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2013 Superintendents Leadership Retreat

All Children Will Learn...Whatever it Takes

July 25th, 2013

Welcome to a day of learning, collaboration, and growth with the leadership of the Round Rock Independent School District.

Schedule of Events
Breakfast (For Purchase)/Networking..................................................7:45-8:30 Welcome and Overview of the Day......................................................8:30-8:45 Keynote Session.....................................................................................8:45-10:15 Dr. Cathy Lassiter Ms. Michelle Moore Break.....................................................................................................10:15-10:30 Break-Out session Cycle #1...............................................................10:30-11:15 RRISD Leadership Team Lunch(Provided)..................................................................................11:15-12:30 Break-Out session Cycle #2 ................................................................12:30-1:15 RRISD Leadership Team Transition time .......................................................................................1:15-1:25 Break-Out session Cycle #3...................................................................1:25-2:10 RRISD Leadership Team Break.........................................................................................................2:10-2:25 State of the District ............................................................................... 2:25-3:15 Closing/Door Prizes................................................................................3:15-3:30

Dr. Cathy Lassiter and Ms. Michelle Moore will join Round Rock ISD leadership for a day of collaboration and learning on July 25th
Dr. Cathy LasDevelopment Associate siter and Ms. Michelle and Leadership ConMoore of the Leadertent Specialist with The Leadership and Learnship and Learning ing Center. Center will be headlining the Moore is a Click here for 2013 RRISD access to their Professional DevelopSuperintenpresentation dents Leaderment Associate with ship Retreat the Leadership and on July, 25. LasLearning Center and siter has already been working with several served as an educator RRISD campuses and in a large urban school is a Senior Professional district

Lead, Collaborate, Change

Dr. Cathy Lassiter

Ms. Michelle Moore

Break-Out Sessions to be Led by District Leaders

Following the morning keynote session participants will be have the opportunity to attend three breakout sessions. Two of which will be led by Dr. Lassiter and Ms. Moore and the other will be led by a member of the Round Rock ISD leadership team. If you have not already signed up for your preferred sessions at www., please do so as soon as possible. The topics of each session will be Being the Lead Learner, Leading Change, and The Collaborative Leader. The RRISDled break-out sessions will not be presenting new content, but rather serve as a time to talk about the ideas presented in the keynote. There will be limited seating in each session, so register early to ensure your first choice.

The 2013 Superintendents Leadership Retreat would not be possible without the collaboration of departments and individuals throughout RRISD. A special thanks is given to Superintendent, Dr. Jess Chvez. His leadership has set an example for everyone in the organization. Also, a thank you to Deputy Superintendents Dr. Martha Salazar-Zamora and Ramiro Flores, Assistant Superintendents Robbin Gesch, Becky Donald, and Carla Amacher for their support and participation in the planning and implementation of todays learning. Albert Hernandez and the Stony Point High School staff have once again been gracious hosts and this event would not be possible without their flexibility and teamwork.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Additional thanks to Richard Kincaid and Lannon Heflin for utilizing the Career and Technology Education and Instructional Technology resources to make today more efficient and effective. A special thanks to the members of the planning committees who gave their valuable time coordinating todays event. The members of those committees are Sue Hildebrand, Robert Sormani, Kim Connelly, Chantel Morrison, Rebecca Haynes, Deanessa Zuniga, Barry Ryan, Kim Winters, Lisa Roberts, Courtney Swindle, Dr. Lora Darden, and Ryan Smith. Finally, a thank you to the Curriculum and Professional Development Department Support Staff. Dianna Guyette, Carolina Santizo, and Flo Bussell make everyone around them better.

SLR Blog

Lunch from My Fit Foods

Round Rock ISD will be providing lunch from My Fit Foods for the 2013 Superintendents Leadership Retreat. It has been a key partner with Round Rock ISD and is looking to continue a relationship with RRISD schools. The main dish will be a lemon turkey meal. Iced tea and water will be provided by RRISD food services. Please visit the blog at and click on the lunch order tab to request a vegetarian/vegan meal by July 18th.

The 2013 SLR is Just the Beginning

A goal of the Superintendents Leadership Retreat is to serve as the jumping off point for a year-long discussion about leadership. Three tools will be utilized to enhance the collaboration and conversations in which leaders throughout Round Rock ISD routinely engage during the school year. Please utilize Twitter #rrisdslr to share resources or thoughts on todays ideas. Join and be an active member of the Google+ Community. It is easy to share ideas and resources as well as hold online meetings using that platform. Also, be

sure to follow the main Round Rock ISD Professional Development blog at for continuous updates regarding leadership and other resources to enhance collaboration. Please read below for more information about each of these resources.

The SLR Community

Share Ideas, Questions, Links, Videos Collaborate visually in a Hangout Increase your connections within RRISD

Twitter @rrisdpd
Tap into world wide education leaders Quickly communicate with a larger audience Utilize hash tags to join conversations #rrisdslr to follow todays chat

Navigating your day and Stony Point High School

Technology Needs
On Boarding Instructions: Click here or scan below:

Parking, Food, Restrooms

Please follow the signs and park on the east or west side of the building, doors will be open on both sides and registration will be located in the common area. Breakfast and coffee will be available for purchase in the cafeteria from 7:458:30. Lunch will be complimentary from 11:30-12:30.

Stay current with RRISD PD developments Contribute a guest post Find links to other RRISD resources Increase your connections within RRISD

Guest Log On: Glitter Need to borrow a device? Need tech help? Go to room D-122. Its across the commons from the cafeteria.

Restrooms are located directly across from the cafeteria as well as the middle of each hallway. Room C-137 will be dedicated to nursing mothers and is equipped with a restroom, refrigerator and plenty of comfort and privacy.

Five Swivl Devices as Door Prizes!

Five Swivl devices will be given away as door prizes at the end of the 2013 SLR. Four devices will be up for grabs for everyone who registers and attends. A fifth device will be raffled off to someone who Tweets @rrisdpd or #rrisdslr from 8:00-2:00 during the retreat on July 25th. Swivl devices make it easy to pre-record a lecture or meeting in order to share with students or staff online. An iPod or iPhone records the presentation and the device will follow the presenter around the room using line-of-sight technology. An App makes it easy to then upload the video to a YouTube channel or other video storage service. Several teachers are already using this device to record themselves teaching a lesson, and then uploading the video to their web site for students who are absent to

view from home or for a substitute to present when the teacher is absent. The device can also be used to record meetings and professional development sessions. Check out www. for more information.

Thoughts? Comments?

embedded in this type. Feedback is one of the The survey should only most valuable tools that is take a few moments to the hardest to get. complete and will be very Numerous RRISD appreciated by the dedepartments came topartments and gether to individuals who plan this day worked to plan and would the leadership like to know retreat. how they can It is comcontinuously pletely anonyimprove in mous and we order to betwill share the ter support SLR Feedback Survey the efforts results with everyone on of all the SLR G+ community. leaders in this district. Feedback can also be The survey can be found on the blog, by clicking on given through e-mail to the picture to the left or Dr. Lora Darden or Ryan by following the QR code Smith.

Interested in Helping Plan the 2014-2015 SLR?

Contact Ryan Smith at 464-5934 or

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