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Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

Book of Matthew (chapters 5, 6 & 7) is where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount which has been referred to as the gospel. Ministers have been called and ordained by God to preach the Gospel of our Lord. Mat24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Love one another

Love one another is the gospel of Jesus sermon (Jhn13:34, 15:12, 17, and Rm13). Three (3) books of the Gospel have attested to love thy neighbor as the 2nd Commandment (Mat23:39, Mar12, 31 and Luk10:12). Every Christian person should have love for one another same as Christ.

The Gospel
Jesus has announced his calling to preach the gospel which patterns Isa61:1 preaching good tidings. Lu4:18 The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.

Sunday Sermon
Sunday sermon is devoted for preaching the gospel. The pulpit should be as if Jesus Christ were delivering his kingdom message. It is not the time to preach a sermon about a ministers personal message. It takes away time from preaching the gospel. Salvation comes solely thru Jesus Christ Lord & Savior.

Mat4:9 Satan has tried to tempt Jesus at Gethsemane to fall down and worship him. Jhn4:23, 24 has admonished Christian assemblies to worship God in Spirit and truth. 1Jo4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Tithes & Offering

Mat23:23-27 is a dire warning that Jesus gave to the disciples towards the scribes and Pharisees how they sit in Moses seat for to lay heavy burdens on mens shoulders. He is talking about paying tithes. Jesus explains his yoke, Mat 11:29, 30.

Bible Study
The foundation for Christian Bible Study is rooted in three (3) scriptures that teach our Christian doctrine to make us fit to reproof, correct and instruct in righteousness. Bible Study should start with the following: 1. 2. 3. 2Ti2:15 2Ti3:16 2Ti3:17

Jesus Christ has ordained forgiveness as mandatory for salvation (Mar11:24, 26). No person may enter into Gods kingdom until he or she has forgiven the person that has trespassed to offend him or her. Mat5:44 has added more conditions for us to abide in order to go to heaven.

Stop the Hatred

If you go to church every Sunday, worship God with tithes or offering, study the bible daily, pray, fast, and do everything holy, but you hate persons you see every day, then guess what? Youre still going to hell because, you have forgotten to carry out the greater acts which are forgiveness and love. See the Two Men parable Luk18:10-14.

My name is Stanley Green. I hope that my article, Sermon on the Mount, has blessed members in the body of Christ. The gospel will set you free of any guilt conscience that ministers may try to lay heavy burdens to pay your tithes. Thats why we refer to it as the Good News. Recall the parable of the poor woman that gave her two mites (Mar12:42, 43). Jesus has awarded her more credit.

When pastors serve Eucharist (Mat26:26, Mar14:22, Luk22:19 and 1Co11:24) this is our New Testaments process to cleanse our sins. It is an act of faith to believe were consuming Jesus body and blood as our own. Were asking God to accept Jesus death as our atonement and propitiation for sins.

If Christians believe in the death burial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ and our pastors have served Eucharist, then trust our faith in the miracle working power of the gospel to deliver our salvation. Jesus has died for sins of the entire world no matter how great they may be (Jhn3:16). Henceforth salvation is a gift of grace from God through Jesus Christ (Rm5:15) and not by works (Gal3:16, 3:2, 5 and 10).

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