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In literature, conflict is an inherent incompatibility between the objectives of two or more characters or forces.

Conflict creates tension and interest in a story by adding doubt as to the outcome. A narrative is not limited to a single conflict. While conflicts may not always resolve in narrative, the resolution of a conflict creates closure, which may or may not occur at a story's end.

Basic nature of conflict

Conflict in literature refers to the different drives of the characters or forces involved. Conflict may be internal or externalthat is, it may occur within a character's mind or between a character and exterior forces. Conflict is most visible between two or more characters, usually a protagonist and anantagonist/enemy/villain, but can occur in many different forms. A character may as easily find himself or herself in conflict with a natural force, such as an animal or a weather event, like a hurricane. The literary purpose of conflict is to create tension in the story, making readers more [2] interested by leaving them uncertain which of the characters or forces will prevail. There may be multiple points of conflict in a single story, as characters may have more than one [3] desire or may struggle against more than one opposing force. When a conflict is resolved and the [4] reader discovers which force or character succeeds, it creates a sense of closure. Conflicts may resolve at any point in a story, particularly where more than one conflict exists, but stories do not always resolve every conflict. If a story ends without resolving the main or major conflict(s), it is said to [5] have an "open" ending. Open endings, which can serve to ask the reader to consider the conflict more personally, may not satisfy them, but obvious conflict resolution may also leave readers [5][6] disappointed in the story.

i know what they are, but can someone explain them for me? the ones im talking about are person vs. person person vs. society person vs. nature person vs. fate person vs. self
4 years ago Report Abuse


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Person vs. person is someone against someone else. Ex. Me vs you, fighting about something. (I have nothing against you, btw. :P) Person vs society is like, a person against the police, or the law. If they broke the law, they're trying to fight it. Person vs nature, is someone against natural disasters. Or things that you cant really control. Like earthquakes, tornados, etc. Person vs fate is someone trying to change whats going to happen. Or they cant accept it. Fate is something that is bound to happen, and that person trying to fight against it. Person vs self is one person trying to decide what to do. Against yourself. Deciding whether or not to do something.

The basic types of conflict in fiction have been commonly codified as "man against man", "man [7][8] against nature", and "man against self." In each case, "man" is the universal and refers to women as well. Although frequently cited, these three types of conflict are not universally accepted. Ayn Rand, for instance, argued that "man against nature" is not a conflict because nature has no free will and thus [9] can make no choices. Sometimes a fourth basic conflict is described, "man against [10][11] society", Some of the other types of conflict referenced include "man against machine" (The Terminator, Brave New World), "man against fate" (Slaughterhouse Five), "man against the [12][13] supernatural" (The Shining) and "man against god" (A Canticle for Liebowitz). [edit]Man

against man

"Man against man" conflict involves stories where characters are against each other. This is an external conflict. The conflict may be direct opposition, as in a gunfight or a robbery, or it may be a more subtle conflict between the desires of two or more characters, as in a romance or a family epic. [1] This type of conflict is very common in traditional literature, fairy tales and myths. One example of the "man against man" conflict is the relationship struggles between the protagonist and the [14] antagonist stepfather in This Boy's Life. Other examples include Dorothy's struggles with the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Tom Sawyer's confrontation with [1] Injun Joe in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. [edit]Man against society Where man stands against a man-made institution (such as slavery or bullying), "man against man" [12] conflict may shade into "man against society". In such stories, characters are forced to make moral [1] choices or frustrated by social rules in meeting their own goals. The Handmaid's [12] Tale and Fahrenheit 451 are examples of "man against society" conflicts. So is Charlotte's Web, in [1] which the pig Wilbur fights for his survival against a society that raises pigs for food. [edit]Man

against nature

"Man against nature" conflict is an external struggle positioning the hero against an animal or a force [8][10] of nature, such as a storm. The "man against nature" conflict is central to Ernest [15] Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, where the protagonist contends against a marlin. It is also [1] common in adventure stories, including Robinson Crusoe. [edit]Man

against self

With "man against self" conflict, the struggle is internal. A character must overcome his own nature or make a choice between two or more paths - good and evil; logic and emotion. A serious example of "man against himself" is offered by Hubert Selby, Jr.'s 1978 novel Requiem for a Dream, [16] which centers around stories of addiction. Bridget Jones's Diary also focuses on internal conflict, as [16] the titular character deals with her own neuroses and self-doubts.

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