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Title: Total Quality Management in Raising the Service Quality of Management Association of the Philippines for their Members

Objective of the Study This study intended to carry out on how Total Quality Management will help Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) in handling and improving overall competency and effectiveness in meeting their members satisfaction and delight. General Objective This study aims to develop a Total Quality Management Process that deals in meeting the needs of their members that could led to organizations progress in area of quality, a member-oriented organization and to be brand as a qualitydriven nonprofit organization. Seemingly, the specific objectives of this study are: 1. Determine the area of the business that needs to improve and develop in order to meet the standard of Total Quality Management model. 2. Formulate procedures and processes on how to meet the needs and expectation of the members of Management Association of the Philippines in conformity with the qualified criteria set in Total Quality Management. 3. Enable the organization to assess their quality achievements in terms of strength and incorporate areas where improvement is needed. Significance of the Study The significance of the quality is a main concern of many companies whether establish for profit, for common good of the members and even those instituted by the government. Thus, the birth of the well known principle that qualify true quality which is Total Quality Management (TQM), it is an integrated organizational effort designed in order to improve total quality in all aspect of business segment, this philosophy is nowadays embraces by different organization for achieving one of their ultimate goal, and that is to meet or exceed customers expectation. Thus, the goal of this study is to apply this philosophy to Management Association of the Philippines in meeting and exceeding the expectation of their members, deliver total quality in providing their services and assistance to their members. Furthermore, this study seek on ways and means on how the whole workforce will be working as a team through incorporating quality management system that will be able to determine their strength and improved areas they have to develop so to extend total quality to their members. Likewise, this study aims to establish a management system and corporate culture to ensure the satisfaction the organization as a whole. This system includes systematic method for continuous improvement of organizational process that could lead to a high quality product or

services which is a reflection of a quality-driven organization and a high standard operational performance. Lastly, this study aims to determine how effective and efficient the organization is in terms of meeting or better exceeding members expectation that eventually measures how effective this principle in meeting high quality service.

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