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Clean Earth

Doing Your Part for a

Healthy Planet
Simple Solutions to Protect Water Conserve Energy Improve Air Quality Reduce Waste
www.Green-Living.US 1

Understanding Your Environmental Impact and

Why It Matters
4 Area of Impact
Water Energy Air Quality Waste

Little Steps
Either No Cost, Little Cost, or Save Money

Join Us

Impact Worksheets

Little Things Add Up

Our Goal Is To Do Little Things That Make A Difference Without Costing More.


Protect Our Water

The Problem
Household cleaning products can have harmful chemicals that are not removed before ending up in rivers and oceans.

What You Can Do

Switch to cleaning products that do not contain Chlorine Bleach, Phosphates, or other harsh chemicals

500,000 tons of pollutants enter waterways every day.

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What You Can Do

What You Can Do Use non-Toxic and Biodegradable Cleaning Products that do not use Chlorine Bleach, Phosphates, or Harsh Chemicals Fix any leaky faucets or toilets How It Helps Anything that goes down the drain ends up in the water supply.

Leaky toilets can waste as much as 200 gallons of water/day. Check with your city, some will pay you to replace toilets with lor or duel-flush

Set the water level when doing laundry to match Washing clothes consumes over 20% of the load size. household water use.

Do not put hazardous waste in the trash. This Toxic materials dumped down the drain includes medicine paint, batteries and fertilizer. eventually end up in our water supply. Most can be recycled. Take shorter showers. Try to stay under 10 minutes.

Shortening your shower by one minute can save 150 gallons of water/month.

Save Energy
The Problem
Most energy is created by burning carbon based oil, natural gas, or coal. Your home is where you have the most control over how much energy you use yet most people are unaware of how much energy they use.

What You Can Do

Replace incandescent lights with Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs) or LED bulbs. LED bulbs cost more than CFLs but last longer, dont have the flicker, and save you more in the long run. Wash clothes in cold water and youll save about $10.00/month on your electric bill. (Be sure to use a detergent formulated for cold water.) more...
www.Green-Living.US 6

What You Can Do

What You Can Do How It Helps Adjust your thermostat +/- 20 and turn off lights You could save as much as 15% on your energy when no one is in a room. Maybe even more bill. Even more by switching to LED of CFL when no one is in the house. lights. Wash laundry in cold water. 90% of energy used to wash clothes is used to heat the water. Many modern determents are formulated for use in cold water. If necessary, wash in warm water and rinse in cold water. A dryer is the second biggest electric used after your refrigerator. Typical cost to run a dryer over its lifetime is $1,800 A 60-watt incandescent bulb can be replaced by a 13-watt CLF or a 7-watt LED. Both save you money over their lifetime. 75% of the power consumed by appliances and electronics is used when the items are being used.

Drip dry your clothes instead of using a dryer.

Use LED or CFL light bulbs

Unplug seldom-used appliances or use a power strip turn them off.


Reduce Waste
The Problem
People in the U.S. Generate about 230,000,000 TONS of trash every year. Thats about 4-1/2 pounds per person per day and less than 25% is recycled.

What You Can Do

Use concentrated products because they take less plastic that end up in landfills and uses less energy to create. 7 Things You Should Never Throw in the Trash 1. Lithium-ion Batteries 2. Electronic Equipment 3. Older CFL Light Bulbs 4. Oil, Antifreeze, Wiper Fluid 5. Drugs and Medicine 6. Pant, Varnish or Stains 7. Fertilizers or Pesticides
www.Green-Living.US 8

What You Can Do

What You Can Do Use a reusable drinking bottle instead of a throw-a-way bottle. Take your own bags to the grocery store. How It Helps The U.S. uses 1,500 plastic water bottles every SECOND. Americans use approximately 1,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags every years resulting in 300,000 TONS of landfill waste. 50,000,000 plastic bottles are thrown away every day in the U.S. 2x concentrated products reduces plastic use by 50%. 6x by 83% For every pound of trash you recycle, you save energy and reduce CO2 emissions by 1 pound. Using products with recycled materials also save making new material.

Use concentrated products

Recycle aluminum, paper, glass and plastic.

Often overlooked are ink cartridges when should be refilled and recycled.

Reuse, donate, or recycle clothing and Take items you no longer want to a consignment household items instead of throwing them away. shop and you may make a small amount while doing good for the environment.
www.Green-Living.US 9

Improve Air Quality

The Problem
Automobile exhaust accounts for 60% of air pollution. 95% in cities.

What You Can Do

Do your weekly errands in a single trip. Walk, bike, carpool, or take mass transit when possible. Use concentrated products because they take less energy to ship.



What You Can Do

What You Can Do Walk, bike, combine trips. How It Helps Every gallon of gasoline saved avoids 22 pounds of Carbon Monoxide emissions. Saves you money and cuts pollution. Roughly 60% of all carbon monoxide emissions come from automobile exhaust. Pollution inside a home is typically 2 to 5 times worst than the air outside.

Carpool or take mass transit.

Use cleaning products that do not emit harmful fumes.

Store harmful chemicals outside the home.

Indore air quality is one of the EPAs top 5 environmental risks to public health. Better to avoid using them when possible.

Use products that do not contain ammonia or 75% of Americans live with someone who VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) are emitted suffers from asthma, allergies, or other as gases from certain solids or liquids. respiratory illnesses.
www.Green-Living.US 11

Join Us & Make a Big Improvement

Four Simple Things You Can Do.

None Cost More & Some Save You Money. Help Us Preserve a Healthy Planet for Our Children, Grandchildren, and Generations to Come.
50 years from now, if ever y household in the U.S. did just these four simple changes, we could save 4,400,000,000 pounds of landfill waste 12,700,000,000 barrels of oil 30,300,000,000 trees that would not be cut down 8,400,000,000,000 KWH of electricity 12,200,000,000,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions
www.Green-Living.US 12

Clean Earth Worksheet

Doing Your Part for a Healthy Planet
Tom Faulkner 919-724-4410 www.Green-Living.US

Protecting Our Water Supply

My Behavior Never/ Rarely Somemes Usually/ Always The Impact

I use non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products. I x all leaky faucets or toilets. When doing laundry, I set the water level to low, medium, or high to match the load size. I do not put hazardous materials in the trash. This includes medicine, paint, oil, baeries, and ferlizer. I take no longer than 10 minutes to shower.

Anything that goes down the drain ends up in the water supply. Leaky toilets can waste as much as 200 gallons of water/day. Replace toilets with low-ow or duel-ush toilets.

Washing clothes consumes over 20% of household water use.

Hazardous materials dumped down the drain eventually end up in the water supply Shortening your shower by one minute can save 150 gallons of water per month.



Clean Earth Worksheet

Doing Your Part for a Healthy Planet
Tom Faulkner 919-724-4410 www.Green-Living.US

Save Energy
My Behavior Never/Rarely Somemes Usually/Always The Impact

I adjust the thermostat +/- 20 and turn o lights when no one is in a room

These 2 items alone could save you as much as 15% of your total household electricity use. Even more by switching to CFL or LED lights. 90% of energy used to wash clothes is used just to heat the water. A dryer is the second-biggest electricity using appliance aer the refrigerator. Typical cost to run a dryer over its lifeme is $1,800. A 60-wa bulb can be replaced by a 13-wa CLF or 7-wa LED. Both save money over their life. 75% of the power used by appliances and electronics is used when the items are not being used.

I wash clothes in cold water

I hang my clothes to drip dry instead of using a dryer.

I use LED or CFL light bulbs

I unplug seldom-used appliances or use a power strip to turn them o.



Clean Earth Worksheet

Doing Your Part for a Healthy Planet
Tom Faulkner 919-724-4410 www.Green-Living.US

Reduce Air Pollution

My Behavior Never/Rarely Somemes Usually/Always The Impact

I walk or ride a bicycle somewhere rather than driving when possible. I carpool or use mass transit. I use cleaning products that do not create harmful fumes. I store all harmful chemicals outside of the house. I use products that are free from chlorine bleach, ammonia and other causc chemicals.

Every gallon of gasoline saved avoids 22 pounds of carbon monoxide emissions. Vehicle exhaust contributes roughly 60% of all carbon monoxide emissions naonwide Polluon inside is typically 2 to 5 mes worse than the air outside Indoor air quality is on of the EPAs top 5 environmental risks to public health. Avoid using toxic chemicals even beer. 75% of Americans live with someone who suers from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory illnesses



Clean Earth Worksheet

Doing Your Part for a Healthy Planet
Tom Faulkner 919-724-4410 www.Green-Living.US

Reduce Landfill Waste

My Behavior Never/Rarely Somemes Usually/Always The Impact

I use a reusable drinking cup instead of disposable boles. I take my own bags to the grocery store.

I use concentrated products. I recycle aluminum, paper, glass, and plasc. Oen overlooked are ink cartridges which should be relled and recycled. I reuse, donate, or recycle clothing or household items instead of throwing them away

The US uses 1,500 plasc water boles every second. Americans use approximately 1 Billion plasc shopping bags every year, creang 300,000 Tons of landll waste. 50 Million plasc boles are thrown away every day in the US. 2x concentrated reduces plasc use by 50%. 6x by 83% For every pound of trash you recycle, you save energy and reduce CO2 emissions by 1 pound. Making products with recycled materials also saves new materials. The amount of disposed items in the US has more than doubled in the past 50 years.

Whats your impact score? If most of the boxes checked are green, youre Leading by Example. Congratulaons! If most of the boxes checked are yellow, you have Room to Improve. If most of the boxes checked are red, its me for you to take acon.
www.Green-Living.US 16

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