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Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Purpose This simulation will show you the basic steps to execute plan assessment. Trigger Perform this transaction when you need to execute a plan assessment. Menu Path Use the following SAP Easy Access menu path(s) to begin this transaction: Accounting > Controlling > Profitability Analysis > Planning > Integrated planning > Transfer Cost Center Planning > KEUB Assessment

Transaction Code KEUB

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Screen Flow

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Procedure 1. In SAP, start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code. SAP Easy Access

2. Double-click the Accounting node 3. Double-click the Controlling node 4. Double-click the Profitability Analysis node 5. Double-click the Planning node 6. Double-click the Integrated Planning node .

. . . .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

7. Double-click the Transfer Cost Center Planning/Process Planning node . 8. Double-click the KEUB - Assessment node Execute Plan Assessment: Initial Screen .

9. Click the Period edit field

10 As required, complete/review the following fields: .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Unit of R/O/C time into which a fiscal year is subdivide d. Company data can be analyzed on a particular date in each period. In accountin g, a fiscal year can be subdivide d into a maximum of 16 periods. The fiscal year itself is a period. Field Example: 005 R Period


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

11 Click the Period To edit field .

12 As required, complete/review the following fields: . Unit of time when the activity ends. Field Example: 005 R Period To 13 Click the Fiscal Year edit field . . R/O/C Description

14 As required, complete/review the following fields: . Period, 12 R/O/C months as a rule, for which the company is to create its inventory and balance sheet. The fiscal year can be the same as Description

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

the calendar year, but does not have to be. Field Example: 2008 R Fiscal Year 15 Click the Cycle edit field . . .

16 Click the Cycle possible entries button .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Cycle (1) 18 Entries found 18 Entries found

17 Double-click the OpCo ID01 item .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Execute Plan Assessment: Initial Screen

18 Click the Test Run check box .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Execute Plan Assessment: Initial Screen

19 Click the Execute button .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Execute Plan Assessment: Initial Screen

20 Click the Exit button .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Result You have successfully executed a plan assessment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


Work Instruction

KEUB - JPN - Execute Plan Assessment

Scenario Instructions In this simulation you are required to: Execute plan assessment.

Required Data This section provides the field data required to complete this exercise. Refer to this data sheet as necessary while performing the exercise. ID5401 2008 005 Field Cycle Fiscal Year Period To 005 Period Value

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CO_KEUB_JPN_Execute Plan Assessment.udc


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