Modeling of Multi-Converter More Electric Ship Power Systems Using The Generalized State Space Method

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The 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronlcs Society, November 2 - 6,2004, Busan, Korea

Modeling of Multi-Converter More Electric Ship Power Systems using the Generalized State Space Averaging Method
Madan M. Jalla, Ali Emadi2,Geoffrey A. Williamson3,and Babak Fahimi4

*, Madan M. Jalla, Ali Emadi, and Geoffrey A. Williamson, Electric Power and Power Electronics Center, Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616-3793, USA, Phone: +1/(3 12)567-8940, Fax: +1/(3 12)567-8976, e-mail: emadi@) Babak Fahimi, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0040, USA, Phone: +1/(573)341-4552, Fax: +1/(573)341-6771, e-mail:

Abstruc+Based on the more electric ship (MES)concept, conventional mechanical hydraulic, and pneumatic power transfer systems are replaced by electrical systems in different sea vehicles. Considering different levels of power requirements o f various electrical loads and for the achievement of compact, light, safe, and efficient power supplies, implementation of multi-convertcr power electronics based power systems is the most feasible option in the development of advanced navy vehicles. This paper presents a modular approach for the modeling and simulation of multiconverter MES power systems based on the generalized state space averaging method. MES power systems may consist of many individual converters connected together to form large and complex systems. In addition to simplifying the analysis procedure, by using the proposed method, time step for snaIysis of the system can be increased. Therefore, required computation time and computer memory for complex systems can be reduced considerably. In this paper, after introducing the proposed approach, results of applying the method to a representative system are presented. ExperimentaI results are also provided to verify the proposed technique. I. l 0 D U C n O N Navies utilize surface combatants and aircraft carriers as sea vehicles and submarines as undersea vehicles. Traditionally, segregated power system (SPS) configurations have been used in these types of vehicles where separate prime movers are used to supply power to the propulsion system through geared drives, which consume almost 80-90% of the total power [l], [2]. The prime movets are also used to drive generators. Generators supply power to the electrical distribution systems that contain transformers, switchboards, and circuit breakers to supply power to various electrical loads such as ship service and combatant loads. However, this type of power system configuration has proved inefficient, as the high-speed propulsion is not always the prime requirement of these vehicles. Therefore, tactical diversion of this surplus mechanical power to electricity was needed for the procurement of all distinct advantages of the more electric ship (MES) approach. In recent sea vehicles, implementation of integrated power system (IPS) configurations has brought revolution, where, as shown in Fig. I , a common set of generators is used to supply power to ship service and combatant loads as well as electric propulsion systems [I].This configuration has improved fuel efficiency of these vehicles for different ranges of speed while ensuring quieter operation. IPS has also made

the modular equipment approach more realistic. As shown in Fig. 1, the power electronic interface contains modular high or medium power AC or DC converters with inbuilt control assemblies that handle high generated electrical power. These converters supply power to main AC or DC bus in sea vehicles via isolation transformers and generator switchboards (SBs). Power conversion and distribution system contains multiple interconnected power electronic converters and inverters working in individual modules.

Fig. 1. Integrated DC power system.

-F e

c s*cm

In these systems, due to interconnections between different converters, a large variety of dynamic interactions is possible. If the system is defined as a large-signal model, as is required for the system level studies, linearized state space models are invalid 131. Time domain simulation of y s t e m modules, which includes non-linear time-varying s the protection circuitry, system control dynamics, and limitations, must be used for accuracy of the overall system performance simulation. Transient simulations using switching models of power electronic converters require vast computer resources and long simulation times [4], [5]. Conventionally, averaging techniques are used for modeling of these systems. The averaged model runs much faster than the comparable switching model and does not require excessive computer resources [5]-[ 1 11. However, rapid and large-signal dynamics cannot be followed by the averaging methods. Therefore, we use a generalized method in which we consider the average of the state variables as well as the harmonics.

0-7803-8730-9/04/$20 .OOa 2 0 0 4 IEE E



Generalized state space averaging method [12], [I31 is based on the fact that the waveform x ( t ) can be approximated with arbitrary precision in the (t-r t] range by the Fourier series:

k - n

Each converter receives its voltage source from the preceding converter along with other converters in the stage, and supplies outputs to the following load converters no. 1, ..., N, in addition to resistive toads represented all by resistance R [3]. We suppose that the converter of Fig. 2 is a PWM DCDC buck, boost, or buck-boost converter operating in continuous conduction mode, with switching period T and duty cycle d. To apply the generalized state space averaging method, first a commutation function u(t) is defined as


u(t) =

1,O < t < dT

0,dT < t < T


In relation (I), the value of n depends on the required degree of accuracy, and if n approaches infinity, the approximation error approaches zero. If we only consider the term K=O,we have the same state space averaging method [SI. If a state variable does not have an oscillating form and is almost constant, we only use the term (K4). Also, if a state variable only has an oscillating form similar to a sine wave, we use the terms K=-1,I. This method is named first harmonic approximation. In addition, if a state variable has a DC coordinate, also has an oscillating form, we use the terms K=-I,O,l. However, more terms we consider, more accuracy we have. Selection of T for modelling of each converter is very important, which should be considered carefully. For instance, it is switching period in DC/DC converters and main wave period of the output voltage in DCiAC inverters. The < x > k ( t ) is complex Fourier coefficient. These Fourier coeficients are functions of time since the interval under consideration slides as a function of time. The analysis computes the time-evolution of these Fourier coefficients as the window of length T slides over the actual waveform, Our approach is to determine an appropriate state space model in which the coefficients (2) are the state variables. In this paper, through the application of generalized state space averaging method, we present a modular approach for the modelling of multi-converter MES power systems [3]. The converters and subsystems of the system are modularised and subsequently interconnected to form the complete system. Modularising the system into converters and subsystems has several advantages: 1) converters and subsystems models can be used in different systems, 2) it reduces the complexity of modelling large systems by modelling a less complex subsystem, 3) the proposed models can be verified with manageable test conditions.

This commutation knction depends on the circuit switching control, which determines when the circuit topology changes according to time. Fig. 3 shows a DC/DC PWM buck converter. The unified set of circuit state variable equations, in continuous conduction mode of operation, is obtained by applying (3) to the two sets of topological circuit state space equations.

1 %= -[v,,u(t)
-= -[iL - io,]

- v,]

iin = i l u ( t )



I PWM Controller I
Fig. 3. DCDC P W M buck converter

Nevertheless, in the set of equations of the generalized state space averaged model, the actual state space variables are the Fourier coefficients. Using the first-order approximation to obtain iLand V o , we have six real state variables as below

<i, > l = x L - t j x 2 , < i L >o=x5

< vo

x, +jx,,< v, >*= x,


Since i~ and V , are real,

< iL

>-I =c iL

>;,< v,

>-I =< Y,




Otherloadsof the Source Converter

where the operator * means the conjugate of a complex number. The circuit state variables are calculated and given by



Fig. 2. Interconnecting converters in a multi-converter MES system

+ 2x1C0swt - 2xJino t U, = x6 + 2x3Coswt - 2x,Sino t

= x,



By applying the time derivative property of the Fourier coefficientsin (4).

One comes to

weaponry systems. These power conversion and distribution modules can actively control the couplings behveen various parts of the system and, thus, manage to isolate and prevent propagation of fault. In this paper, we present a representative system, which is consistent w i t h the practical multi-converter MES power electronic systems. Then, we study the dynamics associated with the multiconverter environment in this system.


0 1

L Y '


Fig. 4. A represeniative multi-convekerMES power electronic system.

where i . is the input current of the load converter #j and


Fig. 4 shows the concept of a representative system. This s y s t e m Is a hybrid system with main DC distribution system. AC loads are feeding from the main AC bus, which is provided by DC/AC inverters, The load convertersalong with the loads are assumed ideal consrant power loads as shown in Fig. 4. Tables I & II show the bus voltages and the type of power eIec!xonics converters for the representative system of Fig. 4, respectively.

R is the resistive load of the converter. Equations (9)-(I I )

arc the generalized state space averaged model of the buck


The US. Navy strategy for power on surface ships is embodied in the Electric Ship concept based on the trend toward more electric in commercial industry and utilities [I], 121, [ l S ] , [IS]. The basic premise is, the use ofelechic power as the primary medium or energy transfer around the ship, with conversion to !he appropriate energy form at the user equipment. Navies have been doing extensive research for implementing DC zonal electrical distribution systems in sea and undersea vehicles. As shown in Fig. 4 , in this type of distribution system, AC power is rectified f r o m a high power AC bus to DC at the voltage levels of 500-600V via three-phase boost rectifiers to supply power to main DC bus (either port bus or starboard bus). Then, the voltage at the main bus is stepped down to 400-420 V through DC/DC buck converters. The power conversion modules (PCM) act as buffers between main DC bus and various zones separated by watertight bulkheads to supply single and three-phase inverters and other DC loads at suitable vottages. The power distribution modules (PDM) consist of single and three-phase inverters, which supply AC loads. A solid-state frequency changer is used to supply power at 400Hz frequencies for gyros, radar, sonar, and

Converter Module(CM1) Converter Module (CMZ) Converter Module (CM3) Converter Module (CM4) Convetter Module (CM5) Converter Module (CM6)
DCiDC Load ~ n v e r t e(cpL) r
DC/AC Load Inverter (MC)

Buck Converter Buck Converter Buck Convener Buck Converter Bufk Converter Buck Converter Buck Converter with Hysteresis

3-Phaw Inverter with RL b a d

inverter Module (IM)

5 10

of the load converter to reduce the ripples. It is assumed that the starboard bus is out of service due to a fault and remainder of the system is fed from the port power supply. All the loads are operating at the capacity listed in Table

The circuit state variables are calculated and given by

iLl =xl+2x,Cosot-2x6Sinot

vc, = xz + 2x7Coswt - 2x8Sinmt

iLz =x3+2~~Coswt-2x,,Sinot v, = x4 + ~ X , ~ C U tS 2xl,Sinw O t



+ - . - ; ~ - + ~ m ? + ~ ~

Assuming low voltage rippIes compared to the average value at the output DC bus, zero and first harmonics of the nonlinear term (1 /vo) can be written as


<->>=1 1
x 4

Fig. 5 . Interconnectingconstant power and constant voltage loads to

converter module.


Using equations (31, (S), (12), (13), {14) and (16), state space equations of the converter can be written as



The representative system of Fig. 4 was analyzed by the proposed method. If the first- order approximation is used, the corresponding model m a t r i x has twelve real state space variables for the converter module in Fig. 5 . The unified set of circuit state variable equations, in continuous conduction mode of operation, is obtained by applying (3) to the four sets of top~logicalcircuit state space equations for the converter in Fig S.

Due to nonlinear behavior of constant power loads, the model of the system is nonlinear. After linearizing the equations (17) around the operating point, linearized model of the system can be expressed as

Using the first-order approximation to obtain iLl, iL2, V C ~ and

v,, we have twelve real state variables as below

<iLl>o=xl, <i,,>,=X,+jx,

Since iLl, iLz,vCl and v, are real,


51 1

The acquired outputs of this method along with the results of the exact topological models of the system have been shown in Fig 6 and Fig 7. These are steady state waveforms of voltages of bus #1,2 and 3 and inductor current of converter modules 1 and 3.

module on the starboard bus (CM4, CM4, or CM5) operating from one of the two distribution busses. Diodes prevent a fault from one bus being fed by the opposite bus. The converter modules feature a droop characteristic so that they share power. The three loads consist of an inverter module (IM) that, in turn, feeds an AC load bank (LB), a motor controller @IC), and a generic constant power load

Port Bus

Starboard Bus
Fig. 8. Naval combat survivability DC distributiontest setup

Figs. 9 and 10 depict the performance of the test system for hrro cases. Variables depicted include port bus voltage, zone 1 voltage (voltage at input to IM), zone 2 voltage (voltage at input to MC), and zone 3 voltage (voltage at o CPL). Initially, the parameters are those for Case I . input t

.I.* I L l l l



a ..I.



I1111 I




(5 m c ,

Fig. 6. Voltage simulation of the steady state operation by the exact topoIogical models (solid line) and generalized state spaceaveraging method (dotted line).
1 .

Fig. 9.Measured system perfommcefor Case 1.


, . E l


, H I , 1.111

1 .r..



I L11.



, , E l .

a 1 1 1







. I

. I

Fig. 7 . Current simulation of the steady state operation by the exact topological models (solid line) and generalized state space averaging method (dotted line).


t w


. y




In the experimental system of Fig. 8, there are two power supplies (PSI and PS2), one of which feeds the port bus and the other one feeds the starboard bus (only one connection is active at a time). There are three zones of DC distribution. Each zone is fed by a converter module (CM) on the port bus (CMI, CM2, or CM3) and a converter

. . 5
. -


Fig 10 Measured system performance for Case 2

As can be seen, the waveforms are constant, aside from the switching induced ripple. Approximately, one-half of the way into the study, the parameters are changed to match


Case 2. It should be observed that this change of parameters does not change the steady-state operating point. Comprehensive comparison between the simulation and experimental results will be provided in the full version of the paper.

In this paper, modelling and simulation of m u l t i converter MES power electronic systems have been presented. A modular modelling approach based on the generalized state space averaging technique has been used to build large-signal models. In addition, the representative system was f 3 l y analysed by the proposed method. Simulation results were compared to the exact topological state space model and to the well-known state space averaging method. Furthermore, a detailed analysis was presented regarding the influence of different parameters, such as switching frequency and duty cycle, on the moving average and harmonics obtained from the generalized state space averaging method. Since this method can provide a unified time-invariant, large-signal state space model of the converters, a software package like Matlab can be used for controller design and stability analysis. The models obtained in this paper can be used for stability assessment and controller design for multi-converter MES power electronic systems.

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We would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Missouri-Rolla in providing us the access to the experimental test setup.

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