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Interesting Dream Dream is held in the area of our mind when we are asleep. It happens to all.

Often, dream is helpful. A mathematician often gets the right method to -solve a difficult sum in his dream. Some people feel that they are taking delicious dish and sweet fruits in their dream. Sometimes a very interesting drama is enacted in our dream and that makes us laugh in our deep sleep. Sometimes we also cry due to the influence of a tragic dream. Dreams may be real or imaginary. When we think about a thing or an event very much in our practical life, a dream concerning that thing or that event touches our subconscious mind in our slumber. Once I had a dream about a strange animal. In my dream I was walking through a desert. I met an animal. I had not seen that animal before. When it came to me, I asked him his name. He said that his name was dinosaur. Still I could not believe my eyes. Because dinosaurs as a species are already extinct from the world. It was a baby dinosaur. So it did not harm me. Then I took care of the baby dinosaur. It grew up. It became my friend. It was indeed an admirable friendship. Once a drought affected our locality. We got little rain. There was no crop. People were starving. The dinosaur also could not get water and food. Still it did not break the friendship. It went wherever I went. One day it narrated its sufferings and cried. I realised that the dinosaur was really on the verge of death. But I was helpless. It was a desert where water was impossible to be found. After a moment, the dinosaur forgot the friendship and began to yawn. He tried to satisfy his hunger by swallowing me. I was afraid of the large mouth of the dinosaur. Then I began to run and save my life. The dinosaur too ran after me. I shouted for help. Then my mother woke up and splashed water on me. I got up. The dream was suddenly broken. At that time I was sweating and trembling. My mother said that it was only a dream. Then I resumed my sense and realised that I was just dreaming. This dream as imaginary. The next evening, we saw the film "The Jurassic Park" and through it I got rid of my fear of the dinosaur which is really a dead species. I told my friends all about my dream. They laughed and enjoyed it. When my father heard it, he commented that scientists in the world are trying their best to create a living dinosaur again. If dinosaur will reappear, it will create a great danger to human existence on the earth. The dream was really very interesting. I tried to dream the same story again, but I was unsuccessful.

Interesting Dream Dream is held in the area of our mind when (subordinating conjunction) we are asleep. It happens to all. Often, dream is helpful. A mathematician often gets the right method to -solve a difficult sum in his dream. Some people feel that (subordinating conjunction) they are taking delicious dish and (coordinating conjunction) sweet fruits in their dream. Sometimes a very interesting drama is enacted in our dream and (coordinating conjunction) that (subordinating conjunction) makes us laugh in our deep sleep. Sometimes we also cry due to the influence of a tragic dream. Dreams may be real or imaginary. When (subordinating conjunction) we think about a thing or (coordinating conjunction) an event very much in our practical life, a dream concerning that (subordinating conjunction) thing or (coordinating conjunction) that (subordinating conjunction) event touches our subconscious mind in our slumber. Once (subordinating conjunction) I had a dream about a strange animal. In my dream I was walking through a desert. I met an animal. I had not seen that (subordinating conjunction) animal before (subordinating conjunction). When (subordinating conjunction) it came to me, I asked him his name. He said that (subordinating conjunction) his name was dinosaur. Still I could not believe my eyes. Because (subordinating conjunction) dinosaurs as (subordinating conjunction) a species are already extinct from the world. It was a baby dinosaur. So (coordinating conjunction) it did not harm me. Then I took care of the baby dinosaur. It grew up. It became my friend. It was indeed an admirable friendship. Once (subordinating conjunction) a drought affected our locality. We got little rain. There was no crop. People were starving. The dinosaur also could not get water and food. Still it did not break the friendship. It went wherever (subordinating conjunction) I went. One day it narrated its sufferings and cried. I realised that (subordinating conjunction) the dinosaur was really on the verge of death. But (coordinating conjunction) I was helpless. It was a desert where water was impossible to be found. After (subordinating conjunction) a moment, the dinosaur forgot the friendship and (coordinating conjunction) began to yawn. He tried to satisfy his hunger by swallowing me. I was afraid of the large mouth of the dinosaur. Then I began to run and (coordinating conjunction) save my life. The dinosaur too ran after (subordinating conjunction) me. I shouted for (coordinating conjunction) help. Then my mother woke up and (coordinating conjunction) splashed water on me. I got up. The dream was suddenly broken. At that time I was sweating and (coordinating conjunction) trembling. My mother said that (subordinating conjunction) it was only a dream. Then I resumed my sense and (coordinating conjunction) realised that (subordinating conjunction) I was just dreaming. This dream as (subordinating conjunction) imaginary. The next evening, we saw the film "The Jurassic Park" and (coordinating conjunction) through it I got rid of my fear of the dinosaur which is really a dead species. I told my friends all about my dream. They laughed and enjoyed it. When (subordinating conjunction) my father heard it, he commented that (subordinating conjunction) scientists in the world are trying their best to create a living dinosaur again. If (subordinating conjunction) dinosaur will reappear, it will create a great danger to human existence on the earth. The dream was really very interesting. I tried to dream the same story again, but (coordinating conjunction) I was unsuccessful.

Conjunction When

Meaning At or during the time

Example - Dream is held in the area of our mind when we are asleep. - When we think about a thing - When it came to me, I asked him his name. - When my father heard it, he commented


Introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis

- Some people feel that they are taking delicious dish - Sometimes a very interesting drama is enacted in our dream and that makes us laugh in our deep sleep. - a dream concerning that thing or that event touches our subconscious mind in our slumber. - I had not seen that animal before. - He said that his name was dinosaur. -. I realised that the dinosaur was really on the verge of death. - My mother said that it was only a dream. - Then I resumed my sense and realised that I was just dreaming. - When my father heard it, he commented that scientists in the world are trying their best to create a living dinosaur again.


(a) To transition from the first independent clause to the second independent clause.

- Then I resumed my sense and realised that I was just dreaming. - saw the film "The Jurassic Park" and through it I got rid of my fear of the dinosaur - Sometimes a very interesting drama is enacted in our dream and that makes us laugh in our deep sleep.

(b) To suggest that one idea is chronologically sequential to another:

- Some people feel that they are taking delicious dish and sweet fruits in their dream. - The dinosaur also could not get water and food. - One day it narrated its sufferings and cried.

- After a moment, the dinosaur forgot the friendship and began to yawn. - Then I began to run and save my life. - Then my mother woke up and splashed water on me. - At that time I was sweating and trembling. - They laughed and enjoyed it. Or To suggest the inclusive combination of alternatives - When we think about a thing or an event very much in our practical life, a dream concerning that thing or that event touches our subconscious mind in our slumber. - Once I had a dream about a strange animal. - Once a drought affected our locality. Before During the period of time preceding Because For this reason - Because dinosaurs as a species are already extinct from the world. As Used to indicate that something happens during the time when something is taking place So Act as a kind of summing up device or transition Wherever At whatever time; on whatever occasion (emphasizing a lack of restriction) But Contrary. The conjunction facilitates the transition between independent clauses by conveying a sense that the meaning of the second clause is going to be different from the sense expressed in the first - But I was helpless. - I tried to dream the same story again, but I was unsuccessful. - It went wherever I went. - So it did not harm me. - Because dinosaurs as a species are already extinct from the world. - This dream as imaginary. - I had not seen that animal before.


As soon as

clause. After During the period of time following (an event) - After a moment, the dinosaur forgot the friendship and began to yawn. - The dinosaur too ran after me. For To introduce the reason for the preceding clause If In the event that & Introducing a conditional clause - If dinosaur will reappear, it will create a great danger to human existence on the earth. - I shouted for help.

Preposition Meaning Expressing the situation of In


To About

Through From

Example - Dream is held in the area of our mind when we are something that is or appears to asleep. be enclosed or surrounded by - to -solve a difficult sum in his dream. something else - delicious dish and sweet fruits in their dream. - enacted in our dream laugh in our deep sleep. - in our practical life subconscious mind in our slumber. - In my dream I was walking through a desert. - scientists in the world - Dream is held in the area of our mind when we are (a) Expressing the relationship between a part and a whole asleep. (b) Expressing the relationship - Sometimes we also cry due to the influence of a tragic between a scale or measure and dream. a value - I realised that the dinosaur was really on the verge of death. - I was afraid of the large mouth of the dinosaur. - I got rid of my fear of the dinosaur - Then I took care of the baby dinosaur. Expressing motion in the - It happens to all. direction of (a particular location) - When it came to me, I asked him his name. On the subject of; concerning - When we think about a thing or an event - Once I had a dream about a strange animal. - I told my friends all about my dream. Moving in one side and out of - In my dream I was walking through a desert.
the other side of (an opening, channel, or location) (a) Indicating the point in space at which a journey, motion, or action starts (b) Indicating the distance between a particular place and another place used as a point of reference Physically in contact with and supported by (a surface)

- Because dinosaurs as a species are already extinct from the world.


By At For

Identifying the agent performing an action. Expressing location or arrival in a particular place or position In support of or in favor of (a person or policy)

- I realised that the dinosaur was really on the verge of death. - Then my mother woke up and splashed water on me. - human existence on the earth. - He tried to satisfy his hunger by swallowing me. - At that time I was sweating and trembling. - I shouted for help.

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