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Jeffrey Dixon 300174797 34.1 1 People who are right-handed dominate in our society.

2 Hand tools, machines, and even doors are designed for right-handed people. 3 However, nearly 15 percent of the population may be left-handed. 4 When children enter kindergarten, they generally prefer one hand or the other. 5 Parents and teachers should not try deliberately to change a childs preference for the left hand. 34.2 1 Women have contributed much of significance to American culture. 2 For example, during the colonial era Elizabeth Pinckney introduced indigo, the source of a valuable blue dye. [Sentence correct] 3 Later, in 1821, Emma Willard founded the Troy Female Seminary, the first institution to provide a college-level education for women. 4 Mary Lyon founded Mount Holyoke Female Seminary as the first true womens college with a campus and directors who would sustain the college even after Lyons death. 5 In 1853, Pauline Wright Davis founded Una, the first US newspaper that was dedicated to gaining womens rights. 6 Maria Mitchell, who lived from 1818 to 1889, was the first American woman astronomer. 7 Mitchells Comet, which was named for the astronomer, was discovered in 1847. 34.3 1. Some years ago Detroit cars were often praised. 2. Large luxury cars were especially prized. 3. Then a serious oil shortage led drivers to value small foreign cars that got good mileage. [Correct] 4. When ample gasoline supplies returned, consumers again bought large American cars and trucks. 5. Consumers were not loyal to the big vehicles when gas prices rose dramatically. 34.4 1 To understand why people with serious illnesses and other conditions often respond well to animals, scientists are studying the bond between humans and animals. 2 Several formal studies have concluded that pets can improve peoples emotional well-being. 3 Suffering from Alzheimers and unable to recognize her husband, one womans ability to identify her beloved dog was unaffected. [Correct] 4 Once subject to violent outbursts, an autistic boy was calmed by his companion dog. 5 Facing long hospital stays, patients can be cheered up by pet-therapy dogs. 34.5 1 Several nights a week, Central American tungara frogs silence their mating croaks. 2 When not croaking, they reduce the chance that they will be eaten by predators. 3 The frogs seem to believe fully in safety in numbers. 4 More than likely, they will croak along with a large group rather than by themselves. 5 By forgoing croaking on some nights, the frogs prevent the species from croaking. 23.4 1. Air pollution is a health problem affecting millions of Americans. 2. Polluted mainly by industries and automobiles, the air contains toxic chemicals.

Jeffrey Dixon 300174797 3. Environmentalists pressure politicians to pass stricter laws. 4. Wavering politicians are not necessarily against environmentalism. 5. The problems are too complex to be solved easily. 23.5 1. Her face beaming, Geraldine Ferraro enjoyed the crowds cheers after her nomination for vice president. 2. A vacancy having occurred, Sandra Day OConnor was appointed the first female Supreme Court justice. 3. The vote complete, Madeleine Albright was confirmed as the first female secretary of state. 4. Her appointment confirmed, Condoleezza Rice became the first female national security adviser. 5. The election over, Nancy Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House of Representatives. 23.6 1. Some people, geniuses from birth, perform amazing feats when they are very young. 2. John Stuart Mill, a British philosopher, had written a history of Rome by age seven. 3. Paul Klee and Gustav Mahler, two great artists, began their work at age four. 4. Mahler, a Bohemian composer of intensely emotional works, was also the child of a brutal father. 5. As a child the Swiss painter Paul Klee was frightened by his own drawings of devils. 23.9 1. Moviegoers expect movie sequels to be as exciting as the original films. 2. Although a few sequels are good films, most are poor imitations of the originals. 3. Whenever a sequel to a blockbuster film arrives in the theater, crowds quickly line up to see it. 4. Viewers pay to see the same villains and heroes, because they remember these characters fondly. 5. Afterward, viewers often grumble about filmmakers who rehash tired plots and characters.

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