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Written by /u/IrascibleIdiot

INT. CHILDS ROOM - NIGHT The room fits a childs bed, a tall white dresser, and a corner full of fluffy stuffed animals. The room is PINK. The clarity of pink is so raw Shelby feels the walls for herself. She rubs her fingers smoothly together sensing no texture. SHELBY(early 30s) sits on top of the childs bed, crumpling the bed sheets. Her back - as well as the beds side suffocate the pink wall. SHELBY is tall for a woman almost being six feet. Her height adds sharpness to her physique and facial features. Her nose pokes off her face exquisitely, giving her a look of malcontent. Giving her the look of a Jewish Movie Critic. Her office pants and blouse are dark and insipid. dressed for business. Shes

Shelby ignores PHILLIP MORRIS(50s) he rubs the side of his scruffy cheek. He stands overhead, prowling at Shelby as she looks at one of the stuffed animals, a purple walrus with a fat grin, his the dots of his eyes crunched together dorkily as if pinching the bridge of its nose. Phillip is tall and lanky. His large and round framed glasses hold for dear life on the tip of his nose. His eyebrows are slanted down, angry, and irreversible. Phillip wears a clumpy lab coat. The white sleeves discolored from years of work. Years of exposure to nefarious chemicals. PHILLIP The government lead me around for years. Commanding me to do the impossible. Shelby cracks up at the PURPLE WALRUS. PHILLIP (CONTD) OH, you think thats funny? did THE impossible. Still looking at the stuffed... SHELBY Keep telling yourself that. You win, Mr. Morris. Get it over with and commit your evil. Well I


Phillip sounds as if hes effected by year-round allergies. His laugh is brutal and congested. He fits the means of an evil scientist. PHILLIP Evil? HA! Is that what your commanding officer told you? Stop this man before he commits EVIL? Phillip spots the Purple Walrus. The Walrus squeaks as it lunges through the air from a kick. SHELBY Nuclear warfare was more like it. Even in the midst of good, nuclear warfare is evil. So yes. A beat. SHELBY (CONTD) Evil. Shelby looks down her narrow nose onto the frail and tired Phillip Morris. Hands on his hips. Nodding along. PHILLIP The NSA is an evil organization, Shelby. A beat. A beat. Phillip concedes and looks to the stuffed animals. PHILLIP (CONTD) Did they tell you I had a daughter. Shelbys eyes begin to tear. PHILLIP (CONTD) Of course they didnt. Phillip edges towards Shelby. She keeps her composure. The two stare each other down.

He sits next to her, but instead of leaning against the wall; slouches on putting his elbows on his knees. PHILLIP (CONTD) When I was upset with Catherine, I used to grab her from the back of the arm and pull her in the direction I wanted her to go. Not anywhere special.


Phillip tries holding back his sobs. Phillips slouched back touches the side of Shelbys thigh. He posture straightens out and up the wall. PHILLIP (CONTD) Never special, but private, because you cant hit your kids in public. SHELBY Why ar eyou telling me this? PHILLIP Because like Catherine, your country is leading you around by the back of the arm only to be beaten. Phillip starts to laugh. EXT. NEW YORK CITY - NIGHT The city that never sleeps keeps its reputation. Christman carols sing and snow peppers the streets. Children run through the streets in winter wear giggling. Making lame snowballs. And throwing around dust. The dark sky is relieved by the fleeing snow clouds. A WHITE FLARE in the distance falls through the dark sky towards the city. The children point in amazement. CHILD LOOK ITS SANTA! All the children squel in joy looking up as Santa flies over head. The WHITE FLARE CLASHES WITH THE DARK SKY. The children lose their shadows and become ascii as the nuclear bomb wipes their short lives away from them. THE END

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