Excel VBA Code To Find Duplicates in A Column and Add Their Corresponding Values From Another Column

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Excel VBA code to find duplicates in a column and add their corresponding values from another column up I hope

someone will be able to help me with this. I have a column A with staff id's and have their vote0do hours worked in another column K. There are some staff id's that appear more than once on the wn votefavo list and I would like to know if there is a way in Excel VBA with which I can check if each of the rite staff id's appears more than once, and if so, then add up their total hours worked and put the result in another column corresponding to the first instance of that staff id and the duplicates being 0. This is for a monthly report and there may be over 2k records at any point. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance PS - I am just an intermediate when it comes to VBA.

did you try anything?? do you really need to do it with VBA as a pivot table could be good enough to s KazJaw Mar 14 at 16:31

1 indeed use a pivot table, problem solved I guess... K_B Mar 14 at 16:34 exactly, use a pivot table to group and sum your data... Philip Mar 14 at 16:51

The reason I want to use VBA is because this is one part of the entire process, which is in place and is report is run monthly and is calculated using VBA, and the aim is to minimise manual intervention as 1 Thanks for the suggestions though. user2170214 Mar 14 at 16:53

another alternative in Excel VBA is to use the worksheet functions COUNTIF and SUMIF in your VBA 1 (Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf) if you write some code, we'll help you fix it Philip Mar 1 show 3 more comments 3 Answers activeoldest votes up As everyone else said, a Pivot Table really is the best way. If you're unsure how to use a vote1do PivotTable or what it's good for, refer to this SO post where I explain in detail. wn vote Anyway, I put together the below VBA function to help get you started. It's by no means the most efficient approach; it also makes the following assumptions:

Sheet 1 has all the data A has Staff Id B has Hours C is reserved for Total Hours D will be available for processing status output

This of course can all be changed very easily by altering the code a bit. Review the code, it's commented for you to understand. The reason a Status column must exist is to avoid processing a Staff Id that was already processed. You could very alter the code to avoid the need for this column, but this is the way I went about things. CODE Public Sub HoursForEmployeeById() Dim currentStaffId As String Dim totalHours As Double Dim totalStaffRows As Integer Dim currentStaffRow As Integer Dim totalSearchRows As Integer Dim currentSearchRow As Integer Dim staffColumn As Integer Dim hoursColumn As Integer Dim totalHoursColumn As Integer Dim statusColumn As Integer 'change these to appropriate columns staffColumn = 1 hoursColumn = 2 totalHoursColumn = 3 statusColumn = 4 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.ScreenUpdating = False totalStaffRows = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, staffColumn).End(xlUp).Row For currentStaffRow = 2 To totalStaffRows currentStaffId = Cells(currentStaffRow, staffColumn).Value 'if the current staff Id was not already processed (duplicate record) If Not StrComp("Duplicate", Cells(currentStaffRow, statusColumn).Value, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'get this rows total hours totalHours = CDbl(Cells(currentStaffRow, hoursColumn).Value) 'search all subsequent rows for duplicates totalSearchRows = totalStaffRows - currentStaffRow + 1

For currentSearchRow = currentStaffRow + 1 To totalSearchRows If StrComp(currentStaffId, Cells(currentSearchRow, staffColumn), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'duplicate found: log the hours worked, set them to 0, then mark as Duplicate totalHours = totalHours + CDbl(Cells(currentSearchRow, hoursColumn).Value) Cells(currentSearchRow, hoursColumn).Value = 0 Cells(currentSearchRow, statusColumn).Value = "Duplicate" End If Next 'output total hours worked and mark as Processed Cells(currentStaffRow, totalHoursColumn).Value = totalHours Cells(currentStaffRow, statusColumn).Value = "Processed" totalHours = 0 'reset total hours worked End If Next Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub BEFORE


456 should result with 30 in line 3... KazJaw Mar 14 at 17:43

ah...crap. Looks like a good exercise then for the OP ;) This is untested and as-is, it should serve as a good though. Thanks for catching that. I unfortunately don't have time to debug right now. SamMar 14 at 18 up Here is the solution for the data table located in range A1:B10 with headers and results written to vote0do column C. wn vote Sub Solution() Range("c2:c10").Clear Dim i For i = 2 To 10 If WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range("A1:a10"), Cells(i, 1), Range("C1:C10")) = 0 Then Cells(i, "c") = WorksheetFunction.SumIf( _ Range("A1:a10"), Cells(i, 1), Range("B1:B10")) Else Cells(i, "c") = 0 End If Next i End Sub

Kaz Jaw & @Sam, thank you for the suggestions and help. I have tweaked your codes slightly, as required giving the desired result. Your inputs have been very valuable. user2170214 Mar 15 at 11:16 Try below code : Sub sample() Dim lastRow As Integer, num As Integer, i As Integer lastRow = Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row

For i = 2 To lastRow num = WorksheetFunction.Match(Cells(i, 1), Range("A1:A" & lastRow), 0) If i = num Then Cells(i, 3) = WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range("A1:A" & lastRow), Cells(i, 1), Range("B1:B" & lastRow)) Else Cells(i, 1).Interior.Color = vbYellow End If Next End Sub BEFORE


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