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F(t) y(t)

M c k

Fig. 1

SDOF Oscillator

Equation of motion describing dynamic equilibrium:

&& + cy & + ky = F (t ) My


it is useful to examine several limiting cases:


&& + ky = 0 My


and assuming the motion of the mass can be described by the sum of sinusoidal components: y (t ) = C1 sin o t + C 2 cos o t where o =
k the undamped natural frequency M


Constants C1 and C2 are determined from initial conditions (e.g. if the mass is held at a given initial displacement and released, C1 = 0 and C2 = yo ) the motion can also be written in terms of an initial displacement and a phaseshift: y (t ) = y o sin( o t + ) (4)

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CEE490b where the initial displacement y o , is:

2 2 y o = (C1 + C2 )


and the phase-shift , is:

= tan 1 (C 2 / C1 )



&& + cy & + ky = 0 My
&& + y c k &+ y =0 y M M

divide by M

2 = k / M and 2 = c / M and introducing; o

2 && + 2y & + o y y =0


a Particular Solution to this differential equation is:

& = Cpe pt and y && = Cp 2 e pt y = Ce pt so y

substituting, we now get a quadratic equation in the variable, p: p 2 + 2p + 2 = 0 p1,2 = 2 4 2 4 2 2 (8abc)

p1,2 = 2 2 defining the damping ratio as: D = / = , then: p1,2 = o D 2 1 (9)

therefore the solution (magnitude of the motion), depends on the magnitude of the damping D, relative to 1. There are 3 possible situations: D is less than 1 (termed subcritical damping) D is equal to 1 (termed critical damping), or D is greater than 1 (termed supercritical damping)

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1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 y(t) 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 time, t
Fig. 2. Free Damped Oscillations (f = 1.0 Hz, D = 0.032, critical and supercritical)
Sub-critical Critical Super-critical Peak


Only the Subcritical case with D < 1, results in oscilliatory response. The other two cases are not relevant to civil engineering. For D < 1 The solution of free vibrations becomes:
' y (t ) = y oe t sin( o t + o )


= o 1 D 2 , the damped natural frequency where o (recall that the undamped natural frequency, o = k / M ) For most civil engineering applications, the structural damping is much less than 1, typically of the order of 0.001 (for a bridge cable) to 0.05 (for cracked concrete) so for practical purposes, o = o There are two important cases that arise with free damped vibrations:
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i) ii)

when the initial velocity is zero, but with a finite initial amplitude when the initial amplitude is zero, but with a finite initial velocity

&o = 0 i) y o = A and y
t y (t ) = Ae t cos o Ae t cos o t


The structural damping of a system (e.g. chimney, flagpole, bridge) can be estimated by utilizing this relationship. Often, a structure can be given an initial displacement, A, then released and the subsequent decay with amplitude recorded. The decrease in amplitude between successive cycles of vibration is dependent on the damping (recall that D = / ). The amplitude y(t) for multiples of the period of vibration N* (2 / o ) at the same point in the oscillation, will yield a straight line when AN +1 / A is plotted vs. N
12 10 N = 5.00 Ln(A(N)/A(0)) 8 N 6 4 2 0 1 A(N)/A(0) 10

Fig. 3.

Fit to Decay in Peak Amplitude Ratio vs. Cycle Number AN +1 1 From the above fit, the structural damping would be: = ln D = = 0 .2 2 A 5 N 0 .2 (logarithmic decrement) or D= = 0.032 = 3.2% 2
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CEE490b &o = V ii) y o = 0 and y

y (t ) =

V t V t t e sin o e sin o t o o


An example of this type of situation would be with a body initially at rest and experience an impact with another body.

C) RESPONSE TO HARMONIC EXCITATION && + cy & + ky = Fo cos t My


The steady-state response (once the influence of the initial conditions is lost) is:
Fo cos(t + ) K F where o = y st , the static deflection under force, Fo K y (t ) =


2 2 2 2 1 2 + 4D 2 o o 1/ 2

, the dynamic amplification factor, or the mechanical admittance (15a)

= tan

2D / o , the phase angle between the excitation and the response (15b) 2 ( ) 1 / o

The complete solution is the summation of the steady-state response and the && + cy & + ky = 0 ), when evaluated with solution of the Homogeneous equation ( My specific initial conditions.
' y (t ) = y st cos(t + ) + y o e t sin( o t + o )


y(t) = Steady-state Solution + Transient Solution the transient solution damps out or disappears when the initial disturbance is past.

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At resonance, the excitation frequency, is equal to the natural frequency, o , and the dynamic amplification factor becomes: 1/ 2 1 = 2 = 1 2D 4D The phase angle becomes:


= tan

2D o = 90 = 2 0


The response becomes:

1 y (t ) = y st cos(t ) 2 2D The maximum response is:

y (t )max = y st 1 2D



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Constant Force Excitation P (t ) = Po cos t and y (t ) =

Po cos(t + ) k


Quadratic Excitation, where =

2 y 2 = o me e / m m e 2 m e 2 P (t ) = me e 2 cos t and y (t ) = e cos(t + ) = e cos(t + ) m o2 k

Dimensionless response to Harmonic Loads (Dynamic Amplitudes and Phase Shift)
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Fig. 4.

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