Complete Hogwarts House Evaluation

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SLYTHERIN General-Personality

First, it should be pointed out that, despite the unfair reputation they are often given, Slytherins are not, in any way, naturally evil. Evil comes in many forms and that includes in the forms of all the Hogwarts houses, not just one. Slytherins are just hungry in their ambition, self-confident, and driven. They do not let emotions or obligations get in their way, because once they set goals, they full intend to go for them, no matter what is in their path. So they dont truly mean to hurt people when they do, they are just incredibly blunt and straightforward, a trait that can be seen as shocking to the more emotional houses. In short, Slytherins are strong and beautiful in this strength, as they hold their ground and refuse to be nothing in the world.

The most positive pieces of a Slytherin are their determination and will. They are strong-minded, and you cannot take them down with your words. They can do bad all on their own, they do not need your approval or consent, therefore your opinion makes nothing to them. They take pride in their accomplishments, often making new goals along with their general long-term ideals, so they are always setting rewards for themselves and making sure they feel successful in life. Slytherins can have a roaring self-confidence, which to some can be seen as a bad thing, but really helps them in life quite often. They are powerhouses and they are good at it, which means they are great at persuasion and sweet talking their way into something that they want. This is a great trait, because it means they do not have to resolve to brute force and argument, which they have no problem with initiating either. They can cause conflict and offend others easily, though this is often not intended, they are just blunt and rather apathetic to the views of others, and do not think of what they say in this manner.

Oddly, the positive traits of a Slytherin are also their downfall. This is because they have extreme highs and lows, caused by their own doing. Others cannot put them down, but they can quickly hurt themselves, thinking of everything they have ever done wrong and suddenly thinking themselves a failure, and to some degree panicking over it. Sometimes their barriers can come down and they arent sure how to react to things, like a scared child, and in these times they need a friend, not to be pushed away, though during these times they may also lash out.

An incredibly common sign for a Slytherin is Libra, as both are great in the art of smooth talking and weighing all their options to figure out what is the best for them. Both can often be very materialistic, though they can be equally kind when they want to be. A sign seen in the more social, and at times even more ambitious Slytherin may be Gemini.

Any hobbies a Slytherin takes up has to be one they consider useful, because if they feel they are wasting their time, they get angry with themselves very quickly. So often they take up hobbies more so as back-up plans than enjoyment, things that if need be could be a good career along the road. This could include things such as sports, usually rougher ones such as football or rugby, graphic or web design, and writing of novels.

Quite often, Slytherins can go in and out of friendships, not really retaining them, because friends arent always part of their plans. They tend toward a few close friends, and these friends they are incredibly loyal to, and some of the people they care about most in their life. Slytherins can come off as cold and uncaring, but never underestimate the love they have for their family and friends, it is strong and relentless. They are not the type to spread rumours about you, because if they were to do something like that, they would much rather do it to strangers, not people they would rather not hurt. If a Slytherin does hurt you and they realize it, they have a hard time saying they are sorry, because apologizing to them is a sign of weakness. When they try to talk to you as much as possible and seem much more polite, it is usually a sign they are sorry for whatever it is they have done.

A relationship with a Slytherin is a bit like a forest fire, hard to control and even harder to extinguish. They can be incredibly passionate when they want to be, and like to heat things up and experiment, as their sex appeal means a lot to them, even when they arent comfortable discussing it. Just as they can do this however, if you upset them, their emotions can go off like the flipping of a switch, and they can detach from the relationship completely, acting like they never cared about you at all. A Slytherin scorned is not something you want, as romance is just a silly game to them, one that any moment can be destroyed if you say the wrong thing.

The average typology for a Slytherin is INTJ (Introvert-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). This varies for everyone, of course, but by nature Slytherins are goal-oriented, very good at keeping themselves away from the feelings of others, and strong in their mindset.
Abnormal-Psychology Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.

Slytherins can be narcissistic at times, and generally cold to the feelings of others, instead focusing on their own needs and ideals. They can put others down this way, though it is often not as intentional as you may think it is, it simply comes as a second instinct to them to be this way. They can also be perfectionists by nature, getting incredibly frustrated and hurt when things do not go the way they expected them too. They hid their emotions so well it is almost scary, but when it comes down to it they are the second most emotional house there is, and can therefore be prone to extreme highs or lows, and at times even depression. They can be very avoidant to situations which may engage their sympathies.

Slytherins are the most agnostic in their views of all the houses. This is because they believe whatever it is they believe, but they very rarely dwell on it, and they could care less what others believe either. They are more into the general idea of the human race and how they act as a whole, rather than sides of good or evil, that does not interest them in the slightest. As they see it everyone is down a specific path, and they are along to have fun in the duration of the ride.

Some Slytherins have no interest in politics whatsoever, but those that do love debate, and are very venomous in their nature when it gets down to it. They are prone to arguing, though they will listen to what you have to say, you will rarely change their mind. Instead, you will probably often find them to be very convincing, and you may be reevaluating your own thoughts by the time they are through with you.

Common career and occupational choices among Slytherins are those that are very prestigious or those that are looked well upon, because they expect only the best for themselves. They may want to be surgeons, doctors, attorneys, or journalists. The more artistic of Slytherins may also enjoy acting, singing, or dancing.

The ideal environment for a Slytherin is the one in which they feel they are at the top of their game, and in which they are saying what goes on around them. They have a deep need to be independent as well as superior, so they like to climb their way to the top of the food chain. Literally speaking, Slytherins may tend toward warmer, more humid areas.

Slytherins have two perceptions about themselves, depending on their mood. The first is that they are a fantastic, accomplished person, ready to take charge and be the best they can be. The second opinion, when they start to put themselves down or are in a low place, is that they are rude individuals who are lonely at heart.

The mission of a Slytherin is to do what it is they do best, make their name known, and show pride in where it is they come from.

COMPLETE HOGWARTS HOUSE EVALUATION : 003. RAVENCLAW General-Personality It is quite common for Ravenclaws to hide their true selves in public. This makes them quite the mystery to the untrained eye, a curious puzzle that some may want to figure out, and with good reason. Ravenclaw is the virtuoso of the houses in Hogwarts, as they are filled with those who excel in many intellectual and artistic aspects of life. Ravenclaws are incredibly focused in every sense of the word, as they focus on the details of whatever their passion may be, and they also see the big picture well enough to know they should focus on all parts of their lives in order to achieve success. Ravenclaws are observant and curious, often preferring to watch people from a distance, rather than interact. Positive-&-Negative-Traits The most positive trait of a Ravenclaw is very often their intellect. As well as general knowledge of most things, they also tend to specialize and focus their interests, and can become like walking encyclopedias of specific areas of study or hobbies. They can get lost in this world of their own curiosities, perfectly content to stay in their own mind. As well as this, Ravenclaws are often very easy to please, so long as they are alone. This is because they can please themselves, and they hold very high standards for others, as if they should be able to read their mind. So, when a person does not do as a Ravenclaw expects them to, they can become annoyed or bitter, thinking lower of the individual. They can be incredibly judgmental in this manner, though some more than others. Ravenclaws are fantastic at hiding their emotions, and can seem perfectly kind and sweet to you, when in all reality they do not care for you at all. Another trait of Ravenclaws that may be considered less than favourable is that though they are brilliant in designated areas, they can at times lack common or social sense.They do not understand very simple things at times, simply because they do not believe they have the time for them, nor do they care. They are just fine with this, but others around them may not be. Common-Star-Signs An incredibly common sign for a Ravenclaw is Virgo, as they both thrive for perfection and order. This doesnt mean they are control freaks or absolute nuts about having everything a certain way, they just are very

independent in wanting things how they want it, and if it isnt that way, they can stress out easily. Sagittarius is very common among Ravenclaws as well, as they tend to be observant and imaginative. Hobbies The virtuoso aspect of Ravenclaws mean they have a wide array of hobbies quite often, though they tend toward things that challenge their mind, rather than athletic ventures. This means they enjoy writing, fiction or non-fiction, reading, drawing or other forms of design, and musical instruments, that being only a taste. A gentler Ravenclaw may also enjoy caring for animals. Friendships Ravenclaws make as good as friends as any, and can be loyal in their friendships. However, if you are looking for someone jumping at any and all opportunities to spend time with you or have fun in big groups, then you are not looking for a Ravenclaw. They feel uncomfortable in large crowds, and much prefer to have a few close friends, ones that enhance them mentally and challenge them to be better. They may find most of their friends in their field of work or study, as then they feel more relaxed as if they have more in common with an individual. They are not ones to start fights or cause drama, they just enjoy having a few people to rely on when need be, and lend a helping hand for if they have to. Intimate-Relationships Getting a Ravenclaw into a relationship can be a difficult task, as they are not the romantic types. Before they think about diving into a relationship, they will often weigh their options of whether or not one will fit into their life, or whether or not the person fits into their mold of what they have mapped out for themselves. They are strict in this tactic, so much so that their evaluation for lovers is only beaten by Slytherins. If a Ravenclaw finds you worthy of their time, they may not be very affectionate at first, but you must give them time to warm their heart and believe you are part of them, and as this progresses they will become sweeter with you, and airy in their love. Typology The average typology for a Ravenclaw is INTP (Introvert-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceptive). This varies for everyone, of course, but by nature Ravenclaws are quiet, watching things and thinking over what they mean and how they work, rather than jumping right into the action. Abnormal-Psychology Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional. Ravenclaws can be rigid perfectionists, and need everything to be a certain way, almost to the point of obsessive compulsion. In fact, many of them may think if they dont do something they way they believe it should be done, something terrible and life-altering could happen. They also can have very eccentric or strange ways of thinking compared to their more social counterparts, as they rarely give into peer pressure, and therefore express themselves as they see fit, though this is in no way a fault. The more feeling Ravenclaw may be prone to depression, as they feel they are cut off from the world, not seeing that it is in their nature to be independent and that they are happy this way, so instead they think there is something wrong with them and they divulge into sadness. Often they do not know how to remedy this themselves, so if you are close friends with a Ravenclaw and they seem down, it is best to reassure them they are a unique and beautiful soul. Other than friends, the outlets they may use to cure their depression are other worlds, such as novels or movies. Religious-Views Ravenclaws often can one of two extremes with religious views, the first being that they can be incredibly and deeply spiritual. This can be for any religion of course, though they tend to lean toward ones that involve the universe as a whole, rather than one all powerful God, as that idea to them seems highly unlikely. The other path a Ravenclaw often goes down is that of science, believing everything happens due to actions and

reactions, that there is no higher power, and that the Earth is the way it is due to science, and we can easily find ways to explain everything in the world if we try. Political-Views Though they are not usually outspoken, Ravenclaws adore debate. They love the idea of an intellectual back and forth firing contest, to see what others think compared to what they do. They will not talk to extremists about things who are ignorant in their ways, but want a mature, intelligent conversation about what is going on in the world. If you give this to them, they will be very pleased in having talked to you, and it is people like you that give them a spark of interest in the world of politics, not politicians. Careers Common career and occupational choices among Ravenclaws are those in which they can enrich themselves while keeping others informed. The more social Ravenclaw may tend toward psychiatry or psychology, counseling, or teaching. The more logically driven one may tend toward forensic sciences, mathematics or architecture. Many Ravenclaws also adore the world of literature, and enjoy writing of all kinds. Ideal-Environment The ideal environment for a Ravenclaw is one where they feel like they are being productive, because if they are not working, they feel as though they are wasting their mind, and are therefore useless. They like challenges, and they like to feel like they are always going. Literally speaking, an environment which a Ravenclaw may like is on the chillier or moderate side, with little to no rain, as they feel the clouds of storms can cloud their thinking as well. Self-Perception Ravenclaws often see themselves as the unique minds of the world, and have complete confidence in their individuality. They see themselves as somewhat superior to others, but are often kind about it and try not to boast about their own accomplishments. They seem themselves as success in the making. Life-Mission The life of a Ravenclaw is their mission, they want to spread the words and images of their mind, show all that could be, and add more colour to the world.

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