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Sample request letter

You can use this sample letter when asking members of your family or friends to help out with your event. Copy the text and fill in the relevant sections which are bracketed in purple. The same document can be downloaded at as a Word document, so you can print off as many copies as you need. Send this letter only to people who you know well. Let your parents/guardians know you will be contacting people for sponsorship.

[Name of the person you are asking] [The persons job if appropriate, for example Head Teacher] [Address] [Postcode]

[Your name and address]

[Date] Dear [name], [I am/We are] writing to you to ask for your help with a charity fundraising event we are planning on [date]. The event is [describe event/activity] where [I/we] will be raising funds for UNICEF to help children around the world. UNICEF is the worlds leading charity working for children and their rights. UNICEF works with families, local communities, partners and governments in more than 150 countries to help every child realise their full potential. UNICEF supports children by providing health care, good water and sanitation, nutrition and education. UNICEF protects children affected by crises including war, natural disasters and HIV/AIDS. More than 93 million children are missing out on primary school education. Every day, more than 16,000 children under the age of 5 die of easily preventable causes such as diarrhoea, measles and pneumonia. In the case of polio, for example, a few drops of a simple vaccine are enough to save a child from this terrible disease. UNICEF provides 40 per cent of the worlds vaccines in developing countries. UNICEF relies entirely on voluntary donations, and events like these are vital in helping us to help children. To find out more information about UNICEF, please visit [I/we] would like to ask you to consider supporting [my/our] event by [here say what you want them to do such as supervising your event, letting you use a venue or providing food and drinks]. Your gift in kind would allow [us/me] to save costs, ensuring that [I/we] can raise an even larger amount so that UNICEF can reach even more children. In exchange, [I/we] would be delighted to let others know about your support and could publicly thank you at our event. If you feel unable to consider this type of support, perhaps you would still consider supporting our fundraising efforts by giving a donation? As little as 4 can buy mosquito nets to protect a family from malaria and 30 can provide lifesaving food for 50 malnourished children a day. [I/we] can be contacted on [telephone] or at [email]. [I/we] look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,

[Your signature] [Your name]

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