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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 21, 2013

April 24, 2011 , 2010
Saturday, July 20th 5:00 PM Frank & Nancy Catalano Sunday, July 21st 9:00 AM Eugene & Eleanor Bohley+ 11:15am For the People of the Parish Monday, July 22nd 8:30 AM Ann Macika+ Tuesday, July 23rd 8:30 AM Intention Available Wednesday, July 24th 7:00 PM Donald Roder+ Thursday, July 25th 8:30 AM Intention Available Friday, July 26th 8:30 AM Intention Available Saturday, July 27th 5:00 PM Intention Available Sunday, July 28th 9:00 AM For the People of the Parish 11:15 AM Jack & Dorothy Yuncker+ Liturgical Minister Schedule Saturday, July 27, 2013, 5:00pm Lector: Carole Zumack Servers: C. Walker / M. Levanoff E.M.s: A. & M. Lincoln Sunday, July 28, 2013, 9:00am Lector: Jane Cullin Servers: J. Alberts / J. Alberts E.M.s: J. Jack, B. Hennessey, P. & B. Chamberlin Sunday, July 21, 2013, 11:15am Lector: Cristina Burky Servers: M. Boyle / C. Boyle E.M.s: S. Havel / M. Piazza

We extend our sympathies to Jerome Borcuch, whose wife Karen, died last week from cancer. On July 18 th, they would have been married 49 years. We pray that Karen may now know the joy of the Risen Christ and that Jerry too will know peace in this time of great loss. This past week we took time to thank the catechists of our PSR program for the sacrifice they made each week during the school year to teach the Catholic Faith to our parish children. Let me thank them again for their willingness to keep learning the faith themselves and to participate in VIRTUS which a diocesan sponsored program that seeks to provide a safe environment for our children. We are also very grateful to all those who have contributed to our PSR endowment fund so that parents who find it difficult to pay the yearly PSR fee may be assisted by the generosity of others. Blessed John Paul II, whose canonization Pope Francis recently approved along with Blessed John XXIII, had this to say about eucharistic adoration, which we have in our parish every Wednesday from 7am until 7pm: The worship given to the Trinity of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... must fill our churches also outside the timetable of MassesThis worship must be prominent in all our encounters with the Blessed SacramentAdoration of Christ in this sacrament of love must also find expression in various forms of Eucharistic devotion: personal prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, hours of adoration, periods of exposition short, prolonged, and annual (Forty Hours) - Eucharistic benediction, Eucharistic processions, Eucharistic Congresses Let us be generous with our time in going to meet him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world. May our adoration never cease. Would you consider making a commitment to spending one hour each Wednesday before the Blessed Sacrament? You will be amazed at how many blessings there are for those who take time to pray, to listen, to read, to adore, or to just sit quietly in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord. Many of your fellow parishioners have committed themselves to this already, and some have been doing this for years because they find it so helpful in their relationship with the Lord and the Church. Please call the parish office to see what hour we need to fill or just come anytime for any length of time.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Readings for the Week of July 21, 2013 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:1-10a; Ps 15; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Saint Mary Magdalene Ex 14:5-18; Ps 15; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saint Bridget, Religious Ex 14:2115:1; Ex 15; Mt 12:46-50 Saint Sharbel Makhlf, Priest Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78; Mt 13:1-9 Saint James, Apostle 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126; Mt 20:20-28 Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19; Mt 13:18-23 Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50; Mt 13:24-30 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13

Monday, 7:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday 7:30 am 11:30am 5:30pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8:45am 8:00pm

Saturday Sunday

July 21st Offertory Counter Team 1 July 22nd Boy Scouts/Webelos (Hall) July23rd No Events Scheduled July 24th Eucharistic Adoration 50+ Club (Hall) Meals & More (Hall) July 25th No Events Scheduled July 26th No Events Scheduled July 27th Mens Prayer Group (Church) AA Meeting (Hall)

Last weeks collections: 7/14/13 Offertory - $2745.00, SVDP - $138.57 Thank you! Please remember the sick in your prayers: Ron Guidetti, Eleanor Roe, Margie Keep, Tony Vallo, Freda Brazis; Pat Siddall, Louise Bauer, Natalie Zemla, Judy Wozencraft, Jessica Johnson, Tracy Lenhoff, Joann Foreman, Mary Cooke, Dorothy Starcher, Brenda Martin, Alene & Raymond Smith, Laurel King, Greg Evans, Bob Coon, Jim McWeeny, Ann Gebura, Glen Cullin, Sr. Clare Ellen Wittman, Ray Hirsch, Marilyn Reith, Lilly Gawlinski, Scott Bartolucci, Frank Norton, Lois Soria, Mike Piazza, Jared Johnson, Deacon Joe Johnson, Barb Ciuca, and all those on our prayer board. DEACON'S CORNER: Our missionary co-op priest will be visiting us on the weekend of Aug. 17 & 18. Originally we thought that he would be here in September, but his plans have changed. I hope that you will be certain to bring your missionary co-op envelopes on Aug. 17 or 18. The reason we never get the weekend correct on the envelope is that we have to order our envelopes a year in advance to get the lowest price. As a matter of fact we already have next years envelopes here in the church, but I won't put them out until Advent. Thank you for your understanding on this issue as we are just trying to save the parish as much money as we can. If you are interested in joining us for a day of fun at the Fest on Sunday Aug.4, please take the time to sign the yellow pad in the gathering room. We are planning to leave the church parking lot a 1:00 PM so that we can enjoy as much of the live music as possible. WAYNE COUNTY FAIR: Our parish's day to man the booth at the Wayne County Fair is Wed. Sept. 11. If you would like to help or are just interested in information about the booth, please call me at 440-328-6579. I will be putting out a signup sheet for those who would like to man the booth, so even if you have told me in the past that you would like to help, please take the time to sign-up and let me know what time of day you could help. If you would like to donate to this good work of spreading the gospel, please make your check out to St. Anne Parish in Rittman and we will pass it on to Sr. Joan. Thank you, Dcn. Pete Meals & More Volunteer this week: Frank & Lois Yehlik. Ladies Guild 50/50 Raffle Tickets are available for pick up and sale in the gathering room. Each family will receive an envelope with 12 tickets to sell or purchase. This year, the drawing will not be held at the parish picnic, so its very important that we get as many tickets returned to the basket in church ASAP. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year which helps support the Scholarship Program. Remember you will not be able to turn your tickets in or purchase additional tickets at the picnic. The drawing will be held on AUGUST 11, 2013 after the 11:15am Mass. Thanks for your continued support!!! Medina County Right to Life "Medina County Right to Life is looking for volunteers to staff their booth at the Medina county Fair. To volunteer or for more information call Mary Carpenter at 330-697-5961."

Mission Appeal For The Jaffna Diocese, Sri Lanka The name of our Missionary Priest is Fr. David Manuelpillai. Sri Lanka is a tiny island, situated off the Southern coast of India in the Indian Ocean. It was formerly called Ceylon and is multi religious and multiethnic in nature. It is a pear shaped island and has been called the pearl in the Indian Ocean. It is well a endowed country with many natural resources like tea, rubber coconuts and diamonds. Sri Lanka has a population of twenty one million people. It has two major races, the Sinhalese who form the majority and the Tamils who form the minority. It is also called the cradle of four major religions of in the world: Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Until 1983 the country was flourishing very well, with people living in peaceful coexistence. But, tensions between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil minority on issues of social asymmetry erupted into war in 1983, reneging on the countrys history of cultural diversity. Since then, a civil war has been going on for more than two decades and eventually reached a terrible climax in 2009 may, which left more than seventy five thousands dead, many more thousands injured and homeless. In the thirty-year long war, more than two hundred thousand people have been killed so far. At present a few thousand people are people are living in refugee camps. The war has left in its wake many thousands of widows, orphans and handicapped people. The committee appointed by the UN to make inquiries on the conduct of the final stages of the battle in Sri Lanka came out with shocking realities. The report can be read in the following link. pdf More about Sri-Lanka next week St. Stephen Youth Group We are leaving from St. Stephen's on Sunday, August 4th at 1 pm for the Cleveland Diocese FEST . The FEST is a fun family oriented outdoor Catholic festival that includes Christian bands, youth rally, food booths etc. Deacon Pete and Mr. McKee will be providing transportation (or you can go with your family and meet us up there). Please email or call the McKee's at 330262-1096 if you want to join us. You will want to bring money for food/water booths. Also bring sun lotion and a blanket or chair to sit on. We return after the 8pm mass/fireworks What is Conscience? Conscience is the inner voice in a man that moves him to do good under any circumstances and to avoid evil by all means. It also is the ability to distinguish the one from the other. In the conscience God speaks to man. God is the one who becomes apparent in the conscience. St Thomas Aquinas wrote, Anything that is done against conscience is a sin, however, Blessed John Paul II noted that Christians have a great help for the formation of conscience in the Church and her Magisterium. (From the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Faith) (Youcat #295) Welcome Holy Land Gifts This Weekend! There will be a display of hand made articles for sale after all Masses this weekend, such as nativity scenes, crucifixes, rosaries, the last supper and many other beautiful religious articles. Due to the recent interruptions of the tourist trade, over 130 Christian families in Bethlehem make their livelihood through the sales of their handmade olive wood religious articles. Thank you for supporting this project to keep the Christians present in the holy land of Jesus birth.

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