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Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe

Pre-Election Press Statement ...........

Voting and Voting Peacefully is Every Citizens Responsibility

Peace Be with You!
Following the announcement of the 31st of July 2013 as the day for Zimbabwes Harmonized Elections, the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), a commission of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference (ZCBC), encourages all citizens to vote. As advised by the latest ZCBC Pastoral Letter entitled ZIMBABWE ELECTIONS 2013: And the God of Second Chances, CCJPZ encourages all to exercise their democratic rights to select capable individuals from all the peoplemen and women who fear God, trustworthy men and women who hate dishonest gain and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. (Exodus 18:21). Whilst the pre-election period has been generally peaceful - save for isolated cases of violence in some parts of the country - there were many instances of intimidation which may affect citizens political choices. In a letter we submitted to Parliament on 30 May 2013, we congratulated the parliament and the senate for debating and passing on valuable legislatures, especially a new home grown constitution, 33 years after our independence. But we expressed concern over the following scenarios which people say frightened them ahead of elections: Uniformed forces and militant youth jogging around communities singing frightening revolutionary songs: Whilst not privy to how our army should carry out its training, most people who have witnessed this have said seeing groups of uniformed forces and militant youths jogging in residential areas makes them frightened and uncomfortable. Exclusion of some community members by some traditional leaders largely because of perceived political affiliations: the shortage of food has led to exclusion and denial of other members of the community on political grounds where some community members are asked to produce membership cards to qualify to be full members of the village. Food handouts and agriculture inputs, for example, have been used as the means of exclusion where only political card carrying villagers would benefit. Political intolerance: Though there are incidences of intra-party conflicts, interparty conflicts have been common with individuals from different political parties fighting one another. Intimidation, harassments, threats or assaults of political opponents have been general, with some political parties promising to attack their political opponents more than what was done in 2008. CCJPZ is aware of some messages that have been delivered during pre-election political meetings and campaigns - such as If you want peace, vote for us; there will be war if you vote wrongly; this country leadership cannot be changed just because of a vote; if you dont vote for us, you will disappear and other threats- have made most of us uncertain and confused. The contestations and

uncertainties surrounding the election date, and their effect on preparedness; delays in the voter registration process, with a considerable number of eligible voters failing to get themselves registered, and irregularities we witnessed during Special Voting also reduced our confidence in electoral processes. But these circumstances should not discourage us from voting. We are always asked to be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." (Deuteronomy 31:6). Much of the suffering on earth is because of godless leadership. (Proverbs 28:12). Some good people are equally to blame for bad situations as they do nothing about them. As responsible citizens, we must participate in choosing God fearing leaders who are selfless, responsible, accountable and truthful; leaders who respect human life and human dignity. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has assured the nation of the secrecy of the ballot and how each vote will count. As usual, the Catholic Church, through CCJPZ, and other regional church institutions such as InterRegional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) will be actively participating in the electoral processes so that we can independently and freely exercise our democratic right. In most of the polling stations, there will be local and international CATHOLIC OBSERVER. Their role would be to observe the process and inform the national and regional Catholic Church leadership. Where necessary, the Church leadership will inform liaisons with responsible institutions and individuals responsible for electoral processes. With the Prophet Isaiah, we say: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10). May our country rise to new life in the Lord and move forward to the Kingdom future he promises. We invite all Christians and people of good will to commit themselves to promoting peace in Zimbabwe and overcome the culture of intolerance, intimidation and political violence. As Church we will endeavour to facilitate forgiveness, national healing and reconciliation in the years to come. We invite you all to pray for our country at all times and during all occasions particularly at this important time in our life as a nation. (ZCBC Pastoral Letter, 15 March 2013).

For Election Day Observation updates, follow: CCJPZ Election Observation 2013;;;

Issued by the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe 29-31 Selous Avenue, 2nd Floor, Telephone: +263 4 704 415/ 797 163/ 792 693 Fax: +263 4 762 861 Email: Web page: Blog page: catholiccomforjusticeandpeaceinzimbabwe.wordpress

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