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Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

Y : (letter) (an) twenty fifth letter of English

lU dU.
yacht : (n) (n) a light vessel especially for
racing; a light pleasure boat; F
J G e F nk
MFMg ekg [ ; Vt
quF ; (v) to sail in a yacht; Vt
S q ugeF n c M;
yachting : (n) (nG) boat-racing; practice
of sailing yacht; Vt eMg heeg.

yaffle : (n) (nN) the green woodpecker; uCu s[Gezb grGecF

yahoo : (n) (n{) a bestial or brutish
person; e kgkk ; r M
g ezbk.

yak : (n) (ne) a wild ox used for carrying

loads over mountainous regions in Tibet and
the Himalayas; c g[}tg lgngF
NruG e L c ge e F nk

Y - yar

M F Mg ne k P g a e
yalelock : (n) (ne) cylinder lock for
doors; eeek qF M.
yank : (v) (nGe) to pull suddenly; uk
ld c M; (n) sudden pull; c~rk [
yap : (n) (nF) bark of a dog; Jk
rF; (v) to bark like a dog; to indulge in
idle talk; nF kt r; F
uC .
yard : (n) (n) an enclosed or partly
enclosed space near a building; a measure of
length; 36 inches or 3 feet; eck
e r [}i HJF
U HJF lg ;
E ; eog ; 36 G g
U 3 .
yardstick : (n) (ne) a stick of 3 feet
long used for measuring cloth etc.; eoe
yarn : (n) (nk) a spun thread for weaving
a fabric; a long story; ; urM; ;
MGe; (v) to spin; to tell long tales;
[}iM; e uHM; urM M.

yaw - yog

\>Vs[ gD - gD >t V]


yaw : (n) (n) deviating from the path; a change

in the course; n M ;
(eH ) u B g J [} Mg

yell : (n) (n) a sharp loud cry; _er;

(v) to make a sharp loud cry as in pain; to utter
a loud cry; HU kt qreee
eU; _erHM.

yawn : (n) (nk) the act of opening the mouth

wide and breathing in and out; an opening;
e; N; (v) to open the mouth
wide when about to sleep; to open wide;
e M; ege n

yellow : (adj) (n) pure bright golden

colour; mean; cowardly; gu s[gk;
lk; ehnk; (n) the bright
golden colour; the yolk of egg; gu s[g;
Jk gu e; (v) to turn to
become yellow; gue; guk.
yellowish : (adj) (nJR) a little
yellow in colour; u[}t guk.
yen : (n) (nk) a Japanese coin; oF>n

yawp : (v) (nF ) to utter a harsh cry; ez

ergee eU

yercum: (n) (neeg) a fibrous plant

common in India; the fibre of that plant;
eek u; eek .

yean : (v) (k) to give birth to (lamb or

kid); \kiM; M.

yes : (interj) (n) a term expressing

consent;opposite of no; g; gg (n) an
affirmative answer; "g' k[ c .

yeanling : (n) (kHG) a young lamb; lg

Me .

yesterday : (n) (n) the day

before the present; [}[n ckg; [}t.

year : (n) (ln) a period of twelve months;

a long time; age; a g; Ezb eg;
nU; yearling : (n) (lnHG) one year old
animal - sheep, calf etc; rzbk M,
ekte k[.

yet : (conj) (n) still; upto the present time;

however; nevertheless; notwithstanding;
JPg; lFNPg; k[ Bg.

yearly : (adj) (lnH) annual; happening

every year; c r; a
g sehSk[; (adv) year after year;
annually; g; c[} a
yearn : (v) (nk) to feel an earnest desire;
e ; yearning : (n)
(n>G) earnest desire; ;
ce F g ; (adj) longing; eager;
cege gSk[; s[.
yeast : (n) (\) the thing used in brewing
beer, bread etc.; gU, r k[
[} [ ne g U Le e
cMg euCuU.

yield : (n) () produce; profit; gep;

; lg; nk; (v) to give; to
produce; to surrender; to give into;
eMcM; q[}c un; hF;
lzG; MeeM.
yielding : (adj) (\G) facile; flexible;
obedient; lzee; ne_n;
yoga : (n) (ne) a system of meditation;
nee e.


Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary

yogi : (n) (nS) the person practising yoga;

neFNnug un.
yoke : (n) (ne) long piece of wood placed
across the necks of oxen pulling cart or plough;
a token of servitude; e; g
you : (pron) (Y) second person nominative
and objective case; plural of thou; (E) E;
EGe; qkk; qGe.
young : (adj) (nG) not old; not much
advanced in years; having little experience;
ce nc ; ln; P
youngster : (n) (nG) a lad; a young
person; Vtk; lk.
your : (adj) ( ) belonging to you;
qkPn; qGen.

yog - yul

youth : (n) (Y) the state of being young; the

stage of life between childhood and manhood;
a young person; lg; lgFg;
lk; youthful : (adj) (Y)
young; lg cn; youthhood : (n)
(Y{) the period of adolescence;

yowl : (n) (n ) a howl; Jk

ke r; (v) to utter a cry of dismay;
ke r dF.

yours : (adj) () belonging to you;

qkPn; qGen.

yuga : (n) (e) one of the four big divisions

of the life of universe; Nr u ck
eck k ceL akt;

yourself : (emph pron) you in particular;

Ek; Enk.

yule : (n) (Y ) Christmas festival;

SiUg zbe.

abbr. : eeg. Adj : n quCu. (n) : nuCu. (v) : kuC u.

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