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The Blood Sacrifice of Trayvon Martin It is very important to understand the Illuminati Occult is very egocentric and is obsessed

to boast about their accomplishments in a covert style that will cause national or worldwide attention and that causes conflict and emotional interactions. This is also how the Freemasons communicate. Interesting enough Trayvon Martins father, Tracy Martin is a Freemason. There are elite Freemasons and Illuminati of every race around the world. Purpose of sacrifice: To trigger a Race War, Civil Unrest and Martial Law, in order to unleash the police and military on the people for the edification the authors of North American Union and The New World Order. Refer to Masonic/Illuminati tactics such as, False Flag Operations PSY-OPS and Problem Reaction Solution. The Tension Strategy: The Strategy of Tension is a tactic that aims to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions. Fact: Sybrina Fulton Tracy Martin Al Sharpton Barack Obama Dick Cheney Jesse Jackson Are confirmed Masonic Illuminati Freemasons. Fact: Masonic Illuminati Occult Numerology: Death day: 2-26-2012 = 13 Zimmerman Charged: 4-11-2012 = 11 Trayvon age 17 Dick Cheney age 71 Heart transplant was 29 days after the murder = 11 Zimmerman Verdict 7/7/13.... Coincidence? Fact: Dick Cheney and George Bush are both high ranking Masonic Illuminati members and cousins of Barack Obama 8 times removed. (Blood is thicker than water) Just today on the BBC reporting about Zimmerman charged with murder the mother quote concerning the heart: In the wake of the announcement, Trayvon Martins mother and father appeared alongside civil rights leader Al Sharpton (Fellow Freemason) to hail the charge against George Zimmerman.

We just wanted an answer, and we got it, Sybrina Fulton (Eastern Star)said. A heart has no colour it is not black, it is not white. Its red, she added, her voice cracking with emotion. His father, Tracy Martin, said more effort and more faith would be required from those seeking justice. Trayvon Martin & the Other Side of the Rainbow (How much faith did Tracy have in his son?) Sadly, there is more to the story. Alicia Stanley entered the picture of Trayvon Martins hidden legend. Ms. Stanley is Tracy Martins former spouse of 14 years. She had been with Tracy about a year before his official divorce from Trayvons birth mom, Sybrina Fulton. She alleged that it was she that raised Trayvon from the age of 3 years old. Between the times Trayvon was around 7 years old, up to the summer of 2010 when Trayvon was 15, Ms. Stanley had been his mom. After Tracy began an affair with Brandi Green of Sanford, FL, he moved Trayvon back to the permanent guardianship of his birth mom. However, from the summer of 2010, Trayvon appeared to have been moved from family to family, location to another location until he was slain. Ms. Stanley suggests that leading up to Trayvons death; he felt a sense of distance and abandonment from his father and mother, Tracy and Sybrina It appears that Brandis sister, Zakiya Richardson, also resided with her. Brandi and Zakiya were members of the Order of Eastern Stars (Female Masons) (United Grand Lodge of England), Marium 599 out of Orlando, FL They are also Seething of Lucifer. Zakiya may also have been at the Masonic convention. However, I dont recall that Trayvon had possession of any keys when he was slain. Someone may have been in Brandis condominium that night and set Trayvon out alone that night on a Rainbow Bridge of no return. Before Brandi Green learned the details of Trayvons slaying, she volunteered that Trayvon was slain while sitting on the porch in the dark. Was Trayvon intentionally locked out of Brandis condo during the hunt? Was that the original plan- mistaken for a burglar? On Sunday, February 26, 2012, the Night of the Hunter, Trayvon walked to a local store on a mission to get an Arizona Tea and Skittles to taste the Rainbow. Skittles, its major marketing campaign is Taste the Rainbow. The Rainbow with its seven colors has long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, which exposes the New Age Occult Movement, says that the Rainbow also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge is used as a hypnotic device. The Supreme Council of the 33rd of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism as in Illuminati Druidism, the 21 Lessons of Merlyn- the Rainbow is described as A true sign of Magicit exists in both worlds at once! What appears odd is that Tracys lodge sponsors youth fraternity divisions. Masonic Orders such as the Masons and Eastern Stars youth organizations include Jobs Daughters, International Order for the Rainbow for Girls, and The Order of Demolay for Boys. Demolay is the worlds largest fraternity for young men twelve to twenty-one years of age. Yet, it appears that Tracy had deliberately kept his son at distance from his lodge and fraternity activities, because he would become a lamb of sacrifice to Baal Moloch. aka Satin Jehovah Saturn El and or Enlil. ( The Biblical God)

Fact: George Zimmerman is Jewish Although CNN and other media outlets continually state that George Zimmerman is a white Hispanic neighborhood watchman, it is simply not true. Zimmerman is a man of mixed Jewish descent who was born to a Jewish father and a Peruvian mother. Obviously, Jew on Black crime is not race war material, so an alternative reality has to be pimped in order to further the Zionist agenda. George Zimmermans father is Robert Zimmerman, a retired Jewish judge in Florida. This fact obviously makes George Zimmerman Jewish. The last name of Zimmerman is a predominantly Jewish name, especially popular among Ashkenazim Jews. Researched and developed by Akyas Easu You may also go to my Youtube Channel Akyas Easu Playlist (Black Truth Rising) For information about the Illuminati you can Youtube Truthzonetvcom Twitter @AkyasEasu Namaste Sources.. Wiki

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