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Competition Format 7.1 The competition is divided into two sections, as follows: Section 1: Prepared Speech Section 2: Impromptu Speech 7.2 For Section 1 (Prepared Speech) contestants are to observe the Following Rules: 1. Contestants delivered a prepared speech of four minutes on a topic of their own choice; 2. A warning bell sounds at three minutes and a final bell at four minutes. 7.3 For Section 2 (Impromptu Speech) contestants are to observe the following Rules: 1. Contestants are given a topic four minutes before they are due to resent the speech; 2. All contestants speak on the same topic; 3. While one contestant is presenting his/her speech, the other speakers must be quarantined 4. The time allowed for the impromptu speech is three minutes; (timing must be followed strictly) 5. A warning bell sounds at two minutes and a final bell at three minutes.

Adjudication 8.1 Judging is nationally and internationally standardized. Judges are required to Undertake a substantial briefing to gain full understanding of the judging criteria and to work within the guidelines set. 8.2 Judging Criteria 8.2.1 The judging criteria for both the Prepared Speech and The Impromptu Speech are on two aspects as follows: Subject Matter 1. Is the subject matter of the speech suitable and substantial? 2. Is the speech original and intelligent in its exploration of the subject? 3. Does the speaker develop the argument and line of thought? 4. Logically and effectively? 5. Is there a satisfactory conclusion, which lends a sense of finality to the speech? 6. Does the speech carry a worthwhile and convincing message?

Use of plain English 7. Is the message or point of view conveyed in clear, correct, 8. Comprehensible and appropriate language? 9. Are tone, pace, pauses and projection effective? 10. Does the speaker avoid distractions? 11. Is the speakers style confident, fluent and natural? 12. Does the speaker avoid? 13. Ineffectual repetitions e.g. Ladies and Gentlemen 14. Pompous and condescending language 15. Extravagant gestures or movements 16. Over dramatics 17. Awkward pauses 18. Conspicuous use of notes, reading, shuffling Palm cards

19. Inappropriate quotations 20. Jokes that is irrelevant or inappropriate? 8.2.2 Additional judging criteria for the impromptu Speech also include the following: 21. Does the speaker demonstrate the ability to think clearly and creatively? 22. Does the speaker express their views with conviction and / or honor? 23. Are the speakers remarks accurate, relevant, interesting and lucid? 24. Does the speaker use plain English? Does the speaker use clear, correct, simple and fluent speech? 25. Does the speakers impromptu speech very greatly from the Prepared speech 8.3 What happens after judging? 26. There cannot be a consensus made by judges. Therefore: At semi-final round: 27. Urus Setia and rank the position of contestants will total all marks up. 28. Urus Setia will then give the list to the chief judge. 29. Judges will be given 15 minutes to discuss and decide the 5 best to enter the finals. 30. This procedure applies to the final round too.

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