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Instructions 1. Questions 1 to 10 2. Questions 11 to 22 3. Questions 23 to 29 carry 6 marks each. carry carry 1 4 mark marks each. each.

Find f(-1) , f(3). Sol. f(-1) = -1 + 3 = 2. f(3) = 4(3) 2 = 10.

2. If Sol.

, then find the value of

3. Find the value of cos 55 + cos 125 + cos 300. Sol. cos 55 + cos 125 + cos 300

= cos 55 + cos (180 - 55) + cos (360 - 60) = cos 55 - cos 55 + cos 60) = 4. If cot A = tan (n - 1)A , then find A. Sol. cot A = tan (n - 1)A

5. If sin A = , then what is sin 3A? Sol. sin 3A = 3 sin A 4 sin3A

6. Express i17 + i18 + i19 + i20 in the form a + ib. Sol. i17 + i18 + i19 + i20 = i17[1 + i + i2 + i3] = i17[1 + i 1 - i] = 0 = 0 + 0i 7. If nC2 - nC1= 35, find the value of n. Sol.


n2 3n = 70.

=> n2 3n 70 = 0. => (n + 7)(n - 10) = 0. => n = 10 , since n cant be negative. 8. Write three numbers in A.P. whose sum is 12 and product is 48. Sol. Let three numbers in A.P. be a d , a , a + d, then 3a = 12 => a = 4. Also 4(42 d2) = 48

=> => =>

16 d2 = 12 d2 = 4. d = 2

Hence three numbers are 2 , 4 , 6 or 6 , 4 , 2. 9. Write the equation of the line passing through (2 ,3) and makes an angle of 45 with x- axis. Sol. Required line is : y 3 = tan 45(x - 2) => y3=x2

=> x - y + 1 = 0. 10. In a relay race there are 5 teams A, B , C , D and E. What is the probability that A , B and C finish first, second and third , respectively? Sol. Total no. of teams in a relay race are 5. The sample space of all finishing in the first 3 places = 5P3 = 60. Thus , P(A , B and C finish first, second and third) = 11. Assume that P (A) = P (B). Show that A = B. Sol. Let P(A) = P(B) To show: A = B Let x A A P(A) = P(B) x C, for some C P(B) Now, C B xB AB

Similarly, B A A=B 12. Prove that Sol. L.H.S. .

13. Prove that Sol. It is known that

14. How many 3-digit even numbers can be made using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, if no digit is repeated? Sol. Let 2 be fixed at units place Now we have 5 digits and2 places are to be filled up. This can be alone in 5P2 ways. But units place can also be filled up by 4 or 6. In each case we have 5P2 ways. 3-digit even numbers are 3 5P2 = 3 5 4 = 60. 15. Find the value of p so that three lines 3x + y - 2 = 0, px + 2y - 3 = 0 and 2x - y 3 = 0 may intersect at one point. Sol. The intersection point of two lines 2x - y - 3 = 0and 3x + y - 2 = 0 can be obtained by solving these equations : 3x 2x + y y 2 3 5x x and y = 2 3x = 2- 3 = -1. = 0 = 0 ---------------= 5 = 1

Since the point (1, -1) lies on the line px + 2y -3 = 0, it will satisfy the equation of the line. p(1) p p=5 + 2(-1) 2 -3 3 = = 0 0

16. Solve the equation 2x2 + x + 1 = 0. Sol. The given quadratic equation is 2x2 + x + 1 = 0 On comparing the given equation with ax2 + bx + c = 0, we obtain a = 2, b = 1, and c = 1 Therefore, the discriminant of the given equation is D = b2 4ac = 12 4 2 1 = 1 8 = 7 Therefore, the required solutions are

17. A bag contains 5 white and 3 black balls. Four balls are successively drawn without replacement. What is the probability that they are alternatively of diff. colours? Sol. Let Wi be the event of drawing a white ball in the ith draw and Bi be the event of drawing a black ball in the ith draw, where i = 1,2,3,4 Required Probability = P[[W 1 B2 W 3 B4] U [B1 W 2 B3 W 4]] = P[W1 B2 W 3 B4] U P[B1 W 2 B3 W 4] = [5/8 x 3/7 x 4/6 x 2/5] + [3/8 x 5/7 x 2/6 x 4/5] = 240/1680 = 1/7. 18. The difference between any two consecutive interior angles of a polygon is 5. If the smallest angle is 120, find the number of the sides of the polygon. Sol. The angles of the polygon will form an A.P. with common difference d as 5 and first term a as 120. It is known that the sum of all angles of a polygon with n sides is 180 (n 2). Sn = 180 (n 2)

n[240 + 240n + 2 5n + 235n 2 5n n2 n2 16n n(n (n n = 9 or 16

(n 2 5n 125n 25n 16) 9)

1)5] 5n 360n + + 9n 9(n (n =

= + 720 144 +

360(n 360n 720 = = 144 16) 16)

= = =

2) 720 0 0 0 0 0 0

19. Prove the following by using principle of mathematical induction for all n N:

Sol. Let the given statement be P(n), i.e.,

For n = 1, we have

, which is true. Let P(k) be true for some positive integer k, i.e.,

...(1) We shall now prove that P(k + 1) is true. Consider 1 + 3 + 32 + + 3k1 + 3(k+1) 1 = (1 + 3 + 32 + + 3k1) + 3k

Thus, P(k + 1) is true whenever P(k) is true. Hence, by the principle of mathematical induction, statement P(n) is true for all natural numbers i.e., n. 20. Given that P (3, 2, 4), Q (5, 4, 6) and R (9, 8, 10) are collinear. Find the ratio in which Q divides PR.

Sol. Let point Q (5, 4, 6) divide the line segment joining points P (3, 2, 4) and R (9, 8, 10) in the ratio k:1. Therefore, by section formula,

Thus, point Q divides PR in the ratio 1:2. 21. Find the equation of the hyperbola satisfying the conditions: Vertices (0, 3), foci (0, 5). Sol. Vertices (0, 3), foci (0, 5) Here, the vertices are on the y-axis.

Therefore, the equation of the hyperbola is of the form Since the vertices are (0, 3), a = 3. Since the foci are (0, 5), c = 5. We know that a2 + b2 = c2. 32 + b2 = 5 2 b2 = 25 9 = 16

Thus, the equation of the hyperbola is 22. Find the equation of the circle with centre (a, b) and radius .

Sol. The equation of a circle with centre (h, k) and radius r is given as (x h)2 + (y k)2 = r2 It is given that centre (h, k) = (a, b) and radius (r) = Therefore, the equation of the circle is .

x2 + 2ax + a2 + y2 + 2by + b2 = a2 - b2 x2 + y2 + 2ax + 2by + 2b2 = 0 23. Sum of the first p, q and r terms of an A.P. are a, b and c, respectively.

Prove that Sol. Let a1 and d be the first term and the common difference of the A.P. respectively. According to the given information,

Subtracting (2) from (1), we obtain

Equating both the values of d obtained in (4) and (5), we obtain

Dividing both sides by pqr, we obtain

24. Find the values of other five trigonometric functions if cot x = , x lies in third quadrant.


Since x lies in the 3rd quadrant, the value of sec x will be negative.

25. Find the domain of the function Sol. For the function to be defined x2 7x + 10 0 => (x - 2)(x - 5) 0 => (x - 2) 0 and (x - 5) 0 => x 2 and x 5 => x 5 .(1)

Also , (x - 2) 0 and (x - 5) 0

=> x 2 and x 5 => x 2 .(2)

From (1) and (2) , we get - < x 2 and 5 x < Hence the domain of the given function is (- , 2] U [5 , ). 26. How many litres of water will have to be added to 1125 litres of the 45% solution of acid so that the resulting mixture will contain more than 25% but less than 30% acid content? Sol. Let x litres of water is required to be added. Then, total mixture = (x + 1125) litres It is evident that the amount of acid contained in the resulting mixture is 45% of 1125 litres. This resulting mixture will contain more than 25% but less than 30% acid content. 30% of (1125 + x) > 45% of 1125 And, 25% of (1125 + x) < 45% of 1125 30% of (1125 + x) > 45% of 1125

Thus, the required number of litres of water that is to be added will have to be more than 562.5 but less than 900. 27. If the coefficients of Tr, Tr+1, Tr+2 terms of (1 + x)14 are in arithmetic progression, then find the value of r: Sol. Tr = 14Cr-1 xr-1 Tr+1 = 14Cr xr Tr+2 = 14Cr+1 xr+1 Since the terms of given expansion are in arithmetic progression, we have, 2Tr+1 = Tr + Tr+2 i.e. 214Cr = 14Cr-1 + 14Cr+1

or (15-2r) (r +1) = (13-2r) (15 r) or 15r + 15 - - 2r = 195 30r -13r + or - 56r + 180 = 0 or - 4r + 45 = 0 or (r - 5) (r- 9) = 0 r = 5, 9. 28. Find the derivative of the following function from first principle : Sol. Let . Accordingly, from the first principle, .

29. An analysis of monthly wages paid to workers in two firms A and B, belonging to the same industry, gives the following results:

No. of wage earners Mean of monthly wages Variance of the distribution of 100 wages

Firm A Firm B 586 648 Rs 5253 Rs 5253 121

(i) Which firm A or B pays larger amount as monthly wages? (ii) Which firm, A or B, shows greater variability in individual wages? Sol. (i) Monthly wages of firm A = Rs 5253 Number of wage earners in firm A = 586 Total amount paid = Rs 5253 586 Monthly wages of firm B = Rs 5253 Number of wage earners in firm B = 648 Total amount paid = Rs 5253 648 Thus, firm B pays the larger amount as monthly wages as the number of wage earners in firm B are more than the number of wage earners in firm A. (ii) Variance of the distribution of wages in firm Standard deviation of the distribution of wages in firm

Variance of the distribution of wages in firm Standard deviation of the distribution of wages in firm The mean of monthly wages of both the firms is same i.e., 5253. Therefore, the firm with greater standard deviation will have more variability. Thus, firm B has greater variability in the individual wages.

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