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Reflection For this assignment, I had prepared a teaching kit with two activities which related to language items

such as nouns and preposition. The teaching kit encompassed with poster (part of the house: bedroom) background, picture cards and blue tack. It is applicable to be used in Year 3 class for intermediate level students. The topic related to the lesson is Part of the house. In preparation of the teaching kit, I looked for suitable common nouns to be introduced to the students. The common nouns are related to things that can be found in a bedroom. Some of the things are bed, cat, window, girl, clock, table, chair, ball, pencil and bag. Therefore, I started my work by printing out pictures of the things and wooden floor tiles in order to create picture cards and bedroom background poster. Then, I pasted the pictures on the box so that the picture card would be strong and durable to be used in class. After that, I worked on the bedroom background poster. First, I pasted the wooden floor tiles picture on a mounting board. Then, I put a border separating the floor and the wall. Finally, I added in the title, part of the house: bedroom on the board. For the implementation process, I had chosen activity one for the simulated teaching. The objectives of the activity are the students should be able to read the names of the thing correctly and also write a list of things that can be found in the room. Hence, the objectives were achieved in the simulated teaching. The teaching kit is to be used to involve the whole class participation. I could see that all students were participating in the lesson as the students came out to the front and tried out the activity individually. Each student picked one picture card on the board and pasted it on the poster according to their preferences. I realized that students enjoy the learning as they were given authority in learning. Thus, they could participate actively and in the mean time develop their creativity.

However, I think an issue of teaching grammar in either context or isolation should not be neglected. I preferred to use the teaching kit to teach grammar in context too. Therefore, I could improvise the activity by changing the procedures of the activity. In the beginning of the activity, I could introduce to the students a text such as short passage, dialogue and so on, which is incorporated with common nouns (things that can be found in the bedroom). So, I could go through the text with the students and then asked them to underline the common nouns. As a result, the students could relate the nouns in real life context and so they would know how to use the nouns correctly, either in term of writing or speaking. In addition, there are some rationales for why I create the two activities for the use of the teaching kit. One of the rationales is the activity could involve active participation of the students. Active learning would take place when the students talk about what they are learning, write reflectively about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives. They must make what they learn part of themselves (Chickering & Gamson ,1987). Therefore, I created a teaching kit that applies game and in the mean time it is usable for teaching language item. For example, activity one; Decorate the items activity, the language item focused is noun. The activity would involve students participation and preference in arranging the room. So, students could feel the autonomy in learning as they can arrange the things found in bedroom using their own creativity. They could also enjoy arranging the picture cards and create a bedroom that suitable with their preferences. Besides that, the activity would be practical for all students in a class. Teacher could manipulate the number of vocabulary introduced in a lesson for the students. In a lesson, teacher could set a number of vocabularies to be introduced in a lesson which would cope for intermediate level of student. However, teacher adds more nouns for advanced students and reduces the number of nouns for weak students. Therefore, teacher must identify the level of the students and put them in group so that they can work together and improve well along with 2

their friends. Teacher could give feedback to the students easily when they sit in the same group. For activity two: Describe room, the language item focused is preposition. This activity is an extension to activity one. In this activity, teacher is to introduce simple sentences with preposition and so students can relate to the lesson as the vocabulary used in the lesson is mainly learnt in the activity one. Teacher could provide positive reinforcement for the students in learning Grammar as they are given chance to practice the vocabulary (nouns) that they had learnt almost instantly. In order to make sure that this reinforcement is effective on children, teacher should take in consideration factors like immediacy, magnitude and consistency of the reinforcement (Wollard, 2010). Moreover, students would be able to see the correct use of nouns and preposition through the second activity. For instance, teacher prepared simple sentences in paper strips for students and each group of students has to arrange the picture cards (things) correctly. If the students could perform the activity well, this would show that they understand the nouns and also prepositions introduced in the lesson. In other word, teacher could see the product of the lesson. (925 words)

References Chickering, A. W. & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. The Wingspread Journal, 9(2), See also AAHE Bulletin, March, 1987.

Wollard, J. (2010). Psychology for the classroom: Behaviorism: Pedagogy. Routledge: USA

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