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Episode 1: The Trouble Begins

NARRATOR(VOICE OVER): Welcome to Crossover Abridged we are now joining Goku on King Kais Planet. EXT.KING KAIS PLANET. Goku is talking to King Kai on his planet. GOKU: So you mean to tell me that there are other heroes but, in different universes? KING KAI: Thats correct. GOKU: So could I contact them. KING KAI: No Goku! If they are contacted by you and brought out of their world then.... GOKU: Bored now. Gonna do it anyway. KING KAI: WHAT! Goku all of your egos colliding are too risky for the... GOKU: Yeah, I stopped listening a long time ago, so could you turn around so I can contact them? KING KAI: Oh fine. But whatever happens is on your head. Goku places his hand on King Kai. As Gokus voice plays, his voice is heard through the other universes and his own. GOKU VOICE OVER: Attention all important heroes and other main characters of the other shows...My name is Goku.....and....and...Hey King Kai




KING KAI VOICE OVER: What! GOKU VOICE OVER: What should I say? KING KAI VOICE OVER: Sweet mother of....Look Just say something instead of standing there like a moron. GOKU VOICE OVER: Alright....My name is Goku and Im the main hero of my universe. I think we should all get together and just have a feast or something. hmm anything else...Nope that pretty much covers it. So if you believe your important, youll be at the meet up. Bye now. NARUTO UNIVERSE Gokus & King Kais voice plays in the background NARUTO: WHAT THE HELL! SASUKE: Who is that guy? AVATAR UNIVERSE Gokus voice plays in the background AANG: Oh great what now? TOPH: Hey I know that name! He beat the tar out of me. SOKKA: Then wouldnt not going be the best idea? TOPH: Hellooooo Im in a different body moron.




AZULA: Well I for one think we should go. Itd be interesting. ZUKO: She may be crazy. But shes right. AANG: Then its settled. KORRA: Whoa! Why should we just up and leave? AZULA: Because if you dont. Ill kill you. BOLLIN: Fair enough. FAIRY TAIL UNIVERSE HAPPY: Come on Natsu. You heard that guy. We need to go. NATSU: I dont wanna. HAPPY: But free food! NATSU: Not everything is about food Happy. Plus you know what traveling in vehicles for long distances does to me not to mention this is another universe. HAPPY: Fine you party pooper. SOUL EATER UNIVERSE SOUL: Well Makka. What do you think? Should we go?




MAKKA: No we need to focus and get the souls we need. SOUL: Hmmmm good point. Plus this could be an elaborate scheme. MAKKA: Exactly, so the way to avoid it and risk falling into a trap is to not go. SOUL: Fair point. So lets skip this meet up. POKEMON UNIVERSE ASH: Well Im going! MISTY: Ash wait. This guy could talk to us through another universe. This could be dangerous. CHARIZARD: I say we should go. This "guy" could be a legendary Pokemon. PIKACHU: Yeah girl dont be so.....whats the word? CHARIZARD: Stupid? PIKACHU: No...but close enough. BROCK: It cant hurt to check it out. MISTY: Fine, but dont blame me when we die. PIKACHU: Chillax girl. This mouse has your back.


DBZ UNIVERSE VEGETA: Hmph! So Kakarot wants a bunch of useless characters to get together with us. This should be interesting GOHAN: I bet there will even be people weaker then Krillin. VEGETA: I heard tales of one named Sokka and another named Sakura. Apparently very useless just like this meeting. NARRATOR(VOICE OVER): Indeed they are Vegeta! But Goku what have you done? This may be one problem that you wont be able to solve. All these egos colliding. How will they even get there? Find out next time on Crossover Abridged!.

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