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Chapter 5 Result and Discussion 5.0 Introduction Everyone has his own problems that lead to stress.

However, it depends on the person in how to counter the problem because each person has his own method to fix or counter the problem. Stress could do many effects students academic performance either positively or negatively. Moreover, stress has its relationships with the body, mind, psychological and physical appearances.

In general, the way these students manage their stress could help them to make betterment to their academic performance. Stress could exist and be present to students in many ways such as first; the situation which normally occurs among students is when they need to submit all of their assignments nearing the due date time or when they cant submit their assignment on time. Students should know how to handle and manage stress which could affect their academic performances.

Finally, based on the research topic, the researcher has found three major findings which have answered the research questions which are important to the research topic itself, A study of Stress and Academic Performance among Physical and Health Education students of part 5 and 6 at the Faculty of Education, UiTM, Seksyen 17, Shah Alam.


Section B:

Effects of Stress

Based on the six statements from section B, table 4.2.4 has shown 56.3% of respondents agreed that stress has its effects on their academic performances. It shows that the stress will affect their grade. Furthermore, we could see the table 4.1.2 for their CGPA to see the relationship between them. According to the pie chart, the highest ranges of CGPA for 3.00 to 3.49 is 68.75% and the second highest 3.50 to 4.00 is 31.25%. We can conclude that even if there are many respondents that agreed that stress gives impact to their academic performances , they still managed to have good CGPA. It means, this research has been answered which is stress has academic performances among students positive effects on


Section C:

How students manage stress

Based on the tables, there are also six statements which are related to how students manage stress. Majority of respondent have chosen table 4.3.5 which is spent time with peers and family to avoid them from being controlled by stress and tables 4.3.6 which is spent time with nature and pets. Both of the tables have same percentages. The respondents have chosen agree for the statement which 41.7%. So, from the research question for the section C, it has been answered.

As being stated by Sheppard (1976), there are connection between adolescent experience of interpersonal relations with peer and teacher and their academic performance. Numerous authors also reported that there is a positive correlation between academic performance and support provided by students family, peer group and teacher (Shumaker and Brownell 1984, benard, 1991, Dubow, Tisak, Causey, and Hryshko, 1991, Bogenschneider, 1996).


Section D:

The Causes of Stress

Based on the table 4.4.3, there also ha six statements about the causes of stress. There are higher respondents choose 62.5% to the statement which is the major causes of stress for them is their worry about their family. So, the question in section D also has been answered.


Conclusion As being illustrated in the data analysis, worrying about families is the major factor that causes students to experience stress. However, stress can give positive effects to students. Stress can drive students to attain good grade in their academic. In order to determine the best solution in handling the stress incorporate the following outline in the decision process assess what is important, determine what areas render your vulnerable to stress, and be clear about your expectations. Many aspects can cause a person to face stress. Academic, family peers and society and other are the factor than can provoke stress. Supports from family and peer can help person to solve the problem.

Practicing positive way of life and positive way of thinking can prepare the person become better in meeting life challenges.


Recommendation The research has been restricted due to few problems that are unavoidable. The major difficulties the researcher faced during conducting the research is time constraint. The researcher was provided with only two month to complete the research. It is not enough time to conduct a research in that short period time. So, more time should be given in order to conduct the research effectively.

Method used in obtaining research data also gives substantial impact to research outcome. Questionnaire contributing is the easiest and fastest way to get information from research sample. This method can be improved by having more questions to get in depth survey for the research topic

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