Diseño Estanques de Retencion

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Diseo de Estanques de Detencin considerando varios Diseos St de Tormentas

Land Development Results in Increased Peak Flow Rates and Runoff Volumes
Developed area

Similar undeveloped area

Large Rain

Small Rain

Receiving Water Effects of Water Pollutant Discharges

Sediment (amount and quality) Habitat destruction (mostly through high flows and sedimentation) Eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) Low dissolved oxygen (from organic materials) Pathogens (mostly from municipal wastewater and agricultural runoff) Toxicants (heavy metals and organic toxicants) Temperature Debris and unsafe conditions etc.

Wet Detention Ponds

Extended Detention Ponds

Dry Ponds with Pilot Channels

Caltrans, San Diego and Los Angeles, California

Unusual Dry Detention Pond Located on Hillside to Meet 100 year Peak Flow Rate Criterion

Large Corrugated Pipes used for Underground Detention Below Parking Area

Examples of Proprietary Underground Detention Systems

Basinwide Hydraulic Analyses

Basinwide analyses are needed to identify the most suitable locations and sizes for flood control detention ponds If just follow pre and post development peak flow rate criterion (the peak flow rate after development must be no larger than the peak flow rate before development for a specific design storm), worse conditions are likely to occur at downstream areas WinTR-55 is the easiest and cheapest tool available to perform a basinwide hydraulic analysis to ensure that hydrographic interferences will not occur.

Contech Construction Products, Inc.

Invisible Structures, Inc.



Developing subwatershed requiring detention pond

Predevelopment hydrographs from upstream area and from developing subarea

Final hydrographs from subareas and total area with detention pond to meet predevelopment peak flow criterion

Probability distribution of typical Alabama rains (by count) and runoff (by depth).
<0.5: 65% of rains (10% of runoff) 0.5 to 3: 30% of rains (75% of runoff) 3 to 8: 4% of rains (13% of runoff) >8: <0.1% or rains (2% or runoff)

EPA report on wet weather flows, Pitt, et al. 1999

Same general pattern in other parts of the country, just shifted.

Design Issues (<0.5 inches)

Most of the events (numbers of rain storms) Little of annual runoff volume Little of annual pollutant mass discharges Probably few receiving water effects Problem: pollutant concentrations likely exceed regulatory limits (especially for bacteria and total recoverable heavy metals) for each event

Pitt, et al. (1999)

Design Issues (3 to 8 inches) Design Issues (0.5 to 3 inches)

Majority of annual runoff volume and pollutant discharges Occur approximately once a week Problems: moderate high Produce frequent high pollutant loadings
This range of rains can include drainage-design storms (depending on rain intensity and site time of concentration). Most of these storms last for one to two days. Drainage design storms of these depths would last only for a few hours. Establishes energy gradient of streams Occur approximately every few months (two to five times a year). Drainage design storms having high peak intensities occur every several years to several decades) Problems: Unstable streambanks Habitat destruction from damaging flows Sanitary sewer overflows Nuisance flooding and drainage problems/traffic hazards

Design Issues (> 8 inches)

Occur rarely (once every several years to once every several decades, or less frequently). Three rains were recorded that were >8 inches in the 37 years between 1952 and 1989 in Huntsville, AL. Produce relatively small fraction of the annual pollutant mass discharges Produce extremely large flows and the largest events exceed drainage system capacity (depending on rain intensity and time of concentration of drainage area)

Combinations of Controls Needed to Meet Many Stormwater Management Objectives

Smallest storms should be captured on-site for , or Design controls to treat runoff that cannot be infiltrated on site Provide controls to reduce energy of large events that would otherwise affect habitat Provide conventional flooding and drainage controls

Figure and Table from Center for Watershed Protection

Impervious Cover Model

Hours of Exceedence of Developed Conditions with Zero Runoff Increase Controls Compared to Predevelopment Conditions (MacRae (1997)
Recurrence Existing Exceedence for Interval (yrs) Flowrate Predevelopment (m3/s) Conditions (hrs per 5 yrs) Exceedence for Existing Development Conditions, with ZRI Controls (hrs per 5 yrs) Exceedence for Ultimate Development Conditions, with ZRI Controls (hrs per 5 yrs)

Urban Steam Classification Channel Stability Aquatic Life Biodiversity

Sensitive 0 10% Imperviousness Stable Good/Excellent

Impacted 11 25% Imperviousness Unstable Fair/Good

Damaged 26100% Imperviousness Highly Unstable Poor

1.01 (critical 1.24 mid-bankfull conditions) 1.5 (bankfull 2.1 conditions)







Can calculate the hours of exceedence of various flow targets for different development scenarios

Example Intensity - Duration - Frequency (IDF) Curve

Rainfall Frequency
Rainfall frequency is commonly expressed as the average return period of the event. The value should be expressed as the probability of that event occurring in any one year. As an example, a 100-yr storm, has a 1% chance of occurring in any one year, while a 5-yr storm has a 20% chance of occurring in any one year. Multiple rare events may occur in any one year, but that is not very likely.

Developed by S. Rocky Durrans

SCS (NRCS) Rainfall Distributions

ion Pond Design and Analysis:

Zones of Different Rainfall Distributions

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