishore said that the BJP condemns unlawful entry of police personnel in residential houses at night and beating up of innocent persons and destruction of holy religious objects and demand immediate enquiry and suspension of responsi-

ble police personnel immediately. He also demanded withdrawal of JKP from Zanaskar and replace them by positing central reserve police force as people. There have lost faith in J&K Police.

JAMMU: Amid delay of several hours, a fresh batch of over 1,000 pilgrims on Sunday left the Jammu base camp for their onward journey to the cave shrine of Amarnath in south Kashmir. Amid tight security arrangements, a convoy of 49 vehicles, carrying a batch of 1,099 devotees, left the base camp this afternoon to pay obeisance at the holy cave shrine in the Kashmir Valley, official sources said. So far, 44,507 pilgrims in 24 batches have left for Amarnath from Jammu till yesterday. Over 2.55 lakh pilgrims have participated in this year's yatra to perform the 'darshan' of the naturallyformed ice lingam of Lord Shiva at Amarnath cave.

PATNA, JULY 21: The Bihar government on Sunday suspended from service an education department official responsible for monitoring the mid-day meal of a school in Saran district where 23 children died after eating contaminated food July 16, officials said. House of Meena Devi, the headmistress of the school at Gandaman village who has been untraceable and on the run since the incident, was again raided and an empty bottle of pesticide was seized, police said. Block education extension officer Satyendra Kumar

anti-ragging helplines

NEW DELHI, JULY 21: Delhi University will constitute control rooms with helplines to curb ragging, an official said Sunday. "To strictly implement a Supreme Court judgment, the university will set up a control room in north campus and another in south campus July 23," said Alka Sharma, Delhi University registrar. In 2009, the Supreme Court ruled that colleges should create awareness on anti-ragging. The helplines will work along with the 24x7 national antiragging helpline 1800-180-

5522. The North Campus helpline will be 01127667221 and the South Campus one 011-24119832. "Talks are also being arranged by police officials, proctorial board and dean of students' welfare through the university's radio stations. Awareness has also been provided to Delhi Student Union office bearers, officials of police, Delhi Transport Corporation and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation," Sharma said. Women police in plainclothes would be deployed in the Contd p3

HYDERABAD, JULY 21: China is ready to invest about USD 160 billion in different sectors in Andhra Pradesh and improve bilateral ties with India, according to economic advisor to the President of China. Shoosan Maa, the economic advisor to Xi Jinping and also the Member of Parliament, met Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and discussed plans to invest in sectors like food processing, small-scale industries, infrastructure and education, among others, a CMO release said. While quoting Shoosan on China's intention of pumping

in USD 160 billion in the state, the release did not state any timeframe or phases in which such a huge investment could materialize. "The Chief Minister invited proposals and asked Shoosan to spell out the areas in which they were interested in investing. Shoosan said he would make efforts for promoting investments and improving relations between the two countries," the release said. Shoosan said his country would send 10,000 students to Hyderabad for education in various streams, according to the release.

Constable becomes fifth Arunachalee to scale Mt Everest

ITANAGAR, JULY 21: Much to the delight of the people of Arunachal Pradesh, another native conquered Mount Everest in the same month as Anshu Jamsenpa, a mother of two, who scaled the mountain peak for the third time in May, and became the fifth person from the state to achieve such a feat. Tame Bagang, a Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) head constable now posted at Uttarakhand, conquered the world's highest peak on May 21 to become the fifth Arunachalee to scale Everest, official sources said on Sunday. Bagang Contd p3


ROHIT SINGH RANA Modi is like Hitler, said Raj Babbar, the Congress spokesperson. Digvijay says Modi tries to divide everything between Muslims and Hindus. Modi is worth only Rs five, says Manish Tiwari. Modis puppy remarks agitate Congress and its supporting parties. Modi is communal; Modi is anti democratic, he is killer. This is the only political discourse in the country today. Unfortunately, once the grand old party of India with towering stalwarts has been reduced to a rumbling lot which gruff, growl and grope in darkness. Making the Gujarat Chief Minister a sort of phobia has now turned upon them with full blast. Ponder why the Congress team is withering under his threat. Talk more about a person, abuse him in public and castigate him for his uttering or pull him up for a drop of a hat makes the person a hero. The UPA has done the same to Gujarat strong man. There is something peculiar about Modi. He drops a line whether wittingly or unwittingly and the bait is taken by his opposition. They cry foul in an orchestrated shrill cacophony. The harsh noise lasts for a day and dies again. Eager to hear more from him, they wait. If Modi keeps silence he is derided, this time for keeping mum. As if connected to some invisible wire the opposition waits for the master to utter something so that they could play the shrill ensemble again. Modi here is a master who knows his orchestra well the difference is he plays it with his enemies. That is only Modi can do. He has emerged a winner all through. In Gujarat his record is great with people returning him fourth time. Congress may call it a result of divide and rule or polarization, the fact is he was returned to power through clean elections and through a majority, unlike the UPA which has managed to cobble one. Coming back to the Hitler analogy used by Raj Babbar, the actor who shot to fame through twin rape scenes in film Insaf ka Tarazu seems to have lost sight of Tarazu and Insaf (Balance and justice). A spokesperson of a big political party needs to display a mental balance. His comparing Modi with Hitler points to some problem with his reasoning. Hitler and Modi are not comparable commodities. It is purely rape of reason and Raj Babbar is fully accustomed to stigma of rape that he displayed in films. If a state government files a curative petition in the Supreme Court regarding appointment of Lokayukta, it is doing so in accordance with the law of the land. If the petition is rejected, it is the victory of democracy and does not blacken the name of the State. Congress tried hard in highest Court to defend Kalmadi and D Raja but ultimately they are in prison. Modi is still free and no charges have been proved or substantiated against him. Then how come he is Hitler. The appointment of twenty poll committees by him has again drawn the ire of opposition. He has become a big news courtesy Congress and its cohorts. This will pay the Gujarat Chief Minister. Already he is the most watched person in the country and he will emerge bigger as the opposition increases its pitch. This is the undoing of Congress. They have played the communal card by maligning Modi and indulging in opportunistic appeasement. Congress seems to be thinking as if there is only a minority in India. This will surely become UPAs undoing. In between Modi has emerged as a credible statesman. Not only has he avoided the Congress trap of responding with equally communal narrative but he has deftly side stepped the majority- minority politics. His corruption free developmental agenda and inclusive growth has attracted young Indians. India needs a strong and capable leader, Modi is made of that material and as far as his image and popularity is concerned Congress will help it boost with its divisive and appeasement politics.


The city of temple has turned into a huge garbage dump thanks to the inappropriate steps taken by Jammu Municipal Corporation famous as JMC. The Jammuites have only to live with famous organizations where as on the ground there is virtually nothing to pride on. Famous hospital minus requisite ventilators, Multi speciality hospital, yet non functional and JMC with huge budget yet ineffective in what the people have to hope upon. One of the worst cases of delinquency of duty can be safely attributed to JMC. As the city has expanded so has the Jammu municipality changed into a corporation? But as of today, it has not come up to its expectations. The garbage lifting system has not been modernized. There are open dumps of garbage everywhere. The trucks used to lift them are less in number and open topped. Garbage is filled to the brim which flies on the road and public. Encroachments on roads are now a way of life as if it is the fundamental right of shopkeepers to engage foot paths. To top it the strike by municipal workers has left the people at the mercy of disease cause bacteria. Jammu has been allowed to become a huge garbage dump. Littered on the roads, lanes and in the drains it is turning the city into a hell with filth and bad odour. Long live JMC with its great insight and class working. RANASAHIB



University of Jammu B.A./B.Sc./B.Com/BCA/BBA (Part I) Three Year Degree (General) Course Annual Examination, 2013


University of Jammu B.A./B.Sc./B.Com/BCA/BBA (Part I) Three Year Degree (General) Course Annual Examination, 2013

Contd. Page 1
RSS for building .
Modi, Leader of Opposition in Bihar Assembly Nand Kishore Yadav, BJP vice-president C P Thakur and state BJP president Mangal Pandey. The RSS chief said that Sangh is engagedin a daunting task of reforming the society to make India a strong country. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, founder of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) at Nagpur in 1940, had participated in the Independence struggle and during that always raised issues related to reform of the society by ending prevalent social evils, Bhagwat said. "Hedgewar, who was orphaned in childhood took a vow to remain single throughout life had no other ambition than to end social evils in society and make country strong," the RSS chief said in a bid to dish out history of the organisation. the two countries have had a tense history with regard to border demarcation and China has continually "needled" India. He suggested that the Indian leadership should continue to raise the issue. "Certainly, India should continue to raise the issue and international polity is also aware of the Chinese agenda and the Chinese propaganda", Singh said here on Sunday.

Peaceful Ayodhya turns...

police is investigating the matter. Faizabad SSP, KB Singh, told that written complaints have been received from both the sides and the police is in the process of filing an FIR. However, local police is not ready to reveal any facts regarding the firing. Mahant Bhavnath Das is considered as a powerful priest of Ayodhya due to his proximity with a political party. While the other group, led by Mahant Harishankar Das, enjoys a good following among saints of Hanumagarhi.

Narendra Modi has ...

of his image, popularity and commitment to the party," he told a press conference in New York at the start of hisfive-day trip to New York and Washington. Singh said the Chief Minister is certainly the most popular and tallest leader of India now. "He is a crowd puller not only in Gujarat but also in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar from North to South, East to West. He is one single leader with a national appeal. His popularity will help the party in the elections," he said. "I am more interested in getting the BJP back into power in Center and packing off the corruptionridden bad governance of the Congress in my tenure as President of the party," he said. Congress ruled for 10 long years at national level and what are their achievements other than "wholesale corruption and compromise" in national and international security, he asked. Indian voters have now realised that when the Centre can't guarantee growth rate of five per cent or less, the growth rate in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are approximately 10 per cent. No one can fool Indian voters any more, he said. In the coming Lok Sabha elections, the Congress will be routed in Andhra Pradesh due to its ambiguity in Telengana issue. The BJP is the only national party that favors separate Telengana and it was passed as a resolution in our national executive committee meeting, he said. "BJP government will consider instituting an inquiry commission to go into the corruption and scandals of the Congress government and will provide transparent and honest government with people's interest as uppermost," he said. Singh said it was NDA government under Atal Bihari Vajpayee that gave voting rights to NRIs and introduced Overseas Citizens Card (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) card. It was under Vajpayee's leadership that the first Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held in 2003 in New Delhi to bring all the NRIs and Diaspora Indians to work for the welfare of India.

US Vice President...
He would leave for Singapore on July 25. All this while Jill would hold a series of health and nutritional events in New Delhi and Mumbai and visit the Taj Mahal in Agra. Biden, however, would not be visiting the Taj Mahal.

Bihar suspends mid-day...

collected from school was more than five times the commercial preparation available in market, police said. Additional Director General of Police (Headquarters) Ravinder Kumar said it was a matter of investigation that how and from where this poisonous substance got mixed in the cooking oil. The post-mortem examination of the children confirmed presence of a poisonous substance in the potato-soyabean curry served to them.

Delhi University constitutes...

varsity. Any offender caught eve-teasing or ragging even by other students will be handed over to police. Sharma said anti-ragging and disciplinary squads have been formed in all colleges.

Constable becomes fifth ...

was one of the members SSB expedition team to scale Mount Everest. The team led by its commander Somit Joshi, reached the peak at about 9.45 am on May 21 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the paramilitary force, also coinciding with the diamond jubilee of the first successful climb on the highest peak by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on May 29, 1953. Tapi Mra, Anshu Jamsenpa, Tine Mena and Nima Lama have already achieved this feat. During the third week of May, Anshu Jamsenpa and Nima Lama from Arunachal Pradesh were the members of first NE Mount Everest Expedition team who successfully scaled the world's highest peak. While Anshu created a record for conquering the peak for the third time, Lama became the fourth Arunachalee to scale it.

This time China...

and taken away an Indian surveillance camera on June 17. The latest incursion took place on the day when India gave approval to the creation of a 50,000strong Mountain Strike Corps along the border with China. The frequency of such incidents increased around the time Defence Minister A K Antony went to China earlier this month and the two countries discussed measures to enhance peace and tranquility along the Line of Actual Control between them. Chumar, located 300km from Leh, has always been an area of discomfort for the Chinese troops as this is the only area along the China-India border where they do not have any direct access to the LAC. India and China have been working towards signing a border pact to maintain peace and tranquility along the LAC where a number of incursion incidents have been observed in recent months.

FIR lodged against Digvijay over Raghavji tweet

MADHYA PRADESH, JULY 21: An FIR was registered against Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh in Bhopal on Sunday over a controversial tweet posted by him after the arrest of former BJP Minister Raghavji on sodomy charge. The FIR was registered in Shahpura Police Station in Bhopal following a complaint by an RSS worker, Sangeet Verma alleging that the tweet hurt the religious sentiments. The Congress leader had posted the tweet a few days after Raghavji was arrested following allegation of sexual assault levelled by his servant. Singh was booked under section 295 A of the IPC (outraging religious feelings of any class) and sections 66 A, 67 B of the IT ACT, a police official said. Meanwhile, protesting against the registration of FIR in the matter, Congress workers, led by former MLA P C Sharma gheraoed the Shahpura Police Station. "Police acted under pressure in registering the FIR in the case, while it hardly files FIR in cases related to dacoity, rape, theft and also delayed in filing report in Raghavji's case," Sharma alleged.

Congress confident of...

not fear anybody in this world," Afzal said. Air Marshal (Rtd.) AK Singh also commented on the tension between India and China, saying that

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Delhi University constitutes anti-ragging helplines
NEW DELHI : Delhi University will constitute control rooms with helplines to curb ragging, an official said Sunday. "To strictly implement a Supreme Court judgment, the university will set up a control room in north campus and another in south campus July 23," said Alka Sharma, Delhi University registrar. In 2009, the Supreme Court ruled that colleges should create awareness on anti-ragging. The helplines will work along with the 24x7 national anti-ragging helpline 1800-180-5522. The North Campus helpline will be 011-27667221 and the South Campus one 01124119832. "Talks are also being arranged by police officials, proctorial board and dean of students' welfare through the university's radio stations. Awareness has also been provided to Delhi Student Union office bearers, officials of police, Delhi Transport Corporation and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation," Sharma said. Women police in plainclothes would be deployed in the varsity. Any offender caught eve-teasing or ragging even by other students will be handed over to police. Sharma said anti-ragging and disciplinary squads have been formed in all colleges. department of the institutions. They can find lucrative career opportunities in reputed research organizations like National Botanical Research Institute and Rain Forest Research Institute. Plant Taxonomists also have career opportunities in reputed government institutions like Botanical Survey of India, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) under Ministry of Environment. Entry to Botanical Survey of India and other Government departments is through UPSC exams. The notification of various post is known through leading newspapers and employment news. Most taxonomists are engaged in field work, which involves arduous physical activity as well as environments that are unsafe or uncomfortable. REMUNERATION Teachers, researchers and others can expect a starting salary from Rs 18000 to Rs 20000 per month. In Govt. service pay scale range from Rs 15,000 to Rs 30,000. One can earn more with the experience and higher qualification.


INTRODUCTION Taxonomy is the science of identifying and naming plant and animal species, and organising them into systems of classification. Taxonomy deals with identification, nomenclature and classification of objects of biological origin. Though Taxonomy is an age old profession, Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist is regarded as Father of Modern Taxonomy. Plant taxonomy is a branch of botany that is concerned with the identification, nomenclature and classification of plants. Plant taxonomy is the science that finds, describes, classifies, identifies, and names plants. Plant taxonomy is sometimes referred to as Systematic botany. Those who specialize in this field are called as Plant Taxonomists. Plant Taxonomists study about plant species. Plant taxonomists are botanists who work to identify, describe, classify and name plant species. Plant taxonomists identify new plant species previously unknown to the field. They also produce new source of plant genes. Plant taxonomists collect and study groups of plants, focusing on the ways species arise, relationships among them, and selective forces that have molded their characteristics. They are the scientists who classify the plant species and collect information about the species prior to its extinction. Plant Taxonomist plays a pivotal role in preserving the plant resources available in the nature. Two goals of plant taxonomy are the identification and classification of plants. Plant identification is the determination of the identity of an unknown plant by comparison with previously collected specimens or with the aid of books or identification manuals. Plant classification is the placing of known plants into groups or categories to show some relationship. Plant taxonomy is considered as 'Mother of Plant sciences' as it is the basis for all the applied disciplines of plant sciences such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Pharmacognosy, Biotechnology and so on. It focuses on how plants

diversify and relate to each other over time. This is both a creative and scientific process that uses scientific classification to divide plants into taxonomic ranks. ELIGIBILITY Educational To become a plant taxonomist one must have at least a Masters degree in Botany with specialization in taxonomy. Plant taxonomy is offered as one among the different subjects in the B. Sc and M. Sc botany courses and after completion of these courses, they should

get specialized in plant taxonomy either in M.Phil. ( Master of Philosophy) or in Ph.D ( Doctor of Philosophy) degree in Botany. Personal attributes Plant Taxonomist should have a deep passion in Life Sciences. They must have natural curiosity about plants. Research and Problem solving skills are essential for them to perform their task efficiently. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are also necessary for them to interact with their col-

leagues. An eye for detail and familiarity with plant varieties is essential to be in this field. They should also be ready to work in the outdoor environment. JOB PROSPECTS & CAREER OPTIONS Plant taxonomists usually work in herbariums, botanical gardens and plant museums. Candidates can also get employment in universities, conservatories and research institutes. In universities and colleges, they can look for teaching positions, they can also find placement in the research

IGNOU offers course in plantation management

NEW DELHI: The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is offering a oneyear post-graduate diploma course in plantation management from the upcoming academic session, the varsity said Sunday. "The university invites application for a one-year post-graduate diploma in plantation management for the July 2013 session," said a statement from IGNOU. "The programme provides exposure to various management practices that are relevant for professional management of the sector as well as technical know-how required for effectively managing plantations like tea, coffee, rubber and

Orientation of new students at IIT-Kanpur

KANPUR: The campus of Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur came alive as the orientation programme for new undergraduate and postgraduate students commenced on Saturday. The students were welcomed by Professor AK Ghosh on behalf of the institute. The new students of PG level were seated in the main auditorium where they were apprised about the IIT-K's rich past. The students were also told about the facilities available for them on the campus as well as the rules and regulations to be followed. The students' documents including their marksheets and other certificates were also checked at the time of their reporting. Later, the students were made to take the oath that they will study with full dedication and pass on their learning experience to the people with the motive of paying back to the society. To illustrate the point, the students were given the example of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India, his contribution to science and his humility. Earlier, the students were allotted rooms in the hostel and taken around the campus to familiarize them with the various departments. The students were pleased to see the lush green campus sprawling in a large area. Amitesh Tomar, one of the new students said he was happy to finally see the dream of being on an IIT campus come true. Amitesh had 316 All India Rank (AIR) in JEE Advanced and had got Chemical Engineering branch. Interestingly, Amitesh's twin brother Abhishek also got selected in JEE Advanced and had been offered IIT-Guhawati. Abhishek had 237 AIR in JEE Advanced. Digpal Tomar, father of the two meritorious students who had come to IIT-Kanpur from Indore was visibly proud. According to report, he said that he had come to IITKanpur to help his son Amitesh settle down. From here, he will be going to IITGuhawati to assist his other son.Anoth er bright student, Rohit Pandse from Indore got Material Science Engineering as his BTech branch. He was also seen buying household items and checking out the campus. Sanjana Garg, another student had come from Sant Nagar along with his maternal uncle, Vipul Singhal. Vipul said all in the family have passed out from IITs and now its Sanjana's turn. He himself is a passout of IITRoorkee.

Jindal university to train civil servants

CHANDIGARH: The O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) in Haryana's Sonipat district will conduct statespecific programmes for civil servants of various states. JGU registrar Y.S.R. Murthy Sunday said the university has completed a one-week intensive training programme on "Public Policy and Governance" at its campus, 50 km from Delhi, for Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) officers. The training programme was evolved by the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP) to address public policy and governance challenges pertinent to Odisha, Murthy said. The programme included a familiarisation visit to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), known for its successful policy-making and execution. Vice chancellor C. Raj Kumar said JGU had conducted training programmes for IAS and IPS officers earlier. He affirmed the university's commitment to developing public policy and governance capacities in the country. Lt. Gen. Rajesh Kochhar, head of Jindal Institute of Leadership Development and Executive Education, said the training programmes are two-way processes that benefit trainees as well as resource persons, government and academia, that enrich both practice and theory.

spices," it added. Although the duration of the programme is one year, candidates have the flexibility of completing it within four years. The medium of instruction is English and the course fee is Rs.5,000. Graduates in any discipline can apply for the course. IGNOU is the world's largest open university system with a pan-India and international reach with flexible entry qualifications and a wide range of academic programmes at affordable cost.

10% students avail govt subsidy in higher education: Ramesh

CHAIBASA (Jharkhand): Union rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said the country has world class educational institutions but only 10 per cent of students are availing the government subsidy in higher education. Speaking as a chief guest at the first convocation of Kolhan University here, Ramesh said countries abroad were providing subsidies only in primary and secondary education but government in India was providing subsidy even in higher education. "Only 10 per cent of the students are availing the subsidy in higher education compared to primary and secondary educations in the country," he said. The minister also urged the authorities to shun the wearing gown and red caps during the convocation as this practice was prevailing since the British rule. The universities have big role in changing society by providing quality education, he said. Ramesh attributed lack of education and development as cause behind the backwardness of mineralrich Jharkhand.

Model schools under PPP mode to roll out from 2015-16: HRD minister
NEW DELHI: In the works for more than five years, the first tentative steps for setting up 2,500 model secondary schools in the public-private-partnership (PPP) mode was taken on July 20. After a meeting of Planning Commission deputy chairperson Montek Singh Ahluwalia,HRD minister MM Pallam Raju and various private entities, it was decided to make operational, at least 50 schools on pilot basis across 41 non-educationally backward blocks in nine states. "It is being put on pilot because this is the first time schools are being set up under PPP. Shortlisting of 65 entities has been done. They have been issued request for qualification (RFQ). Now they can bid," school secretary R Bhattacharya said, adding that the second phase would be for PPP schools in around 500 blocks. Though Raju said schools would be operational from the 2015-16 academic session, many of the stakeholders representing big corporate houses like ITC, Bharati and Educomp said they would be in a position to start schools from next academic session. Private players will invest in land, building and manage the school. Minimum 40% of children in these schools would not be charged any fee. The Centre would pay operation cost for teaching these students. The operation cost would be same as what the Centre spends on each child in Kendriya Vidyalayas. The Centre spends Rs 21,000 annually on each child of KVS. The finalized model concessional agreement (MCA) is to set up 2,500 model schools under PPP mode across the country. MCA

would now be placed before the inter-ministerial committee headed by secretary education, on July 31, for approval. After the committee's approval, government would seek request for proposals (RFPs) to set up model schools. The government has shortlisted 65 applicants for these 41 blocks on

the basis of request for qualifications furnished by the private players. These 41 blocks are in nine states, including Andhra Pradesh (1), Haryana (13), Rajasthan (11), Madhya Pradesh (6), Punjab (3), Uttar Pradesh (2), Karnataka (2), Gujarat (1) and Maharashtra (1).

Online learning course for 11m CBSE students

NEW DELHI: Over 11 million students are likely to benefit from the Central Board of Secondary Education's latest initiative"personalized learning solutions" to help bridge the digital gap and offer online learning resources to the tune of one lakh questions, over 4,500 animations (animated content), 80 hours of live lectures and six hours of simulation lab in digitized. The major beneficiaries will be around four million students from government schools affiliated to the Board as these resources will be made available free. Even for public school students these contents prepared by five international and national publishers will be available for as low as Rs 2 per month for classes I to VIII and Rs 10 per month for the secondary level. The initiative is to roll out from August 2013. CBSE has empanelled five publishers - both local and international to offer online learningaid for its students and enhance the learning of the students under continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE). The idea is to standardize the quality of education across the country in its schools through these standardized resources. According to CBSE officials, five separate URLs will deliver the contents online to the students. All the resources will be online and students will be given a password which will allow them to access their class specific contents. "There will be question banks on subjects such as English, mathematics, science and social science. For each class there will be 10,000 questions. There will be also contents on co-scholastics activities including life skills and performing arts. Audio-visual and animation medium will be used. Children are interested in animated content and its helps better understanding of the subjects in comparison to textual content. Therefore for secondary classes there will be 3,000 animations and another 1,500 animations for classes I to VIII," said research office of CBSE, Navin Maini, who is responsible for this project. Expected to be made available from August 2013, the contents will be in English and in the next phase they will be introduced in Hindi as well. "The weblinks are already in place and they will be formally launched probably from August. The services will be offered via school and the payments will be done by the school. But for govt. school students everything will be free of cost right from the live lectures to simulation labs and question banks," said Maini. Since all govt. school students, many of whom are from economically weaker section, may not have internet access, the contents to these students "will be made available on offline mode via CDs or pen drives," added Maini. Speaking about the delivery, Amitabh Nagpal, CMD, MacMillan India, said: "Some of the contents we are putting on the cloud and they will be accessible to all the students of CBSE affiliated schools up to class X, free of cost for government schools. There will be assessments, books, digital contents and other teaching aids. The biggest benefits of this initiative will be for the schools without adequate physical infrastructure as these resources will be online and can be accessed anywhere."

16 lakh school seats, but only 9 lakh students in Hyderabad

HYDERABAD: In what seems to be an irony, the city has more number of seats being offered by schools than students. In direct violation of the SC order in 2012 which had asked govts to regulate the surge of private schools, Hyderabad has at least eight private schools in every 5 km radius. The statistics by the school education department reveals that cities like Chennai, Bangalore and Mumnai have only 3-4 schools in every 5 km radius. The alarming increase in the number of schools is a trend seen in the last 5 years, with big schools setting up branches in different areas. While there are around 9 lakh students in the city, the number of seats being offered by the 2,000 govt. and private schools in Greater Hyderabad is close to 16 lakh, a figure critics say is unheard of in other cities. Sadly at the same time, students in neighbouring districts like Nalgonda, Warangal and Ranga Reddy are struggling to get a seat given the less number of schools there. "The govt. has sanctioned more schools for the city this academic year, adding on to the existing schools. Close to 40 per cent of the seats in most schools are left vacant every year as there are no takers," said S Srinivas Reddy, president, AP Recognised Schools Managements Association. The association had petitioned the state govt. as early as Sept 2012, asking it to regulate fresh sanctions being accorded to schools. "Private managements set up schools in prime localities like Hyderabad as they tend to reap more benefits from cities than rural areas. But the govt. must allow for an equal distribution of schools in both rural and urban areas as per the requirement," said R Venkat Reddy, director, M V Foundation, an NGO working on school education. However, when asked about the massive increase in the number of schools, officials of the school education department said they are left with no option but according sanctions. "The constitution allows for the setting up of institutions and we have been giving permission to institutions which have fulfilled the requirements specified under the AP Education Act," said an official.

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juvenile justice law because the Act is reformative, and not retributive, in nature. We are now to believe in the rubbish that after serving a piffling three years in a reform home, a juvenile accused will join the mainstream as a reformed man. What must motivate that reform? It certainly cannot be the small tenure of the juvenile's so-called incarceration. It's quite a coincidence that some of the terms used by the Bench headed by then Chief Justice Kabir to rule out change in the Juvenile Justice Act should be so similar to that used by Justice Kabir's wife and wellknown child rights activist Minna Kabir, in some of her recent writings. While frowning upon the demand for 'street justice' (whatever that means) for the juvenile offenders, Minna Kabir had written months ago in the wake of the December 16 incident that, instead of "knee-jerk reactions", it was important to revisit the juvenile justice law. Remember, the Bench too had used the 'knee-jerk' argument to disfavour alterations in the juvenile justice Act. Not just this, the apex court Bench headed by Altamas Kabir ruled out changes in the juvenile justice law because the number of incidents that involved minors in grave crimes was too small to merit such alterations. "Such an incident, in comparison to the vast number of crimes occurring in India, makes it an aberration rather than the rule", the Bench observed. Minna Kabir, not surprisingly, had expressed a similar thought months earlier. She had written, "The child crime rate from 2000 to 2012 reflects that juvenile crimes accounted for only 0.5 per cent of total crimes committed. Rape accounts for only about 3.54.45 per cent of the total crimes committed by children" Reflect on the repeated use of the word 'only', and you get an understanding that such activists are not just keen, but desperately keen, to downplay the most terrible crimes committed by juveniles. They don't want to tell you that of the total crimes (some of them gruesome) committed by juveniles, almost two-thirds have been by accused in the age group of 16-18 years in recent years. And that's a rise over the earlier years. Perhaps the Supreme Court is waiting for juveniles to take to heinous crimes on a more regular basis, so that our learned judges can then interpret or suggest changes to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. Just as the judiciary meekly allowed a political system that patronised and promoted corrupt and criminal politicians to flourish for decades and then decided to crack the whip when things spun out of control. Get the message: It's not enough if rape accounts for 'only' less than five per cent of the total crimes that children have committed over the decade; the figure needs to be more impressive for the law to change. Thank you, honourable judges, for this valuable rule of the thumb. Meanwhile, the large-hearted activists (whose hearts cry only for the accused) can continue with their efforts to 'reintegrate' the juvenile rapists and murderers in the 'mainstream' of society, even as the lives of the victims and their families disintegrate.


In response to the regressive and discriminatory verdicts often passed by male-dominated Shariat courts, a Muslim women's organisation has begun establishing women'sonly Islamic courts across the country. While this is a scathing indictment of Shariat courts coming from within the Muslim community, it should not mean that an-all women's religious court is the solution in a secular country such as ours. It is true that the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937, allows Islamic code to apply in personal matters and the constitutional guarantee of freedom to every religious denomination to manage its own affairs gives Muslims the right to establish Shariat courts. But as many legal experts have said, these courts often function as a parallel judiciary - a claim not convincingly contested by religious scholars who argue that these institutions merely complement the secular justice machinery. While the legality of Shariat courts in India may be debatable, what is without a doubt is that such courts have routinely ruled against women's interests and blatantly violated their rights. Their controversial role comes under the scanner every time, for instance, a Muslim man casually divorces his wife by merely uttering the word 'talaaq' three times in a row - sometimes, the words are not even said in person but conveyed over Skype, sent via SMS or shared on Facebook - and a Shariat court endorses it. Consequently, overnight, the woman is left to fend for herself without any maintenance to which she is otherwise legally entitled. And cavalier oral divorces are just one example wherein Muslim women face rampant discrimination; the situation is no better in cases of dowry-related harassment, domestic abuse and child custody. It is against this backdrop that the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan has set up 'Auraton ki Shariat Adalats' (Shariats courts for women) in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad and Dindigul in Tamil Nadu, while more such centres will be established in West Bengal, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka and Jharkhand in the next couple of months. The BMMA, which describes itself as a secular organisation that believes in the values of equality and justice as enshrined in the Constitution, wants us to believe that it has its heart in the right place. Through these Shariat courts which will be led by female Muslim scholars who will rule according to their interpretation of the Quran, the BMMA wishes to give marginalised Muslim women a voice in what has traditionally been a man's domain. But noble intentions notwithstanding, the fact is that one cannot entirely welcome Shariat courts. These quasi-legal religious institutions militate against the very spirit of a secular nation. India already has an established legal system and there is no reason why aggrieved Muslim women cannot seek justice in a regular court of law. In fact, organisations such as the BMMA would do much better to encourage Muslim women to take this path instead. Interestingly, the BMMA's Shariat courts are supposedly also guided by secular laws such as the Anti-Dowry Act and the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act. In that case, why not have our (secular) courts handle grievances that the all-women Shariat courts are supposed to?



On July 17, almost seven months to the day when a 23-year old woman was raped and brutalised in a moving bus in Delhi by a group of men including a juvenile, it became legal. If you are less than 18 years of age, you can get away with rape and murder in this country.
And, you can count on the courts and social activists to be your guide and philosopher. At least this is what the Supreme Court verdict of that day amounts to saying. A three-judge Bench of the apex court headed by then Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir upheld the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, which shields juveniles from harsh punishment for even the most heinous of crimes they commit, and defines a juvenile as one who has not completed 18 years of age. The Bench dismissed a bunch of petitions that sought the lowering of the juvenile age to 16. The justices, being learned persons who have emerged from the country's hallowed intellectual chambers, and who don't represent the riff-raff of society which understands only 'knee-jerk' reactions, justified their ruling with a number of patronising arguments, without of course failing to pay lip service to the December 16 incident that had given rise

to the petitions which they dismissed casually on the ground that "interference in the law is not necessary". Before the likes of us, who understand neither the law nor behavioural science, convulse into yet another knee-jerk reaction on why the highest judiciary's interference in the law is 'necessary', listen to the Bench's sage caution: "Knee-jerk reaction to the situation could set a dangerous trend and affect millions of children in need of care and protection". Which millions of children are the judges talking about? They cannot be the same that we are talking about - and those that are indeed the talking point: Juveniles who are charged with gravest crimes such as rape and murder. They have been accused of brutality and torture - of inserting iron rods and wrenches into private parts and turning and twisting them; of beating victims senseless and repeatedly brutalising them; of telling their interrogators that they did the crime knowing that they would be let off lightly because they are juveniles. Are such brutes in need of care and protection or a strong dose of stringent punishment? And, how can a change in the juvenile justice law "set a dangerous trend and affect millions of children..."? The 'millions of children' are not going to be affected if the juveniles accused of rape, sodomy and cold-blooded murder are tried as regular criminals. Nobody is suggesting that juvenile pick-pockets and idli thieves should be treated like dacoits and killers. If the learned judges believed it was much too comprehensive and unnecessary to amend the Juvenile Justice Act across the board, they could have ruled that, faced with grave offences, a minor could lose the protection of the Juvenile Justice Act and be tried under regular provisions of the law. Or at the very least, the Bench could have directed the Government to study the possibility of amending the law accordingly, and list out the offences (to be kept at a bare minimum) that would not fall within the juvenile justice law's ambit. This has been the demand of many sections of society. But the apex court - in this case led by the then Chief Justice himself - lacked the will to push for change. Instead of being led by the basic jurisprudence of 'punishment commensurate with crime', at least in heinous offences, the judges appear to have been influenced by teary-eyed activists who feel so compassionate about the juvenile criminals one of them even pleaded on a television programme that we must "please let" the minor accused in the December 16 case "to reform" - that they have run out of compassion for the victims. They have fallen for the nonsense that minors have to be tried only under the

Which millions of children are the judges talking about? They cannot be the same that we are talking about - and those that are indeed the talking point: Juveniles who are charged with gravest crimes such as rape and murder. They have been accused of brutality and torture - of inserting iron rods and wrenches into private parts and turning and twisting them; of beating victims senseless and repeatedly brutalising them; of telling their interrogators that they did the crime knowing that they would be let off lightly because they are juveniles. Are such brutes in need of care and protection or a strong dose of stringent punishment?


There was a flurry of excitement in a small patch of Lutyens' Delhi - faithfully repeated in the media - over the composition of the umpteen committees set up by the BJP for the management of the forthcoming general election. Meaning was read into who was in which committee and who had been left out.
As the foremost challenger to the Congressled UPA, it was only natural that political buffs scrutinised the committees and attempted to discover a pattern which would help them understand the balance of forces in the BJP in the aftermath of Narendra Modi's appointment as the head of the campaign committee. More to the point, the conventional wisdom was that the choice of strategists would help answering the question the media has thought fit to raise: will the BJP offer something different or will it return to identity politics? For the casual newspaper reader or news channel watcher, the question isn't entirely irrelevant. Those who heard the full speech of Modi at Delhi's Sri Ram College of Commerce and Pune's Ferguson College may have come away with the impression that the man from Gujarat is focussed on economic development, youth aspirations and decisive leadership. Yet, those who followed the consequent reportage of his Reuters interview and images of the gigantic hoardings that suddenly appeared in Mumbai may well have concluded that Modi's 'real' agenda is a throwback to the aggressive assertion of Hindu nationalism of the 1990s. Was this, they may well be tempted to ask, deliberate doublespeak? Or, are journalists merely moulding Modi according to their pre-conceived versions of what are his real priorities? The minute dissection of the various committees and sub-committees that happened after Friday afternoon's announcements was an attempt to get a little more clarity. The endeavour may be undeniably sincere but the importance attached to committees and organisational preparedness is based on an assumption: that elections are won when they are well managed. This is not entirely fallacious. Without a modicum of organisation, political parties aren't able to realise their full potential. This is one major reason why wellmeaning and seemingly popular Independent candidates fail to get elected: they just don't have the foot soldiers to translate goodwill into votes. However, as those who have studied elections will tell you, no two elections are exactly alike. Organisation and alliances played a paramount role in almost all the elections since 1996, just as raw emotionalism was the dominant factor in the elections from 1967 to 1991. However, settled patterns have a habit of breaking down abruptly. In West Bengal, for example, the sheer organisational rigour of the CPI(M) saw the Left Front prevailing for more than three decades. But that pattern was decisively broken in 2011 when Mamata Banerjee created a spontaneous upsurge against Left rule. Likewise in the US, President Obama won conclusively in 2008 on the strength of a desperate yearning for change. Yet, in 2012, his victory can be attributed to meticulous targeting of specific communities and demographic clusters. To my mind, India's 2014 general election will be different because of one man: Modi. The BJP may not have anointed him the Prime Ministerial candidate but in the eyes of the voters, he is the issue. Opinion polls, conducted with uneven degrees of methodological rigour, have all identified two clear trends. First, that the popularity of the UPA has ebbed considerably since 2009 and that its great white hope, Rahul Gandhi, is not too highly regarded as a potential PM. Secondly, the polls also indicate that Modi has a personal popularity that is far in excess of the support for the BJP and its allies. In other words, the projection of Modi will allow the NDA to secure a greater vote share than would have been the case if the BJP went into battle on the strength of its symbol and corporate identity. For the more conservative elements in the BJP, accustomed to seeing the party as bigger than any individual, this poses a real dilemma. Accustomed as it is to what has been described as a 'sangathanist' approach, it is uneasy with the idea of a presidential-type contest. Some individuals may well have a more devious reason for underplaying an individual-centric approach. But even if we assume their intentions are noble, there is a natural problem of a car picking up speed if the driver has the handbrake on. Elections are contested to win, not to settle abstruse philosophical points. If the BJP has any intention of securing a decisive mandate in its favour, it has to think a little differently and look beyond committees whose main objective (like a Hindu marriage) is to give a role and accord importance to everybody from the bride and groom to the second cousin and the neighbour's son. The importance of carrying the entire parivar is no doubt important but Modi's strength lies in his connect with voters who believe in him but have little time for the BJP. To reconcile the two impulses in a parliamentary, as opposed to a presidential election, is a formidable challenge. As I see it, the enthusiastic participation of the BJP is only one piece of the jigsaw puzzle. What is far more important is the creation of loose and sometimes autonomous bodies of Modi enthusiasts who are uneasy with a formal identification with the BJP. The harnessing of the raw (and sometimes wild) and unstructured enthusiasm for Modi is absolutely imperative if the BJP is to fully capitalise on the goodwill of its de-facto leader. Committees are important but they are not a substitute for an inspired burst of political imagination.


While two of his very distinguished friends and former colleagues argue about the nature and character of India's economic growth, the prime minister seems to believe that India in economic terms is doing well. A bad year, according to the prime minister, should not be seen as the beginning of a trend. The Indian economy, the economist-prime minister is certain, will recover and things will be rosy again. It was the prime minister's contention that the media, especially the anchors in television studios, were giving the United Progressive Alliance a bad name. The performance of the latter was not as dismal as it is being made out to be. The achievements of the UPA were not only better than the record of the National Democratic Alliance government but was also one of which any government could be proud. These claims of the prime minister could be seen as evidence of the prime minister's pride or smugness. The prime minister coined the phrase, "inclusive growth", which, stripped of its rhetoric, can only mean the inclusion of all the sections of the population under the umbrella of the innumerable benefits that economic growth should generate. Yet in the prime minister's narrative of the economic performance of India under the UPA, he somewhat ignores the absence of the inclusive aspects of the performance. This is the consequence of the propensity to look at "economic" figures by themselves. Such statistics do not always convey the full story. For example, as Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze have pointed out in their new book,An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions, India's achievements in the spheres of education, public health and sanitation are quite appalling. The shadows of poverty and inequality darken the economic achievements of India. A tunnel vision that concentrates only on the gross domestic product ignores the elementary proposition that economic growth is an enabling condition. Economic growth allows a country to do certain things with the resources that are available: one of those things is meeting social responsibilities. Only when these responsibilities are met does growth become genuinely inclusive. What the prime minister must consider as he prepares a balance sheet of his period in office is how far his government fulfilled the promise of inclusive growth that he put forward before the nation. That is the nub of the matter rather than what the media are saying about its performance during the current fiscal year. As an economist, a bureaucrat and a prime minister, no one is better placed than Manmohan Singh to know and interpret the empirical data pertaining to India's socio-economic realities. He owes it to the people of India to let them know the reality. He cannot bequeath an illusion to the nation.


Anti-Cong tirade
Dear Editor,
With Narendra Modi assuming leadership as the BJP's election campaign committee, we find that all other leaders of the party have taken a back seat, giving the Gujarat Chief Minister the chance to carry on with antiCongress propaganda. Modi has every right to say what he wants but he should understand that there is an equal, if not more, number of Indians who want a BJP and RSS-free India. Modi should showcase his achievements and highlight his party's priorities instead of indulging in negative propaganda. Unless, of course, he sees attacks on the Congress and the Nehru -Gandhi family as his main weapons of electioneering. Yours Etc, Ravinder Gupta Jammu

Adjust new lecturers

Dear Editor, The department of school education has recently issued promotion orders for eleva

tion of masters as incharge lecturers in various subjects. The promotees have been asked to submit various documents for verification, in order to make way for their placement and adjustment, so that the students are benefitted. It is worthwhile to mention that almost three months have elapsed after promotion orders for masters to incharge lecturers in the subject of Physics was issued, the documents were verified and deadlines were exausted but these lecturers have not been adjusted in Higher Secondary Schools till date. One fails to understand what hurdles do our bearaeucrats face in the present age of e-governance.These lecturers having been relieved from there last places of posting are now a days without salaries also ,which adds to their hardships.The students are in waiting, the institutions having vacant positions are in the waiting and the lecturers continue to visit the Directorate of school education, only to return empty handed and to plan for next visit.Will the cocerned minister take initiative to dispose of the hurdles, adjust the lecturers and allow the students to seek education from these new incumbments. Yours Etc, Hira Lal Bhat Durga Nagar, Jammu

India has to assert

Dear Editor, One would like to commend you for these timely and well-written reports. In the first, the writer has very ably analysed the geostrategic significance of the Indian Ocean for India, and New Delhi's failure to establish and maintain a dominant position in its backyard. Squeaking and squealing are not, and cannot be, markers of a strong diplomacy. This well-reasoned analysis must warn New Delhi to get its act together before it's too late. Also, because of a combination of lack of strategic culture and political will by a succession of lackadaisical politicians, India has jeopardised its national security by failing to build a network of roads right up to its borders with China. And to know that in the 50s and 60s there was official doctrine not to build roads in the North-East, lest the Chinese invaders used them to march into India! Yours Etc, Ved Prakash Srinagar

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Mamata puts onus of panchayat poll violence on State Election Commission
Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday indirectly put the onus of panchayat poll violence on the State Election Commission, arguing that the elections were being conducted by the SEC and the state had provided adequate policemen requisitioned by the poll panel. Expressing sadness at the loss of lives in poll violence, Banerjee said in a write-up posted in the Trinamool Congress website, "Every death is a tragedy, irrespective of the party he or she belongs to. A family loses a precious member who can never be replaced. Election is being conducted by the State election Commission, not the government. Adequate police were provided as per requirement stipulated by the SEC." Ten persons have lost their lives ahead of tomorrow's fourth phase election. The state government and the SEC were locked in a battle over the conduct of the rural poll with both moving the court for a direction. Appealing to the masses to maintain peace and exercise franchise freely, Banerjee said the people of the state should enjoy the fresh air of democracy which has been missing for decades. She also lashed out at the

Manipur village JAC declares 48hour strike

IMPHAL, JULY 21: Notwithstanding the official denial of any involvement in the death of a 12 year-old Muslim boy, Mohammad Neiumuddin on July 18 the Joint Action Committee (JAC) formed by the people of Sora village in Thoubal district, Manipur has declared a 48-hour general strike in Manipur from 6 pm on Sunday. The JAC said that the government has not taken up any action against the policemen who are charged with opening fire at a civilian vehicle on the fateful night causing the boys death and injuring 8 others. Other forms of agitations will be launched till the policemen concerned are booked, said a JAC statement. Meanwhile, Jhalajit Akoijam, Superintendent of Police, Thoubal district in a statement said that Ghanashyam Sharma, the Sub-divisional police officer, was not involved in the death of the boy and injuries to others. He said that police are making progress in the investigation into the murder of D.K. Moshilpha and some suspects have been arrested and more arrests are likely. The SP said that on July 18 there were gun fights between the villagers of Sora and Moinu. Moshilpha was from Moinu village whereas the arrested suspects are from Sora. On receipt of information of the gun fights, police commandos rushed there. Police saw that several villagers armed with licensed guns and other lethal weapons were returning from areas near Moinu village. They were opening fire. Shots were heard from another village, Khangshim. Shots were fired at the police party damaging the vehicle and injuring some personnel. But Ghanashyam Sharma, the SDPO, arrived at Kakching Lamkhai, and was not present when people of the two villages exchanged fire, said the SP.

More effective development plans needed on resource transfer to States: Pranab

NEW DELHI, JULY 21: Noting that all states face similar challenges of poverty and lack of infrastructure in the path to development, President Pranab Mukherjee on Sunday batted for introducing a more effective mechanism for resource transfer from the Centre to the states. The basic objective of development planning is to fight against these (challenges), he said while listing out poverty, backwardness, lack of infrastructure and diseases as the common problems faced by various states. Mukherjee said while all the states in the country have distinct features, they face similar challenges. The President was speaking in New Delhi after receiving copy of a book The New Bihar -- rekindling governance and development The book was released by Noble laureate Amartya Sen. The President also suggested taking a fresh look at the mechanism to transfer resources to the state governments beyond the statutory if you want to do it and have a fresh look at it, perhaps time has come when we should concentrate on this and all stakeholders to put

their heads together and find out if there could be a more appropriate mechanism through which the resources can be transferred (to the states), he said. Mukherjee was referring to the allocation of funds to the states

by the Centre. Recognising the higher resource requirements of the states relative to their resource raising powers, the Constitution mandates to transfer funds to the state governments through statutory

transfer of tax receipts collected by Centre through the Finance Commission award. In addition, the states access central plan funds through Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and Central assistance to State Plans.

Congress, CPI(M) and BJP for demanding a five-phase poll by ignoring the logical and practical suggestion about a one-day poll. "The CPI(M), Congress, BJP and even the honourable court all preferred a five-phased election. No one listened to our logical and practical suggestion about a oneday poll," said Banerjee. "The ground reality is this that these are local elections often with micro local issues of the state. These are not the Lok Sabha elections, which needed to be handled differently," Banerjee argued. Banerjee claimed that the first and the second phase of panchayat poll had passed off peacefully. "Yes in the third phase there have been some incidents. In the first three phases elections were held in the districts where the Trinamool have a huge support among the common people," said Banerjee.

TN forms special division to Raj Thackeray supports officers found guilty probe murders of BJP leader in Lakhan Bhaiya fake encounter case
CHENNAI, JULY 21: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Sunday said she had instructed the Director General of Police to immediately constitute a Special Investigation Division (SID) to ensure a speedy investigation into the murder of auditor Ramesh, the General Secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party of Tamil Nadu. The Division will also take over the ongoing investigation of the murder of Vellaiyappan, State Secretary of the Hindu Munnani on July 1, in Vellore State BJP leader Ramesh was hacked to death by a group of persons near his office on Friday.Expressing shock over the brutal killing, Ms. Jayalalaithaa strongly condemned the heinous incident and conveyed her condolences to the bereaved family. In a statement, the Chief Minister said, Violence and violent crimes, irrespective of whether they are politically motivated or otherwise, have no place in a civilized society and should be rooted out by stern and strong measures. Tamil Nadu has largely been free of communal, left wing extremist, and religious fundamentalist violence. I wish to emphasise here that we will not allow anti-social elements or forces to vitiate the atmosphere in the State and resort to violence and murder, either for personal or political gain, or to foment communal violence or MUMBAI, JULY 21: The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray on Saturday extended his support to 13 Marathi police officers convicted in the fake encounter case of Ram Narayan Gupta, alias Lakhan Bhaiya, an alleged aide of underworld don Chhota Rajan. The Sessions Court last week sentenced the 13 police officers along with eight others to life imprisonment. R.R. Patil (State Home Minister) boasts of not letting criminals loose in this State. If that is the case, then was he (Lakhan Bhaiya) the saint? He was a criminal. Then why doesnt the government support the Marathi policemen who killed him in the encounter?

3 killed, 100 houses vandalised in West Bengal panchayat election violence

MURSHIDABAD, JULY 21: Three Congress workers were killed ahead of Mondays fourth phase of panchayat polls in four districts of West Bengal and at least 100 houses vandalised and looted in South 24-Parganas district on Sunday. There was no let up in bombings, arson and clashes in the five-phased panchayat polls that began on July 11. While the fourth phase will be held on Monday, the final phase will be on July 25. Police said two Congress workers Nurmohhamad Sheikh and Ahad Ali were killed after being hit by crude bombs late on Saturday night hurled by rival party workers at Kapasdanga in Murshidabad district, one of the four districts going to polls on Monday, the other three being Nadia, Birbhum and Malda. Another Congress worker Repon Sheikh met a similar fate at Bharatpur in the same district during a clash between rival party supporters, police said. The district also witnessed sporadic incidents of clash, including hurling of bombs and stone pelting, leaving several injured including two policemen in the Kapasdanga area. Murshidabad district Congress spokesman Ashok Das alleged that his party workers were targeted by the ruling TMC with active help from CPI(M) cadres. With todays deaths, a total of 10 persons have lost their lives in the rural poll violence. Three persons were killed in the second phase of the poll and four were killed in the third phase. A body was found at Diamond Harbour in South 24Parganas district on Saturday, but it was not confirmed if the death was caused due to poll violence. At least 100 houses belonging to RSP workers were vandalised and looted and 40 of them were set on fire allegedly by TMC workers at Basanti in South 24-Parganas district, police said. Violence at Nirdeshkhali village in the same district also left a child injured. A large posse of policemen was deployed in the area. 17 TMC workers and supporters and four policemen were injured in a clash with RSP at Jharkhali yesterday. The injured were shifted to Kolkata, Basanti and Canning hospitals. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday appealed to the voters to exercise their franchise peacefully in the remaining two phases, accusing the CPI(M) of instigating people to indulge in violent acts.

extremism in any form, she added. Ms. Jayalalithaa also said, The SID will function under the overall control of the DGP (CBCID) who will be

provided with all the resources and manpower necessary to take up and complete the investigation at the earliest and to bring the culprits to book.

asked Mr. Thackeray at a press conference on Saturday. Earlier, families of the convicted policemen met Mr. Thackeray and apprised him of the case. It is obvious that senior IPS officers and their political bosses knew about the encounter. But none of those non-Marathi officers have faced the investigation. Why it is that only Marathi officers are targeted? he asked. Thackeray claimed that such decisions of the court would have negative effects on the police force. The families have decided to move a higher court and I expect that justice will be delivered. My party will extend full support to the families of these police officers, he said.

jungle raj in UP, alleges :Mayawati

Principal, husband still absconding in midday meal tragedy

CHHAPRA (BIHAR), JULY 21: With the school principal and her husband continuing to evade arrest even after six days of the midday meal tragedy, police has decided to move court on Monday for attachment of property of the absconding duo. Raids are being made at different places based on clues about absconding school principal Meena Devi and her husband Arjun Rai but we have not been able to nab them so far, Saran Superintendent of Police Sujeet Kumar told. The police would approach court tomorrow for attachment of property of the absconding duo, Mr. Kumar said. An FIR has been lodged against principal of Dharmasati Gandaman School, Meena Devi under section 302 (murder) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) in connection with the death of 23 children after eating midday meal at the school on July 16.Probe report Commissioner (Saran) and Deputy Inspector General of Police (Saran range) Binod Kumar who has submitted a report to the government has blamed the principal for the tragedy. She had mismanaged the affairs of the school entirely, is the crux of the report over the midday meal incident. The Saran SP said that police force is

Phone records show Amit Shahs hand in Ishrat case

AHMEDABAD, JULY 21: An Ahmedabad-based forum, Jan Sangarsh Manch (JSM), has come out with an analysis of call data records (CDRs) of police officers accused in the Ishrat Jahan encounter case indicating that the then Minister of State for Home, Amit Shah, was in touch with the accused. Mr. Shah is on bail at present in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh encounter case. Lawyer Mukul Sinha, who is also the chairman of JSM, said in Ahmedabad on Saturday that of the CDRs of eight accused persons, the Manch was able to analyse the records of three persons. Sinha is the lawyer for the father of Pranesh Pillai alias Javed Sheikh, who was killed along with Ishrat and two others by the Gujarat police on June 15, 2004, in the encounter that the CBI has recently termed fake. It took four days for Nirjhari Sinha, member of JSM, to analyse the call records of D.G Vanzara, P.P Pandey and N.K Amin. Mr. Pandey is still absconding. Mr. Sinha alleged that the phone calls between Mr. Vanzara and Mr. Shah clearly suggest that the Minister was directly involved in the case. According to their analysis of the phone records, Shah and Vanzara spoke late night on June 14, 2004 and also after the encounter. Sinha asserted that the manner in which Rajinder Kumar, the then Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau head and other officers had called one another, indicated that Mr. Kumars role was not limited to providing intelligence inputs but that he was involved in the conspiracy.

LUCKNOW, JULY 21: BSP chief Mayawati on Sunday attacked the Samajwadi Party government over the murder of her party leader, saying that there is total lawlessness in the state and that the Centre should intervene to improve the situation. Condemning the killing of former BSP MLA Sarvesh Kumar Singh Seepu in Azamgarh district, Ms. Mayawati alleged that the manner in which goons, mafias and criminal elements are ruling the roost in the present SP regime, the rule of law has ended in the state and jungle raj has been established. Speaking during a meeting to review party organisation in the districts of western Uttar Pradesh here, the BSP supremo said that it was very shameful and this calls for intervention by the Centre. She asked the party workers to spread awareness among people about the wrong policies and the work culture of harassment of the SP government so that they punish the party in the Lok Sabha elections. The environment of better law and order, development and control on crime created during the BSP rule has ended in the SP regime, Mayawati alleged. Communal harmony has also been disturbed in the state by the SP to indirectly help the BJP in the elections, she added. The BSP supremo said that

every section of the society was feeling harassed and when people come on the streets for their justified demands they are lathicharged. To distract peoples attention from the problems, the government shuffles civil and police officials and harass them from time to time, she alleged, adding that this will, however, not benefit the party. Instead of taking forward the BSP movement through media, the party workers should go among the masses to expand its base in sarv samaj, she said.

still stationed at the house of the school principal, who has been suspended over the event, and additional policemen have been deployed in the village to keep a watch over the situation. Bihar Education Minister P.K. Shahi has also pointed to the questionable role of the principal in the tragedy forcing students to finish the meal which they were hesitant to eat further because of its pun-

gent smell and also overlooking the doubts of the cook over oil for cooking vegetables which was of a different colour. Shahi has also highlighted the role of her husband Arjun Rai who had supplied the food items. He alleged that Mr. Rai was an active member of RJD which is working to destabilise the Nitish Kumar government.

Andhra govt steps up relief measures as rains lash state

HYDERABAD, JULY 21: The Andhra Pradesh Government has set up about 100 relief camps across the state and air-dropped food packets to people affected by heavy rains and floods even as the situation in East and West Godavari districts turned grim. Due to incessant rains and resultant flooding in several areas, especially in the coastal districts, Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy today reviewed the situation with Chief Secretary P K Mohanty and other senior officials here. "The relief work should continue on war footing and adequate field staff should be kept ready to ensure no loss to life and property. Officials should ensure that required relief reached every needy person," a government release quoted the chief minister as saying. The relief measures are being carried out with the help of Army, Air Force, Navy and the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and the district administration, the release quoted the Chief Secretary as saying. The state government has set up around 100 relief camps and air-dropped food packets in Bhadrachalam division (in Khammam district) today. Mohanty said that losses to human and cattle lives were prevented due to alertness and timely precautionary measures undertaken by the administration. District officers have been told to maintain a close watch for the possible breach of tanks and other water bodies, store adequate number of sandbags in case of breaches and repair roads at least temporarily, the release said. Officials informed that as per the forecast, the flood level is likely to recede at Bhadrachalam and will remain constant at Rajahmundry. Drinking water, food packets, kerosene, ration are being arranged by NDRF teams wherever necessary. The rescue and relief measures were being taken up in Khammam, Karimnagar, Warangal, Adilabad, Nizamabad, East and West Godavari districts, according to the release. About 10 people have been killed in the rain-related incidents, while many are affected as the heavy rains have been lashing the state for about a week now. Around 3,016 people from 14 mandals in the West Godavari district and 1,300 from the East Godavari district have been shifted to relief camps so far, said collector Neetu Prasad. Godavari and its tributaries, rivulets and other water bodies have been in spate following the heavy rains. The rescue and relief measures were being taken up in Khammam, Karimnagar, Warangal, Adilabad, Nizamabad, East and West Godavari districts, according to the release. The flood inflow of river Godavari at Dowleswaram bridge in East Godavari district was at 16.80 feet. The officials had issued the second flood alert in the district yesterday. According to officials, the intensity of water inflow in Godavari at 17 lakh cusec was much lower than 1981 floods when the inflow was at 36 lakh cusec of water. Meanwhile, the state election commission has postponed Gram Panchayat elections in the Rampachodavaram division in East Godavari district to July 31 from scheduled July 23 in view of floods and heavy rains, said Collector Neetu Kumar Prasad.

Runs from pillar to post to file FIR about kidnapped daughter

ALLAHABAD, JULY 21: A 15-year-old girl was kidnapped at gunpoint from her home in Mau Tehsil in Uttar Pradeshs Chitrakoot district on Monday. But her mother, Kalavati Devi, has not still been able to register a complaint with the police. Kalavati alleges that the local station officer refused to register her FIR on the grounds that her husband had connections with the local mafia. Kalavatis husband Phulchand is lodged in jail for a minor crime. Your husband is a criminal. Your daughter must have surely gone with them with [her] consent, the station officer allegedly told her. She then filed a complaint with the subdivisional magistrate but no action was taken. She could also not approach the Chitrakoot Superintendent of Police. Meanwhile, she says, she continues to receive threats that her other daughter would also be kidnapped. In her search of justice, Kalavati travelled around 100 km to Allahabad on Saturday. Zonal Inspector General Alok Sharma took the matter into cognisance and said an FIR would be registered and a proper inquiry held.

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CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, JULY 21: The New Zealand capital Wellington was rattled by a strong magnitude 6.9 earthquake on Sunday that broke water mains, smashed windows and downed power lines. Wellington Police Inspector Marty Parker said there had been minor structural damage that had left parts of the city without power. There have been no reports of injury and no tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck under the Cook Strait 57 kilometres (35 miles) southwest of Wellington. It was 10 kilometres (6 miles) underground. The quake could be felt hundreds of kilometres away in the centre of New Zealands North Island. Marty Parker said the quake struck near nightfall. A more complete picture of the damage would

At least 33 killed in Baghdad car bombings

BAGHDAD, JULY 21: A coordinated wave of car bombings tore through commercial streets in Baghdad on Saturday night, killing more than 30 and wounding dozens as insurgents kept up a relentless offensive during the holy month of Ramadan. The blasts struck in Shia Muslim areas of the Iraqi capital. Although there was no claim of responsibility, coordinated bombings against Shias are a favorite tactic of al-Qaedas Iraq branch. The explosions were all caused by car bombs timed to go off after the breaking of the daily Ramadan fast when many people are out shopping or relaxing in coffee shops, police said. Bombings and other attacks have killed more than 230 people since the start of Ramadan on July 10, 2013. The violence is a continuation of a surge of bloodshed that has been rocking Iraq for months, reviving fears of a return to the widespread sectarian bloodshed that pushed the country to the brink of civil war after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. Saturdays blasts began with an explosion in a busy shopping street that shook buildings in the central Baghdad neighborhood of Karrada. Police say that attack killed nine and wounded 17, and left several

emerge in the morning, he said. New Zealand is part of the so-called Pacific Ring of

Fire that receives regular seismic activity. A severe earthquake in the city of

Christchurch in 2011 killed 185 people and destroyed much of the citys downtown.

shops and food stalls damaged. It was followed by similar car bombs that struck the northwestern Tobchi district, killing eight and wounding 29, and Baiyaa in western Baghdad, killing three and wounding 13, authorities said. Another blast struck Zafaraniyah in southeastern Baghdad, killing six and wounding 15, officials said. Yet another exploded near a bakery in the New

Baghdad neighborhood in the southeast, killing three people and wounding 11, authorities said. Another car bomb exploded in a Shia part of the religiously mixed western neighborhood of Shurta, a mainly Sunni area, killing four and wounded 12, authorities said. The official, Bassem Mahmoud, headed a Sunni group known as Sahwa, which joined the fight against al-Qaeda during the height

Bus carrying Egypt soldiers hits truck, 16 killed

CAIRO, July 21: A bus carrying Egyptian soldiers crashed into a truck on a highway near the Mediterranean coast early Sunday, killing 16, a security official said. The accident took place on the highway between Cairo and the port city of Alexandria as the soldiers were heading home from their military base in northwestern Egypt for a vacation to join their families during the holy month of Ramadan, the official said. The official said the dead included 15 soldiers and a driver, while another 40 people were injured. They were rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press. Road accidents are common in Egypt due to badly maintained roads and poor enforcement of traffic laws. According to a 2012 World Health Organization report, road accidents kill about 12,000 people each year in a population of about 90 million.

to be formalized at noon (1000 GMT) with an oath before parliament. The father of four will swear to observe the Belgian constitution and preserve national independence and the integrity of the territory. The royal family is seen as one of the few forces uniting the European countrys fractious Dutch-speaking Flemish and French-speaking Walloon communities. Albert this week has repeatedly urged the country to stay united. My last recommendations to all of you assembled here are to work without rest on the cohesion of Belgium, he told those attending his abdication ceremony. This way, you will be even more architects of peace ... Our country will be an inspiration for Europe, which seeks unity in diversity. The king is a key player in the formation of Belgiums governments, serving also as its head of state and the commander-in-chief of its armed forces.

BRUSSELS, JULY 21: Belgian King Albert II abdicated on Sunday in an emotional ceremony that cleared the way for his eldest son, Prince Philippe, to ascend to the throne. Philippe, you have all the qualities of heart and intelligence to serve our country well in your new responsibilities, King Albert told his heir. You and your dear wife Mathilde have all of our trust. King Albert also paid tribute to

his spouse, Queen Paola, thanking her for her support over his 20-year reign and sending her a big kiss. He later embraced his son, bringing tears to Mathildes eyes. The 79-year-old relinquished the throne in a concession to his age and health. It is the first time that Belgium sees a king abdicate willingly in the 182year history of its monarchy. Prince Philippe, 53, is the countrys seventh king. His ascension to the throne was set

TEL AVIV/GAZA, JULY 21: Israel is to release some Palestinian prisoners as part of efforts to restart peace talks, an Israeli Minister said on Saturday. Yuval Steinitz, the Minister for Intelligence, International Relations and Strategic Affairs, told Israel Radio that the prisoners were serious cases but had already spent many years behind bars. He did not, however, say how many of them would be freed, the Israel Times reported. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

announced in Amman on Friday that the Israelis and Palestinians had agreed to enter peace talks starting next week in Washington. In early comments on the talks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted the plans and said they were an essential strategic interest for Israel, the newspaper Haaretz quoted him as saying on Saturday. He said the negotiations are important not only to end the conflict with the Palestinians but also in light of the nuclear threat from Iran and

the civil war in neighbouring Syria, the Israeli leader said. I have in mind a number of objectives, preventing the creation of a bi-national state between the Jordan River and the sea, which will endanger the future of the Jewish State, and preventing the creation of another Iranian-backed terrorist state within Israels borders, which could no less endanger us, Mr. Netanyahu said. Mr. Steinitz emphasised that Israel was not bound to a freeze on settlement activities. There is no chance that we will agree to enter into negotiations that begin by defining our territorial borders and possible concessions, or a construction freeze, he was quoted as saying. In Cairo, Egypts new Foreign Minister, Nabil Fahmy, called on Israel to take confidencebuilding measures ahead of next weeks negotiations. Egypt will continue to give a top priority to the Palestinian cause and support the Palestinian peoples right to have an independent state, said Mr. Fahmy, a former ambassador to Washington.

Japan ruling bloc wins upper house election: media

TOKYO, JULY 21: Japanese broadcasters projected that Prime Minister Shinzo Abes ruling coalition won a majority of seats in the upper house of parliament in elections on Sunday, giving it control of both chambers for the first time in six years. The win is seen as an endorsement of Mr. Abes economic programme, which has helped spark a tentative recovery, and gives him a legislative mandate to pursue difficult economic reforms he has promised to help sustain growth in the long run. The victory in the elections, where half the seats in the 242-member upper house were up for grabs, could also embolden the hawkish Abe to advance his nationalistic goals, which could further strain testy relations with China and South Korea. It is also sweet redemption for Mr. Abe, who lost upper house elections in 2007 during his previous stint as prime minister. Based on exit polls, public broadcaster NHK predicted that Mr. Abes Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner New Komeito won a combined 71 seats, giving them a total of 130 seats in the chamber, more than the 122 needed for a majority.



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LONDON, JULY 21: India has emerged as the second largest investor in the city of London with Indian companies led by software major Infosys wooed by the investment fervour generated by the 2012 Olympic Games in the British capital. Software services firm Infosys leads the charge of inward foreign direct investment made by a total of 28 Indian companies, which generated 429 additional jobs for the British economy in the last year alone, according to latest government figures released here today to mark a year since London hosted one of the world's biggest sporting events. "India is a very important market for us and these are fantastic results. The Olympics provided the perfect opportunity for Indians to come and experience London and resulted in more Indian companies setting up here," Gordon Innes, the CEO of London and Partners (L&P) and the Mayor of London's business and promotional organisation, told PTI. "I had taken the mayor Boris Johnson, to India last year where we held some very important discussions at the national and city level. India has seen phenomenal growth and there are a large number of areas of common interest, such as transport and city planning, where we can work together," he said in reference to the future plans of L&P. L&P is a not-for-profit public private partnership set up to unlock London to overseas investment. India brought in a large chunk of the 2.5 billion-pound additional foreign investment into the UK since the Games and Indian FDI projects in 2012-13 are estimated to generate 24 million pounds in gross value added for London's economy over the next three years. Information and communications technology (ICT) was the key sector in terms of Indian FDI into London, followed by financial services and retail. "The fact that the Olympics were held here generated a lot of positive imagery globally. Our clients employ us because we are at the cutting edge of innovation. We need to be talking to the right people and London & Partners does a good job at helping us with that," Bangalore-headquartered Infosys said in a statement. In the financial services sector, Axis Bank nstood out for setting up its global operations in London as a direct result of discussions during the mayoral visit to India last November. Cyril Anand, chief executive of Axis Bank UK said, "London has the right mix of potential wholesale and retail business to make it the ideal location for our first international subsidiary. It provides us with a robust regulatory environment which will allow Axis to build on its strong corporate franchise internationally. We look forward to establishing a significant presence in the city." Among some of the other Indian firms to use London as their global expansion point include Gurgaon-headquartered Indiabulls Group offering asset management and realty products, Indian portal for restaurant information Zomato, export house Vijay Enterprises and Delhi-based tech firm Kayako Infotech Limited.


MOSCOW, JULY 20: The Group of 20s finance ministers said on Saturday that their countries consider strengthening economic growth and creating jobs to be top priorities. In a communique at the end of their meeting in Moscow, the ministers noted that although there are signs of stronger economies in the United States and Japan, the group of 17 European Union countries that use the euro continues to suffer from recession and that economic growth in emerging markets is comparatively slow. The ministers also said they were mindful of the risks and unintended negative side effects of extended periods of monetary easing. They did not directly address the situation in the U.S., where speculation that the Federal Reserve may soon wind down its bondbuying program has roiled markets around the world especially in developing economies. In a separate statement, IMF head Christine Lagarde said the meeting saw constructive discussions on the spillover effects of monetary policies, the implications of recent market volatility, and the need for balanced and credible fiscal strategies. The global economy remains too weak and unemployment is too high in many countries, she said. There has also been an increase in financial market volatility and tightening of financial conditions. The G20 communique called on members to ensure that international and our own tax rules do not allow or encourage multinational enterprises to reduce overall taxes paid by artificially shifting profits to low tax jurisdictions. On Friday the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development unveiled a 15point plan for a united front to fight tax avoidance by multinational companies. If adopted, the measures would close loopholes and allow countries to tax profits held in offshore subsidiaries. It would also target such practices as deducting the same expense more than once, in more than one country. At a summit last month in Northern Ireland, leaders of the G8 countries published sweeping goals for tightening the tax rules on globetrotting corporations that long have exploited loopholes to shift profits into foreign shelters that charge little tax or none.


TCS 1742.80 HCLTECHNOL 892.25 BAJAJ AUTO 1966.00 TATA MOTOR 294.65 GAIL 332.70 +4.96% +3.89% +3.65% +2.70% +2.53%


BHEL SUNPHRMIND STERLITEIN JINDALSTLP ICICI BANK 173.75 1080.25 82.85 210.60 959.05 -8.02% -3.35% -2.93% -2.77% -2.64%


BHEL INDUSINDBA AXIS BANK RANBAXY LA SUNPHRMIND 173.70 445.00 1191.90 324.15 1080.15 -8.34% -4.30% -3.74% -3.67% -3.42%

Reliance to invest $6.5 bn to regain lost glory of KG-D6 'Food security legislation to put pressure on public finances'
New Delhi: Reliance Industries plans to invest USD 6.5 billion in its KG-D6 gas fields to re-attain natural gas production of up to 60 mmscmd by 2019-20 and regain the lost glory of the prolific block. "We can attain a production level of 40 to 60 million standard cubic meters per day (mmscmd) by 2019-20 provided we get timely approvals and the right natural gas price," RIL President & Chief Operating Officer (E&P) B Ganguly said. The Bay of Bengal KG-D6 fields, which began gas production in April 2009, had hit a peak of 69.43 mmscmd in March 2010 before water and sand ingress led to shutting down of more than one-third of the wells. Current output is just over 14 mmscmd. While the company carries out remedial measures to augment production from the currently producing Dhirubhai-1 & 3 (D1&D3) and MA fields, it plans to invest USD 3.155 billion in producing 20 mmscmd of gas from RSeries discoveries in the NEW DELHI, JULY 21: Implementation of food security legislation will impose pressure on public finances and push up the fiscal deficit to 5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product in the current financial year, said a Ficci report. "...It will impose an additional pressure on the fiscal situation and would make fiscal sustainability plan of the country difficult to achieve. As a result, the expected fiscal deficit to GDP ratio is 5 percent for 2013-14, which is slightly above the budgeted 4.8 percent," it said. It said allocating food through public distribution system is plagued with inefficiencies and ensuring efficiency in the delivery system is required. On July 3, the government decided to promulgate an ordinance to implement the Food Security Bill to give nation's two-third population the right to 5 kg of foodgrain every month at highly subsidised rates of Rs 1-3 per kg. The programme when implemented will be the biggest in the world with the government spending estimated at Rs 125,000 crore annually on supply of about 62 million tonnes of rice, wheat and coarse cereals to 67 percent of the population. Further, the survey said decline in industrial output,

CORIANDER KO 6000.00 +0.99% MENTHA OIL C 993.90 +0.85% MAIZE COPPER 1485.00 +0.58% 413.95 +0.41%

IND 28.5 MM SOYMEAL YELLO SOYA. SESAME SEEDS 42325.00+96.60% 32000.00+88.24% 33750.00+83.42% 10816.00+77.78%

block and another USD 1.529 billion in four satellite fields to produce 10 mmscmd. Another USD 1.2 billion is planned to be invested in other discoveries in the block, he said. The company will invest USD 747 million in augmenting production from D1&D3 and MA fields by putting up booster compressor and repair work at the closed wells. Besides USD 6.451 billion, another USD 6.151 billion is expected to be spent as operating expenses, he said. These investments were besides the USD 7.572 billion the company has already sunk in development of D1&D3 and MA fields, USD 1.261 billion of

operating expenses and USD 1.094 billion in exploring for oil and gas in the block. Ganguly said such large investments were viable at no less than USD 7.5 per million British thermal unit gas price after considering the cost of capital and royalty paid to the government on production. "First gas from the satellite developments is expected in mid-2017-18," he said adding the company has not made investment or production projections of the giant MJ1 discovery made 2km below D1&D3 field recently. MJ1 may hold 2-3 trillion cubic feet of reserves, almost equal to reserves in D1&D3 fields.

widening current account deficit and a depreciating rupee may dampen the growth prospects the country if adequate supportive action is not taken. The economists participated in the survey expects that India's GDP will grow by about 6 percent during the current fiscal. "Some grave concerns remain and these would have to be handled promptly to get economy back on growth trajectory". The FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey also said during the first quarter of the fiscal, the GDP will grow by 5 percent. "Respondents expect IIP to grow at a moderately faster pace

of 3.3 percent in FY14 vis-?-vis 1.1 percent growth witnessed last year," it added. It asked the RBI to cut the key policy rates to boost the economic growth. "A majority of the participating economists anticipated a 50-75 basis points cut in repo rate by end of this fiscal year," it said, adding, a fall in repo rate will give elbow room for banks to reduce deposits as well as lending rates. Further, it said that depreciating rupee will impact the widening CAD. For Q1 of FY14, CAD to GDP ratio is projected at 5 percent and it may temper in the second half of the fiscal.

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JAMMU, JULY 21: The J&K State Sports Council has issued show-cause notice to as many six Jammu based sports association, including the Jammu and Kashmir Olympic Association (JKOA), for not adhering to the guidelines. These associations have been served with show cause notices asking them why action is not initiated against them for electing office bearers holding one of the top three positions for more than two terms. Acting on the reports submitted by the observers of the Sports Council with regard to the elections of these sports bodies held in the recent past, the Sports Council has directed such associations to correct themselves or face action. As per the already circulated guidelines of the State Sports Council, no office bearer, holding any of the top three positions of president, general secretary and treasurer, can hold the office for third time in a row. The Associations have been served with the notice included J&K Olympic Association, J&K Athletics Association, J&K Archery Association, J&K B a d m i n t o n Association, J&K W r e s t l i n g Association, J&K Indian Style W r e s t l i n g Association and J&K Football Association. However, contrary to its stand, the State Sports Council has had nominated most of the office bearers from these associations as members. While, JKOA (Rangil Singh), J&K W r e s t l i n g Association (Dushyant Sharma), J&K Football Association (Zameer Thakur) have been nominated in the recently constituted body, J&K Indian Style Wrestling Association (Shiv Kumar Sharma), J&K Archery Association (Sunil Sharma), J&K Badminton Association (Dr OD Sharma) had nominations in the previous body. "The State Sports Council has become a puppet being used by a handful of corrupt individuals, who continue to use and misuse the office. The Chief Minister, who is

encourages corruption in Sports Council' 17th Asian Table Tennis Championships: CM J&K State Sports Council issues Show-cause notice to 6 Associations India win four gold medals
NEW DELHI, July 21: Indian table tennis players claimed all four team gold medals to cap off a successful second day of the South Asian Junior Table Tennis Championships at the IG Indoor Stadium here on Sunday. Sri Lanka were behind India winning four silver medals, while the bronze medals were shared by Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. Bhutan remained the only country not to finish among medals in the team events. The women teams in both the Junior and Cadet sections finished on top of the group to win the titles. The first stage in singles events have begun and the early indications are that India were on way to sweep Utkarsh Gupta bt Nihal Shrestha 14-12, 11-9, 11-6), Sri Lanka bt Pakistan 3-0 (Niroshana Kahawathatha bt Rameez Muhammad 11-13, 11-6, 8-11, 12-10, 11-5, Vimukhit Wijesiri bt Khurshid Tabish 11-6, 11-9, 12-10, Krishan Wickeramaratha bt Jamal Aziz 11-9, 11-8, 9-11, 14-12). Junior Girls (Round 3): India bt Sri Lanka 3-0 (Suthirtha Mukherjee bt Tharakie De Silver 11-8, 117, 11-5, Manika Batra bt Sankalpana Kannangara 114, 11-7, 11-5, Reeth Rishya Tennison bt Chamathasara Fernando 11-3, 11-4, 11-8; Nepal bt Bangladesh 3-1. Cadet Boys: (Stage IIFinal: Indian bt Sri Lanka 30 (Birdie Boro bt Udaya Ranasinghe 11-4, 9-11, 11-8, 8-11, 11-8, Anirban Ghosh bt Jayasanka De Silva 11-7, 116, 11-5; Anirban Ghosh/Lalrin Puia bt Udaya Ranasinghe/Poornima Warusawithana 11-3, 11-7, 11-9); Semi-final: Indiaa bt Nepal 3-0 (Birdie Boro bt Santoo Shretha 11-4, 11-8, 11-5, Lalrin Puia bt Krishan Thapa 11-4, 11-7, 11-5, Anirban Ghosh/Birdie Boro bt Santoo Shretha/Krishna Thapa 12-10, 12-10, 11-3). Cadet Girls: Round-3: India bt Sri Lanka 3-0 (Sreeja Akula bt Pavani Sirisena 111, 12-10, 11-5, Sagarika Mukherjee bt Ri Karadanaarachchi 11-3, 11-5, 11-4, Sagarika Mukherjee/R. Harshavardini bt Pavani Sirisena 11-2, 11-3, 11-9).

the medal tally. RESULTS: Junior Boys (Stage IIFinal): India bt Sri Lanka 30 (Sudhanshu Grover bt Vimukthi Wijesiri 11-5, 11-6, 11-6, Abhishek Yadav bt Niroshana Kahawathatha 11-

9, 11-8, 8-11, 11-6, Rohit Rajasekhar bt Dilshan Ekanayaka 11-6, 11-4, 11-6); Semi-final: India bt Nepal 30 (Sudhanshu Grover bt Mani Lama 11-7, 9-11, 5-11, 11-4, 11-8, , Abhishek Yadav bt Awal Piyush 11-7, 11-4, 11-2,

15-member squad departs for Zimbabwe

MUMBAI, JUL 21: A 15member India cricket squad, led by Virat Kohli, left for Zimbabwe to take on the hosts in a five-game OneDay International series commencing on July 24. The squad is without inspirational captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni who has been given a break by the national selectors. The selectors have also rested three pace bowlers Ishant Sharma, Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Umesh Yadav along with spinner Ravichandran Ashwin. India are visiting the African nation after three years. In June 2010, an India team led by Suresh Raina took part in a triangular ODI series in Zimbabwe but came a cropper, failing to reach the final. India made amends when they blanked Zimbabwe 2-0 in the Twenty20 series held immediately after the conclusion of the tri-series final won by Lanka. Apart from Raina, Kohli was also part of that squad as vice-captain and it included Ravindra Jadeja, Dinesh Karthik, Rohit Sharma and Vinay Kumar who are members of the current touring team.

Divij, Raja win first Tour title in Bogota

BOGOTA (COLOMBIA): The fast rising Indian pair of Divij Sharan and Purav Raja clinched its first ever ATP tour level title with a hard-fought win over Edouard RogerVasselin and Igor Sijsling in the summit clash of the Claro Open. The fourth seeded Indians defeated the second-seed FrenchDutch combination 7-6(4)76(3) in the final of the USD 638,085 hard court event. Divij and Purav were playing their first ever ATP Tour level tournament together after grinding on the Challenger Tour for quite some time. The victory was worth 250 ranking points each and USD 35,000 for the two players. "It's out first ATP World Tour title. It is really Very special feeling. Hopefully we can build on from here," Divij said after the win. The victory speaks a lot as Sijsling had made finals at Australian

president of the autonomous sports body, has become a mute spectator to the happenings thus encourages corruption in the organisation," upset over the developments, general secretary of the JKOA, Ashutosh Sharma said. He further said that before issuing such notices, the Sports Council must set its own house in order. "Individuals holding top chairs in the present Sports Council, as also those who have been included as members too violate such guidelines with impunity," rued Ashutosh.

JU clerical staff resents `favouritism' in transfers

Open and Vasselin had appeared in the Wimbledon semifinals. Divij and Raja were down 3-5 in the first set but came back to win the first set via tie breaker. The second set was too fought fiercely as while serving for match at 5-3 Divij's serve was broken and again the issue was settled in tie-breaker. The Indians won 73 points to 84 of their rivals but won more crucial points. JAMMU, JULY 21: The clerical staff of the University of Jammu (JU) has expressed anguish over favouritism in the recent transfer orders of Junior Assistants (JA) Senior Assistants (SA) and Head Assistants (HA) issued by the Registrar. Alleging pick and choose in assigning the new jobs, a Senior Assistant pleading anonymity said that favourites have been given the prize positions while kith and kin of those in the employees associations have either been retained at the same chair or assigned the light job. Expressing his concern, a Junior Assistant serving at the Administration Block said, "Those representatives of the employees should not look for favours rather set example for others to follow." Since the orders, in the case of Head Assistants, were not acceptable to certain individuals, the Registrar was a bit strict in his wording. The bottom line of the order reads, "All the officials are directed to join new place of postings immediately. The pay for the month of July, 2013 will be released on the basis of their attendance received from new place of postings." Pertinent to mention here that the Registrar of JU, Prof Manoj Dhar in two separate orders issued on June 21 and July one reshuffled 63 individuals of clerical cadre. These include 28 Junior and Senior Assistants and 35 Head Assistants.


Virat Kohli (c), Shikhar Dhawan, Rohit Sharma, Dinesh Karthik, Cheteshwar Pujara, Suresh Raina, Ambati Rayudu, Ajinkya Rahane, Ravindra Jadeja, Amit Mishra, Parvez Rasool, Mohammed Shami, Vinay Kumar, Jaidev Unadkat and Mohit Sharma.


Jul 24: 1st ODI Harare Sports Club, Harare Jul 26: 2nd ODI Harare Sports Club, Harare Jul 28: 3rd ODI Harare Sports Club, Harare Jul 31: 4th ODI Queens Sports Club, Bulawayo Aug 3: 5th ODI Queens Sports Club, Bulawayo.

JK Racing: Khushlani dominates opening Formula BMW round

has raced only thrice in s i n g l e seaters. S a r o s h Hataria won his second race of the weekend in the Formula 4 category, ahead of Prasad and A m e y a B a f n a . Prasad is competing in two classes. However, Bangalore driver Ajay Kini was banned for one round after he deliberately crashed into Saran Vikram in the Formula 4 race. Mumbai's Rahil Noorani won the race one of the Volkawagen Polo R Cup, beating South African Jeffrey Kruger. Kruger got his revenge in the afternoon. The second round of the Championships is scheduled to be held at the Madras Motor Race Track in Chennai August 9-11. RESULTS: Formula BMW (Race 2): 1. Akhil Khushlani (Hyderabad); 2. Chitesh

Lorgat appointed CEO overriding BCCI objection

SAFF U16 Cship: India Start with win over Sri Lanka
KATHMANDU, JULY 21: The Indian football team began their SAFF U16 Championship in style by drubbing 10-man Sri Lanka 4-1 in their Group B opener at the Army Ground on Sunday. India, who are being represented by AIFF Regional Academy's U-15 boys, had little problem in dismantling their Asian rivals. Striker Bedashwor Singh struck twice in each half (23rd, 88th) while Krishna Pandit (21st) and Prosenjit Chakroborty (66th) scored one apiece to seal what was an easy win for the Goutam Ghoshcoached side. "Results stay immaterial. We wanted to see whether we were sticking to our philosophy, and I am glad that the boys were able to do that," Ghosh said after the match. India next play Bangladesh on Thursday.

JOHANNESBURG, JULY 21: Haroon Lorgat, the former chief executive of the International Cricket Council (ICC), has been appointed the new chief executive of Cricket South Africa (CSA), overriding reported objection by the Indian cricket board. Lorgat replaces the controversial Gerald Majola, who was sacked in October in the wake of the bonus-payments scandal. "Mr Lorgat's appointment follows a thorough and rigorous process to fill this important position," "The quality of the candidates was exceptional and I would like to express my appreciation to the sub-committee of the board as well as my colleagues on the board for brining this matter to a highly satisfactory conclusion." CSA president Chris Nenzani said. It is not clear who all were in the race, but it was widely speculated that former football chief Bheki Shongwe, Murphy Morobe, who heads Kagiso media and Denver Hendricks, a director at the University of Pretoria, were

in the CSA shortlist. With none of the challengers having the experience of cricket administration, there was little challenge to Lorgat, who was a former CSA treasurer and also convenor of selectors before being appointed as CEO of the ICC for a four-year term. It was as CEO of the ICC that Lorgat apparently fell afoul of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), the two clashing over the Future Tours Programme, the DRS and an ICC independent governance review. When it was speculated in March that Lorgat was their choice to head the CSA, the BCCI dropped hints that it was not very happy with its preference. Independent director on CSA's board Norman Arendse made no secret of BCCI's concern over Lorgat. Before conducting the interviews, CSA finalised India's tour schedule of two T20s, seven ODIs and three Tests, but the BCCI raised some objections to the itinerary, though nothing was heard officially.

COIMBATORE, JULY 21: Akhil Khushlani put in a dominant display sweeping the Formula BMW class in the opening round of the JK Tyre Racing Championships on Sunday. The 23-year-old from Hyderabad was untouchable throughout the weekend, winning race one at the Kari Motor Speedway Saturday and a double Sunday. Khushlani's two year experience of driving Formula BMW cars in Asia made the difference. He won Sunday's race by 14.2 seconds ahead of Chitesh Mandody of Kohlapur and Bangalore-based Akhil Rabindra. His victory margin was 4.2 seconds in the afternoon while Vishnu Prasad of Chennai and Bangalore's Arjun Maini fought for the remaining podium places. Fifteen-year-old Maini, who kept Prasad at bay to finish second Saturday, was overtaken by the Chennai driver on the opening lap. The two pushed each other for all the 15 laps before Vishnu crossed the line in second place. "I could have overtaken Vishnu towards the end but wanted to play safe for points. It was a close fight all the way," said Maini, who

Maiden 10th century's Sanskrit Samay Matrika translation into Kashmiri

JAMMU, JULY 21: An important book, the Kashmiri translation of Sanskrit work 'Samay Matrika' by a 10th century literary genius of Kashmir, Ksemendra, was released at an impressive function here this afternoon. It was for the first time that this book, originally written in Sanskrit, has been translated into Kashmiri and the credit for the same goes to Kanwal Krishan Lidhoo, a Programme Executive, working at Radio Kashmir Jammu, who took almost eight years to translate the great 10th century Sanskrit work into Nastaliq Kashmiri for the benefit of all those who are otherwise Greek to Sanskrit and were deprived of the contents of this great book all these years. 'Nagrad', a literary organisation, devoted to the cause of preservation of Kashmiri literature, culture and ethos, released the translation work of this highly acclaimed book, which will go a long way in adding to Kashmiri literature on which no such work has so far been undertaken. In addition to release of Lidhoo's translated work of Samay Matrika, the Nagrad also released an annual issue based on noted Kashmiri and Urdu intellectual, writer and scholar of international repute, Brij Premi. The translated work `Samay Matrika', however, hogged the limelight as the work refers to a period in Kashmir's history when cultural and religious landscape of Kashmir was beginning to change. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Lidhoo said Ksemendra's Sanskrit work was a warning to alert the elite of the society to put nation above everything else and to care about the fast dwindling standards of morality in society. Ksemendra had wished that he could write Samay Matrika in Kashmiri, but the rulers of those times had disallowed him'', Mr Lidhoo recalled.

Mandody (Kolhapur); 3. Akhil Rabindra (Bangalore). Race 3: Akhil Khushlani (Hyderabad); 2. Vishnu Prasad (Chennai); 3. Arjun Maini (Bangalore). Formula 4 (Race 3): 1. Sarosh Hataria (Dark Don); 2. Vishnu Prasad (Meco); 3. Ameya Bafna (Rayo Racing). VW Polo Cup (Race 1): 1. Rahil Noorani (Mumbai); 2. Jeffrey Kruuger (South Africa); 3. Prasanth Tharani (Chennai). Race 2: Jeffrey Kruuger (South Africa); 2. Karthik Tharani (Chennai); 3. Rahil Noorani (Mumbai).

Serena Williams cruises into Swedish Open final

BASTAD, SWEDEN: Serena Williams defeated Klara Zakopalova 6-0, 6-4 in the semifinals of the Swedish Open on Saturday to get her 50th win of the season faster than any other year in her career. After losing the first eight games, the third-seeded Zakopalova managed to break Williams' serve twice in the second set to level score at 4-all, but the topranked Williams broke back to take the set and the match. "I was hardly making mistakes in the first set. I have the film," Williams said. According to the WTA, the most wins Williams previously had going into the summer hard-court season was 38 in 2003. In the days other semifinal, Sweden's Johanna Larsson came from behind to overpower Italy's Flavia Pennetta 2-6, 6-3, 6-4. Williams will meet the home favorite Larsson in Sunday's final. Williams will be going for her seventh title of the year and 53rd of her career, while Larsson will be chasing her first-ever title.

to figure out a way to continue that tennis for more than

one set, and I'm definitely going to go back and watch

CHIEF-EDITOR, PUBLISHER, OWNER: Rohit Singh Rana, C.E.O.:Pawan Rathore, Administrative Head J&K: Vikram Singh, LEGAL ADVISOR: Advocate Ashok Parihar PRINTED AT JK PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS, SUJWAN, JAMMU TAWI. For Contributing articles mail us at, For Complaints, Querries or Advertisement Contact us: 0191-2580342.. Address: Sector-12, H.No-12 Nanak Nagar, Jammu (All disputes are subjected to the exclusive jursisdiction of Jammu District courts only.)

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