Ethnography Table:Yanomami

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Stephany Hinojosa HIST 3368I English Term(s) Indigenous Term(s) & literal meaning Yanomamo Human being Yanomami,

Yanoamo Brazil/Venezuela South American Rainforest Gycan unknown nasal No written language 20.000 Varies 65% 35% Village 50-400 120 Substinence Foraging 27dialects Comments

March 7, 2011 Dr. Joaqun Rivaya-Martnez Primary source Secondary source

Name Location

Most common Other names Present-day country Present-day region(s) Language Linguistic family Type Literacy Total By subgroups % children (<16)

Chagnon 1968: 4 Chagnon 1968: 4 Chagnon 1968: 4 Chagnon 1968: 4 Chagnon 1968: 6 Chagnon 1968: 6 Chagnon 1968: 6 Chagnon 1968: 6 Albert 1981: 637 Albert 1981: 637 Albert 1981: 637 Albert 1981: 637 Chagnon 1968: 6 Albert 1981: 637 Albert 1981: 637 Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1968: 24 1



11k in Venezuela, 9k in Brazil Low life expectancy

Settlement Pattern Economy

% adults (16-59) Local community type Mean population Mean size Type Subtype

Stephany Hinojosa HIST 3368I English Term(s) Indigenous Term(s) & literal meaning Big dependence Gardens set up, prefer foraging Neighboring villages Pots, machetes, tobacco, basket,etc Anything (barter) Bananas, sweet potato, shabono Dont wear clothes Bow&arrow, Women gather and garden; Men hunt Only men are shaman Patrilineal Comments

March 7, 2011 Dr. Joaqun Rivaya-Martnez Primary source Secondary source

Dependence on hunting Dependence on farming Trading partners Items traded In exchange for Production Food Lodges Clothing Tools Divison of Labor By sex Specialization (roles/profession s) Type

Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1973 Followed rule of food for food, tool for tool Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1973 Chagnon 1968: 24 Chagnon 1968:32 Chagnon 1968: 62 Chagnon 1968:40 2


Stephany Hinojosa HIST 3368I English Term(s) Indigenous Term(s) & literal meaning mashi - people who are related patrilineally Polygamous/Mo nogamous none Bride-service and sister exchange Patrilocal Cross-cousin Average 3 Menarche none Shamanistic World divided in 4 planes Duku ka misi, Hedu ka mis, Hei ka misi, Hei ta bebi yobomou Isolation from others; transformation Belongings are burned with person Comments

March 7, 2011 Dr. Joaqun Rivaya-Martnez Primary source Secondary source

Relevant terminologies Family Organization & Life Cycle Type of family Marriage ritual Mode of marriage Marital residence Preferred spouse(s) Number of spouses Age transition rites (of passage) Inheritance Religion & Worldview Religion type Conceptualizatio n of reality

Chagnon 1968:40 Chagnon 1968:42 Chagnon 1968:42 Chagnon 1968:42 Chagnon 1968:43 Chagnon 1968:42 Chagnon 1968:43 Chagnon 1968:48 Chagnon 1968:66 Chagnon 1968:44

Stephany Hinojosa HIST 3368I English Term(s) Indigenous Term(s) & literal meaning underworld Spirits Hekura spirit, Amahi-teri evil spirit Go into trance Yopo - drug with hallucinogenic snuff Shaman Caused by shamans of other villages reahu Exorcism Ashes mixed with plantain puree and eaten Caused by other shamans; evil spirit must be taken out that attacks persons personal spirit Comments

March 7, 2011 Dr. Joaqun Rivaya-Martnez Primary source Secondary source

Supernatural being(s) Acquisition of supernatural force Priest Evil shamanism Paramount religious ceremony Healing rituals

Chagnon 1968:42 Chagnon 1968:44 Chagnon 1968:40 Chagnon 1968:40 Chagnon 1968:48 Chagnon 1968:44


Earth-like, except men &women are young and beautiful, hunting is better, and food tastes

hedu ka mis

Chagnon 1968:42

Stephany Hinojosa HIST 3368I English Term(s) Indigenous Term(s) & literal meaning better Cremation endocannbalism Incest Egalitarian Band Appointment Wise, fierce, smart Peace-keeper Raiding Refuse trade, kinship disrespect Rape and steal women, kill Bow and arrow Enemy villages adultery, failure to deliver a betrothed woman, personal Even headman helps out Usually comes from largest kinship group reahu Comments

March 7, 2011 Dr. Joaqun Rivaya-Martnez Primary source Secondary source

Funereal practices Bereavement practices Taboos Social stratification Leadership Type Type(s) Election and/or appointment

Chagnon 1968:42 Chagnon 1968:42 Ferguson 1995: 90 Chagnon 1968: 40 Albert 1989: 637 Albert 1989: 637 Albert 1989: 637 Albert 1989: 637 Albert 1989: 638 Albert 1989: 638 Ferguson 1995:34 Albert 1989: 637 Albert 1989: 637 Ferguson 1995:56

Qualities sought in leader Functions Warfare Type(s) Rationalization [alleged reasons(s)] Warpath behavior Weapons Enemies Internal conflict Causes

No real reason, revenge

Stephany Hinojosa HIST 3368I English Term(s) Indigenous Term(s) & literal meaning affronts, stinginess, or theft Frequency Resolution Calendar(s) Historical Sketch Geographic origin & Prehistoric archaeological culture First contact(s) with EuroAmericans All the time None; draw No concept of time Near start of Orinoco River; not much has changed 1951 Comments

March 7, 2011 Dr. Joaqun Rivaya-Martnez Primary source Secondary source

Ferguson 1995:40 Ferguson 1995:40 Chagnon 1968:34 Alleged 20,000 old indigenous group Christian missionaries Chagnon 1968: 4 Fausto 2000: 933

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