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MABINI COLLEGES Daet, Camarines Norte EDUCATION 203 (Mid-Term Examination) Name: ________________________________________ Course: MAED I.

Score:_______________ Equivalent: ___________

IDENTIFICATION: Write the level of measurement that corresponds to the variable in each item. Write your answer on the blank before the number.

__________________1. Third born and fifth born child. __________________2. High and low scores in Statistics. __________________3. Performance of boys and girls in an aptitude test.. __________________4. Color preferences of adults in Cebu __________________5. Failing and passing in a qualifying examination __________________6. Frequencies of strong agree and strongly disagree responses to the creation of K to 12 __________________7. Performance of 100 examinees in LET. __________________8. Positions ranks of graduate students on a social adjustment scale __________________9. The valedictorian and salutatorian in a graduating class. __________________10. Number of students who are in favor of the creation of the law on sexual harassment II. PROBLEM SOLVING. Show all solution. 1. Test Scores Obtained by two students. Test 1 2 3 4 A 12 6 13 2 B 8 10 9 12

5 5 5

6 0 1

7 9 4

8 6 7

9 10 9

10 7 3


Student A was perform better than Student B, because it has a mean of 7 than Student B has only a mean of 6.8

b. Student B was more consistent rather than Student A, because it has a variance of 2.8 while the Student A has a variance of 3.2. It implies only that the higher the variance the lower the consistency and the lower the variance the higher the consistency. 2. Computation of range, mean absolute deviation, inter quartile range, quartile deviation, variance and standard deviation for the set of scores 18,19,10,11,10,25,28,25,24,14,34,25,26,21 and 25.


Solution for the scores obtained made by Sixty students on English Test.

The class of students that took the examination of English Test is heterogeneous learner, because the Normal is greater than the actual.


The data below represent the number of hours of pain relief provided by two brands of headache tablets administered to 24 subjects. These subjects were randomly divided into two groups and each group was treated with different brand. Brand x1 5 8 7 3 4 8 7 5 6 7 5 5 Brand x2 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 3 5 4 2 3


Statement of the Problem Is it true that there is significant difference between the average number of hours of pain relief provided by the two brands of headache tablets? Hypothesis Ho: X1 = X2 Ha: X1 X2 Level of Significance = .05 z= 1.645 Statistical Tool Used T-Test for a two tailed test




V. VI. -

Decision Reject the Ho, since the T- computed falls under the rejection region. Interpretation There is significant difference between the average number of hours of pain relief provided by the two brands of headache tablets

4. Ten randomly chosen participants in a biology training program took a pretest and a posttest. Test .05 level of significance whether the variance of the posttest scores is significantly different from the variance of the pretest scores. Use the date in the table below. Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pretest 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 Post test 6 7 9 8 7 9 13 10 11 16

I. -

Statement of the Problem Is it true that the variance of Post test of chosen participants of a Biology training has a significant difference from the variance of Pre test scores? Hypotheses Ho: X1 = X2 Ha: X1 X2 Level of Significance = .05 z= 1.645 Statistical used tool T-Test Correlated Dependent for a two tailed test



IV. -

V. VI. -

Decision Reject the Ho, since the T-Computed within the Rejection region. Interpretation There is significant difference between the variance of Pre Test and Post test of participants of a Biology Training Program.

7. From a Research survey, it was found that a random sample of 18 elementary graduates of an exclusive private school has a mean NEAT score of 90 with standard deviation of 16, while a random sample of 24 elementary graduates of a public school showed a mean NEAT score 85 with standard deviation of 12. Is there a significant difference in the NEAT performance of these two groups of elementary graduates. (Use 5% level of significance) I. Statement of the Problem Is it true that based from a Research survey there is a significant difference in the NEAT performances of these two groups of elementary graduates? Hypotheses Ho: X1 = X2 Ha: X1 X2 Level of Significance = .05 z= 1.96 Statistical used tools T-Test ( Sample vs. Sample) for two tailed test.



IV. -


Decision Accept the Ho, since the T-Computed within the Acceptance region. Interpretation Since the value Z-computed is 1.11 and it falls under acceptance region in the Decision Rule. Therefore ,there is no significant difference in the NEAT performances of two elementary graduates.


9. An admission officer in a university claims that the overall mean score of all applicants who are admitted in the university is less than the mean score of applicants who are admitted in an engineering course. In a sample of 30 applicants entrance scor e, the mean score and the standard deviation are 100 and 13, respectively. Test the admission officers claim at .05 level of significance that the mean score of applicants who are admitted in an engineering course is 109. I. Statement of the Problem It is true that the admission officer in a university claims that the overall means score of all applicants who are admitted in the university is less than the mean score of applicants who are admitted in an engineering course? Hypotheses Ho: x= 109 Ha: x< 109 Level of Significance = .05 z= - 1.645 Statistical Tool Used T-Test( Population vs. sample) for a one tailed test(left)




V. VI. -

Decision Accept the Ho, since the T-computed is falls under Acceptance region. Interpretation Since the value of T-computed is -.34 and falls beyond the point of acceptance region. Therefore, the claims of admission officer is true that the applicants who are admitted in the university is less than the mean score of applicants who are admitted in an engineering course.

10. the distribution of Filipinos aged 15 and over classified according to smoking behavior and marital status is summarized below. Is smoking behavior related to marital status? Use .05 level of significance. Marital status Smoking Behavior Current-Smoker Non-Smoker Ex-Smoker Single 646 1653 185 Married 1642 4817 615 Separated 41 96 19 Widowed 80 380 64 I. II. Statement of the Problem Is it true that the smoking behavior related to marital status? Hypotheses Ho : X1 = X2 = X3 Ha : X1 X2 X3


IV. -

Level of Significance a = .05 z = = 1.96 Statistical used tools Chi. Sq.(test of independence) for two tailed test

V. -

Decision Since the computed value is 39.92 and the critical value is 12.59. Therefore the computed value is greater than the critical value, then reject the Ho. Interpretation Its true that the smoking behavior of Filipinos aged 15 onwards has related to their marital status.

VI. -

9. The data presented in the table below are the results of grades in the prelim examination obtained by three students in four different subjects ( A,B,C and D). Perform an analysis of variance at the 5% level of significance to test the hypotheses that: a. the subjects are of equal difficulty b. the students have equal ability Students 1 2 3 A 94 90 88 Subjects B C 91 88 93 85 90 90

D 93 95 89

I. II. a.

Statement of the Problem a. Is there a significant difference in the subjects are of equal difficulty? b. Is there a significant difference in the students have equal ability? Hypotheses Ho : There is no significant difference in the subjects are of equal difficulty. Ha : There is significant difference in the subjects are of equal difficulty.

b. Ho : There is no significant difference in the subjects are of equal difficulty. Ha : There is significant difference in the students have equal difficulty. III. Level of Significance a = .05 df = 3 & 8 Critical Value = 4.07 Statistical Tools used ANOVA (One Factor analysis of variance)

IV. -

V. VI. -

Decision If the F computed value is less than the F-tabular value, accept the Ho. Interpretation Since the F-computed value of 4.76 is less than the F-tabular value of 9.78 at .05 level of significance with 3&8 degree of freedom, the null hypothesis is confirmed in the results of grades in the prelim examination obtained by three students in four subjects which means that there is no significant difference in the subjects are of equal difficulty and there is no also significant difference in the students have equal ability.

Submitted by: MIRASOL M. VILLALUZ Maed Student

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