G11 IBDP Business & Management - S&S

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SSIS Scope and Sequence

Grade 11 IB Business & Management HL/SL

Averaging 19 weeks per semester (38 weeks per year) End of semester varies dependent upon Chinese New Year Units may need to be moved accordingly Au g September October November December January

month week











END OF SEMESTER EXAMS COMPLETED BY 04/12/09 SEMESTE R1 Module 1: Business Organization and Environment (12 Weeks) END OF SEMESTER EXAMS 30/11/09 04/12/09 Module 3: Accounting and Finance (7 Weeks)

Scope and Sequence

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Month Week






Continuation of Ratio Analysis



Introduction to the Internal Assessment








Module 4: Marketing (10 Weeks)

Module 5: Operations Management ( 7 Weeks)


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Grade # 11 HL&SL BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Module 1: Business Organization and Environment Unit of Work
Unit 1.1. The Nature of Business Activity 1. Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition units 7, 1&2. 9,10,,11 2. Phillips, IB revision Guide unit 1.1 Cross-Curricular Links Economics Factors of production TOK: Is business an art or a science? What is the role of creativity in business and how is it manifested? IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Reflective

SSIS IB Framework OILs

1. 2.

Unit Skills, Content or Knowledge

The content focus of the unit What is business? Business functions Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sectors Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments

Common Assessments

Identify inputs, outputs and processes of a business Case Studies Explain the reason for setting up a business. Euro cars Explain the process a business will have to go through to start up. Photo Artistry Analyze the problems associated with business start ups. Describe how business activity combines human, physical, and financial resources to create goods and services. Explain the role of the different business departments in overall business activity. Explain the nature of business activity in each sector 3. Key skills to be developed though out unit Identify, Explain, Describe

Unit 1.2: Types of Organizations 1. Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition units 6&7 2. Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.2

7, 9,10,,11

Cross Curricular Link- Economics: Types of business TOK: Is business an art or a science?


The content focus of the unit Private sector and public sector. Profit based organizations Non-Profit Organizations Public Private Enterprise (HL Core)

Case Studies China (HL Only) Clarks to stay private after ruling out float. James Hull Associates Network Rail
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2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Distinguish between organizations in the private and
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IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Reflective, Open minded public sectors. Analyze the relationship between organizations in the public and private sectors (HL Core). Distinguish between different types of business organizations and identify their main features. Analyze the extent to which ownership and control differ in organizations. Evaluate the most appropriate form of ownership of a firm. Compare and contrast the objectives of NGOs and non- One research and presentation on A Public- Private Partnership profit organizations. initiative. Analyse the impact of the actions of NGOs and other non-profit organizations Explain the nature of public-private partnerships. Analyse the costs and benefits of cooperation between the public and private sector.

3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Analyse, Evaluate, Distinguish, Explain Unit 1.3: Organizational Objectives 1. The content focus of the unit The importance of objectives. Aims and objectives. Mission and Vision Statements. Ethical objectives Corporate Social Responsibility Change in corporate Social Responsibility. Change in societys expectation of the behaviour of firms.

Cross Curricular 7, Link- Economics: 9,10,,11 Objectives of firms Design Technology: People and Markets TOK: Is the practice of developing ethical objectives as a business strategy, in fact, ethical? IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators,

Case Studies Northern Foods. Wm Morrison ambitious to expand. Iceland spends $8m a year to sell organic food at no extra cost.

1. Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition unit 4, 111 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.3

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Explain the importance of objectives in managing and organization. Distinguish between objectives, strategies and tactics, and discuss how these interrelate. Explain the purpose of mission and vision statements. Analyse the role of mission and vision statements in an organization.
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Open minded Examine the reasons why organizations consider setting ethical objectives. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of ethical objectives. Discuss the impact of implementing ethical objectives. Higher Level Core Discuss why firms view of social responsibilities may change over time. Discuss why attitudes towards social responsibility may change over time. Analyse the impact that changes in societal norms have on the way that firms behave in an international context. Analyse the reasons why firms may choose different strategies towards their social responsibilities. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Analyse, Explain, Examine, discuss Cross Curricular Link- None 1. The content focus of the unit Internal and External Stakeholders. Stakeholder Conflict Case Studies 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully The Highland Bus Company complete assessments Explain the interests of internal and external Conflict of objectives for Sabah stakeholders. Discuss possible areas of conflict between stakeholders. Chemicals. Evaluate possible ways to overcome stakeholder conflict. Analyze the impact of division between ownership and control on internal and external stakeholders 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Explain, discuss, evaluate, analyse 1. The content focus of the unit PEST 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments
Scope and Sequence

Unit 1.4: Stakeholders

TOK: Is there room 1. Hall, Jones, for logic or emotion in Raffo, Business 7, business? Studies 3rd 9,10,,11 Edition unit 3 IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, 2. Phillips, IB Communicators, Revision Guide Reflective, Openunit 1.4 minded

Unit 1.5: The External Environment 1.Hall, Jones,

Cross Curricular LinkEconomics: Inflation, 7, 9,10,,11 Business cycle, Unemployment,

Case Study China (IB Exam question #3, May, 2004)

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Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition units 96106, 109-112 2. Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.5 Exchange Rate, Balance of Payment, Investment and consumption. Prepare a PEST analysis for a given situation and use it to analyse the impact of the eternal environment on a firm. Students to conduct a research and prepare a PEST analysis of Evaluate the impact on a firms objectives and strategy Starbucks on Suzhou. for a change in any of the PEST factors

Geography: Demographic changes TOK: Can businesses escape the impact of external environmental forces? IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators

Unit 1.5. Opportunities and Threats Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition units 96106, 109-112 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.5

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Reflective, Openminded Cross Curricular LinkEconomics: Inflation, Business cycle, Unemployment, Exchange Rate, Balance of Payment, Investment and consumption. Geography:


The content focus of the unit Social/Cultural Technological Environmental Political Legal Ethnic

Case Study The AOL/Time Warner Merger

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully Research and presentation of a complete assessments STEPLE analysis of British Analyse the impact that external opportunities and Airways. threats may have on business objectives and strategy. Explain how external opportunities and threats can impact on business decision-making and SWOT analysis 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Analyse, Explain
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Demographic changes TOK: How do we know that information about the external environment in which businesses operate is reliable? Unit 1.6. Organizational Planning Tools Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.5 Organizational planning tools handout of activities IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Reflective 7, 9,10,,11 Cross Curricular LinkMathematics Decision trees TOK: How far does organizational planning make use of human intuition and tacit knowledge? 1. The content focus of the unit Decision Making Framework SWOT Analysis Ansoff Matrix HL Core Fishbone Scientific vs. intuitive Decision making process. Decision trees. Internal and external constraints on decision making

Case Study Strategic Analysis of LVM Ltd.

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Analyse the importance of the information in the business plan to difference stakeholders. Apply a formal decision making framework to a given situation. Prepare a SWOT analysis from a given situation. Analyse an organizations position using a SWOT analysis. Explain the value of the Ansoff matrix as a decisionmaking tool. HL Core Analyse and interpret business plans. Apply decision making process and planning tools to a given situation and evaluate their value. Compare and contrast scientific and intuitive decision making processes. Construct and interpret decision trees.
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Cases and other activities to be determined

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Critically evaluate the value of decision trees as a decision making tool. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Effective use of decision making tools, Analysis, Explain, Compare and contrast, Construct and Interpret, Evaluate Unit 1.7. Business Growth and Evolution Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd 7, Edition units 14; 9,10,,11 81; 89. Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.7 Cross Curricular LinkEconomics: Objectives of firms IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, open minded, Reflective TOK: Can todays CEOs in business learn from the great military leaders of the past? 1. The content focus of the unit Economies and diseconomies of scale. Small versus large organizations. Internal/Organic Growth External Growth Joint ventures Strategic alliances Mergers and takeovers Porter Generic Strategies (HL)

Case Studies Fuji Films. Chemical Industry hunts formula for value. Small restaurant to expand rapidly.

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Apply the concept of economies and diseconomies of scale to business decisions. Evaluate the relative merits of small versus large organizations. Recommend an appropriate scale of operation for a given situation. Explain the difference between internal and external growth. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Evaluate, Application of concepts, Recommend, Explain

Unit1.8: Change and the Management of Change.

Cross Curricular LinkNone IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators,


The content focus of the unit Causes of Change Resistance to change Lewins Force Field Analysis. Strategies to reduce the impact of change and resistance to change.

Case Studies Managing Change at HP Norway.

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2. Essential knowledge required to successfully

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(HL Core Only) Hoang, Business 7, and 9,10,,11 Management Unit 1.8 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.8 Unit 9.1: Globalization Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Unit 109 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 1.9 Open-minded TOK: Can todays CEOs in business learn from the great military leaders of the past? complete assessments Explain the causes of change and factors causing resistance to change. Examine the dynamic nature of organizations and the relative importance of driving and restraining forces. Evaluate different strategies for reducing the impact of change and resistance to change. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Explain, Assess, Evaluate

Cross Curricular LinkEconomics: Globalization of markets IB Learner Profile 7, 9,10,,11 Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective TOK: Are globalization and the maintenance of cultures mutually exclusive?

1. The content focus of the unit Multinational Companies Regional Trading blocs 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Discuss reasons for the growth of multinational companies. Analyze the role played by multinationals in the global business environment. Evaluate the impact of multinational companies on the host country. Explain the impact on business of a country that is a member of a regional trading group/bloc. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Discuss, Evaluate, Analyse, Explain

Case Studies What price coffee. South Africa Accelerates its car production to 21st century levels Research and presentation Students will be asked to evaluate the impact of a multinational company of their choice on the county in which it operates.

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End of Module 1 Module 3: Accounting and Finance Unit of Work

Unit 3.1: Sources of Finance

SSIS IB Framework OILs

Cross-Curricular Links None

Unit Skills, Content or Knowledge

1. The content focus of the unit Internal and External finance. Finance in the long, medium and short term.

Common Assessments

Hall, Jones, Raffo, 7, Business Studies 9,10,,11 IB Learner Profile 3rd Edition, Unit Focus: Thinkers, 44. Communicators, Open-minded,

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete Case Studies assessments Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each form of Karr Associates. finance.
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Reflective Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 3.1 TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts? Evaluate the appropriateness of a source of finance for a given Easy Jet situation. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Evaluate 1. The content focus of the unit Payback Period Average Rate of Return (ARR) HL Core Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Net Present Value (NPV) Case Studies King and Green Ltd

3.2: Investment Appraisal

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Hall, Jones, Raffo, 7, Open-minded, Business Studies 9,10,,11 Reflective 3rd Edition, Unit 50. Cross-Curricular Links Phillips, IB None Revision Guide unit 3.2 TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts?

Investing to stay 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete competitive. assessments Calculate the payback period and ARR for an investment. Analyse the results of the calculation. Calculate the NPV for an investment. Analyse the results of the calculation. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF); Net Present Value (NPV) 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Calculate, Analyse 1. The content focus of the unit Working Capital Cycle Management of Working Capital Cash Flow Forecast

Unit 3.3: Working Capital Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Unit 48 7, Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 3.3

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective

Case Studies

9,10,,11 Cross-Curricular Links None

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete Direct Phone Ltd assessments Emerson Engineering Ltd Define working capital Evaluate strategies for dealing with liquidity problems. Short answer questions Evaluate strategies for dealing with liquidity problems. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Define, Evaluate
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TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts? IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective

3.4: Budgeting This unit applies to Higher Level Students only

1. The content focus of the unit The purpose of budgets Variance analysis

Case Studies Karmali Carpets plc.

Hall, Jones, Raffo, Cross-Curricular Business Studies 7, Links 3rd Edition, Unit 9,10,,11 None 47& 54. TOK: What sort of Phillips, IB knowledge is Revision Guide communicated unit 3.4 through a set of business accounts? Unit3.5: Final IB Learner Profile Accounts Focus: Thinkers, Accounts for Communicators, 7, Limited Open-minded, 9,10,,11 Reflective Companies (Income Statements) Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies Cross-Curricular 3rd Edition, Unit Links 42&43. None Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 3.5 TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts? IB Learner Profile

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete Maison JP et Chateau JP assessments Examine the importance of budgeting for organizations. Calculate and interpret variances. Analyse the role of budgets and variances in strategic planning. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Examine, Calculate, Analyse 1. Trading The content focus of the unit Account Profit and Loss Account Appropriation Account Balance Sheet HL Core Depreciation Straight line Reducing balance; Intangible Assets; Goodwill; Patents, copyrights; Brands Stock Valuation Last-in-First Out First-in-First Out 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments
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Case Studies Dana Petroleum Pubs n bars Loch Ness Water Ski School


Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts? Explain the purpose of accounts Construct and amend accounts from a given situation. Evaluate the importance of final accounts to each stakeholder group. Calculate depreciation using straight line and reducing balance methods. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each. Methods. Explain the meaning and value to the firm of different types of tangible assets. Make calculations of closing stock using LIFO and FIFO. Calculate the effects of different stock valuations on profit. Worksheet exercises

3.6: Ratio Analysis Hall, Jones, Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Unit 56. Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 3.6 IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective 7, Cross-Curricular 9,10,,11 Links None

TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts?

3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Explain, Construct, Evaluate, Calculate 1. The content focus of the unit Profitability Ratios Case Studies Gross Profit Margin How is my business doing? Net Profit Margin Liquidity Ratios ICI will halve dividend to Current ratios pay off debt. Acid test ratios Efficiency Ratios Glyme Valley Farm Cold Stock turnover Aston Farm Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) Gearing Ratios 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Calculate ratios. Use ratios to interpret and analyse financial statements from the perspective of various stakeholders. Evaluate possible financial and other strategies to improve the values of ratios. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Calculate, Interpret, Analyse,, Evaluate

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Module 4: Marketing Unit of Work SSIS IB OILs Framework

IB Learner Profile

Unit Skills, Content or Knowledge

1. The content focus of the unit Market size
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Common Assessments

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Unit 4.1: The Role of marketing Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Market Share Market growth Definition and nature of marketing: Market and product orientation. Marketing of goods vs marketing of services. Social Marketing ( HL) Asset Led Marketing (HL) Marketing in non-profit organization. A marketing plan 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Examine the characteristics of the market in which a firm is immersed. Calculate market share from given information. Define marketing and describe its relationship with other business activities. Describe the difference between market and product orientation. Explain the difference between marketing of goods and services. Analyse the influence of marketing orientation on the success or failure of firms. (HL) Analyse the marketing techniques of non-profit organizations. Describe the elements of a marketing plan 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Examine, calculate, Define, Describe, Analyse 1. The content focus of the unit Marketing Mix Product Place Price Promotion People Process Physical evidence Packaging
Scope and Sequence

Studies 3rd Edition, Units 18, 20, 21. 18, 7, 20, 21. Cross-Curricular 9,10,,11 Links Design Technology: Phillips, IB Revision People and Markets Guide unit 4.1

Case Studies Tiny to branch out from PCs Dreamcast heads for defeat in console wars. Students research and presentation on how nonprofit organizations of their choice market their products/services.

TOK: Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as a marketing strategy, in fact, ethical?

Unit 4.2: Market Planning

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, 7, 9,10,,11 Open-minded, Reflective

Case Studies Cinemas and internet Banning pest power Glamour Recovery Kitchen Super Market Shoppers The market for trainers
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IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators,


Open-minded, Reflective Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Units 19,20,31,32,33,35,3 6 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 4.2 Cross-Curricular Links Design Technology: People and Markets TOK: To what extent are businesses ethical in the marketing of goods/services? Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as a marketing strategy, in fact, ethical? Ethics of marketing Discuss the ethical issues of what is marketed and how it is marketed: nationally internationally and across cultures. Apply the elements of the marketing mix to a given situation. Marketing Audit Porters Five Forces (HL) Market research Role of market research Sampling (HL Only) Methods of sampling Limitations of sampling Sampling errors Primary and secondary research Market Segmentation and consumer profile and Targeting Product Positioning Position/Perception maps Unique selling point/Proposition Development of marketing strategies and tactics Sales forecasting and trends (HL Only) The classic watch company Recovery Kitchen Change of direction at Asian Airways. A new Marketing strategy for T and T clothing. McDonalds Should they adopt a pan-global strategy? Heritage Cottage Ltd Sales at Sodhi Convenience Store

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Apply the elements of the marketing mix to a given situation. Discuss the effectiveness of a selected marketing mix in achieving marketing objectives. Construct an appropriate marketing mix for a particular product or firm Discuss the effectiveness of a selected marketing mix in achieving marketing objectives. Construct an appropriate marketing mix for a particular product or firm. Explain the value of marketing audit as a business tool. Apply Porters Five Forces model to classify and analyse competitive pressures in the market place. Examine how appropriate the marketing objectives are in
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Cross-Curricular Links None TOK: To what extent are businesses ethical in the marketing of goods/services? achieving the goals of an organization. Analyse the role of market research. Evaluate different methods of market research Evaluate the different methods of sampling, for example, quota Random, stratified, cluster and snowballing. Analyze the usefulness of market segmentations and consumer profiles. Construct a product position map from given information. Discuss how organizations can differentiate themselves and their products from competitors. Design or evaluate marketing strategies for given situation. Apply appropriate marketing mix to the strategy Analyze sales trends and forecast from given data, and evaluate the significance for marketing and resource planning.

Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit a marketing Analyse, design, discuss, explain, Analyse, Examine, Construct strategy, in fact, ethical? 1.

4.3: The Product

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Jones, Hall and Raffo, Communicators, Business Studies 3rd 7, Open-minded, Edition, Units 24, 27 9,10,,11 Reflective Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 4.3 Cross-Curricular Links: Design Technology Product Innovation Designers and the product cycle Product development Life cycle analysis TOK: To what extent are

The content focus of the unit Classification of products New Product design and development The Product Life Cycle Extension strategies Relationship with investment, profit and cash flow Product Portfolio Analysis: Boston Consulting Group Matrix.

Case Studies Pfizer gives new shape to research and development Dyson enters the brutal world of handless laundry.

Branding Murphy drinks Family branding; Product branding; Company branding; Own label branding; Manufacturers brand Nestle drops LCI Go! Brand after poor sales. 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Chocolate wars lead to melt Classify products by line, range and mix. down. Describe the importance of innovation in an era of rapid technological change and discuss the problems of financing research and development. Analyze the relationship between the product life cycle and
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businesses ethical in the marketing of goods/services? Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as a marketing strategy, in fact, ethical? the marketing mix and determine appropriate extension strategies. Analyze the relationship between the product life cycle, investment, profit and cash flow. Analyze the BCG Matrix to a given situation. Use the BCG Matrix to help in developing future strategic action. (HL Only) Discuss the importance and role of branding. Distinguish between different types of branding. Analyze the role of branding in a global market. Cash Cow at the diary

McDonalds Disney alliance grows.

4.4. Pricing Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Units 25,26 7, 9,10,,11 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 4.4

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular Links None TOK: To what extent are businesses ethical in the marketing of goods/services? Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as a marketing strategy, in fact, ethical?

3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Analyse, Classify, Describe, Discuss, Distinguish 1. The content focus of the unit Case Studies Cost Based Cost Plus Pricing Competition Base Pricing Falling Coffee Price fail to Market Base Pricing budge bean counters. HL Only Marginal Cost Pricing; Contribution Pricing; Absorption and PC price wars look set to Full Cost Pricing Price discrimination; Loss Leader; Psychological; Promotional intensify. Supply and Demand (HL Only) Levi claims Tesco cut-price jeans bad for its image. 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Body Line Evaluate the impact of changes in the conditions of supply and demand. Kaldor Manufacturers Analyze the appropriateness of each pricing strategy. Analyze the appropriateness of each pricing policy Falling coffee price fails to Calculate and interpret price, income, cross and advertising budge bean counters. elasticity. Discuss the relationship of elasticity with product life cycle. Kaldor Manufacturers 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Evaluate, Analyse, Calculate 1. The content focus of the unit Above the line Below the line
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Ice style Manufacturer

4.5: Promotion Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators,

Group activity: Choosing and product and preparing

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Edition, Units 28,29, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular Links None Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 4.5 Promotional Mix 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Distinguish between the different types of promotion. Analyze the various promotional tools and discuss their effectiveness. Prepare an appropriate promotional mix an appropriate promotional mix

TOK: To what extent are 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit businesses ethical Distinguish, Analyse, prepare in the marketing of goods/services? Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as a marketing strategy, in fact, ethical?

Group activity: Choosing and product and preparing an appropriate promotional mix

4.6:Place (Distribution) Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd 7, 9,10,,11 Edition, Units 30 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 4.6

Cross-Curricular Links None TOK: To what extent are businesses ethical in the marketing of goods/services? Is the practice of developing ethical objectives solely as a marketing strategy, in fact, ethical? IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators,


The content focus of the unit Channels of distribution Distribution strategies Supply chain management/logistics (HL Only)

Case Studies Tesco ZimHotel Group Coke Chefs Latest Daft Idea A cola tap in every house.

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Discuss the effectiveness of different types of distribution channels.

HL Only Evaluate the effectiveness of different distribution channels Promoting Gulf Equipment including producers, wholesalers, agents and retailers (HL Apple to open its own store. Only) Examine how organizations can increase the efficiency of the supply chain

7:International Marketing

1. The content focus of the unit Entry into international markets

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Case Study
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Jones, Hall and Raffo, 7, Open-minded, Business Studies 3rd 9,10,,11 Reflective Edition, Units 34 Cross-Curricular Phillips, IB Revision Links Guide unit 4.7 Economics -Globalization of markets. TOK: Are globalization and the maintenance of cultures mutually exclusive. IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular 7, 9,10,,11 Links None Mcdonalds 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Evaluate the opportunities and threats pose by entry into international markets. Analyze given situations considering the cultural, legal, political, social and economic issues of entering international markets 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Evaluate, Analyse

4.8: E- commerce Hoang, Business Management, Unit 4.8 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 4.8

1. The content focus of the unit Business to Business (B2B) Business to customers (B2C)

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Analyse the effects of E-commerce on the marketing mix. Discuss the costs and benefits of E-commerce to firms and consumers. TOK: Does 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit marketing respond Analyse, discuss to, or change, the perceptions of individuals and societies?

Case Studies Apples iTunes Amazon.com


Module 5: Operations Management

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5.1: Production Methods

SSIS IB Framework OILs

Unit Skills, Content or Knowledge

1. The content focus of the unit Job, batch, line, flow and mass production .

Common Assessments

Case Study 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully In search of quality and Jones, Hall and 7, IB Learner Profile complete assessments quantity. Raffo, Business 9,10,,11 Focus: Thinkers, Describe and compare the features and applications of Studies 3rd Communicators, Motorola Plans Scottish software each method. Edition, Units Open-minded, plant. Cell Production, team work and productivity 78,79,80 Reflective implications(HL Only Analyze the implications for marketing, human resource Gateshead Holdings Cross-Curricular management and finance Links Analyze the most appropriate method of production for a Design Technology given situation. Phillips, IB Product Innovation Revision Guide Understand the need for organizations to use more than Advanced unit 5.1 one method of production. Manufacturing 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Techniques Describe, Analyse 5.2: Costs and Revenues Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd 7, Edition, Units 9,10,,11 38,39 1. The content focus of the unit IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular Links None TOK: What sort of knowledge is communicated through a set of business accounts? Case Study Types of Costs Fixed; Variable; Semi-variable; Direct; Indirect/overheads Customer Service Training. Revenue Bureau Office Supply Ltd Contribution to Fixed Costs Cost and profit centers (HL Only) Kumas Kitchen. Contribution analysis for multi-product firms.

Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 5.2

2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Define, explain, and give examples of each type of cost. Explain the meaning of revenue and comment on possible sources of revenue for different firms. Explain and calculate the contribution to fixed costs. Explain the nature of costs and profit centers.
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Analyze the value of costs and profit centers to a firm. Analyze the role of contribution analysis in determining the viability of each product in a multi-product firm. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Explain, Analyse, Define, Calculate 1. The content focus of the unit Break-even quantity Profit or Loss Margin of Safety Break-even Analysis (HL Only) Changes in break-even. Limitations of break even analysis. Target profit and revenue MacSports. German Efficiency Low Labour Costs.

5.3: Break Even Analysis Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Units 41,53 7, 9,10,,11

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular Links None

Case Study Jeffers Garden design

Two IB exam questions 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Use graphical and quantitative methods to calculate the break-even quantity, profit and margin of safety. TOK: What sort of Use graphical and quantitative methods to analyze the knowledge is effects of changes in price or costs of break-even communicated quantity, profit and margin of safety. through a break-even Analyze the assumptions and limitations of break even analysis? analysis. Calculate required output level for a given target profit or level of revenue. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Calculate, Analyse 5.4: Quality 1. The content focus of the unit Assurance Case Studies Quality control IB Learner Profile Quality assurance Focus: Thinkers, Jones, Hall and Haisho Electronics: Is lean Communicators, Total Quality Culture Raffo, Business 7, production the answer? HL Core 9,10,,11 Open-minded, Studies 3rd Reflective Continuous improvement Edition, Units 83 Benchmarking. National and International quality standards Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 5.4 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 5.3
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Cross-Curricular Links Design Technology Product Development Product Design 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Analyze the move from traditional quality control methods to Total Quality Management (TQM). Explain the role of Kaizen in quality improvement. Evaluate different approaches to quality improvement. Explain the role of local and national standards in assuring quality for customers. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Analyse, Explain, Evaluate CaribSugar plc- Low prices fail to keep customer

TOK: Is quality a abstract concept? IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective TOK: Is quality a abstract concept? Unit 5.5: Location Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business 7, Studies 3rd Edition, Units 88 9,10,,11 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 5.5 IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular Links Geography- Location of industries TOK: Are globalization and the maintenance of cultures mutually exclusive.

1. The content focus of the unit Location: National; International HL Core Impact of globalization on location. 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Explain the causes and consequences of location and relocation, both domestically and internationally. Consider the effects of globalization on location. Analyze the impact of location on different areas of business activity (Production, Marketing, Human Resources, and Finance) 4. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Explain, Analyse

Case Studies Motorola plans Scottish software plant. German Efficiency, Low Labour Costs

Scope and Sequence

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5.6: Innovation This unit applies to 7, Higher Level 9,10,,11 Students only Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Units 85,87 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 5.6 5.7: Production Planning Jones, Hall and Raffo, Business Studies 3rd Edition, Units 82 Phillips, IB Revision Guide unit 5.6 7, 9,10,,11 IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective TOK: Are innovation and the maintenance of cultures and ethical practice mutually exclusive. 1. The content focus of the unit Research and development Patents, copyrights and trade marks (Intellectual Property Rights Factors affecting innovation 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Explain the importance of R&D for a business. Explain the role and importance of intellectual property rights for business. Analyze the factors affecting innovation. 3. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Explain, Analyse 1. The content focus of the unit Stock Control: Just-in-case; Just-in-time HL Core Traditional Stock Control Outsourcing and Sub-contracting

Innovation Research and Presentation

IB Learner Profile Focus: Thinkers, Communicators, Open-minded, Reflective Cross-Curricular Links None TOK: What is the role of tacit knowledge in outsourcing decisions?

Case Studies Nissan cuts stock to almost zero.

Toyota production halted. 2. Essential knowledge required to successfully complete assessments Haisho Is lean production the Recognize the need for optimum stock levels; prepare answer? and analyze appropriate graphs. Explain the different stock control methods and analyze Kaizen thinking fires productivity. the appropriateness of each method in a given situation. Explain outsourcing and subcontracting. Discuss arguments for and against outsourcing and subcontracting compared with provisions by the firm itself. 4. Key skills to be developed throughout unit Analyse, Explain, Discuss

Scope and Sequence

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Scope and Sequence

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