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Diary of David Brown 1985 The first days of my life in the New World: August 26, 1985 Today

y I woke up at 8:00 oclock in the morning. When I opened my eyes I thought I was in Paradise. I had left behind the deserts and now I was travelling above the skies with those colorful clouds. The whole image was outstanding. I couldnt wait for the airplane to deplane and so I began screaming. Everybody in the plane was staring at me as I was something unusual for them. I supposed they looked at me like that because of my strong emotions while I was shouting. Throughout the rest of the day my family and I were continuously resting in our little, tiny, new house. However, there was one thing that really shocked me. Well, while the taxi driver was driving us from the airport to our new house I observed that the region we were living from now on was pretty much damaged. Then, I did not hesitate and I asked the driver why that area was so outlandish from the entire New York City. Unfortunately, the answer from the taxi driver was this one: The only reason you are supposed to live here little boy is just because youre black. So you dont have space in the other part of the city. Got it Negro? I do have to admit that this expression Negro terrified and annoyed me once as I couldnt understand why he called us like that. All in all, the first day in the New World ended, leaving some questions to me. August 27, 1985 Good Morning Everyone! Today was a very special day for my family as were celebrating the birthday of my sister Annie. She became three years old and we really wanted this day in the New World to remain unquenchable from our minds. Nevertheless something really bad happened as were trying to find my sisters gift. I saw out of the window, a black woman being slurred and bumped by white Americans. She was suffering a lot as she was crying. Because of this cruel image, I tried to find the reason why all this happened. both with that woman and the taxi driver. I thought it would be a good

idea if I went to the public library to look up for some explanatory resources of the issue. After this psychologically laborious experience I finally returned home and celebrated my sisters birthday. August 28, 1985 Another cloudy day in New York with a lot of unrevealed secrets. Today I woke up at 9:30am and as it was Saturday I prepared myself to visit the public library located near my house. I took the taxi and went straightforward to my target location. Although the whole residential area I lived in was somewhat ruined the library, in contrast, was enormously dazzling. However, when I walked in front of the main entrance in order to get in, a white man in a black suit approached me and asked me so kindly what I was doing there. I answered that I wanted to visit the library to find some resources based on the black civilization in North America. By hearing that, the porter got very angry and replied to me with the following words: You know what little Oreo, I dont care who you are or what you want but what you have to know is that Negros do not have place in education. You are a scum of the American Society. Now get out of here before I force you to do so. By listening to these words I felt frightened and terrified but at the same time I realized that blacks are the marginalized ones ruled by the whites. Also, I tried to define the word Oreo and I understood that I was insulted as being a black I tried to behave like a white. My dear diary, for the best of luck there was a white woman that came out the library and asked me to visit her house that evening so as to be able to talk with her. August 28, 1985 (evening) I finally decided to visit the kind madam from the library. When I went to her house we began talking about the history of the US regarding how the nations were established etc. While were deepen in the socio-historical facts she informed me that propaganda was the main reason that lead to this situation; having the white people as the hegemony and the blacks as the marginalized. It made this

bad situation look natural. Also, we made a reference to Martin Luther King JRs speech, At this point I was totally touched and affected by his heroic speech and felt very proud for being an AfroAmerican. Later that night, I returned home and lied on my bed satisfied of who I was and talking on present, I believe this woman helped me to open my eyes into a whole new world. August 29, 1985 Good Morning America! Today was a very special day my dear diary as I was not confused any more of what had happened throughout all the past days. At the beginning everything looked so magic; it was like being in Utopia. However, things are not always as they look at first sight. Even though I came from a devastated country with no further hopes I now realize that life could be easier there instead of here. Well, going back to the present day, I decided to become an educated person (no matter if I am black or not) so as to gain my rights as a human and most of all, to prove to those whites that blacks have also soul. I tried to establish a club where all the blacks of the region were invited in order to listen to all the ideologies and that way, change the world! The blacks will win at the end! Good night my dear diary

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