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Basic Networking Tutorial

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Basic Networking Tutorial

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Dated: Aug. 12, 2004

Related Categories Networking In General

What is a computer Network?

A network is any collection of independent computers that communicate with one another over a shared network medium. A computer network is a collection of two or more connected computers. When these computers are joined in a network, people can share files and peripherals such as modems, printers, tape backup drives, or CD-ROM drives. When networks at multiple locations are connected using services available from phone companies, people can send e-mail, share links to the global Internet, or conduct video conferences in real time with other remote users. When a network becomes open sourced it can be managed properly with online collaboration software. As companies rely on applications like electronic mail and database management for core business operations, computer networking becomes increasingly more important. Every network includes:

At least two computers Server or Client workstation. Networking Interface Card's (NIC) A connection medium, usually a wire or cable, although wireless communication between networked computers and peripherals is also possible. Network Operating system software, such as Microsoft Windows NT or 2000, Novell NetWare, Unix and Linux.

Types of Networks: LANs (Local Area Networks)

A network is any collection of independent computers that communicate with one another over a shared network medium. LANs are networks usually confined to a geographic area, such as a single building or a college campus. LANs can be small, linking as few as three computers, but often link hundreds of computers used by thousands of people. The development of standard networking protocols and media has resulted in worldwide proliferation of LANs throughout business and educational organizations.

WANs (Wide Area Networks)

Wide area networking combines multiple LANs that are geographically separate. This is accomplished by connecting the different LANs using services such as dedicated leased phone lines, dial-up phone lines (both synchronous and asynchronous), 1/120


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satellite links, and data packet carrier services. Wide area networking can be as simple as a modem and remote access server for employees to dial into, or it can be as complex as hundreds of branch offices globally linked using special routing protocols and filters to minimize the expense of sending data sent over vast distances.

The Internet is a system of linked networks that are worldwide in scope and facilitate data communication services such as remote login, file transfer, electronic mail, the World Wide Web and newsgroups. With the meteoric rise in demand for connectivity, the Internet has become a communications highway for millions of users. The Internet was initially restricted to military and academic institutions, but now it is a full-fledged conduit for any and all forms of information and commerce. Internet websites now provide personal, educational, political and economic resources to every corner of the planet.

With the advancements made in browser-based software for the Internet, many private organizations are implementing intranets. An intranet is a private network utilizing Internet-type tools, but available only within that organization. For large organizations, an intranet provides an easy access mode to corporate information for employees.

MANs (Metropolitan area Networks)

The refers to a network of computers with in a City.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN uses a technique known as tunneling to transfer data securely on the Internet to a remote access server on your workplace network. Using a VPN helps you save money by using the public Internet instead of making longdistance phone calls to connect securely with your private network. There are two ways to create a VPN connection, by dialing an Internet service provider (ISP), or connecting directly to Internet.

Categories of Network:
Network can be divided in to two main categories:
Peer-to-peer. Server based. In peer-to-peer networking there are no dedicated servers or hierarchy among the computers. All of the computers are equal and therefore known as peers. Normally each computer serves as Client/Server and there is no one assigned to be an administrator responsible for the entire network. Peer-to-peer networks are good choices for needs of small organizations where the users are allocated in the same general area, security is not an issue and the organization and the network will have limited growth within the foreseeable future. The term Client/server refers to the concept of sharing the work involved in processing data between the client computer and the most powerful server computer.

The client/server network is the most efficient way to provide:

Databases and management of applications such as Spreadsheets, Accounting, Communications and Document management. Network management. Centralized file storage. The client/server model is basically an implementation of distributed or cooperative processing. At the heart of the model is 2/120


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the concept of splitting application functions between a client and a server processor. The division of labor between the different processors enables the application designer to place an application function on the processor that is most appropriate for that function. This lets the software designer optimize the use of processors--providing the greatest possible return on investment for the hardware. Client/server application design also lets the application provider mask the actual location of application function. The user often does not know where a specific operation is executing. The entire function may execute in either the PC or server, or the function may be split between them. This masking of application function locations enables system implementers to upgrade portions of a system over time with a minimum disruption of application operations, while protecting the investment in existing hardware and software.

The OSI Model:

Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model has become an International standard and serves as a guide for networking. This model is the best known and most widely used guide to describe networking environments. Vendors design network products based on the specifications of the OSI model. It provides a description of how network hardware and software work together in a layered fashion to make communications possible. It also helps with trouble shooting by providing a frame of reference that describes how components are supposed to function. There are seven to get familiar with and these are the physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, and the application layer. Physical Layer , is just that the physical parts of the network such as wires, cables, and there media along with the length. Also this layer takes note of the electrical signals that transmit data throughout system. Data Link Layer , this layer is where we actually assign meaning to the electrical signals in the network. The layer also determines the size and format of data sent to printers, and other devices. Also I don't want to forget that these are also called nodes in the network. Another thing to consider in this layer is will also allow and define the error detection and correction schemes that insure data was sent and received. Network Layer, this layer provides the definition for the connection of two dissimilar networks. Transport Layer, this layer allows data to be broken into smaller packages for data to be distributed and addressed to other nodes (workstations). Session Layer , this layer helps out with the task to carry information from one node (workstation) to another node (workstation). A session has to be made before we can transport information to another computer. Presentation Layer , this layer is responsible to code and decode data sent to the node. Application Layer , this layer allows you to use an application that will communicate with say the operation system of a server. A good example would be using your web browser to interact with the operating system on a server such as 3/120


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Windows NT, which in turn gets the data you requested.

Network Architectures:
Ethernet is the most popular physical layer LAN technology in use today. Other LAN types include Token Ring, Fast Ethernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and LocalTalk. Ethernet connection is popular because it strikes a good balance between speed, cost and ease of installation. These benefits, combined with wide acceptance in the computer marketplace and the ability to support virtually all popular network protocols, make Ethernet an ideal networking technology for most computer users today. The Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) defines the Ethernet standard as IEEE Standard 802.3. This standard defines rules for configuring an Ethernet network as well as specifying how elements in an Ethernet network interact with one another. By adhering to the IEEE standard, network equipment and network protocols can communicate efficiently.

Ethernet Network Architecture

Fast Ethernet
For Ethernet networks that need higher transmission speeds, the Fast Ethernet standard (IEEE 802.3u) has been established. This standard raises the Ethernet speed limit from 10 Megabits per second (Mbps) to 100 Mbps with only minimal changes to the existing cable structure. There are three types of Fast Ethernet: 100BASE-TX for use with level 5 UTP cable, 100BASE-FX for use with fiber-optic cable, and 100BASE-T4 which utilizes an extra two wires for use with level 3 UTP cable. The 100BASE-TX standard has become the most popular due to its close compatibility with the 10BASE-T Ethernet standard. For the network manager, the incorporation of Fast Ethernet into an existing configuration presents a host of decisions. Managers must determine the number of users in each site on the network that need the higher throughput, decide which segments of the backbone need to be reconfigured specifically for 100BASE-T and then choose the necessary hardware to connect the 100BASE-T segments with existing 10BASE-T segments. Gigabit Ethernet is a future technology that promises a migration path beyond Fast Ethernet so the next generation of networks will support even higher data transfer speeds.

Token Ring
Token Ring is another form of network configuration which differs from Ethernet in that all messages are transferred in a unidirectional manner along the ring at all times. Data is transmitted in tokens, which are passed along the ring and viewed by each device. When a device sees a message addressed to it, that device copies the message and then marks that message as being read. As the message makes its way along the ring, it eventually gets back to the sender who now notes that the message was received by the intended device. The sender can then remove the message and free that token for use by others. Various PC vendors have been proponents of Token Ring networks at different times and thus these types of networks have been implemented in many organizations.

FDDI (Fiber-Distributed Data Interface) is a standard for data transmission on fiber optic lines in a local area network that can extend in range up to 200 km (124 miles). The FDDI protocol is based on the token ring protocol. In addition to being 4/120


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large geographically, an FDDI local area network can support thousands of users.

Network protocols are standards that allow computers to communicate. A protocol defines how computers identify one another on a network, the form that the data should take in transit, and how this information is processed once it reaches its final destination. Protocols also define procedures for handling lost or damaged transmissions or "packets." TCP/IP (for UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95 and other platforms), IPX (for Novell NetWare), DECnet (for networking Digital Equipment Corp. computers), AppleTalk (for Macintosh computers), and NetBIOS/NetBEUI (for LAN Manager and Windows NT networks) are the main types of network protocols in use today. Although each network protocol is different, they all share the same physical cabling. This common method of accessing the physical network allows multiple protocols to peacefully coexist over the network media, and allows the builder of a network to use common hardware for a variety of protocols. This concept is known as "protocol independence," Some Important Protocols and their job: Protocol Point-To-Point Acronym TCP/IP Its Job The backbone protocol of the internet. Popular also for intranets using the internet Transmission Control TCP/IP Protocol/internet Protocol The backbone protocol of the internet. Popular also for intranets using the internet Internetwork Package IPX/SPX Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange NetBIOS Extended User Interface NetBEUI This is a standard protocol for Novell Network Operating System This is a Microsoft protocol that doesn't support routing to other networks File Transfer Protocol FTP Used to send and receive files from a remote host Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTP Used for the web to send documents that are encoded in HTML. Network File Services NFS Allows network nodes or workstations to access files and drives as if they were their own. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP Used to send Email over a network Telnet

Used to connect


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to a host and emulate a terminal that the remote server can recognize

Introduction to TCP/IP Networks:

TCP/IP-based networks play an increasingly important role in computer networks. Perhaps one reason for their appeal is that they are based on an open specification that is not controlled by any vendor.

What Is TCP/IP?
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and IP stands for Internet Protocol. The term TCP/IP is not limited just to these two protocols, however. Frequently, the term TCP/IP is used to refer to a group of protocols related to the TCP and IP protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Terminal Emulation Protocol (TELNET), and so on.

The Origins of TCP/IP

In the late 1960s, DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency), in the United States, noticed that there was a rapid proliferation of computers in military communications. Computers, because they can be easily programmed, provide flexibility in achieving network functions that is not available with other types of communications equipment. The computers then used in military communications were manufactured by different vendors and were designed to interoperate with computers from that vendor only. Vendors used proprietary protocols in their communications equipment. The military had a multi vendor network but no common protocol to support the heterogeneous equipment from different vendors

Net work Cables and Stuff:

In the network you will commonly find three types of cables used these are the, coaxial cable, fiber optic and twisted pair.

Thick Coaxial Cable

This type cable is usually yellow in color and used in what is called thicknets, and has two conductors. This coax can be used in 500-meter lengths. The cable itself is made up of a solid center wire with a braided metal shield and plastic sheathing protecting the rest of the wire.

Thin Coaxial Cable

As with the thick coaxial cable is used in thicknets the thin version is used in thinnets. This type cable is also used called or referred to as RG-58. The cable is really just a cheaper version of the thick cable.

Fiber Optic Cable

As we all know fiber optics are pretty darn cool and not cheap. This cable is smaller and can carry a vast amount of information fast and over long distances.

Twisted Pair Cables

These come in two flavors of unshielded and shielded.

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)

Is more common in high-speed networks. The biggest difference you will see in the UTP and STP is that the STP use's metallic shield wrapping to protect the wire from interference. 6/120


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-Something else to note about these cables is that they are defined in numbers also. The bigger the number the better the protection from interference. Most networks should go with no less than a CAT 3 and CAT 5 is most recommended. -Now you know about cables we need to know about connectors. This is pretty important and you will most likely need the RJ-45 connector. This is the cousin of the phone jack connector and looks real similar with the exception that the RJ-45 is bigger. Most commonly your connector are in two flavors and this is BNC (Bayonet Naur Connector) used in thicknets and the RJ-45 used in smaller networks using UTP/STP.

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)

This is the most popular form of cables in the network and the cheapest form that you can go with. The UTP has four pairs of wires and all inside plastic sheathing. The biggest reason that we call it Twisted Pair is to protect the wires from interference from themselves. Each wire is only protected with a thin plastic sheath.

Ethernet Cabling
Now to familiarize you with more on the Ethernet and it's cabling we need to look at the 10's. 10Base2, is considered the thin Ethernet, thinnet, and thinwire which uses light coaxial cable to create a 10 Mbps network. The cable segments in this network can't be over 185 meters in length. These cables connect with the BNC connector. Also as a note these unused connection must have a terminator, which will be a 50-ohm terminator. 10 Base5 , this is considered a thicknet and is used with coaxial cable arrangement such as the BNC connector. The good side to the coaxial cable is the high-speed transfer and cable segments can be up to 500 meters between nodes/workstations. You will typically see the same speed as the 10Base2 but larger cable lengths for more versatility. 10 BaseT , the T stands for twisted as in UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) and uses this for 10Mbps of transfer. The down side to this is you can only have cable lengths of 100 meters between nodes/workstations. The good side to this network is they are easy to set up and cheap! This is why they are so common an ideal for small offices or homes. 10 0 BaseT , is considered Fast Ethernet uses STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) reaching data transfer of 100Mbps. This system is a little more expensive but still remains popular as the 10BaseT and cheaper than most other type networks. This on of course would be the cheap fast version. 10 BaseF , this little guy has the advantage of fiber optics and the F stands for just that. This arrangement is a little more complicated and uses special connectors and NIC's along with hubs to create its network. Pretty darn neat and not to cheap on the wallet. An important part of designing and installing an Ethernet is selecting the appropriate Ethernet medium. There are four major types of media in use today: Thickwire for 10BASE5 networks, thin coax for 10BASE2 networks, unshielded twisted pair (UTP) for 10BASE-T networks and fiber optic for 10BASE-FL or Fiber-Optic Inter-Repeater Link (FOIRL) networks. This wide variety of media reflects the evolution of Ethernet and also points to the technology's flexibility. Thickwire was one of the first cabling systems used in Ethernet but was expensive and difficult to use. This evolved to thin coax, which is easier to work with and less expensive.

Network Topologies:
What is a Network topology?
A network topology is the geometric arrangement of nodes and cable links in a LAN, There are three topology's to think about when you get into networks. These are the star, rind, and the bus. 7/120


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Star , in a star topology each node has a dedicated set of wires connecting it to a central network hub. Since all traffic passes through the hub, the hub becomes a central point for isolating network problems and gathering network statistics. Ring , a ring topology features a logically closed loop. Data packets travel in a single direction around the ring from one network device to the next. Each network device acts as a repeater, meaning it regenerates the signal Bus , the bus topology, each node (computer, server, peripheral etc.) attaches directly to a common cable. This topology most often serves as the backbone for a network. In some instances, such as in classrooms or labs, a bus will connect small workgroups

Ethernet is a shared media, so there are rules for sending packets of data to avoid conflicts and protect data integrity. Nodes determine when the network is available for sending packets. It is possible that two nodes at different locations attempt to send data at the same time. When both PCs are transferring a packet to the network at the same time, a collision will result. Minimizing collisions is a crucial element in the design and operation of networks. Increased collisions are often the result of too many users on the network, which results in a lot of contention for network bandwidth. This can slow the performance of the network from the user's point of view. Segmenting the network, where a network is divided into different pieces joined together logically with a bridge or switch, is one way of reducing an overcrowded network.

Ethernet Products:
The standards and technology that have just been discussed help define the specific products that network managers use to build Ethernet networks. The following text discusses the key products needed to build an Ethernet LAN.

Transceivers are used to connect nodes to the various Ethernet media. Most computers and network interface cards contain a built-in 10BASE-T or 10BASE2 transceiver, allowing them to be connected directly to Ethernet without requiring an external transceiver. Many Ethernet devices provide an AUI connector to allow the user to connect to any media type via an external transceiver. The AUI connector consists of a 15-pin D-shell type connector, female on the computer side, male on the transceiver side. Thickwire (10BASE5) cables also use transceivers to allow connections. For Fast Ethernet networks, a new interface called the MII (Media Independent Interface) was developed to offer a flexible way to support 100 Mbps connections. The MII is a popular way to connect 100BASE-FX links to copper-based Fast Ethernet devices.

Network Interface Cards:

Network interface cards , commonly referred to as NICs, and are used to connect a PC to a network. The NIC provides a physical connection between the networking cable and the computer's internal bus. Different computers have different bus architectures; PCI bus master slots are most commonly found on 486/Pentium PCs and ISA expansion slots are commonly found on 386 and older PCs. NICs come in three basic varieties: 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit. The larger the number of bits that can be transferred to the NIC, the faster the NIC can transfer data to the network cable. Many NIC adapters comply with Plug-n-Play specifications. On these systems, NICs are automatically configured without user intervention, while on non-Plug-n-Play systems, configuration is done manually through a setup program and/or DIP switches. Cards are available to support almost all networking standards, including the latest Fast Ethernet environment. Fast Ethernet NICs are often 10/100 capable, and will automatically set to the appropriate speed. Full duplex networking is another option, where a dedicated connection to a switch allows a NIC to operate at twice the speed.



Basic Networking Tutorial

Hubs/repeaters are used to connect together two or more Ethernet segments of any media type. In larger designs, signal quality begins to deteriorate as segments exceed their maximum length. Hubs provide the signal amplification required to allow a segment to be extended a greater distance. A hub takes any incoming signal and repeats it out all ports. Ethernet hubs are necessary in star topologies such as 10BASE-T. A multi-port twisted pair hub allows several point-to-point segments to be joined into one network. One end of the point-to-point link is attached to the hub and the other is attached to the computer. If the hub is attached to a backbone, then all computers at the end of the twisted pair segments can communicate with all the hosts on the backbone. The number and type of hubs in any one-collision domain is limited by the Ethernet rules. These repeater rules are discussed in more detail later. Network Type 10BASE-T 10BASE2 10BASE5 10BASE-FL Max Nodes Per Segment 2 30 100 2 Max Distance Per Segment 100m 185m 500m 2000m

Adding Speed:
While repeaters allow LANs to extend beyond normal distance limitations, they still limit the number of nodes that can be supported. Bridges and switches, however, allow LANs to grow significantly larger by virtue of their ability to support full Ethernet segments on each port. Additionally, bridges and switches selectively filter network traffic to only those packets needed on each segment - this significantly increases throughput on each segment and on the overall network. By providing better performance and more flexibility for network topologies, bridges and switches will continue to gain popularity among network managers.

The function of a bridge is to connect separate networks together. Bridges connect different networks types (such as Ethernet and Fast Ethernet) or networks of the same type. Bridges map the Ethernet addresses of the nodes residing on each network segment and allow only necessary traffic to pass through the bridge. When a packet is received by the bridge, the bridge determines the destination and source segments. If the segments are the same, the packet is dropped ("filtered"); if the segments are different, then the packet is "forwarded" to the correct segment. Additionally, bridges do not forward bad or misaligned packets. Bridges are also called "store-and-forward" devices because they look at the whole Ethernet packet before making filtering or forwarding decisions. Filtering packets, and regenerating forwarded packets enable bridging technology to split a network into separate collision domains. This allows for greater distances and more repeaters to be used in the total network design.

Ethernet Switches:
Ethernet switches are an expansion of the concept in Ethernet bridging. LAN switches can link four, six, ten or more networks together, and have two basic architectures: cut-through and store-and-forward. In the past, cut-through switches were faster because they examined the packet destination address only before forwarding it on to its destination segment. A store-andforward switch, on the other hand, accepts and analyzes the entire packet before forwarding it to its destination. It takes more time to examine the entire packet, but it allows the switch to catch certain packet errors and keep them from propagating through the network. Both cut-through and store-and-forward switches separate a network into collision domains, allowing network design rules to be extended. Each of the segments attached to an Ethernet switch has a full 10 Mbps of bandwidth shared by fewer users, which results in better performance (as opposed to hubs that only allow bandwidth sharing from a single Ethernet). Newer switches today offer high-speed links, FDDI, Fast Ethernet or ATM. These 9/120


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are used to link switches together or give added bandwidth to high-traffic servers. A network composed of a number of switches linked together via uplinks is termed a "collapsed backbone" network.

Routers filter out network traffic by specific protocol rather than by packet address. Routers also divide networks logically instead of physically. An IP router can divide a network into various subnets so that only traffic destined for particular IP addresses can pass between segments. Network speed often decreases due to this type of intelligent forwarding. Such filtering takes more time than that exercised in a switch or bridge, which only looks at the Ethernet address. However, in more complex networks, overall efficiency is improved by using routers.

What is a network firewall?

A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two networks. The actual means by which this is accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall can be thought of as a pair of mechanisms: one which exists to block traffic, and the other which exists to permit traffic. Some firewalls place a greater emphasis on blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. Probably the most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. If you don't have a good idea of what kind of access you want to allow or to deny, a firewall really won't help you. It's also important to recognize that the firewall's configuration, because it is a mechanism for enforcing policy, imposes its policy on everything behind it. Administrators for firewalls managing the connectivity for a large number of hosts therefore have a heavy responsibility.

Network Design Criteria:

Ethernets and Fast Ethernets have design rules that must be followed in order to function correctly. Maximum number of nodes, number of repeaters and maximum segment distances are defined by the electrical and mechanical design properties of each type of Ethernet and Fast Ethernet media. A network using repeaters, for instance, functions with the timing constraints of Ethernet. Although electrical signals on the Ethernet media travel near the speed of light, it still takes a finite time for the signal to travel from one end of a large Ethernet to another. The Ethernet standard assumes it will take roughly 50 microseconds for a signal to reach its destination. Ethernet is subject to the "5-4-3" rule of repeater placement: the network can only have five segments connected; it can only use four repeaters; and of the five segments, only three can have users attached to them; the other two must be interrepeater links. If the design of the network violates these repeater and placement rules, then timing guidelines will not be met and the sending station will resend that packet. This can lead to lost packets and excessive resent packets, which can slow network performance and create trouble for applications. Fast Ethernet has modified repeater rules, since the minimum packet size takes less time to transmit than regular Ethernet. The length of the network links allows for a fewer number of repeaters. In Fast Ethernet networks, there are two classes of repeaters. Class I repeaters have a latency of 0.7 microseconds or less and are limited to one repeater per network. Class II repeaters have a latency of 0.46 microseconds or less and are limited to two repeaters per network. The following are the distance (diameter) characteristics for these types of Fast Ethernet repeater combinations: Fast Ethernet No Repeaters One Class I Repeater One Class II Repeater Two Class II Repeaters * Full Duplex Mode 2 km 100m 200m 200m 205m 412m* 272m 272m 228m Copper Fiber



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When conditions require greater distances or an increase in the number of nodes/repeaters, then a bridge, router or switch can be used to connect multiple networks together. These devices join two or more separate networks, allowing network design criteria to be restored. Switches allow network designers to build large networks that function well. The reduction in costs of bridges and switches reduces the impact of repeater rules on network design. Each network connected via one of these devices is referred to as a separate collision domain in the overall network.

Types of Servers:
Device Servers
A device server is defined as a specialized, network-based hardware device designed to perform a single or specialized set of server functions. It is characterized by a minimal operating architecture that requires no per seat network operating system license, and client access that is independent of any operating system or proprietary protocol. In addition the device server is a "closed box," delivering extreme ease of installation, minimal maintenance, and can be managed by the client remotely via a Web browser. Print servers, terminal servers, remote access servers and network time servers are examples of device servers which are specialized for particular functions. Each of these types of servers has unique configuration attributes in hardware or software that help them to perform best in their particular arena.

Print Servers
Print servers allow printers to be shared by other users on the network. Supporting either parallel and/or serial interfaces, a print server accepts print jobs from any person on the network using supported protocols and manages those jobs on each appropriate printer. Print servers generally do not contain a large amount of memory; printers simply store information in a queue. When the desired printer becomes available, they allow the host to transmit the data to the appropriate printer port on the server. The print server can then simply queue and print each job in the order in which print requests are received, regardless of protocol used or the size of the job.

Multiport Device Servers

Devices that are attached to a network through a multiport device server can be shared between terminals and hosts at both the local site and throughout the network. A single terminal may be connected to several hosts at the same time (in multiple concurrent sessions), and can switch between them. Multiport device servers are also used to network devices that have only serial outputs. A connection between serial ports on different servers is opened, allowing data to move between the two devices. Given its natural translation ability, a multi-protocol multiport device server can perform conversions between the protocols it knows, like LAT and TCP/IP. While server bandwidth is not adequate for large file transfers, it can easily handle host-to-host inquiry/response applications, electronic mailbox checking, etc. And it is far more economical than the alternatives of acquiring expensive host software and special-purpose converters. Multiport device and print servers give their users greater flexibility in configuring and managing their networks. Whether it is moving printers and other peripherals from one network to another, expanding the dimensions of interoperability or preparing for growth, multiport device servers can fulfill your needs, all without major rewiring.

Access Servers
While Ethernet is limited to a geographic area, remote users such as traveling sales people need access to network-based resources. Remote LAN access, or remote access, is a popular way to provide this connectivity. Access servers use telephone services to link a user or office with an office network. Dial-up remote access solutions such as ISDN or asynchronous dial introduce more flexibility. Dial-up remote access offers both the remote office and the remote user the economy and flexibility of "pay as you go" telephone services. ISDN is a special telephone service that offers three channels, two 64 Kbps "B" channels for user data and a "D" channel for setting up the connection. With ISDN, the B channels can be combined for 11/120


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double bandwidth or separated for different applications or users. With asynchronous remote access, regular telephone lines are combined with modems and remote access servers to allow users and networks to dial anywhere in the world and have data access. Remote access servers provide connection points for both dial-in and dial-out applications on the network to which they are attached. These hybrid devices route and filter protocols and offer other services such as modem pooling and terminal/printer services. For the remote PC user, one can connect from any available telephone jack (RJ45), including those in a hotel rooms or on most airplanes.

Network Time Servers

A network time server is a server specialized in the handling of timing information from sources such as satellites or radio broadcasts and is capable of providing this timing data to its attached network. Specialized protocols such as NTP or udp/time allow a time server to communicate to other network nodes ensuring that activities that must be coordinated according to their time of execution are synchronized correctly. GPS satellites are one source of information that can allow global installations to achieve constant timing.

IP Addressing:
An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier for a node or host connection on an IP network. An IP address is a 32 bit binary number usually represented as 4 decimal values, each representing 8 bits, in the range 0 to 255 (known as octets) separated by decimal points. This is known as "dotted decimal" notation. Example: It is sometimes useful to view the values in their binary form. 140 .179 .220 .200 10001100.10110011.11011100.11001000 Every IP address consists of two parts, one identifying the network and one identifying the node. The Class of the address and the subnet mask determine which part belongs to the network address and which part belongs to the node address.

Address Classes:
There are 5 different address classes. You can determine which class any IP address is in by examining the first 4 bits of the IP address. Class A addresses begin with 0xxx, or 1 to 126 decimal. Class B addresses begin with 10xx, or 128 to 191 decimal. Class C addresses begin with 110x, or 192 to 223 decimal. Class D addresses begin with 1110, or 224 to 239 decimal. Class E addresses begin with 1111, or 240 to 254 decimal. Addresses beginning with 01111111, or 127 decimal, are reserved for loopback and for internal testing on a local machine. [You can test this: you should always be able to ping, which points to yourself] Class D addresses are reserved for multicasting. Class E addresses are reserved for future use. They should not be used for host addresses. Now we can see how the Class determines, by default, which part of the IP address belongs to the network (N) and which part belongs to the node (n). Class A -- NNNNNNNN.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn Class B -- NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn 12/120


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Class C -- NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.nnnnnnnn In the example, is a Class B address so by default the Network part of the address (also known as the Network Address) is defined by the first two octets (140.179.x.x) and the node part is defined by the last 2 octets (x.x.220.200). In order to specify the network address for a given IP address, the node section is set to all "0"s. In our example, specifies the network address for When the node section is set to all "1"s, it specifies a broadcast that is sent to all hosts on the network. specifies the example broadcast address. Note that this is true regardless of the length of the node section.

Private Subnets:
There are three IP network addresses reserved for private networks. The addresses are,, and They can be used by anyone setting up internal IP networks, such as a lab or home LAN behind a NAT or proxy server or a router. It is always safe to use these because routers on the Internet will never forward packets coming from these addresses Subnetting an IP Network can be done for a variety of reasons, including organization, use of different physical media (such as Ethernet, FDDI, WAN, etc.), preservation of address space, and security. The most common reason is to control network traffic. In an Ethernet network, all nodes on a segment see all the packets transmitted by all the other nodes on that segment. Performance can be adversely affected under heavy traffic loads, due to collisions and the resulting retransmissions. A router is used to connect IP networks to minimize the amount of traffic each segment must receive.

Subnet Masking
Applying a subnet mask to an IP address allows you to identify the network and node parts of the address. The network bits are represented by the 1s in the mask, and the node bits are represented by the 0s. Performing a bitwise logical AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask results in the Network Address or Number. For example, using our test IP address and the default Class B subnet mask, we get: 10001100.10110011.11110000.11001000 Class B IP Address 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 Default Class B Subnet Mask 10001100.10110011.00000000.00000000 Network Address

Default subnet masks:

Class A - - 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 Class B - - 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 Class C - - 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 CIDR -- Classless InterDomain Routing. CIDR was invented several years ago to keep the internet from running out of IP addresses. The "classful" system of allocating IP addresses can be very wasteful; anyone who could reasonably show a need for more that 254 host addresses was given a Class B address block of 65533 host addresses. Even more wasteful were companies and organizations that were allocated Class A address blocks, which contain over 16 Million host addresses! Only a tiny percentage of the allocated Class A and Class B address space has ever been actually assigned to a host computer on the Internet. People realized that addresses could be conserved if the class system was eliminated. By accurately allocating only the amount of address space that was actually needed, the address space crisis could be avoided for many years. This was first 13/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

proposed in 1992 as a scheme called Supernetting. The use of a CIDR notated address is the same as for a Classful address. Classful addresses can easily be written in CIDR notation (Class A = /8, Class B = /16, and Class C = /24) It is currently almost impossible for an individual or company to be allocated their own IP address blocks. You will simply be told to get them from your ISP. The reason for this is the ever-growing size of the internet routing table. Just 5 years ago, there were less than 5000 network routes in the entire Internet. Today, there are over 90,000. Using CIDR, the biggest ISPs are allocated large chunks of address space (usually with a subnet mask of /19 or even smaller); the ISP's customers (often other, smaller ISPs) are then allocated networks from the big ISP's pool. That way, all the big ISP's customers (and their customers, and so on) are accessible via 1 network route on the Internet. It is expected that CIDR will keep the Internet happily in IP addresses for the next few years at least. After that, IPv6, with 128 bit addresses, will be needed. Under IPv6, even sloppy address allocation would comfortably allow a billion unique IP addresses for every person on earth

Examining your network with commands:

Ping PING is used to check for a response from another computer on the network. It can tell you a great deal of information about the status of the network and the computers you are communicating with. Ping returns different responses depending on the computer in question. The responses are similar depending on the options used. Ping uses IP to request a response from the host. It does not use TCP .It takes its name from a submarine sonar search - you send a short sound burst and listen for an echo - a ping - coming back. In an IP network, `ping' sends a short data burst - a single packet - and listens for a single packet in reply. Since this tests the most basic function of an IP network (delivery of single packet), it's easy to see how you can learn a lot from some `pings'. To stop ping, type control-c. This terminates the program and prints out a nice summary of the number of packets transmitted, the number received, and the percentage of packets lost, plus the minimum, average, and maximum round-trip times of the packets. Sample ping session PING localhost ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=255 time=2 ms localhost ping statistics 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 2/2/2 ms meikro$



Basic Networking Tutorial

The Time To Live (TTL) field can be interesting. The main purpose of this is so that a packet doesn't live forever on the network and will eventually die when it is deemed "lost." But for us, it provides additional information. We can use the TTL to determine approximately how many router hops the packet has gone through. In this case it's 255 minus N hops, where N is the TTL of the returning Echo Replies. If the TTL field varies in successive pings, it could indicate that the successive reply packets are going via different routes, which isn't a great thing. The time field is an indication of the round-trip time to get a packet to the remote host. The reply is measured in milliseconds. In general, it's best if round-trip times are under 200 milliseconds. The time it takes a packet to reach its destination is called latency. If you see a large variance in the round-trip times (which is called "jitter"), you are going to see poor performance talking to the host

NSLOOKUP is an application that facilitates looking up hostnames on the network. It can reveal the IP address of a host or, using the IP address, return the host name. It is very important when troubleshooting problems on a network that you can verify the components of the networking process. Nslookup allows this by revealing details within the infrastructure.

NETSTAT is used to look up the various active connections within a computer. It is helpful to understand what computers or networks you are connected to. This allows you to further investigate problems. One host may be responding well but another may be less responsive.

This is a Microsoft windows NT, 2000 command. It is very useful in determining what could be wrong with a network. This command when used with the /all switch, reveal enormous amounts of troubleshooting information within the system. Windows 2000 IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : cowder Primary DNS Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description . . . . . . . . . . . : WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-53-45-00-00-00 DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

Traceroute on Unix and Linux (or tracert in the Microsoft world) attempts to trace the current network path to a destination. Here is an example of a traceroute run to $ traceroute



Basic Networking Tutorial

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ( 3.135 ms 3.021 ms 3.616 ms 2 ( 1.829 ms 3.886 ms 2.772 ms 3 ( 5.327 ms 4.597 ms 5.729 ms 4 ( 4.842 ms 4.615 ms 3.425 ms 5 ( 7.488 ms 38.804 ms 7.708 ms 6 ( 6.560 ms 6.631 ms 6.565 ms 7 ( 7.638 ms 7.948 ms 8.129 ms 8 ( 9.504 ms 12.684 ms 16.648 ms 9 ( 9.762 ms 10.611 ms 10.403 ms 10 ( 11.478 ms 10.868 ms 9.367 ms

11 ( 10.738 ms 11.693 ms 12.520 ms

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m venkat's Comment guidence very good 01 Fri Mar 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm happy that you're happy Venkat.

Toly's Comment This is very useful for the people those who wants to know about NETWORKING -basics . 26 Tue Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Yes Toly. And to my amazement...if you type basic networking tutorial in Google, this page comes up as #1. 16/120


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Neken 's Comment Awesome!! Keep it up guys!!! 21 Thu Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Neken.

abhishek's Comment very gud information..... 17 Sun Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Abhishek. It really means a lot to me.

Jasmine's Comment Helped me a lot!!! 16 Sat Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that Jasmine. Take advantage of what you learn.

DINESH's Comment how to "ip address configuration " 08 Fri Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: we may have to write a new article on just that topic.

Lakshmi's Comment Its Really Good and Usefull. Thanku 08 Fri Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to see it's useful to you Lakshmi.

Shakti Chand's Comment I think, This Site is good for every one. 17/120


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06 Wed Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I couldn't agree more Shakti. You're absolutely right.

Ozoemela Paul's Comment thanks guys 03 Sun Feb 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're very welcome Paul

vinay 's Comment this is very gud and i want to download PDF is it can posible 31 Thu Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're welcome to produce a PDF from this on your own.

Renjith.R.J's Comment computer networking domain tutoriale. 26 Sat Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We'll try to see what we can do.

china's Comment how did you put all this information one one page it took me a long time to read all of this and by the way you did an awesome job 15 Tue Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks China, very generous of you.

dhivya bharathi.k's Comment nice collection information have been gathered togethor. thank u so much.... 13 Sun Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Dhivya.



Basic Networking Tutorial

The Hawk's Comment I read this whole page and i think i know all about computas 11 Fri Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I wish I knew 1/10th of all there is to know about computers.

selena's Comment wow lots of info. 11 Fri Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks Salena.

Rayjens's Comment Salamat (Thank you. Excellent step by step process.) 11 Fri Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to see you liked it.

sameer singh's Comment i am 32 and want to join in IT and i am new to this want to do networking and ccna what is your suggestion for me can i do it is this good idea plesae suggest me some thing .....waiting for your reply 10 Thu Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:

santhosh s's Comment How to learn network Full concept's, And i need easy methods 03 Thu Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Read the Networking tutorial and apply the simplest concepts that you can easily grasp.

RAJIL.V's Comment sooooooooper 03 Thu Jan 2013 Report Abuse 19/120


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Admin's Reply: Thanks Rajil.

kailash's Comment i like ur lecture bcz ur lecture is supper 02 Wed Jan 2013 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Kailash.

ajay kumar k.v's Comment nice it helped me lot... 22 Sat Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Nice to hear that Ajay. Keep coming back.

chandru's Comment thank u ware house its really helpful for my interview.all the best for your future update 21 Fri Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Chandru.

meet's Comment Its good every note about network. I can study for basic knowledge networking. 17 Mon Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to see it helped you Meet.

prathap reddy's Comment I Think This Site Very Good For Every one Thanks and Hats Off You 12 Wed Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Prathap. Each day, at least one of the comments really hit the spot. Today it certainly was your coment.



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Jayant's Comment INFORMATIVE 10 Mon Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks jayant

Arshath's Comment it's very good. your knowledge is appreciable. 10 Mon Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Arshath.

vinay's Comment hello I think, This Site is good for every one. Super.... 08 Sat Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Vinay.

vinaykumar's Comment so good. very nice your website Super.... thkkkkkkkkkk for uuu 08 Sat Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you for such a nice comment.

charu sharma's Comment This is realy helpful for a beginner.After read this i also planning to go for n twk field.Thanks a lot for your effort. 03 Mon Dec 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Network is a great field Charu.

Harish's Comment Very Useful info., Ur knowledge is appreciable. 27 Tue Nov 2012 Report Abuse 21/120


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Admin's Reply: Thanks Harish.

nik's's Comment I get so much bored of revision of any subject related networking that I tend to revise as much in one sitting and left with rest, but this post sums up all topics nicely. 26 Mon Nov 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to see that you liked it Nik. Thanks.

Nuwan's Comment good stuff in there...i think it's useful using animated pics in the notes... 17 Sat Nov 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Nuwan...

Farhan's Comment very nice article,i get all my required topics at one point!! 10 Sat Nov 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Nice to hear that. That's exactly what we strive for.

tanten's Comment it help a lots thanks .. 10 Sat Nov 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad it helped.

Harshad Patoliya's Comment good........ 07 Wed Nov 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Harshad.



Basic Networking Tutorial

chinna's Comment i want to basic idea about networks 01 Thu Nov 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well, you're in the right place.

satya's Comment please set pictures or images are visible in lecture notes. 31 Wed Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm not sure I understand what you mean Satya.

satya's Comment no comment 31 Wed Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: OK...

Nithin.T.K's Comment I Like This Note 28 Sun Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Nithin.

anuja pattnaik's Comment hello.I have a query regarding ccna entire course.Do this site provides full notes for the preparation of CCNA exam & its enough to study from here itself.I need it Plz.... 23 Tue Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We honestly cover a lot of material but I would definetly look for certified study material.

velmurugan.m's Comment so good. very nice your website. 23/120


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23 Tue Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Velmurugan.

xin's Comment Very easy to understand for me about the networking tutorial.thanks 22 Mon Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that Xin

Ras Dov's Comment GRATE AND GOOD WORK DONE.....I LOVE IT 06 Sat Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to you liked it so much Ras.

yanky128's Comment Thank you 4 the info,Right now I have to do a presentation on power point about networking and your info was great keep up the good work thank you 05 Fri Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: My pleasure..

vusa's Comment Thank u u r the best. 02 Tue Oct 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Ur welcome .. and Thanks..

jaya's Comment can u help me to design college n/w 26 Wed Sep 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial

avinash's Comment i m beginer plz tell me abt ccna notes nd msce mcsa n ccnp plz plz n u did a great jod ...... 25 Tue Sep 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:

Jehan Zaib Munawar's Comment I have no such words to express my good feelings after reading all this material about Networking. Well done keep it up 24 Mon Sep 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you so much..Jehan Zaib.

VENKATESH.KM's Comment very usfully pages 19 Wed Sep 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

solomon's Comment That is really very good tutorial.I hope will do more deeper for those who wanna know more, please do it. 14 Fri Sep 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Yes, we have, but we broke it up in parts focusing on very niche networking topics.

mahesh's Comment u have excellent otes it has helped me to get into big mnc companies in indai thank you dear one 04 Tue Sep 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks for the comment

Vikas Raj's Comment It's so help full to learn networking 02 Sun Sep 2012 Report Abuse 25/120


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Admin's Reply: It sure is.

Tania's Comment Im just a beginner trying to learn about networking n this is beautiful.. i feel as if i learnt everything.. Thanku very much.. 27 Mon Aug 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: this tutorial covers about 90% of all the basics. the rest is just advance stuff.

Darshak's Comment Hello, Can you please give me the practical list of networking? I really need it 17 Fri Aug 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Practical List? It's a topic of learning, not a grocery list my friend :)

Manjunath.S- W ipro's Comment Am very happy n satisfied with the notes provided by this site, thans n regards. Manjunath.S 13 Mon Aug 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

chand khan's Comment GOOD VERY GOOD MIND BLOWING 10 Fri Aug 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Wow, it blew your mind huh? Hehe, I'm glad to hear that.

Nitikaaaa's Comment Really nice stuff to learn...if there is pdf available of it,,that can help us a'l b easy ...dont u think so.... 05 Sun Aug 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I sure do think so...however no pdf is available.



Basic Networking Tutorial

Tharindu's Comment Thank you very much...good work.. keep it up..:D 29 Sun Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Friend.

Ravi Y adav's Comment very nice...... 26 Thu Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Ravi.

karthikeyan's Comment superb,really more informative for beginners. 19 Thu Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks karthikeyan

sunil's Comment please set pictures or images are visible in lecture notes. 13 Fri Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: aah, okay

Abdul khalique's Comment so Best But try to get more info about Networking Thanks 12 Thu Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Yes Abdul, we're very focused on Networking for many weeks and will probably continue to focus solely on networking for a few months at least.

sume's Comment simple and going to prepare technical from this site. 11 Wed Jul 2012 Report Abuse 27/120


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Admin's Reply: Goodluck Sume.

Fe's Comment very informative, thanks a ton! 10 Tue Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Always a pleasure to get good comments...Thanks.

joseph's Comment so good ....more points are covered,this is enough to say that i know networking...... 05 Thu Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that it helped you Joseph.

Cristal's Comment It was simple and has a lot of information. I understand what I was reading thank you so much 05 Thu Jul 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for such a nice complement Cristal.

Neelesh Pandey's Comment I think, This Site is good for every one. 28 Thu Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to see people realize that. It's probably a good idea to let all your friends know.

shashikumar's Comment it is very good information. it is most important for every computer science students. thanks to create this website . thank and create this type another one ok good lock 19 Tue Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial

Thanks for the kind words Shashi.

Shyam's Comment Interesting and Valuable stuffs.. Definitely worth a read.. 15 Fri Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Shyam.

Arya's Comment This site is good for learners ..but make it as pdf file..helpful of every more thing i want to make my carrier in the field of networking any one can help me...please..i was completed B.E in telecommunication..if u know any openings..please inform to 13 Wed Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We'll try Arya.

viola's Comment Thats fantastic! 13 Wed Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Viola.

Debendra Majhi's Comment I like this. 08 Fri Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

paveen's Comment thanks........ it's a good article for beginners. thanks again.....:):) 06 Wed Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Paveen!



Basic Networking Tutorial

sneki's Comment diff b/w TCP and UTP...?? 06 Wed Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well, they're completely different things. UTP stands for Unshileded Twisted Pair Cable. Whereas, TCP is a networking protocol. TCP is not a physical thing, it's more of a set of protocols that is implemented on a network. It's a set of guidelines to how data is transmitted over the network.

santhosh's Comment wowwwww...................thanks,,its easy to learn:):) 06 Wed Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Santhosh!

Rashid Rock's Comment Dear Sir Its best for me. thank you very much 05 Tue Jun 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're very welcome Rashid.

Rajendar Panday's Comment Nice stuff guys,....keep doing this.....Really help fulll..... 29 Tue May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Rajendar

Ajay's Comment Good Work !!. Easy to understand. 28 Mon May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Ajay.

bello kabir mashi's Comment what a great job keep it up% 27 Sun May 2012 30/120


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Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Bello

GORAKHNATH's Comment VERY GOOD 26 Sat May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

shamsheer's Comment it is good. if u can add images to that it is easy to understand. 25 Fri May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Shamsheer

Pragathesh Selvasekar's Comment Superb Tutorial... Very easy to understand basic concepts... Thanks a lot! 23 Wed May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Wow, You guys really do know how to give praises. Thanks, much appreciated.

Y ashwat Tekade's Comment Really a ultimate Basic Networking Tutorial. Thanks 23 Wed May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Yashwat. I really like the sound of that:

Ultimate Basic Networking Tutorial

azeem's Comment Assalam o Allaikum 18 Fri May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: 31/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Peace out to you as well Azeem.

Puru's Comment Good job ! Easy to understand for beginners.. 14 Mon May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Puru

sandeep galande's Comment It's very easy language used, nice Boss.... 09 Wed May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm so happy to read such nice comments. Thanks Sandeep.

jsira's Comment i want clear description and differences between cables 07 Mon May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Request has already gone out to the editorial dept. Update 0 5/14/20 12: Hi JSira...we have posted the article that you had requested here: Hope this helps.

abhishek singh's Comment TOMOROW IN MY VIVA LET SEE HOW IT WILL BE USEFUL FOR ME 03 Thu May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I hope you did great.

p.srivastava's Comment good stuff for quick revision 02 Wed May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks P



Basic Networking Tutorial

luke's Comment Its very nice, thanks a lot can i get a pdf format Thanking you sir 01 Tue May 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: No PDF are available. But you're welcome to print what you see.

Manu's Comment Awesome Notes, iam searching for this, Thanks a lot 26 Thu Apr 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm we were able to help.

Prateek's Comment It was a brief information about Network nd images enables proper understanding about networking concepts Thanks to the team TECHIWAREHOUSE 22 Sun Apr 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you for such kind words Prateek. All the work is so worth it when we get good praises from the readers. Thank YOu.

reza raihan's Comment i am highly interested to learn about software & hardware networking. i am a beginner, now how can i understand this in a easy way & in short time also? help me please. 21 Sat Apr 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well Reza, you've come to the right place. That's a good start. We're going to be rolling out Networking and Network+ tutorials more often now than before. So visit often.

Vinod's Comment ohh....mahn itz like a college..i mean better than clg...thanks !!! 12 Thu Apr 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Vinod. 33/120


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Safwan Earned a Badge In HotShot!'s Comment NICE 10 Tue Apr 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Safwan

TAIW O's Comment send me up date for more information on networking 23 Fri Mar 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Taiwo unfortunately we can't do that for any individual at the moment. however we are looking for implementation of a newseltter. may be that will help a lot of people but right now you have to explore the site a little.

RENU KUMARI's Comment NICE 19 Mon Mar 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: indeed :)

Azeem's Comment i like this 19 Mon Mar 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Azeem :)

Lukishite's Comment Johan Liljegren November 13, 2007 Jeff,Great to get some new blog tips! However, the link to Matt Evans' The Admin Exchange is most likely icronrect, as it is the same as the one to Salesforce Times.My Google karma doesn't give me any tips on where to find it either. Do you have an updated link to it?Regards//Johan 12 Mon Mar 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Did you just copy/pasted someone's email? Weird! 34/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Gaurav's Comment Hello admin, This is undoubtely a wonderful job. I have read lots of books on networking but none of those books made my concepts as much clear as your material did. Thanks a lot! Apart from this, i need your help. Actually i am going to appear in IBPS IT OFFICER exam. Could you please forward me to some more useful pages where i can get the exam related material? I dont even know the syllabus of the exam. Thanks! 03 Sat Mar 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Gaurav well thank you and best of luck with your exams. about more material on networking then you can search our site. its easy and you can find any thing for networking or i would suggest you to look into the networking category of articles :)

Nand Kishor Y adav's Comment ok 22 Wed Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Great Nand

Srivatsan's Comment Awesome work by u guys.. Thank u for ur help guys.. 21 Tue Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Srivatsan :)

anusha's Comment Really its very good material that too for freshers especially....Thank u very much. 19 Sun Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You are welcome anusha :)

RASHEL MAHMUD's Comment I AM STUDENT 18 Sat Feb 2012 Report Abuse 35/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: we all are student in some way :)

GUNASEKHAR's Comment very good & useful tutorial 14 Tue Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you GUNASEKHAR

azarath's Comment hi i am new for this networking field and now i am going to learn CCNA course... would u tell me is this course is enough for me to entry in to a job in network field. 11 Sat Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Azarath CCNA course has a great reputation if you pass the exam with good percentage. you may be able to get a job but this is not the end in the networking field but ccna is the first and basic course though.

gokul's Comment thank u, but pls try to include more section in detail and practical method. And plz give me the basic computer networking material and CD 08 Wed Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry, can't do that Gokul. But you're welcome to read what ever you like right here.

Subhash's Comment Good 08 Wed Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Subhash :)

mangal singh's Comment Thanks its very 04 Sat Feb 2012 36/120


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Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you mangal :)

venki's Comment thanks a lot 03 Fri Feb 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you venki :)

Praveen's Comment tommrow is my exam and really its very helpful for me..... thank u so much admin.... 23 Mon Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you are welcome praveen :)

Deep's Comment It is useful for everyone. thank for it. 22 Sun Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you Deep :)

Abhishek's Comment NICE 20 Fri Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Abhishek :)

teekam kumawat's Comment hi dear send me notes please. 19 Thu Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry Dear. Its not out policy, currently we are not in that position to faciliate individuals requests :) but as soon as we got something on it. you will be first to know. 37/120


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rebecca arhtur's Comment VERY VERY USEFULL PDF 18 Wed Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Rebecca :)

asad's Comment thank u brother for your tips . 16 Mon Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Asad :)

meiyappan's Comment i want to know about internet pls send tutorial my mail 14 Sat Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well Meiyappan our website's policy to not engage in an email correspondence. But if you have a particular question, feel free to ask here in the comments. though we appreciate your interest but its kind of difficult for us to manage requests like that and also its not fair to only send email to one while others are also asking for the same thing.

Nitin Mesta's Comment wow dis is gud for begginers, thanks..... 14 Sat Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Nitin :)

sam's Comment gooood 13 Fri Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Sam :)



Basic Networking Tutorial

kumar's Comment good info for me and i hope everyone will get good info 11 Wed Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you kumar :)

Satish picasso's Comment Very nice detail of the Network. 10 Tue Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Satish :)

yitayew's Comment hi 10 Tue Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: hello :)

SONALI's Comment Very nice and useful one ! 07 Sat Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you sonali :)

prajakta's Comment thanx for overview.We get it in one shot. 07 Sat Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you parajkta :)

Cathy's Comment A really good anwesr, full of rationality! 07 Sat Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: 39/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Thank you very much Cathy :)

hilli's Comment very interesting tutorial I like it! 03 Tue Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you hilli :)

Aakash Maheshwari's Comment Really awesome.... good work admin...Keep it up:):) 02 Mon Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you Aakash :) I am glad you like it :)

mark's Comment this is verry great explanation . tumbs up for this site 02 Mon Jan 2012 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you mark :)

Mrutyunjay L.K's Comment Hi All, Go through the document .It realy help us to understand hoew the network works. 29 Thu Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the kind words Mrutyunjay. You can easily return the favor by linking our site on a few of your friends website. It would allow more people to benefit from our work. Thanks

kishore's Comment good 27 Tue Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the kind words Kishore. You too can easily return the favor by linking our site on as many websites as possible. It would allow more people to benefit from our work. Thanks



Basic Networking Tutorial

EMIOLA KAMILUDEEN's Comment ilike this package is good 27 Tue Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Joseph Omeh Kallon's Comment what great note 19 Mon Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Joseph :)

swathi's Comment such a wonderful notes 15 Thu Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you swathi

mau's Comment vary good notes... i study it... 14 Wed Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you mau :)

smith wulu's Comment i wish to commend for such a wonderful IT course interesting and hope it continue. 12 Mon Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you very much smith vulu

AMOL 's Comment THANKS A LOT.... 08 Thu Dec 2011 41/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you too Amol :)

thinojhan's Comment i like this thanks 07 Wed Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you thinojhan :)

Mukhtar Ali's Comment I want to know how to work people in networking field. 02 Fri Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: well for the started Mukhtar you need some training and certification. you can try for ccna exams and some basic networking course or follow up books.

namita's Comment I want to know 01 Thu Dec 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: and to be exactly what do you want to know namita ?

abdulkarim's Comment i don't have a notes 28 Mon Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Abdul You can find any thing on Internet :) just look for it.

Lukas's Comment thanks for 25 Fri Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Lukas :)



Basic Networking Tutorial

Pravin's Comment very very nice .... 24 Thu Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Pravin :)

MAY ANK KARNW AL's Comment Such a nice tutorial .... I am glad to see such a website which could provide me such a basic questions ... only thing i have to do is to read it out before my interveiw :) thanks for giving us such ... its an request to kindly updating me through mails .Thanks Regards , Mayank Karnwal 23 Wed Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi MAYANK KARNWAL thanks for showing your interest in the tutorials. about informing latest updates on the site then we are working on it. hopefully we will be able to inform you with some good news.

lovet 's Comment hi i would like to know how to get free notes on comptia A+ 23 Wed Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: well lovet the best way is to search free ebooks on internet for this purpose or visit some old book shop

basith's Comment thank you sir system admin 23 Wed Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Basith :)

HITESH AGGARW AL's Comment BEST 19 Sat Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Hitesh :)



Basic Networking Tutorial

Metro Man's Comment it is very use full realy 19 Sat Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Metro Man :)

iidsmart's Comment this web is very very good so can get every think Y want and that is why i use it 18 Fri Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you iidsmart :)

Nitish's Comment Thanks for the information 18 Fri Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Nitish :)

Jay's Comment Very nice yar.. 18 Fri Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Jay :)

poongodi's Comment IT IS VERY USEFUL 17 Thu Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you poongodi :)

Kellum's Comment nice and helping tutorials 17 Thu Nov 2011 44/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Kellum :)

sreenivas's Comment sir, thank u for u'r meterial. many persons happy to read it but what about labs.... i want to take u'r help on CCNA. i completed CCNA but i don'tknow what's realtime work on CCNA? so if u don'tmine please send mail to my email id about network admin job base realtime institutes in hydrabad(or) online 17 Thu Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Sreenivas unfortunately i am not the right person for offering you the job. however try to see some job in any job website in india. try

Mridul kachari's Comment Its really help me to know about networking. I need to know more about networking in details Please send me.. Thank You!! 13 Sun Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Mirdul you have to browse our site a little more and also need to make some weekly visi. their is a complete category on the networking related articles here :)

merga's Comment chat 09 Wed Nov 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: chat ? merga do you want to chat with me ?

mustafe ali's Comment i want to learning network but the is verery importance 28 Fri Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks You Mustafa. I am glad you like it :)



Basic Networking Tutorial

Brown's Comment It is very useful......... nice 22 Sat Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you brown :)

Abdul Razak's Comment It's very useful for me... Not only the networking, the other all articles are very helpful to all like me. Please add more info about all articles. It will more helpful us... And keep on your help... Thanks Again...! 22 Sat Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Abdul :) we are adding informative content as soon as we get some information. if you have any information then feel free to share with us :)

Anshi's Comment very helpful for me please sir send me more helpful things i need this ........... 15 Sat Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well Anshi you can easily find more pages on networking on our site. rest we noted your request and hopefully we will add more information on the site related to networking :)

Ekene's Comment tanks 14 Fri Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks or tanks Ekene :)

madan's Comment Its very useful. And understandable good 14 Fri Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Madan :) i am glad you like it.



Basic Networking Tutorial

samuel chol Akol's Comment the tutor that you have issues to public is so encouraging 14 Fri Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Samuel :) it seems we receive our hard work appreciation :)

jetskie's Comment nice, your site is informative to everybody.:) 12 Wed Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you jetskie :)

raksha singh's Comment amazing tutorial..covered all basic topics .how i can get this all in pdf formate...and is there any charge for getting this or it is free of cost ..please do reply 07 Fri Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Raksha....The whole basis for our website is to be able to provide all this information to our visitors absolutely FREE! You're welcome to use this information for yourself or give to friends free of cost. How you can turn it into a PDF depends on if you have the right software or not.

irfan.s's Comment its good 04 Tue Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Irfan :)

gobis's Comment i am really trill with this tutorial.pls how can i receive material and practical cd to drive home my quest for knowledge of networking. 04 Tue Oct 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Gobis well you can order any networking course book which comes with a cd with different examples and codes :) e.g try ccna networking course. prepare for 47/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

the certification exams and also earn a professional skill in your sleeve.

Raj's Comment Thanks, i think is good 26 Mon Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you raj :)

sridhar kothapalli's Comment very thankful to you very good for every one 22 Thu Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you sridhar :)

netbooks's Comment This tutorial will explain how to set up a small computer network for file and printer sharing using NetBEUI. It can also be used as a troubleshooting guide if your network if it is not functioning. The navigation choices on the bottom of each page will help tailor this tutorial to your needs. You can also skip around the tutorial using the article navigation bar on the left hand side of the screen. Links within this article can take you to other parts of the site to explore certain terms and technologies deeper. 22 Thu Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:

ken mwirigi's Comment Your tutorial is cool? i like it. 21 Wed Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Ken :)

Harjyot's Comment hello . i have a query. i m more of a programmer but i like how things work . esp computers. for some past few days i had been reading some articals but they dont seens to be addressing the wole network thing from basics . i would really like it if you can suggest me a book that can help me with it. thank you 18 Sun Sep 2011 Report Abuse 48/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: Hi Harjyot you can start with ccna dumps or ccna course dummy books.

Lheane's Comment _awesome,..this is what i'm looking for,..i'll conduct a seminar tomorrow for basic networking and with this info's,..this is the exact topics that i'll be discussing tomorrow...thanks a really helps...tnx.. 17 Sat Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well Lheane that's really good to know and i am glad that you got what you need :)

leonard japhet's Comment iwant to know how to configure network server 13 Tue Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Leonard to configure a network server first of all you need to consider few things like what kind of system you are going to use for your network server and also what are your requirements for the network and you need to know some information about the routers and the network softwares which are used to manage the network e.g network domain manager and things like that. if you want to go for a professional level then i would suggest you to enroll your self in some course like juniper networks management courses or CCNA Certification or exams :) rest best of luck

venura's Comment One of the best tutorials i have come across. everything in a nut shell 09 Fri Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you venura :)

mahesh kumar v's Comment sir, can u pls tell me about the software behind Networking elements like switches,hubs.....wat type of software..??? wat type of programming is going on..??? 04 Sun Sep 2011 Report Abuse 49/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply:

jagas's Comment good info..tnx..I hope you will add more info related to networking.. 02 Fri Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Jagas well we already added plenty of network related material on the network related categories.

PS : We need your support and suggestion please read this article "We need your help

jay prakash kumar's Comment Dear Sir, Plz Give me best idia for solve hardware & networking errors .how to identify error. 01 Thu Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Jay well the problem solving skills comes with the knowledge, experience and experiments. so read materials on websites including ours :), seek case studies and or make one. do experiment in the available environment e.g you can setup up a network in your own home or in locality not a big one but you can start with the basic network let's say consist of 2 to 4 computers and thats all for comon background to do networking tricks and software testings for learning purpose offcourse :) PS : We need your support and suggestion please read this article "We need your help

Mahen 's Comment Good clarification....TQ 01 Thu Sep 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Mahen :)

Shubham's Comment well this is what exactly i was searching for thanks for the notes 50/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

28 Sun Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you Shubham :)

Balinder Kumar's Comment thanks for information 27 Sat Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you Balinder :)

Ramesh's Comment The Basic Informations Are Very Well Explanations.Thats Good 22 Mon Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you ramesh

Srireddy's Comment I want to know brefely about networking 22 Mon Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Srireddy well you can easily find lots of informative content on our site.

francis's Comment THIS SITE IS MORE THAN WOW 16 Tue Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you francis :)

DEEPAK's Comment Thanks it wil helping me I want to iearn more in deep 16 Tue Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you deepak. browse my website and you will find lot more informative material on networking. 51/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

jerry gayon's Comment thankz for the information. 16 Tue Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: no problem jerry. :)

JOSHUA's Comment thank you for thae notes....its so helpful to me 14 Sun Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: any time joshua :)

ranjit's Comment I want a basic networking course only on sundays can i do such course. 11 Thu Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: well ranjit I assure you that you are on the right track here :)

winters's Comment This article covers all the basic things of networking in easiest way.. Thanks admin for all ur efforts.. Really great page .. 10 Wed Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you winters :)

sheiky's Comment very nice, it will be usefull for low level students because of good diagramatic representation... 09 Tue Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you sheiky

W aseem's Comment very nice 52/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

08 Mon Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you waseem :)

swaran singh's Comment Very good information. Thaks a lot 07 Sun Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you swaran

varunvarma's Comment pl z give me the basic computer networking material and Cd 05 Fri Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: well varunvarma you can easily find most of the stuff on my website :)

Ian Tende's Comment Is it possible for someone without network experience to learn a good deal of networking. I hope to network all the computer here at my school someday 05 Fri Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well Ian learning networking is not that difficult. you can start from basic tutorials and then move to advance courses and certificates like ccna and ccnp :)

Ian Tende's Comment Dont have any idea at all but am really interested to learn networking. Am potimistic that one day with your help will get there. Thanks alot guys 04 Thu Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you very much Ian. i am looking forward to it :)

P E D Prasad's Comment Simple and Superb.... I'll Suggest this site to my friends for quick review on Basic Networking Concepts. 03 Wed Aug 2011 Report Abuse 53/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: thank you very much prasad :)

prameela devi's Comment it's very useful.........thank u so much 03 Wed Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: prameela dear I am glad that you like it.

gangaram's Comment what is mcsc 01 Mon Aug 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi gangaram can you guide me where is mcsc ?

kingdom nyavor's Comment i love it 29 Fri Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you nyavor

purnendu's Comment short and sweet good for basic information in quick time 26 Tue Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: That's the idea Purnendu. Visit, take what you need, and get your work done. No Muss, No Fuss!

dhamakan's Comment dai 25 Mon Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Huh?



Basic Networking Tutorial

saravanan's Comment the contents are short and sweet 25 Mon Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: well saravanan i tried my best to deliver good content in easy way so that anyone can understand the point of it

balaji's Comment nice 23 Sat Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Anytime Dude :)

sahil's Comment the networking 20 Wed Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I know sahil :)

shekhar's Comment please set pictures with the notes 15 Fri Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: hi shekhar. we are adding images which are available with articles. I will personally keep this thing and forward it to others as well

Bhuvnesh Dutt Sharma's Comment Good information 13 Wed Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you Bhuvnesh

devendra's Comment i want network update knowledge 11 Mon Jul 2011 55/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Report Abuse Admin's Reply: well devendra i assure you that you are on the right place to look. do visit us on daily basis.

ram sharma's Comment this site is very good 09 Sat Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you ram

ravi jangid's Comment this language is like my language thanks 09 Sat Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: good to know that ravi :)

raja's Comment hi 09 Sat Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: hello :)

Iswarya's Comment This page is awesome..All the info is covered in a very easy way!! 08 Fri Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thank you iswarya

john benjamin's Comment excelent 07 Thu Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank You John.



Basic Networking Tutorial

yopej's Comment This is awesome! Im an IT undergrad and i wasnt able to take NETWORKING which is supposed to be my major subject..But guys, with this article,you made me feel like i had already taken the course!!!!! Don't wanna be too wordy guys but I wish that I would be reading more about this....! MORE POWER TO YOU GUYS!!!! 06 Wed Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Yopej, we try.

Prasanta's Comment Content is excellent! 06 Wed Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Prasanta, And so is your comment.

rashmi gangatkar's Comment informative!!!!!! gud going 06 Wed Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Rashmi.

navdeep kaur's Comment that's cool.... 02 Sat Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Navdeep.

Ismaila Saidykhan's Comment I would like to have video lectures from you to help my self with 01 Fri Jul 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Ismaila, It's strange that you asked this. We were discussing this very thing just couple of days ago. Still not sure we're going to go towards video blogging or not. But it's still on the table.



Basic Networking Tutorial

Lokeash's Comment Really nice But i want more diagram to easily catch the points.. Any how it's super and helpful to me 28 Tue Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We'll use more diagrams next time. Thanks for visiting.

jumana husain ali's Comment i liked ur basic information on networks.i was also a student of compuetrs from 2005 batch,nagpur university.please pass on watever information u hav on basic networks.i see yhis topic as my career 27 Mon Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Will do Jumana. It's nice to see folks as far as Nagpur come to this site.

rajkumar's Comment notes is useful but diagarm required 27 Mon Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We'll try to use more diagrams next time.

divay's Comment very very usefull 25 Sat Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Divay.

Jignesh patel's Comment thanks 23 Thu Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome.

ratul hasan's Comment so good idea.thanks for this. 58/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

21 Tue Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Ratul.

Santosh Kumar Mahor's Comment Thanks sir for great information about basic of networking 14 Tue Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi there! I'm glad you liked our Basic Networking Tutorial article informative. Please continue browsing our other articles and please recommend us to your friends too.

BASIT's Comment Greeaat ,, I like the topic , images shown in the content,,,,,,, if you can send me the entire topic in pdf or in any other format to my email id i ll be thankfull to you,,,,.... all the best 12 Sun Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked our article ont this topic Basit. I'm sorry but we are not supposed to email it in pdf to you. However, you may read this article and many more thath you desire while you are online. Thank you!

aneesh ansari's Comment hy, thank you , 11 Sat Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks too Aneesh.

karthik vss's Comment thank you you have helped me a lot .i am studying about net working.this information has helped a lot 06 Mon Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi there! We are happy this article helped you. We have more artices about networking on this site. See you arround!

sathish's Comment 59/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

suepr sir. how do download pdf formate networking book download.please tell me. 06 Mon Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry Sathish but we're not supposed to email the article. But you and your friends are most welcome to read it online.

Kiran's Comment thanks .... may i kno ur name ?! 05 Sun Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for your interest in knowing my name Kiran. You may just call me your 'friendly admin'. Be sure to keep coming back for more networking articles and please recommend us to your friends as well. Thanks!

sandeep 's Comment actual i want to clear my concept and i think my concept have cleared bit 03 Fri Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad we have helped to clear things a little. Keep on reading more of our articles and i beleive that your concept will be crystal clear.

vinoji's Comment nice......really helpfull......... plz send thiz networking notes to my mail id......... 02 Thu Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you find this article about Basic Networking Tutorial helpful Vinoji but we are not supposed to email these to you. You may keep on reading online here on our site though. Thanks!

naresh's Comment excellent, plz send me configuration of Cisco router and switches. 01 Wed Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We don't have those on the site....Yet. But check back each week for new info.



Basic Networking Tutorial

kiran's Comment hh 01 Wed Jun 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi Kiran! I don't really get what you mean. You can leave us another comment if you want. Thanks!

sandeep's Comment can i get books about networking and also exam about networkings 28 Sat May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You can search online for ebooks about networking. There are tons of that out there. You can also see our other articles. They could be of great help to you. Good luck!

Punnya R L's Comment Thanks. Nice notes 26 Thu May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome, surenda gupta

prabusundar's Comment i need full networking and hardware basic syllabus please send to my email id. 26 Thu May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for your post. Surenda Gupta

pratap's Comment its nice tutorial thank a lot 22 Sun May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome, if you have any suggestion, please let me know.

haroon afghan's Comment i dont have any word for your praise you did the best outstanding awossom thanks you provide us all that i needed to know be happy and may ALLAH 61/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

give you long life 21 Sat May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

manoj's Comment super .... very usefully 20 Fri May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

Sandipan's Comment Thanks its very in understanding.Can u please help me out i a project requreing where 6 IP camera have to be networked over Ethernet throught UTP cables.So what kind of Ethernet switches I require. 17 Tue May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for your question, if i know answer, i will help you.

satender's Comment the all detail are good 16 Mon May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks, if you have any suggstion, Please let us know

Rakesh's Comment Please send me notes for networking consepts and about confiration of cisco roter and switches. 16 Mon May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for your reply. If i know answer of your question i will reply you back.

Tabish's Comment Thanks for your response i am running a small network in my area of 8 to 10 clients (users) i've got a dsl internet connection of 4mb bandwidth and i want to share it with my clients with a limited bandwidth according to their 62/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

requirement and i also want to control their internet access by captive portal/ip-mac binding/vpn etc. my main goal is to provide them service without any downtime so which router os i should use how to configure it ?? waiting for your affirmative and kind response Thanks :) 15 Sun May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for your reply. if you can give more detail of your req, then i can help you.

vkarunkumAR's Comment NETWORKING BASIC IS VERY USEFUL 14 Sat May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: if you give some more suggestion, how to we can make site more usefull

parag chatterjee's Comment thanks 09 Mon May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome!

kiittu's Comment wah super boss ! 09 Mon May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

vishal's Comment no this is not great 07 Sat May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: IF YOU have any suggestion, please let me know

testboss's Comment I think its a great work done 04 Wed May 2011 Report Abuse 63/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: you're welcome

jagadeesha.ka's Comment I think, This Site is good for every one. 04 Wed May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

kiken's Comment thanks ..i learn a lot about networking.. 02 Mon May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

Tabish's Comment It's really an awesome site, i just visited it today and bookmarked it .. Rock on !!! i need to ask some info about client server networking, if anyone could please help me out, i would really appreciate :) add me 01 Sun May 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: if I know the answer, I'll be happy to help.

santhosh's Comment no 30 Sat Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: if you have any suggestion let me know

Rohit Chadha's Comment Its really good & helpful. 27 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome



Basic Networking Tutorial

shanti's Comment thankz for these... i've learn alot about networking.. 27 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

karunakaran's Comment very useful 27 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

abdulraziq's Comment this page is very knowledgable 21 Thu Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

rahul's Comment more provide switching network 20 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: if I know the answer, I'll be happy to help.

anand's Comment this is verry useful for me thank you 19 Tue Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

Kiran's Comment do u hv tutorial on ETHERNET .. get me link .. n also CCNA 65/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

19 Tue Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: if I know the answer, I'll be happy to help.

rohan's Comment its so nce u r grt 15 Fri Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Rohan, You're Great Too

waseem's Comment Super,,, Good job.. I want some info about the system admin. 13 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: What exactly do you need to know.

Kiran 's Comment really super !! a gr8 tutorial.. but i want 2 know wt s ETHERNET .. wt it does .. a SIMPLE definition, wit some pics ... plz help . thnx for dis :D 13 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: There is nothing simple about Ethernet. And if someone can simplify it, it wont cover what ethernet is in it's entirity.

johne's Comment I think ur some smart and I need to know some thing about networking pleace help me with that form Eritrea (east africa) 13 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: What exactly is your question?

paul's Comment its nice. and a lot of learnings 13 Wed Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial


vikrant tyagi's Comment vry nice tutorial gud for basic concepts. 12 Tue Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

uma's Comment its very useful to all the students good work keepit up 12 Tue Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Uma

Malith's Comment This is very useful thankx..! 12 Tue Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome!

Raghavendra G's Comment Very useful for beginners. Sure I give this as reference for my students 11 Mon Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

josh thw aites 's Comment i dont like this very racist extremely and offensive because im black 07 Thu Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: So what if you're black? What exactly offends you?

S.Narayanan's Comment very good. Its very use full for all 67/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

07 Thu Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Your comment is very welcomed...Thanks

ASHAY TANDON's Comment Sir , please provide, some contacts of the person from networking background.... so that we may contact them.. and also let us know how should we start our career with networking ? 02 Sat Apr 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Easiest way would be to order Best IT Jobs of 20 11 .

Naresh's Comment Very fantastic work. I already learn Computer Hardware from this site. Very useful for me. ALL THE BEST GO AHEAD 31 Thu Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Naresh.

thejaswini's Comment i want to know as to the maximum and minimum number of nodes an ethernet lan can have... 31 Thu Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I think you should research this a bit but I think you can have 1024 nodes per segment. Minimum....well 1 I suppose. But 1 node wont be able to use network resources because there will none.

Deepak's Comment it`s Truly Magnificent..... Really Good Stuff On One Website....... 29 Tue Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Deepak.

anny's Comment thankz techi this 4 skoolz 29 Tue Mar 2011 68/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome

TONY 's Comment I JUST INSTALLED A NEW COMPUTER AND I CANT MAP NETWORK DRIVE TO MY SERVER 23 Wed Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Okay, tell me about your setup....also what OS are you using?

RAY MOND MAHEGA's Comment I'm a student I need your help 23 Wed Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: What can i help with?

kavitha k p's Comment HAI I WANT NETWORKING TROUBLESHOOTING 23 Wed Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well you're in the right place to learn such things

Satish's Comment Good Try mate!! Try and Keep posting basic stuff.. will be a great refresher for any IT guy.. 19 Sat Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Satish.

shakeb nazmi's Comment i love the work so far,Pls give some technical diagram of network products 14 Mon Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry, but you can Google them.



Basic Networking Tutorial

balakrishna's Comment IT IS GOOD 08 Tue Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Prasanna's Comment its very easy to understand these basic consents. 07 Mon Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: The basic concepts are actually the building blocks that go a long way.

vineela's Comment pls send me the notes 03 Thu Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry, no sending of any type. Company rule!

Shaik Saleem's Comment It is very useful for those are not aware of C lang,, i appreciate this,,, 02 Wed Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Saleem

G D DUA's Comment Thanks for the detailed information regarding Netgorking. 02 Wed Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You are very welcome.

sumon's Comment thats good for someone who are new. 01 Tue Mar 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: 70/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Yes, Agreed! That's why it's called "Basic" .

srinath's Comment very nice. please add some more practical sections 21 Mon Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Am trying.

Mr.KO KO's Comment Thank u for your article.It's very useful for me. 17 Thu Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad that you find it useful

Labiyi Damilola Kolapo's Comment i love the work so far, 16 Wed Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that.

Esho Isaac's Comment my ip address normalyy changes when there is power failure.What do i do to stop this error 15 Tue Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Try to release and renew your ip using the IpConfig command.

J MURALIKRISHNAN's Comment Very nice 14 Mon Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Arun's Comment 71/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

veery good note but i want some more 13 Sun Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Try searching here: Computer Networking

dinesh's Comment i want to learn to networking 11 Fri Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well you're in the right place.

USMAN AHMED's Comment I appreciate your kind gesture. Thanks. 10 Thu Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for visiting Usman.

themba's Comment thanks for all this picture becouse i learn something i dint know 10 Thu Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to see it helped you Themba.

josephine's Comment great 10 Thu Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Abdullah M Y usuf's Comment Very nice thanx all of this plz send me more information about net working me waiting 05 Sat Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Visit the Computer Networking area for more details on that topic. 72/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

banu's Comment I want to learn networks 05 Sat Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're in the perfect place to learn Computer Networking Banu.

karthik's Comment very useful for beginers to know about networks 04 Fri Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Karthik.

rajanikanth's Comment very good notes 04 Fri Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're welcome

Sajjad Ali's Comment Thanks alot. But kindly provide us diagrams for better guidance. 04 Fri Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Will try next time Sajjad.

STANLEY 's Comment Very good.They are really nice notes 02 Wed Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Stanley.

MICHAEL's Comment I DO LOVE THE TUTORIALS SEND ME MORE TO LEARN THEM 02 Wed Feb 2011 Report Abuse 73/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that.

adebowale's Comment Excellence Job team, but more emphases is needed on the Topology. 02 Wed Feb 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Will Do, However, there is a whole other document focused solely on Network Topologies .

Hadish's Comment it is fantastic web more thanks 31 Mon Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're very welcome Hadish.

vijayakumar's Comment it's very super i understood very easily....... 29 Sat Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that.

horizon IT solutions's Comment this site helps our students to learn basics of computer networks.? 28 Fri Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that. You folks are welcome to ask your students make this site your homepage for easy access.

ABCD's Comment Wonderful it is, thank you so much... 26 Wed Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome



Basic Networking Tutorial

Joe Skaria's Comment Really really SUPERB Gr8 Job Friend Keep it up May God Bless You 25 Tue Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you Joe. And thanks for visiting.

Deys ila's Comment Thanks for creating such a helpful site. Can you give me a topic in Network Security for my thesis.... 24 Mon Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: What About: Home PC Invasion? Just about everyone is suseptible and hardly anyone knows how to defend. And rarely does anyone even know that thier PC in the living has already been compromised.

MBA Job Resume Format 's Comment Awesome..every thing at one place..very helpful dude..could you make the same for Citrix! thanks MBA Job Resume Format 22 Sat Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Will Try.

kelvin's Comment I appreciate your effort toward this article of basic networking tutorial. God will give you more inspiration to do more. thanks. 20 Thu Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Kalvin.

thiyagarajan's Comment excellant tutorial 18 Tue Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks



Basic Networking Tutorial

raj's Comment ya its good ............ but i want more about networking basis . please help me if someone have notes or material about networking please send it to thanks 18 Tue Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Have you checked this page out yet? Computer Networking

Nachu's Comment Thank u so much.... it simply superb..... 17 Mon Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Nachu.

Ajmal Raja's Comment Thanks for your & your whole team's hardworking, efforts and helping millions of people across the world........Plz keep it up........Thanks alot 17 Mon Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the kind words Ajmal.

sasavinoth's Comment I am so happy after read this tech ware house site thankuuuuuuuuuuu 13 Thu Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome!

bee's Comment love this siteveeeeeeeeeeeeeery much keep on keeeping on 10 Mon Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Bee

sojib's Comment gssg 76/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

09 Sun Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Ah?

jasbeer's Comment hardware networking 08 Sat Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: yeah

lito ventura's Comment imformation about networking 07 Fri Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well you're in the right place.

dimuthu's Comment thanks a loot 07 Fri Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome!

QAISAR KHAN's Comment THANK YOU 03 Mon Jan 2011 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome

Laxman Redkar's Comment Sir,Thanks Your notes is very helpfull . 26 Sun Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome!



Basic Networking Tutorial

visweswara rao's Comment ya its good for start up guys in networking. 19 Sun Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Richard Githwe's Comment Hello, I am Impressed by this notes. You will always learn something on every document you read on Networking. Keep it up. 18 Sat Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Richard

Anbu j's Comment yes this tutorial very usefull for me ....thank you 18 Sat Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome!

godso's Comment sir i love your computer networking explanations there really good, pls can you recommend a good book that can give more practicals on networking thanks. 16 Thu Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I love this book: Computer Networking First-Step It's a bit old but very easy to follow and explained very well.

moqim ahmed's Comment Please computer Networking &hardware question And Answer paper 16 Thu Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Why don't I just go take the test for you too J/K ?



Basic Networking Tutorial

Jovy's Comment Its a very useful site. If you can provide hands on examples in win 2003 or higher will be very useful 15 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Will Try

elisman's Comment am very happy 15 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Me too :)

vijayakumar's Comment this is this very useful website.. and i really enjoy..... 15 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked it.

shihabudeen's Comment good 14 Tue Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

mayowa's Comment wowo you guyz are the bomb , i can call myself a networking engineer without paying any money , thanks a lot man. 08 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad you liked it. Thanks

Jame Y aw Nkansah's Comment Please I am a beginner in networking, I would like to receive useful basic networking material to help me advance. I love to learn. Thank you. 03 Fri Dec 2010 79/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Look around on this site. You'll find some jewel of info.

Daniel's Comment I would like to know more about sub net mask IP address, and Gateway please if it will be possible for me to receive an email on that I will be more than greatfull to you guys. thanks.. 02 Thu Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Just check back in a few weeks. We'll have a subnet tutorial coming.

Raj's Comment Hello sir My name is Rex Raj, your article is very good but if you ask some questions at the end of article is would be good with answers for partice, Thanks 01 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I agree

NILESH SAPKAL's Comment Veryyyyyyyyyyyy nice.......... 01 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

rajanikanth's Comment its excellent 01 Wed Dec 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

kamran 's Comment gud notes 24 Wed Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial


Regasa's Comment Nice it is best!! 23 Tue Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

yagoob's Comment I wnat to learn network 19 Fri Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:'re in the right place.

Thavamani's Comment thanks for sharing.. i've faced several problems in networking. i hope it'll clear everything.. 17 Wed Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I hope so too and please dont be shy and keep us posted if it helped to work out a problem.

Leo's Comment Very Informative and easy to follow. Thanks for the taking the time to put this article together. I've got one request though! Any chance of expanding on subnetting so I will be able to work out the following example: You have been given the IP network address You require at least 15 subnets. List: 1. The required subnet mask 2. The number of total subnets 3. The number of available host addresses per subnet 4. The first four subnet addresses 5. The valid range of host addresses for the first four subnets 6. The Broadcast address for each subnet Cheers.. 14 Sun Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Leo, thanks for commenting. I can't get into the details but suffice to say that we're working on a subnetting tutorial already. It might not answer all your questions but maybe a tutorial for readers to learn how to do basic subnetting.

gopi 's Comment 81/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Thanks 13 Sat Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank You as Well.

shahin's Comment Best sides 08 Mon Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:

Girmay Berhane Tekie's Comment I like the way you prepare your tutor.... 05 Fri Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks, it means a lot.

ABDUL's Comment like this note 03 Wed Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Abdul Karim Jalloh's Comment like this site 03 Wed Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Prince Dickson's Comment Thanks for being there for us. 02 Tue Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: My Pleasure.



Basic Networking Tutorial

Abdul's Comment like it 02 Tue Nov 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

gedamu's Comment this book is very essential fresh man to know the basic of net working . keep up it 27 Wed Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Matty T's Comment fantasticly simple to take in thanks very much! Free info FTW 25 Mon Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad, and very strange that some of our content was a sure fire winner with the staff and it never took off with the readers. And some content, like this, has been very hot.

Lukman Abolore's Comment This tutorial is very helpful.I pray may God reward u for the effort put in. 25 Mon Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks.

yogendra's Comment I would like to get knowledge about IT from this site 23 Sat Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're welcome to browse to your hearts content

Y .L.Rifas's Comment very nice i need to get some advanced very good page 23 Sat Oct 2010 Report Abuse 83/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: Thanks

Paul lyimo's Comment The tutorial have really helped me pass my stage exam! Congratulation. 22 Fri Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Very nice to hear that. Congrats.

yaseer's Comment such a nice material this is very useful to beginners to networking thank u....... 21 Thu Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

S.RAJASEKAR's Comment I Like this and very usefully study center please i will continue the website i will seeing 21 Thu Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Wish you luck.

sai ram 's Comment hi this sai it is very useful for my study and i will gain more subject from this suit . 20 Wed Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Wish you all the best.

AJIBO MICHEAL's Comment thanks for the help 10 Sun Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome



Basic Networking Tutorial

Tzaddi's Comment I'm a Cisco student and this article is really informative. Well done. 09 Sat Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Ambili's Comment i feel that this website s useful to everyone who wanna work as a network admin..thanks to team behind the creation of this website 09 Sat Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the kind words.

sakthi's Comment Thank u 08 Fri Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome.

VINOD KUMAR's Comment hi sir please send me notes of computer networking,thanks. 07 Thu Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry, I dont take notes

Jagdish's Comment My name is jagdish madanani .I teach about networking so send me tutorial about networking. 07 Thu Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're welcome to use this networking tutorial for your class if you like. Just be sure to ask your students to visit the site if they can.

veeraselvakumar's Comment im fresher, the basic of networking is very useful for me........ thank 85/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

you................. 06 Wed Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to see it helped you.

jacob's Comment i love the information it's really helpful! 05 Tue Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

yuvraj's Comment its really nice .. i would like to make request here , if admin can add vacancies in networking companies then it will be very ueful to us . 05 Tue Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Will Try, No Promises.

arabella's Comment Thank God I found this page... Its big help.... 05 Tue Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that.

habib's Comment Thanks for this good information, helped with my Network Basics and Hardware Assignment :) 03 Sun Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that.

RIY AZ SHAIKH's Comment i am first time this side user this side is very knowledge 02 Sat Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial


venkatesh's Comment thanks u sir its relay a good information i am preparing a book on networking so plz help me the link i can refer to do the book sir..... 01 Fri Oct 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: if you want to simply use our link. the home page will do just fine.

Arun Gowda's Comment very nice information they r giving in this site..........specially thank u so much for entire team whoever made this site.. 29 Wed Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Arun.

Mohammed Aijaz Ahmed's Comment I like this site , and i want to send every updates available. 29 Wed Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Send? Please explain.

binita's Comment i like this is very useful for me...becz i m computer student...& i m going to give exam of networkig....... 25 Sat Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hope you do well.

md zunaid's Comment this basic tutorial is very useful.i ike to read this topics 24 Fri Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks



Basic Networking Tutorial

rupam's Comment please give me some good links for gateway(how it works etc...) 21 Tue Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You may find lots of info here

KRISH's Comment please give some video tutorials.. 21 Tue Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You will find enough videos here

sonu 's Comment full give page my gmail transfar 15 Wed Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: not sure what you mean.

rama's Comment Sir am going to employed as a trainee in networking....... so can u help me with some notes an guidances 08 Wed Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: It's all right there. Just try to soak up as much as you can. Memorize some networking vocabulary and really try to understand what they mean and use it in conversation during the interview.

kasi daniel's Comment Very wonderful tutorial. It has the collection of most important things. Very helpful for interview preparation. Good Job ... 04 Sat Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad to see it helped.

Rathish's Comment 88/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Technical Teaching In online is very nice is one of the great think. Sharing of Knowledge is for to improve the knowledge in many various angles. best of luck. Thank you to all who work for this. 03 Fri Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Rathish

Simerpreet SIngh's Comment hello 02 Thu Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Hi.

Dianne's Comment very good online tutorial! it really helped me a lot.. good job to all of you behind this course! :) 01 Wed Sep 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Dianne

Usman's Comment nice work 30 Mon Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Usman.

Ameer's Comment Thanks for your valuable and great support. 27 Fri Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to be of service Ameer.

chamika's Comment interesr for study networking 27 Fri Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: 89/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Well then you're in the right place.

subhash dhawan's Comment its very good 26 Thu Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Subhash.

beginner's Comment is there such thing as invalid IP address? 25 Wed Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Yes, There Is!

TARUN's Comment tell the practical of networking like offline file and folder sharing. printer sharing , different subnet mask sharing etc.......... 24 Tue Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Soon.

TARUN SHARMA's Comment NOT ENOUGH , NEED SOME MORE KNOWLEDGE. PLZ MAKE UR BASIC BETTER. 24 Tue Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry to hear it wasn't enough.

!ncognito's Comment The tutorial is superb. I liked it a lot. Expecting more tutorials of this kind. 23 Mon Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks



Basic Networking Tutorial

NOAH W ILSON's Comment I appreciate your efforts towards ICT development. 23 Mon Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Noah.

sylvia's Comment Excellent stuff for beginners or as refresher 18 Wed Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: i am glad you liked it

prabu's Comment good 14 Sat Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Prabhu

BHUSHAN's Comment thankyou! i have lots of problem taken networking. now my problems will be solved i hope. 10 Tue Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Goodluck Bhushan

dms's Comment I am a fresher for networks.. is this the correct site for me? any suggestions plz? 08 Sun Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: This is exactly the place for you.

mathew's Comment Help me!!!I thinks u can!!!I am using two computers ,one printer and one internet connection in one computer and i have a switch too,i need to use nrt and printer in both of this,how can i achieve that.plz hlp me iam a fresher 91/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

06 Fri Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm not sure about a switch since I never worked with them. But a basic router would do the trick for you. If I were you, I would: 1. Connect the router to my cable modem. 2. Connect the computers to the router. 3. Connect the printer to one of the two computers. 4. And configure the computer with the printer attached to share the printer on the network.

jacinta Udoh's Comment You've done wonderfully well. i would also agree with r.Karthie's comment, thanks 05 Thu Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Jacinta

jai ganesh's Comment all is can say is wow!!...that was super cool...thx a lot:):) 05 Thu Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: No need Ganesh and you're welcome.

sakthivel k's Comment hi sir, very useful this notes... 03 Tue Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you for such kind comments. I always appreciate it.

Ganehs's Comment Super nice thanks 02 Mon Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Very Welcome

Inbarasan's Comment 92/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Very very good Thanks 01 Sun Aug 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks, it's always good to hear.

Shaikh amjad's Comment its very good 29 Thu Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Amjad

ISMAIL's Comment It's very important to be having this type of website on net thanks for your effort may god reward you.And sir i'w like to highlighted more on troubleshooting. 28 Wed Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Ismail

vasuroshan's Comment such a nice material this is very useful to beginners to networking thank u....... 25 Sun Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to be of service.

techbrainless's Comment It is really amazing tutorial 25 Sun Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Again

techbrainless's Comment it is really amazing tutorial ... 25 Sun Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: 93/120


Basic Networking Tutorial


masre's Comment nice..... 24 Sat Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

KALEEM's Comment very useful there any pdf file available of this? 21 Wed Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry, no pdf bro.

Meena's Comment very nice document helpful for interviews thank you 19 Mon Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome

karishma's Comment its 2 good it helped for interview 17 Sat Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that Karishma.

govindh's Comment it was so good... and one more thing is I'm beginner of this networking ,so I would like to learn more concept about this networking..please send me relateddocument's 16 Fri Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: In that case check out: Computer Networking



Basic Networking Tutorial

joseph rey uson's Comment just help me to understand a lot of networks topology and just help me what commands and how to use the commands of ping the router 15 Thu Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:

joseph rey uson's Comment so nice,,, just sent me lot of information of network topology here my account plz....... 15 Thu Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Try this: Network Topologies

pavan's Comment T.Q 10 Sat Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're Welcome Pavan.

gprabhu's Comment sir i want to learn about networking 09 Fri Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well, learn away Prabhu. Try this Link: Computer Networking

karan's Comment Wow it is awesome, good that it helps everyone.Thnks a lot for this knowledge. 07 Wed Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Karan.

ANOOPMISHRA's Comment its verey helpfull for everyone 07 Wed Jul 2010 Report Abuse 95/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: I'm glad to hear that.

sudha's Comment it makes me clear details and strong in basic network..hats off..thank uuuu 05 Mon Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Sudha.

Tohid's Comment It's really helpful 02 Fri Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Tohid.

sharath's Comment this is good site to get basic knowledge abt networking 02 Fri Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Sharath

Gaurav Kumar Bansal's Comment It is a very useful site to cover all networking basics concepts. Thanks.... 01 Thu Jul 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're very welcome . I hope you'll get your friends here too.

mohit saini's Comment this is the very good for all off them thanks google. 30 Wed Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Mohit . Now get a bunch of your friends here too.

pravin's Comment 96/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

most importent information thankyou sir 30 Wed Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Pravin . Just make sure if something on this site helped you,

return the favor by checking out some of our advertisers. Thanks Again.

Fundi H.Johnson's Comment it is interesting 28 Mon Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: It sure is Fundi .

Alok Kumar Mullick's Comment the notes are really good .want to get more details on application of networking in other domains like telecommunication and other such feilds. 26 Sat Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Goodluck Alok .

jahanzaib's Comment very nice sir thank you 21 Mon Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Welcome Jahanzaib

Arun's Comment Very Useful 20 Sun Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Arun

KIRAT's Comment Gud goin buddy...Yeah feel like updated lil bitt.! Regds 19 Sat Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial

Thanks Kirat

Md. Abdur Rouf's Comment so beautiful site 18 Fri Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked it Dr. Rouf.

bezawit's Comment It is very interesting tutorial so i need this notes thank you. 15 Tue Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: you're welcome

Jane's Comment In the protocol box, u hav missed the word 'TEXT' for HTTP. The expansion is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.. Am I correct? 10 Thu Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Jane! You were absolutely on the money. And so the correction has been made. We live in this cool age where people we don't know (from places we've never
heard of at times)

share thier knowledge for just the sake of it.

Thanks Again.

Maksudul Haque's Comment Very good. 08 Tue Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

ANCHAL KUMAR SRIVASTAV's Comment HAI.......... 08 Tue Jun 2010 Report Abuse 98/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: Hello

dinesh's Comment good 08 Tue Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

rajesh kumar's Comment Hello, i want to learn basic of network but still i want to learn video is their for class it will be good. thank you 05 Sat Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Try the Network+ videos. They'll teach you networking better.

REGHU's Comment Very informative and useful 02 Wed Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the nice comment Reghu. We really appreciate it.

Kovilpatti IT Kings's Comment Amazing... Explanations are clear, brief and precise. Really appreciate your efforts.Please insert the windows in network connections 01 Tue Jun 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that .

Md. Abdur Rouf's Comment this site very nice. 31 Mon May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Rouf .



Basic Networking Tutorial

Eurell W att's Comment this is a very useful site, i do hope you find it as helpful as much as i did 28 Fri May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you found it useful. Please do let others know of it if they happen to need this kind of info. Thanks.

jerry's Comment it's very nice and very helpful. thanks. Really like it. :) 27 Thu May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sure Jerry, very nice to read your comment.

Rakesh's Comment thank you sir 26 Wed May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: It's so nice to see you appreciating but it's even better to get more of your friends here.

sagar's Comment Hi It's Really fantastic for All. Thanks. 24 Mon May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Nice to hear that from you Sagar. Please spread the word to your friends as well. Thanks

Mohammad.Isaq's Comment It's very very nice article ... thanks a lot sir... 17 Mon May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're very welcome Isaq. Hope to have you come by often.

MANOJ CHAND JOSHI's Comment its amaging please send this every day so i increase my knowledge 07 Fri May 2010 100/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you like it. Also, tell your friends about it.

siva's Comment good 04 Tue May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Aravind's Comment Amazing... Explanations are clear, brief and precise. Really appreciate your efforts. 02 Sun May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Aravind, and I'll really appreciate you sending your friends here .

pramod's Comment please forward me whatever stuff i have missed earlier also... 02 Sun May 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: FWD what again?

Othman's Comment Wow! I wish if every website could present things like this! A complete network fundamentals all-in-1 cheat sheet. 26 Mon Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the kind words Othman. Wouldn't it be great if you also let your friends know .

obinna obioji's Comment This is simply delicious. It is da bomb..thank God I found it 23 Fri Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank God we found you Obinna



Basic Networking Tutorial

Sarbajeet's Comment it is a nice and compact presentation... 22 Thu Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Sarbajeet .

vinayak's Comment all about networking 20 Tue Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: And not just computer networking either my friend. It's got to do with Human Networking as well. Your comment and my reply for example. I Love Internet!

Nusran's Comment wooow vry helpfull lessons... thank u vry much..... 20 Tue Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Nusran .

muhammad nawaz's Comment THANKS ALOT DEAR SIR, I LIKE THIS TOO MUCH.. I PRAY FOR YOUR GOOD LIFE.. 19 Mon Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Nawaz

PRASHANTH's Comment VERY NICE 15 Thu Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks



Basic Networking Tutorial

Engr. Anwar Khan's Comment Nice work.... it really helped me in preparing for interview..... 15 Thu Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that Anwar.

Engineer Shoaib's Comment nice sir;;really impressed;;good job. 13 Tue Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Shoaib

GAURAV's Comment hi sir...its good for networkin basics but i need much more 13 Tue Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Gaurav

honey's Comment iam new here networking is new for me so plz can u explain the mean of nic,peripheral 12 Mon Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Check out: Network-Plus-Certification-Exam

PRAVEEN KUMAR.D's Comment it is very nice 12 Mon Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

atifrais's Comment I read this tetl... very knowlegable word 11 Sun Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply:



Basic Networking Tutorial


gobi's Comment its use full for me i want to now how to clear if network ip cannot ping how to releve it and how to reset sharing in regedit please replay me in mail 08 Thu Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: We'll try.

moath's Comment i think that there is some words that need to be defined, so if it has a link to it that will be greate. all information are helpfull, thank you alot. 04 Sun Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I would do anything to make this tutorial easier to comprehend. Would you like to give examples of the words you think need explaining?

Crowngbola's Comment This site give vivid explanation on Networking. 03 Sat Apr 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Crown

sabhakareemsha's Comment it just too good,superand excelent that every ITprofessional will go throw it . 30 Tue Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Sabha, I appreciate your kind words.

ronny's Comment very nice .thanx for such a good and nice notes on networking 27 Sat Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for the nice comment Ronny .



Basic Networking Tutorial

arun's Comment nicely presented...thank u.. 26 Fri Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for a nice comment Arun .

abhi's Comment this article is excellent...good work... 24 Wed Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank You Abhi

hisam's Comment good 23 Tue Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Hisam.

shafras's Comment thanks. this article really helped for my assingment in data base and networking 19 Fri Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm happy to hear that Shafras.

Odiboh Friday's Comment Thanks master.I am so happy and fortunate to visit your site. your tutorial is interesting and self explained. Please can you tell me how to configure server? i mean the process or procedure involved. 18 Thu Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Wow!!! First of all, thanks for calling us Masters! No one has done that before Now about your's pretty open ended. So try this link: Configure Server



Basic Networking Tutorial

saurav's Comment i need basics of networking..pls give me refrence...thanx 13 Sat Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Saurav my friend, the best Networking ref. I can provide you is this page that you're on. Have FUN!

florue's Comment thankz hope its help to me to my exam thankz 13 Sat Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks, Best wishes for exams

oware ernest's Comment tracking of mcbile system 11 Thu Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Aaaahhhh Yes! Yes, most definitely.

suneet's Comment good work thanks 11 Thu Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for coming to TechiWarehouse.Com

Onojete Emmanuel's Comment i love this tutorial instruction and guide;line on networking. you guys are good 08 Mon Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks



Basic Networking Tutorial

BE VERY THINKFULL FOR U PLZ 07 Sun Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: i would recommend you to checkout this link where you will learn complete basics of Networking. Networking Basics

yogesh kumar's Comment hi.! your content is very useful make it more pictorial that will be more useful and will be easy to understand ...... keep up Ur good job 01 Mon Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks

nazeem's Comment hi. this web site was very very usefull. i have learned many things from here. thank you very very much. and also can you suggest any book so that i can grow my talent in networking field. 01 Mon Mar 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: i ve heard my friend once said the book "Networking Like a Pro: Turning Contacts
into Connections" is the best one in his collections.

Ritaban roy's Comment To known what is networking and also which is basic part of the networking,this side may be helpfully. 28 Sun Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: thanks

c's Comment i need a resume of this :P :D :) thank u 25 Thu Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked it .



Basic Networking Tutorial

goldy bhowmik's Comment In network topology section, there is misprint!! under star topology, ring is expplained and vice versa.. 25 Thu Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Good Save Goldy.

goldy bhowmik's Comment informative and concise..good work! 25 Thu Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Goldy!

kushavanth's Comment this site is very helpfui to learn about networking Thanks to u 25 Thu Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: It's a bit down and dirty but it gets the job done. It's not perfect but it'll be good enough to pick up on new skills.

maharshi's Comment its good but better to give with examples. thank you 21 Sun Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well, I tried adding a few images. Hope that helps you a bit .

sri's Comment good effort 20 Sat Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Sri, we try

sachin's Comment superb is there anylink to download it 20 Sat Feb 2010 Report Abuse 108/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: Sorry, no downloadling available .

However, you're welcome to read and print, and even share with friends .

mahipal's Comment excellent,very useful for interviews 20 Sat Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Yep

Hamid hassan's Comment hi,sir what i do i m brand new i need information basic network i apply for CCNA exam. thank u 13 Sat Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: It might help you to look around in Cisco Certifications category.

reema's Comment can u do the same useful work of basics in .Net and core Java??? Thanks for the work!!!!!!! 09 Tue Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Like I tell other guys, you need to comment on "Submit a Topic" for that

Niranjana's Comment Hi... Great workkkk Admin ;) :-) 08 Mon Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

ROHIT's Comment it's good for any network engg. because it is a basic language of networking and it's a need for engg. life thanks for this source 07 Sun Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: 109/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

I'm glad you liked it

nilo t-jones's Comment its a good source of information for us student sir... thank for having this site... 05 Fri Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for visiting

shan's Comment i liked it can iget some thing with diagrams so that its much more effective. 03 Wed Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Shan

dereje's Comment i like it 02 Tue Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Glad to hear that

srikanth's Comment Hey this notes is very clear and it is very easy to understand. Thanks for providing this kind of notes 02 Tue Feb 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: My pleasure SriKanth.

Ravi's Comment It is absolutely good tutorial for basic networking skills. i am sorry to say that i found it somewhat difficult to get the exact point from the topic in this tutorial that is "That client/server network is the most efficient way to provide" if you don't mind can you give the topic in clear way. 30 Sat Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I appreciate your query Ravi. I can't promise this will answer you're question but may lead you into some insight. Try this link which talks about various 110/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Types of Networks.

vivekl's Comment very nice. thanks 30 Sat Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Vivek

onwuchekwa kelly's Comment good job 26 Tue Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Kelly, it's comments like yours that keep me motivated

Anil's Comment too good.. 23 Sat Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: No No, YOU're too good

Ramesh's Comment It is an excellent information for interviews. Thanks for the time to collect this information 22 Fri Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Balu Anand S's Comment Nice information about Basic concept of Networking 20 Wed Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks...Also...I hope everyone is browsing around on the networking category to read other related articles. The categories are listed in the top menu bar.



Basic Networking Tutorial

NIZAM's Comment HI. IMAGE IS MOST IMPORTENT TO UNDERSTAND IN EASY WAY, PLS PROVIDE IMAGE, IT WOULD BE GOOD SIDE FOR ALL.. 20 Wed Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Can't promise, but I'll try Nizam.

Kumar's Comment wow, I found this website very very useful.. Nice and simple way to provide such useful info.. can't waste my time on reading those big books...Thanks a lot. 17 Sun Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Kumar, I tried my best to keep it simple. The trick to getting around though is to tinker with the top menu bar.

kamalhasan's Comment nice simply writing good all the best 16 Sat Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

arshad's Comment thanks for such a nice information????????? 15 Fri Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad Arshad

Bhavesh's Comment hey can u send how to creat domain network tutorials 14 Thu Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Please add your request here: See if you can explain a bit about what you mean when you say "Domain Network".



Basic Networking Tutorial

vidhya's Comment Good Job...keep it updated..:-) 13 Wed Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Vidhya.

subash's Comment Nice Work.... Thanx Team..... 08 Fri Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Subash

diwakar malik's Comment very good and easy to under stood 07 Thu Jan 2010 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

ptvarun's Comment It is very interesting and i aslo interested in computer networking.I got a basic knowledge of newtorks. 03 Sun Jan 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Good to Know, All the Best

Haider's Comment It's been very useful 30 Wed Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked it.

thiruppathi's Comment its very nice 28 Mon Dec 2009 Report Abuse 113/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Admin's Reply: Thanks

murad's Comment thanks for your helpful for a beginner activites.its good 23 Wed Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

pio's Comment i was glad i learned something from this thread. the explanations are brief and easy to understand. thank you and more power. 19 Sat Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad Pio.

karthick's Comment its very nice to read.... thanks a lot.... 18 Fri Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Oh, I'm glad you liked it.

yeyientaung's Comment this site is very good 16 Wed Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks

Divine's Comment very good 15 Tue Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks. My personal favorite is the OSI Model because it helped me kinda with Network+ Exam .



Basic Networking Tutorial

jai kumar's Comment good job friend tell more in server 2003 10 Thu Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry about the lack of Windows 2003 info on this site. There just were enough content volunteered on this OS.

Ebrahim's Comment A lot of help for me as a beginner in the field of networking. Thanks for your generous idea for those beginners. 10 Thu Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I appreciate your kind words. Thanks :)

Suji's Comment This is realy helpful for a beginner.After read this i also planning to go for ntwk field.Thanks alot for your effort. 08 Tue Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked it :)

Prasanna's Comment any one can easily understand. Thanks for providing the info thanks a lot. 04 Fri Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're most welcome :)

swap's Comment I WULD LIKE 2 GET DETAILS OF DNS DHCP IPv4 IPv6 02 Wed Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: societies president extinctions running issue impact beginning

Pheak's Comment I would like to get knowledge about IT from this site 02 Wed Dec 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Well Learn Away This website is your oyster.



Basic Networking Tutorial

ratna's Comment good 25 Wed Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm glad you liked it Ratna.

Mahesh Kapte 's Comment good ,Thanku 25 Wed Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks for coming Mahesh.

sandeep nayak's Comment i m very exited in networking course 22 Sun Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm Glad to Hear That :)

sachin's Comment plz give me the basic computer networking material and cd 11 Wed Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Sorry, I wouldn't be able to do that for you.

Manish 's Comment Very nice. i don't have words to give any comment 06 Fri Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Remember, when you don't know how to express you feelings in words, you can always check out the banners around the site for something that interests you.

loga priya's Comment awesome explanations.... thanks..... 04 Wed Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: You're welcome Priya.

yared's Comment 116/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

Thank u! 04 Wed Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thank you as well

r.karthik's Comment thank u, but pls try to include more section in detail and practical method 01 Sun Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'll try next time -Thanks

agube's Comment God bless the owners of this site it's educative 01 Sun Nov 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Buddy! :)

dur's Comment hi dear send me notes please. 30 Fri Oct 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I can't send notes, sorry. But what I'm planning to do is create a place for all visitors to suggest content. Something like a suggestion box.

Karan SHAH's Comment good 30 Fri Oct 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: Thanks Karan

sudhagar's Comment I think, This Site is good for every one. 29 Thu Oct 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: I'm to hear that

senthilkumar's Comment Super.... 117/120


Basic Networking Tutorial

23 Fri Oct 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: And you're SUPER senthilkumar.

wogayehu's Comment please set pictures or images are visible in lecture notes. 20 Tue Oct 2009 Report Abuse Admin's Reply: very good idea. I'll see if I can get some good images for various network topologies and such. at the least it'll help to understand the content.

80 comments Folarin Akeem Abiola Abuja, Nigeria great work, very simple and precise. kudos to you. Reply 1 Like Follow Post April 9 at 5:17pm

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Fanu John The polytechnic of ibadan oyo state This is a wonderful forum.. I am glad to be here getting a lovely information in one piece. Reply 1 Like Follow Post January 13 at 8:48pm

Kavitha Rengasamy Programmer Analyst at Cognizant Technology Solutions nice work....thnk u..... Reply 4 Like Follow Post September 19, 2012 at 11:07pm Ali Gheli Thanks Kavitha Reply 1 Like November 21, 2012 at 5:34am

Mayeem Khan Works at LORDS DISTILLERY LTD thanks boss Reply Like July 5 at 5:50pm Yang Marjelyn Ciprado Ebio ::)) Reply 3 Like Follow Post July 27, 2012 at 11:19am Ali Gheli :) Back at you. Reply Like July 28, 2012 at 8:58pm kacee Boo mindlesss (signed in using Hotmail) thanks did me well on this one.....finished my home work in seconds! :D Reply 1 Like Follow Post September 12, 2012 at 9:28am Ali Gheli Nice to hear that Kacee Reply Like November 21, 2012 at 5:34am Nidhi Sharma Reply Follow 205 subscribers Follow OJT Trainee at Bayan Telecommunications Wireless Landline 377 subscribers

nice site for computer education. 2 Like Follow Post June 23, 2012 at 8:36pm Ali Gheli I'm glad you like it. Reply Like June 26, 2012 at 3:33am


Abdullah Hassan

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thank u. I am glad because I am get all informations from 1 site. Reply 2 Like Follow Post June 21, 2012 at 3:51pm Ali Gheli Thanks for visiting us. Reply Like June 22, 2012 at 1:19pm Venkat Raj Rajagopal Polytechnic, Gudiyattam thanks its helpful for me. Reply 1 Like Follow Post May 24, 2012 at 10:24pm Ali Gheli I'm glad it helped. Reply Like May 25, 2012 at 8:10am Manish Barnwal Follow University of Delhi - South Campus

valuable stuff........helps me a lot....thax. Reply Like Follow Post June 26, 2012 at 12:47pm Ali Gheli You're quite welcome Manish. Reply Like July 16, 2012 at 2:53pm Dulrich Cabreros Thanks! ;D Reply Like Follow Post June 17, 2012 at 9:40pm Ali Gheli You're super welcome. Reply Like June 22, 2012 at 1:19pm Emran Suman thanks its help me. Reply Like Follow Post June 14, 2012 at 1:04am Ali Gheli You're welcome Emran. Reply 1 Like June 22, 2012 at 1:19pm Follow Chittagong Follow

Andre Cipriano Mindanao State University-General Santos City tnx a lot... nice tutorial... Reply Like Follow Post June 5, 2012 at 11:23am Ali Gheli Thanks Andre. Reply Like June 22, 2012 at 1:20pm Ramchandra Yadav Thanks its help me. Reply Like Follow Post May 25, 2012 at 8:51am Ali Gheli Great Ram. Reply Like June 22, 2012 at 1:20pm ShAhdad AlEe Talpur iT, s such nIce information. Reply Like Follow Post May 16, 2012 at 12:07pm Ali Gheli Thanks Shahdad Reply Like May 18, 2012 at 3:52am Lohit Reddy Delhi Public School, Secunderabad thanks for the info....vry helpful. Reply Like Follow Post March 28, 2012 at 4:30pm Ali Gheli It's a privilege to read nice comments like your own :) Thanks Reply Like April 3, 2012 at 6:00am Davinder Singh Simpy Mata gujari college fatehgarh sahib Add a comment... Reply Like Follow Post March 23, 2012 at 4:15pm Ali Gheli Thanks for visiting Davinder. Reply Like March 24, 2012 at 8:09am Chandann Roy Sujoy IT'S GOOD FOR MY EXAM. Reply Like Follow Post March 22, 2012 at 7:12pm Follow Works at BABAR HOTEL Follow OXFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL,GORAKHPUR


Ali Gheli

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I'm glad to hear that Chandann. It means a lot to me. Reply Like March 24, 2012 at 8:08am View 24 more
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