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JULy 2013

a missionary movement at the service of the church

Faith Messengers
Understanding what carrying out Christs mission means in todays world
Recently A parish priest shared an interesting event that challenged his life. He said that he heard the calling bell ring one fine evening and opened the door of his rectory to see two young women clad in white. With a beautiful smile they told the priest that they had good news for his salvation. Recognising them to be from another denomination he informed them that he was a Catholic priest, yet they insisted that he give them some time to speak on this good news of salvation. The parish priest told us that he was challenged by their enthusiasm, urgency and intrepidness to share the Good News.

Heart Talk
Go and make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19). Millions of young people will be gathering in Rio de Janeiro for the World Youth Day from 23-28 July to focus on this theme announced by His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. This, in fact, is a call to every Christian and is at the heart of all missions undertaken by the Catholic Church. Nearly three decades ago every Jesus Youth took this as their personal call, and that explains how the movement has been able to take root in more than 30 countries today. Through their initial personal encounter with Christ, the Holy Spirit gifted each JY with an enthusiasm to share Jesus. Platforms provided by the movement like formations and exposures helped develop this desire into a missionary commitment. Through the years, the dynamics and the mission fields may have changed, but the call remains the same for every Jesus Youth to be a missionary. Recently, a young JY missionary family re-located from India to Uganda for a 5-year mission. When I visited Uganda last month, one of the boys there now involved with the JY ministry told me about his initial experience with this family. At our first meeting a lot of people had gathered but within half an hour, they started leaving because all those youngsters including myself had gone to receive money or other support like what we usually receive from other missionaries. But I waited as I realised that this family was different. They were ready to give me only Jesus, nothing else. Now my life has changed and their house is my house; this is my family and I am a Jesus Youth. I could easily understand the sincerity in this boys words as I had personally seen how this family sleeps in one room with their four kids while keeping their other room open for the local Ugandan youth. Reminds us that giving Christ is the only thing every missionary should be concerned about; all other good things done without giving Christ is not missionary work. I am reminded of another family living in the Middle East - a senior medical doctor, his wife and three children. They not only make their home available for different JY gatherings but also find the time to serve as animators. Surely its not an easy task to cook food or maintain the house for 30-50 people, sometimes 23 days at a stretch. Many youngsters have been drawn to the Church and the movement because of the commitment and hospitality of this missionary family. Jesus Youth has grown in many countries mainly because of such families who open their hearts and homes as centres for missionary formation. Even simple gestures have profound effects. A prayer group of an engineering college in India has taken the commitment to regularly visit, interact and provide help to a tribal colony living inside a forest. This type of commitment and experiences help these youngsters in taking their first step as missionaries. Responding to their missionary call helped the Jesus Youth of UK in restoring a Church that was at the risk of closure because of falling numbers. Quite simply, they initiated a 24-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each weekend with JYs from all over the country coming on a rotation basis to intercede for this parish. The fervour shown by these youngsters amazed the parishioners and is gradually bringing life back into the parish. These are not isolated cases; so many families and youth have dared to move out of their comfort zones for the sake of mission. And the JY One-Month Mission project is helping many people who have the enthusiasm but do not know how to begin. The mission exposure in a remote village of Nagaland, North East India transformed a JY family so much that the kids now pray for a chance to go back as missionary teachers. It is such a blessing that the Holy Spirit sparks this desire and zeal to become a great missionary in every person coming in contact with the movement. The regular stepby-step formation within the movement further ensures the mature growth of this missionary zeal. I have personally experienced this since my days as a young entrant to Jesus Youth; the constant challenge and inspiration to grow more in missionary fervour is what keeps the movement alive and relevant. I pray that the Lord may bless every Christian to realise and respond to their call to become a missionary for His sake. Raiju Varghese Jesus Youth International Co-ordinator

evangelization is done on ones knees. Without a constant relationship with God, the mission becomes a job If we look towards Jesus, we see that prior to any important decision or event he recollected himself in intense and prolonged prayer. Let us cultivate the contemplative dimension, even amid the whirlwind of more urgent and heavy duties. And the more the mission calls you to go out to the margins of existence, let your heart be the more closely united to Christs heart, full of mercy and love.

Homily of Pope Francis

Vatican Basilica, 7 July 2013

Faith Messengers

Contd. from page 1

to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lords favour (Lk. 4: 18-19). Moreover, Jesus concluded his mission on earth with a definite mission commandment to his disciples, Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you (Mt. 28: 19-20); As the Father has sent me, so I send you (Jn. 20: 21). The very purpose of the life of Jesus Christ was fulfilling the mission given to him by his Father and in turn Jesus entrusted the continuation of the mission to his disciples, the Church. Therefore, the Church is missionary by its very nature. The Church does not have a mission but her mission is the Church.

Another incident that taught me lessons on mission was during my trip to North East India to explore the possibility of beginning a mission house for our Trinitarian religious Order. After visiting a number of mission centres in the Archdiocese I sat down with my companion priest to share our dreams for the new mission. We then began to discuss about the various practical aspects like personnel, financial support, building, possible ministries, needs of the locality, continuity, etc. We had no answers to most of these questions. Uncertainty was distressing and discouraging. We decided to pray the rosary seeking the intercession of Our Lady of Good Remedy, the principle patroness of our religious Order. Towards the end of the rosary, both of us felt very strongly that we needed to place our complete trust in God regarding this mission. Now, after four years, this mission is developing well in the midst of several uncertainties. The third episode occurred about a year ago after a Jesus Youth prayer meeting in Kerala when a young man walked up to me and said, Father, my family and I are ready for any mission place you send us, anytime. This was the third time he had told me the very same thing that year. Well, today he is a zealous missionary working in Uganda along with his wife and four kids. These events have made me to reflect seriously on MISSION. I would like to pick out certain key words from here, like ENTHUSIASM, URGENCY, INTREPIDNESS, UNCERTAINTY, COMPLETE TRUST, READINESS and ANYTIME. I would like to believe that these are inevitable elements in the life of a true missionary.

Mission Today
Today the disciples of Christ, the Church, carry out this mission commandment in varied and meaningful ways. Without this particular mission, the Church would not have her existence and meaning. As Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of prophet Isaiah found in 61: 1-2, the Church keeps alive the mission manifesto of Jesus through her members as well as through her manifold mission initiatives and institutions. Similarly, every religious Order, Institutes of Consecrated life, Associations, Movements, etc. continue to carry out the mission of Christ. Addressing the members of ecclesial movements and new communities, Blessed Pope John Paul II of happy memories exclaimed, What a great need there is today for mature Christian personalities who are aware of their baptismal identity, of their call and mission in the Church and in the world! This is where the ecclesial movements and new communities appear: they are the answer which has been raised up by the Holy Spirit to this dramatic challenge at the end of the millennium. You are this providential answer! As a Movement in the Church, the very purpose of the Jesus Youth Movement is nothing but the continuation of the mission of Christ. The Movement does it by being part and parcel of the Church in various places and situations. Pope John Paul IIs call for a New Evangelization, one that is new in its fervour, new in its methods

Mission Manifesto and Mission Commandment

Jesus began his public ministry with a mission manifesto The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news

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The Movement carries a special evangelistic burden for youth and has always searched for greater effectiveness in reaching out to youth. More than any technique, it is this felt need that impels Jesus Youth to mission.
and new in its expression (John Paul II - Haiti, 1983) caught the imagination of Jesus Youth from the very beginning. The Movement carries a special evangelistic burden for youth and has always searched for greater effectiveness in reaching out to youth. More than any technique, it is this felt need that impels Jesus Youth to mission. Any programme or formation session in Jesus Youth invariably leads to a call to mission and very often mission planning. No wonder, the logo of the Jesus Youth Movement clearly proclaims this basic nature loud and clear, A Missionary Movement at the Service of the Church.

other educational institutions; young fulltime volunteers who set apart one year after graduation to work in missions; various media initiatives including online presence and networking like those on Facebook, YouTube, etc.; captivating kids and teens catechetical approaches of the Angels Army and Teens Ministry; vibrant initiatives like the Rexband; a number of interesting formation approaches and modules; youth initiated animation modules for priests, religious and elders labelled Communion; various exhibition and art related initiatives; Nurses Meets, Professionals gatherings, Young couples groups; and much more speak loudly of this culture being an inevitable part of the Movement.

Mission Transforms Ordinary Youth

What is amazing about the Jesus Youth Movement is the fact that very ordinary young women and men get transformed by being part of the Movement, by engaging in the mission.

This culture of mission refers to a sense of urgency and enthusiasm felt by anyone who becomes part of the Movement to share and proclaim the Good News. This culture of mission is evident in Jesus Youth cell groups, prayer groups, retreats, trainings, formation programmes, etc.
Jesus chose ordinary men of his time to be his disciples mostly fisher folk. But after an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day, they became extraordinary men as they engaged in the mission He entrusted them. It was the urgency and zeal they felt that made them proclaim the Good News in the midst of every adversity. Nothing and no one could stop them. Similarly, the Jesus Youth who felt urgency and eagerness to share and serve children (Angels Army), college students (Campus Ministry), those in parishes (Parish Ministry), the poor and suffering (Outreach), the families (Couples Ministry) and the likes, gave shape to several ministries in the Movement. A Jesus Youth ministry usually begins as a simple initiative of an individual or a small youth fellowship, to share Jesus in a specific context, using some special talent or charism. From a simple initiative this grows step by step and gradually gets accepted as a formal ministry of Jesus Youth. While helping young people to come together and grow in fellowship, a Jesus Youth ministry prepares youth to practice a lifestyle of evangelism. In the process, ordinary young women and men who felt the urgency and eagerness get transformed with an indomitable passion and love for Christ and His Body, the Church.

Culture of Mission
The very origins of the Movement is a clear sign of this reality group of youth filled with the Holy Spirit, desiring to reach out to other youth and building a network for the Lord. The pioneers of the Movement have paid a heavy price for inculcating and sustaining this culture of mission in the Movement. This culture of mission refers to a sense of urgency and enthusiasm felt by anyone who becomes part of the Movement to share and proclaim the Good News. This culture of mission is evident in Jesus Youth cell groups, prayer groups, retreats, trainings, formation programmes, etc. The spread of the Movement to different parts of India and later to different parts of the world can easily be ascribed to this urgency and enthusiasm young people felt to share their God experience as they moved to different parts of India and the world for studies and job opportunities. Every initiative in the Movement emerges from this culture of mission as Spirit-filled young women and men respond to Gods invitation with generosity and love. The name Jesus Youth brings to mind a number of vivid images of the culture of mission: zealous and friendly Catholic campus groups in the universities, engineering and medical colleges and

The very purpose of the life of Jesus Christ was fulfilling the mission given to him by his Father and in turn Jesus entrusted the continuation of the mission to his disciples, the Church. Therefore, the Church is missionary by its very nature.

Mission Challenges to deeper and wider Missionary Fields

Missionary dynamism of the Movement begins and blooms with a spiritual emphasis and in the precincts of JY community and the Mother Church, but a number of them as they walk further

enter into deeper and wider commitments, very often, with greater socio-cultural implications. Some of the contemporary ventures into political involvement, targeted immersion in the wider media realm, planned living of families and missionary communities, focused business initiatives, special projects of Child Support, healthcare, etc. are strong pointers for future JY mission.

Every initiative in the Movement emerges from this culture of mission as Spirit-filled young women and men respond to Gods invitation with generosity and love.
frontiers of race and religion, and works in areas of communication, peace, development, human rights, ecology, scientific research, and international relations.

Development of the Meaning of Mission of the Church

Mission before and after Vatican II: The primary motivation for mission in pre-Vatican II era was the salvation of individuals through baptism and the secondary motivation was the establishment of the institution of the Church in mission lands. Post-Vatican II approach began to see the Blessed Trinity as the centre and origin of mission and mission, as a participation in the mission of the Triune God. Moreover, the Church is destined to be a sign and instrument of Gods presence in creation. The Church is missionary by its very nature; she is the pilgrim people of God. Her mission is to point and witness to Gods reign. The Second Vatican Council encouraged viewing other religions and philosophies as preparation for the Gospel. However, Christians should enter with prudence and charity into dialogue and collaboration with members of other religions. Before Vatican II, mission was defined geographically with the primary missionsending area consisting of Western Europe, North America, and Australia. The missionreceiving people basically lived in the rest of the world. Vatican II redefined mission in terms of Gods mission, which cannot be limited to and confined within humanly determined territorial boundaries. Since Vatican II, the understanding of mission expanded to explicitly include justice, liberation, inter-religious dialogue, the dynamic interaction of Gospel and culture for every country, and re-evangelisation.

Need for a Missionary Spirituality

Mission as the Liberating Service of the Reign of God: Pope Paul VI in his Apostolic Exhortation On Evangelization in the Modern World (1975) anchored the mission of the Church on the earthly mission of Jesus and His preaching of the Kingdom or reign of God. Jesus makes available the salvation which He preached to all those who undergo a radical conversion, a profound change of mind and heart. This salvation involves liberation from everything that oppresses man. According to him evangelisation is the vocation proper to the Church. She exists to preach and teach, to be a channel of the gift of grace, to reconcile sinners with God, and to perpetuate Christs sacrifice of the Mass. Mission as Proclamation of Jesus Christ as the Universal Saviour: In his encyclical letter On the Permanent Validity of the Churchs Missionary Mandate (1990), Blessed John Paul II states that the primary motive for mission is the proclamation of Jesus Christ as the universal Saviour. The Pope acknowledges that people can be saved outside the Church. However, while inter-religious dialogue is an essential element of mission, the Church is the ordinary means of salvation, and she alone possesses the fullness of the means of salvation. Moreover, mission goes beyond There is a felt need for developing a missionary spirituality in the life of each and every Jesus Youth. Docility to the Holy Spirit is the core of missionary spirituality. Techniques of evangelisation are good, but even the most advanced ones cannot replace the gentle action of the Spirit. The most perfect preparation of the evangeliser has no effect without the Holy Spirit (Evangelii Nuntiandi 75). One of the best ways to identify this missionary spirituality is to examine whether one feels Christs burning love for souls, and loves the Church as Christ did.

The missionary drive has always been a sign of vitality in the Jesus Youth Movement. By and large there has been an increased interest in the missions in the post-Jubilee years. At the same time there is a growing tendency to be satisfied with the minimum. In other words, to be a Jesus Youth merely in name as it brings certain advantages and privileges. The lessening of the missionary drive and zeal can be a sign of crisis of faith in the Movement. The moment a Jesus Youth ceases to be a missionary, he/she stops being a Jesus Youth. I would like to conclude with the words of Blessed John Paul II: In the history of the Church, missionary drive has always been a sign of vitality, just as its lessening is a sign of a crisis of faith. For the missionary activity renews the Church, revitalizes faith and Christian identity, and offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is strengthened when it is given to others! (Redemptoris Missio 2).

Docility to the Holy Spirit is the core of missionary spirituality. Techniques of evangelisation are good, but even the most advanced ones cannot replace the gentle action of the Spirit.

Fr. Bitaju Mathew, O.Ss.T. A priest belonging to the Order of the Most Holy Trinity, he is the Jesus Youth International Pastor and the Provincial Vicarial of India of his religious Order.


The promptings of the Holy Spirit led to the start of the Jesus Youth mission in the African continent. Though Africa, the worlds second largest and second most populous continent, was unchartered territory for the movement, the missionary spirit of those in leadership and the prayer support received from all quarters helped forge the way ahead. Over time, by the Lords providence, the movement has a presence in South Sudan, South Africa and Uganda.

country their new home started coming together for prayer and for conducting programmes for the local youth. God works in mysterious ways and it was a Rexband concert at World Youth Day that led to an invitation to visit Uganda. This also prompted the Jesus Youth International Team to strongly discern the need to reach out to the African continent. After much prayer and discussion, it was decided to ask JY UAE to adopt Africa as their mission land and to start praying for the people of the continent, especially the

Building base
The initial opening for the African mission was through the placement of Fulltime Volunteers, first in Kenya and then in South Sudan. This was made possible solely because of the support and collaboration of the Salesian Community in the region. Till now, Fulltime Volunteers from three different batches have been placed in South Sudan. Over the years, Jesus Youth has always sprung up in new countries because of the zeal of those migrating from India. In keeping with this culture of mission, the country of South Africa too slowly witnessed the growth of a small yet vibrant Jesus Youth group as JYs who had the made the

Active Jesus Youth presence started in South Sudan three years ago with the coming of the JY Fulltime Volunteers. The simple and prayerful JY lifestyle is rocking in South Sudan now. It is a joy to hear youngsters proudly say, I am a Jesus Youth. There is a great future for our movement in this country if we are able to read the signs of the time. Fr. Shyjan C. J. SDB South Sudan

I highly recommend Jesus Youth for the youth in our dioceses, especially for those in secondary schools and other higher institutions of learning like colleges and universities, for it will give them a solid spirituality which is dynamic and will lead them to encounter the Lord Jesus, with His Spirit, more so during this Year of Faith, when we are called to be renewed in our faith. I am grateful to the Lord for the humble beginning of this movement in my diocese. I hope and trust it will bear much fruit with time. Most Rev. Robert K. Muhirwa Bishop of Fort Portal, Uganda


I have never experienced something like this in my whole life. On 2 Feb. 2013, during a one-day programme at Nsambya, I received the healing of our Lord during a session on Personal Prayer. Thank you Jesus Youth, I will live to tell that Jesus is beautiful. Katuusa Brian Apuuli Kampala International University, Uganda

I praise God for bringing Jesus Youth to Uganda. The JY programmes I have attended so far have helped me to improve my personal communication with God in terms of meditation and reconciliation. It has also helped me improve my leadership skills. Nakitende Beatrice Kampala International University, Uganda

The Jesus Youth lifestyle is challenging and very essential for our Catholic Church and the youth in Uganda. It has been a great accelerator and ladder in my spiritual growth and has trained me to be more committed. Robert Kato St. Leos College, Fort Portal

The pillars on which Jesus Youth is built guide my day-to-day life and I can gladly say that it has helped me to grow. This is spiritual growth at its best! Tusiime Angella Student, Law Development Centre, Uganda

Uganda. That was the arrival of a committed family from India. Rajesh Mosses, his wife and four children took a decision to work among youth in Africa for a five-year commitment period. The Mosses family began their mission at Fort Portal under the guidance of Most Rev. Robert Muhirwa, Bishop of Fort Portal. A JY fulltimer also joined them at that time. Over the last 9 months, they have initiated several prayer meetings in different parishes and universities. Each month, there is a one-day JY programme held in the Diocesan Youth Centre of Kampala. From 7 to 9 June 2013, a training was organised for upcoming JYs who have been part of prayer groups for at least 4 to 9 months. Nearly 50 youth (Ugandans) from 10 different dioceses participated in the event. The support from the local bishops is a huge blessing and has played a big role in whatever has been accomplished.

youth. Though initially it began as a JY UAE outreach project, the African mission was gradually adopted by the whole of Middle East. In June 2010, two Jesus Youth members from UAE Santhosh Mathew and Julius Antony undertook a pilot trip to Uganda to learn firsthand about the people, the culture, and the Catholic Church in Uganda. Having close to zero contacts or references in the place, helped the duo to depend completely on the Lord and closely discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit during their days in Uganda. In the next seven days, the Lord opened many doors for them. Over time, Santhosh and Julius made several trips to Uganda and built new relationships with the Catholic hierarchy and with committed priests and religious involved with missionary work there for the past many years. A few programmes were also done for the youth and other people. These interactions gave greater clarity about what and how Jesus Youth could contribute in Uganda. A clear conviction about the key role Jesus Youth could play in Africa in the evangelisation of its youth was also established. Over time, a few programmes were organised like a 4-day initiation retreat at Masaka, a one-day training and sessions in the Major Seminary, weeklong Chaplains training at Fort Portal, a Youth Conference conducted by the local youth leaders at Jinja, etc. One significant gathering was the Breakfast

One-Month Mission project

Two stations for the JY OneMonth Mission project has been fixed in Uganda and last month, the first family missionaries moved to Fort Portal from Abu Dhabi, UAE. Gradually more stations will be opened in different dioceses for this Mission project.

Future plans
Church authorities in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania have been approached and have welcomed the support of Jesus Youth in youth formation. Many dioceses have even requested for long-term missionaries like the Mosses family to help their ministry building. The dream of the movement is to reach out to the whole African continent and to share with the people, especially the youth, the joy of knowing Christ.

Meeting with the prominent people of Uganda. The Cardinal, ministers, the Chief Justice, several key business people and decision makers from big businesses and corporate sectors were present for this meeting and were highly encouraging. The Jesus Youth music team from UAE helped out with a Conference, Dare for More conducted by the Masaka

Diocese. The same team conducted another 3-day retreat for youth at the Vincentian Prayer Centre in Entebbe. Last year, two people from the Fort Portal diocese attended the JY Intl Animators Training.

A Special step
The second phase started with a big move - one that brought special grace to the movements work in

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Blessed John Paul II, in his Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Asia, prayed fervently that the third millennium would belong to the Church in Asia. The Jesus Youth movement actively responded to the Pontiffs call by initiating missions across the varied countries of Asia - which has over 60% of the worlds population.

Courage to Initiate
Fulltime Missionaries
In many of these countries the mission was initiated by visionary leaders or young fulltimers who took a commitment there. Like in 2007 in Pakistan and in 2011 in Nepal, a breakthrough occurred when JY leaders took a one year commitment to do voluntary work. In some other countries where mission was difficult, young Jesus Youth took to learning the language and fostering a relationship with fellow mates. The Cambodian Mission received a boost when a Jesus Youth

of Thailand. In the due process of their studies and work they invited more and more locals into the lifestyle of JY. Some were living in difficult mission countries doing various odd jobs to be the salt and light in that world.

International Fulltime volunteer began helping out the Salesian Fathers at the Don Bosco Technical School, Phnom Penh. The ministry in Sri Lanka started up after the first youth attended the Fulltimers training and grew through such young leaders. Thailand saw some forerunners coming to study so that they could help build the ministry there. Such volunteers also had opportunities to share with the local youth about Jesus and the Jesus Youth lifestyle.

Commitment to Sustain
Pakistan: JY Pakistans activities commenced with a prayer group in St. Judes Parish in September 2008. Over time, the number of prayer groups has grown and various programmes, retreats, recollections and intercession gatherings are organised regularly for the youth. These activities along with ministries like Intercession, Sports and Media are co-ordinated by regional teams in Karachi and Hyderabad. The first National team was formed in December 2012. Nepal: Presently there is a fulltimer working in Nepal; one-month volunteers are also making a big impact, with the locals learning more about the JY lifestyle.

Jesus Youth Programmes

In 2007, twenty-three Bangladeshi youth participated in the South Asia Conference in Kerala and all the participants were inspired and went back with a decision to spread the movement. These youngsters then attended trainings like the Cultural Exchange in different parts of India and international events like the South Asia Conference, JY Jubilee and South Asian Leaders training.

Migrating JYs
To some countries, the JYs from India migrated for studies or work and initiated mission like in the case

Bangladesh: One of the earliest JY programmes was in February 2009 at Tejgaon Church with 180 youth from various colleges and universities participating. Many programmes and reach outs have continued since then with presence strengthening in Dhaka, Rajshahi and Bandarban supported by the local bishops and priests. The Jubilee Conference of 2010 also saw 24 Bangladeshi delegates. Cambodia: Over the years, the JY fulltimers placed in Cambodia, through the guidance of forerunners and the Southeast Asia (SEA) team are gradually gaining recognition

from the Church in Cambodia. Fulltime missionaries from the JY movement use education as a tool for evangelisation. JY today continues its mission in key parishes in Phnom Penh, teaching catechism, initiating and sustaining youth prayer groups. Thailand: Thailand has been a stronghold for mission in SEA with most of the reach outs originating from the more established mission areas like Bangkok and Ratchaburi. Young people with a fervent desire to serve the Lord come to study in Thai universities and stay on to build the ministry. Today JY serves as an active member community at the archdiocesan level and has been able to reach out not only to Thais but also other SEA countries.

to be more effective. Missions here have been customised to embrace the uniqueness of culture and language. Surely to venture into a culture unknown, land unfamiliar, language never spoken, like in St. Pauls words shows a willingness to be a fool for Christ.

Support of the local Church

The movement, true to its calling, has remained at the service of the Church everywhere. Leaders of the movement have visited most of the mission parishes, gaining much support from the local bishops, priests and heads of Catholic institutions. It is the support and work of priests and nuns that has helped the movement to take root in many of these places.

I have learnt a lot from the Jesus Youth Movement. Now I am trying to share what Ive received to the YOUNGSTERS here. Over the last few weeks, I was visiting few of our parishes and I found the parish priests very open to the movement. However they need more JY volunteers in these areas. William Ghale, Nepal

I am impressed with the commitment of every Jesus Youth and the way they are engaging youth in prayer and the Sacraments. The prophetic role of Jesus Youth in Pakistan is a huge renewal for the laity especially for the youth. If they keep moving with unity and commitment with the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit, they can bring A huge change in the Church. Fr. Samson Shukardin Ofm Vicar General, Catholic Diocese of Hyderabad & Spiritual Director, Jesus Youth Pakistan Hyderabad

Challenging Mission Countries: In some difficult mission countries, where mission continues in collaboration with like-minded people and communities, Jesus Youth hopes to support the local youth in their formation. Prayer groups have been started in some of the campuses recently. Theres also an education programme wherein youth leaders are sent to India for their studies and spiritual formation. The lack of Catholic priests and the difficulty to travel from place to place, pose as some of the challenges in these countries.

By the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, many inspired and inspiring leaders of the movement have responded to their call to mission with commitment and perseverance. In most of these countries, leadership trainings are organised regularly for Church leaders as well as young leaders. Jesus Youth from neighbouring countries like India and Singapore have also played a significant role in the growth of the movement in these regions. In each of these mission places it has been reassuring to know of the great missionaries of the Church whove gone ahead despite the dangers and have even been martyred for spreading the Good News. Surely the saints of this land, many of whom remain unknown, now intercede for us as the great cloud of witnesses.

Cultural Sensitivity
South & South East Asia is a land of rich culture, heritage, and development but not to forget, scarcely Christian populated. In many countries, the leaders and fulltimers have had to learn the local language (like Thai in Thailand and Khmer in Cambodia) before starting their mission in order

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A missionary spirit has always been at the heart and soul of every Jesus Youth initiative and endeavour. And post the Jubilee of 2010, a key focus area within the movement has been to help every Jesus Youth discern his/her missionary call and work in that direction. To help individuals grow in a sense of mission, the One-Month Mission (OMM) project was envisaged and has since been gaining momentum in several countries around the world. Jesus Youth volunteers - young and old; singles & families alike are coming forward to take a mission commitment. These commitments, lasting at least a month, are taken in mission centres which have been identified by the Jesus Youth International Mission Desk. Presently there are ten mission centres in India and the numbers are increasing by the day. There are also missionaries going to Africa, Haiti & Nepal, who assist in opening new


ONE SPECIAL MONTH. ONE experience of a lifetime.

doors of mission for the movement. These areas are challenging by their very nature but supported by priests and local JY leaders, they give the participants a unique grass root mission experience. Every individual and family who has taken a commitment so far has had different things to share. While some say the exposure helped them to get more clarity about their missionary call, for others it was a time to understand the mission of the Church. The one common thought has been how fruitful the days were and how it turned out to be different, far from the bustle of everyday life and closer to the heart of God. The days may be filled with challenges and changes but it turns out to be a period of immense grace. For any queries, contact

When we decided to take our children, aged 7 and 5 for mission, many told us to reconsider. But it was our childrens enthusiasm and tirelessness that kept us going. In spite of the hostile climate and new lifestyle, they turned out to be the highest motivation for us as well as for all the people we met. James Joseph & family, Kuwait Mission Place: Jharkhand

Back home, reading about St. Pauls pains till Christ is formed in you or Jesus commissioning His disciples, just gave me mere ideas of mission. During my one-month trip, these words came alive! I strongly experienced the Lord leading me, in my words and deeds, thus helping me to reach out to His people more effectively. Mathew Jacob, INDIA Mission Place: Shillong

Seeing the way the people of Shamator live has led us to take a new decision in our lives, i.e. to live in simplicity. Forty years ago when missionaries went there, they laid a Catholic foundation which has been continued by the priests and nuns. Now it is our turn to build this further THROUGH THE ONE-MONTH MISSION PROJECT. Sumol Pious & family, Oman Mission Place: Shamator, Nagaland

not Visitors or Volunteers
We live in a world where volunteerism is becoming fashionable. In any poor place, we can see hundreds of volunteers serving in that area. I have seen youngsters staying in a Catholic centre helping children living on the streets. These youngsters are Catholics by birth but dont practice their faith - they dont go for Holy Mass even on Sundays - but they are whole heartedly involved in the work of charity. Is this the kind of charity that the Church looks for? I recently came across a few people from one of the parishes in Kerala who had made a visit to a mission centre in North India - their Facebook pages were full of photographs of them posing with helpless, struggling faces. I thought then that their compassion might last for just a few days. In the Jesus Youth

How can we distinguish between a visitor, a volunteer and a missionary especially in the context of the beautiful Lenten reflection written by our Holy Father on faith and charity?

movement, we have been using the phrase Every Jesus Youth, a Missionary for the last two years. How can we distinguish between a visitor, a volunteer and a missionary especially in the context of the beautiful Lenten reflection written by our Holy Father on faith and charity? First of all, a missionarys work flows out of his relationship with God. It is not a project that needs to be completed; it is not for his satisfaction that he works; the fundamental reason is the love of God - as St. John states, We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us (1 Jn. 4:16). Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction Since God has first

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A volunteer is often more concerned about providing for the physical needs of the people, bringing a temporary solution to their sufferings. But a missionary is concerned first of all about the souls of the people that he is serving.

the greatest work of charity is evangelization, which is the ministry of the word. There is no action more beneficial and therefore more charitable towards ones neighbour than to break the bread of the Word of God, to share with him the Good News of the Gospel, to introduce him to a relationship with God. For a missionary, the mentality is not us and them but only us because we are the Body of Christ - we share the brotherhood of Christ with them. Volunteering often brings satisfaction to the self that comes from serving others - the selfsatisfaction of doing good for others. Often, this can happen without truly getting involved in the sufferings of the poor. On the other hand, for a missionary, work involves suffering and a painful stripping off of vices. Once, during the course of a meeting I was attending, a young man who had just returned from a mission trip told us of the beautiful ways in which God had used him to touch the lives of the many poor and suffering people there. When his sharing was over, an elderly gentleman in the group who had been working for decades as a lay missionary said, Son, Id like to hear about the change that has come about in you as a result of this mission experience. In the brief silence that followed, when the young man was struggling for words, I was convinced of an essential characteristic of a true missionary. For when a missionary returns home, his reflections mainly focus on how the trip transformed him internally. A volunteer, on the other hand, is more prone to talking about how the people and place changed as a result of his/her service.

a missionarys work flows out of his relationship with God. It is not a project that needs to be completed; it is not for his satisfaction that he works; the fundamental reason is the love of God
The Holy Father beautifully shows how the relationship of faith and charity resembles the relation between the two fundamental Sacraments of the Church: Baptism and Eucharist. Baptism precedes the Eucharist, but is ordered to it, the Eucharist being the fullness of the Christian journey. In a similar way, faith precedes charity, but faith is genuine only if crowned by charity. Everything begins from the humble acceptance of faith (knowing that one is loved by God), but has to arrive at the truth of charity (knowing how to love God and neighbour), which remains forever, as the fulfilment of all the virtues (cf. 1 Cor. 13:13). I am sure that the Jesus Youth movement is looking only for missionaries - knowing that the journey can begin with a visitor who becomes a volunteer and then proceeds to the real call as a missionary. This, then, is the question we should all ask ourselves Am I a visitor, a volunteer or a missionary? Manoj Sunny

loved us (cf. 1 Jn. 4:10), love is now no longer a mere command; it is the response to the gift of love with which God draws near to us (Deus Caritas Est, 1). Faith is knowing the truth and adhering to it (cf. 1 Tim. 2:4); charity is walking in the truth (cf. Eph. 4:15). Through faith we enter into friendship with the Lord, through charity this friendship is lived and cultivated (cf. Jn. 15:14ff). Faith causes us to embrace the commandment of our Lord and Master; charity gives us the happiness of putting it into practice (cf. Jn. 13:13-17). In faith we are begotten as children of God (cf. Jn. 1:12ff); charity causes us to persevere concretely in our divine Sonship, bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit (cf. Gal. 5:22). Faith enables us to recognise the gifts that the good and generous God has entrusted to us; charity makes them fruitful (cf. Mt. 25:14-30) (Lenten reflection by the Holy Father for Lent 2013). A volunteer is often more concerned about providing for the physical needs of the people, bringing a temporary solution to their sufferings. But a missionary is concerned first of all about the souls of the people that he is serving. Being with the poor and caring for their physical needs are means to fulfil this genuine concern of love. That is where the Holy Father warns us in his Lenten message, Sometimes we tend, in fact, to reduce the term charity to solidarity or simply humanitarian aid. It is important, however, to remember that

Haiti served as a spiritual mirror to see myself. I got immersed in the meaning of the Beatitudes in Haiti, I understood the Exodus of the people of Israel, or why Jesus identified himself with the office of a shepherd! Haiti is my theologate, my on-going formation as a Catholic Priest and a Jesus Youth. Fr. Vinod Madathiparambil National Pastor, JY America

Nestled on the western part of the island Hispaniola alongside the Dominican Republic, Haiti is a lush Caribbean land off the Southeastern coast of the United States. The blue ocean, white sand and thick palm trees do not seem to allude to the countrys painful past and complex present. Due to the nations history, the culture is an amalgamation of unique African and European cultures and these influences are apparent in its primary language, Creole (a mix of French, Spanish and African languages). Words cannot adequately capture the devastation wrought by the powerful earthquake in 2010 that turned a struggling population to the western hemispheres poorest country - where more than a quarter of the children suffer from malnutrition and a quarter die by the age of 40.



the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo - the Scalabrinian fathers who serve immigrants around the world. The movement primarily works with Fr. Isaia Birollo, former Superior General of the Order, who is the missionary priest that established the St. Thomas Mission Church at Camp Corail, and Fr. Giuseppe Durante, a priest who has lived in Haiti for over three decades and established a compound that houses two seminaries, a clinic, a school and numerous religious and lay missionaries. This growing relationship has allowed for Jesus Youths short-term and long-term mission to develop and take flesh in Haiti. Jesus Youth is also part of Caritas in Veritate International, a confederation of Catholic institutions, that embodies the Churchs teaching that the Gospel cannot be preached isolated from the very real and immediate needs of a person, and that true Charity (love) cannot be expressed simply with material aid, rather it demands the recognition of a human beings dignity and his right to know Christ and His salvation. The movement has likewise been blessed to pray with and occasionally join the work of the Missionaries of Charity and Missao Belem (a Brazilian Order),

Joining hands for a common goal

The Jesus Youth of America have found that it is the love of Christ that impels them (2 Corinthians 5:14) to draw nearer, to endeavour to offer the riches of the Gospel to every soul with the certitude that in Christ there are inexhaustible riches which no culture or era can exhaust for the riches are Christ himself, His person because He himself is our salvation (Address of Pope John Paul II in Haiti, 1983). From its beginnings in March 2011, JY Americas mission in Haiti has grown under the wings of the Catholic Church in the person of

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I have discovered the many gifts that our Lord gives us when we abandon ourselves to His providence and the beauty of His Church. The construction of the Church building and school in a community that had been for so long deprived of a home, while working with Jesus Youth and men and women from all over the world, confirmed in my heart that we are one body. Yamile GalviS Scalabrinian missionary working closely with Jesus Youth

It gave me great joy to see the approach of the movement to evangelisation especially in moments such as when I was impatient at not seeing any fruits and was told to simply shed tears in the Chapel and beg for the Lord to have mercy on His people. Knowing that our movement focuses on Christs will and not on gathering superficial proofs of achievement made me love the movement even more. I am a better Christian and a better person due to the time I spend in Haiti. Simi Sahu, JY Fulltime Volunteer in Haiti

During those three months, everything I did was a prayer and discerning His will seemed simpler there. Through lots of prayer, reflection, and self-discovery, I realised that only God could fulfil me. I was finally convinced that my call is to love and serve Him, and for me, the means of answering this call is through a consecrated life. To receive Him as my bridegroom, and walk with Him all the days of my life, I couldnt help but say Yes! Ruby Molayal, Jesus Youth missionary

both of which work among the poorest of the poor to restore dignity and bring the light of Christ to all corners of the world. The presence of Jesus Youth fulltime volunteers Simi Sahu and Anju Abraham has contributed in an important way to building and sustaining these key relationships.

Kids Camp
One of the long-cherished dreams of the missionaries staying in Haiti was to have a camp for the kids at the refugee camp of Corail. This was realised when a group of ten JY missionaries on a one-month stay in Haiti organised a fun-filled kids camp in July 2012 that had upbeat music, games and Scripture that helped them to understand how much God loves them. This was also a chance for Jesus Youth to join in the Churchs mission to tend to the well-being of families.

Vigil included skits, some talks, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. This time was especially helpful for JY to understand with greater clarity how to work with Haitian persons in their own surroundings and to respond to their needs. In a country where less than 2% of couples enter into the Sacrament of Matrimony, ministering to families within the parish is especially important and in opportunities like these, seeds are planted for shaping future missions.

The youth group has become a tight knit group of youngsters that are eager to learn more and share their faith. They took two mission trips to different communities in recent months and led various activities that helped the growing of their Church, including Rosary Week and Timoun Misyone, a programme for the children. These youth also led the activities through Advent and Lent and celebrated Holy Week with a retreat of their own.

A Focus on youth
Jesus Youth was asked to lead the first retreat for the youth of the parish led by Colombian missionary Yamile Galvis. Personal sharings, teachings of the Gospel and games filled most of the days. Special care was taken to ensure that this retreat was not just an isolated event rather a part of the greater vision of developing the faith and person of the youth.

Looking ahead
Looking to connect the professional abilities of many Jesus Youth to the practical needs of Haiti as an essential part of presenting the Gospel anew, JYA is looking to have a medical mission consisting of doctors and nurses from the movement. In addition, a JY engineer is staying for an extended period of time in the hopes of building a biogas project that will use waste to create energy. JYA is also taking steps to begin a new location for Outreach Child Support starting with 20 children with dreams of supporting more. Although Haiti is a relatively new mission land for Jesus Youth, the need for strong prayer, openness to the Holy Spirit and conscious, dedicated effort are as vital as ever before. Therefore, each Jesus Youths prayers for the mission in Haiti are integral to the ongoing mission.

Pentecost Vigil with the parish at Camp Corail

JYA was invited by Fr. Isaia to join him during the Feast of Pentecost in May 2012 at the parish at Camp Corail. Both family and youth missionaries prepared for the feast day through fasting and prayer, by visiting homes and inviting families and planning the celebration. The Pentecost

I found the time I spent in Haiti vital to a deeper self-reflection and evaluation leading to a proper prioritising of my life. The values and the outlook of my life have changed immensely. I experienced the beauty of giving hope and even more, believing in the youth of Haiti. Boban Mathew National Co-ordinator, JY Canada

During the pilgrimage, I realised how vibrant and dynamic our Church is. The night vigil with the Pope was an unforgettable experience. Coming together in communion with fellow Christians and Jesus Youth to celebrate ones faith was quite an enlightening and wonderful experience for me. Jeff Regy Kottaram, Ireland As part of the Year of Faith celebrations, a pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi and San Giovanni Rotondo was organised by the Jesus Youth International Team from 15 to 21 May 2013. The days were recalled as life-changing by the sixty-five pilgrims from 11 countries, many of whom experienced a special grace while reciting the Holy Spirit Novena before the tombs of various apostles and saints in preparation for the Jesus Youth Recommitment Day. I consider it a special blessing from the Lord to join a pilgrimage with my family in the Year of Faith. Especially to Rome, where thousands of saints and martyrs have left us their life examples in following our Lord Jesus, said one pilgrim from UAE as he tried to put into words the sense of blessing shared by the whole group as they journeyed together with fellow Jesus Youth from different countries around the globe. Over the days, they spoke of the great things the Lord was doing in their respective countries as well in their personal lives. As the Holy Father had granted Plenary Indulgence to all those who meaningfully participate in a pilgrimage during the Year of Faith, it was made all the more a blessed occasion. In Rome, the group had the beautiful experience of climbing the Holy Stairs on their knees, which tradition states once led to the room in Jerusalem where Pontius Pilate judged Christ. The visit to the Catacombs of Priscilla, the Colosseum, the Sistine Chapel and most of the famous churches in Rome left a deep impression on the group. During our pilgrimage we could understand our lives as being a long journey towards God. We prayed together as a community and celebrated Holy

It was a pilgrimage packed with Gods immense grace. Gods caring hands were visible especially when we lost our way while rushing to catch the airport coach and a taxi driver volunteered to drop us at the right place, even though it was the wee hours of the morning. Swaroop & Ann, Germany

A special blessing: Manoj Sunny, senior Jesus Youth leader meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis


Mass in some of the great churches in Rome. Each days homily was based on a special theme to assist us in this journey of faith, shares a pilgrim from Ireland. He continues, While praying at the tombs of numerous popes, apostles and saints, we sought their special intercession for our movement and the Jesus Youth family. It was a special moment for all of us to pray before the tomb of our dear Pope John Paul II and to visit the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano. The visit to Assisi was one eagerly anticipated by all as St. Francis is the patron saint of our movement. On the way, Fr. Chilton Fernandez (Pastor, JY Italy) enumerated the history and life story of Francis, adding to the whole experience. On 19 May, the pilgrims It was a real Pentecost experience for me to be celebrating the Holy Mass with our Pope. It was wonderful to see and experience the richness of our Catholic Church and it made me feel so proud to be a part of it. Dhanya Joseph, United Kingdom

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celebrated Recommitment Day at the heart of the Church along with the Jesus Youth from Italy. This was followed by the Gathering of Eccelsial Movements with the Holy Father Pope Francis which began with a Vigil and concluded with Eucharistic Celebration on 20 May. The theme chosen for the event, which was attended by nearly 150 different ecclesiastical realities from different corners of the world was I believe! Increase the faith in us. One enthused pilgrim aptly puts into words the excitement felt by the whole group on being part of this momentous event - The summit of the pilgrimage was participating in the Vigil led by the Holy Father on the eve of Pentecost and the Papal Mass on Pentecost Sunday with more than 2,00,000 Catholics from different parts of the world representing various movements. It was a moment of great wonder and thanksgiving to realise how much the Church cares for the JY movement as one among the dear movements of the Church. Another one concurs, Our hearts were throbbing with the universal Church when the Pope referred to the gathering as a renewed Pentecost that has transformed St. Peters Square into an open-air Cenacle. It was also very


Dear friends, I too am setting out on a journey with you, starting today, in the footsteps of Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI I will see you in that great city in Brazil! Prepare well prepare spiritually above all in your communities, so that our gathering in Rio may be a sign of faith for the whole world.

HOMILY OF Pope Francis

Palm Sunday, 24 March 2013

special to witness Manoj Sunny, who was representing our movement, meet the Holy Father and present him with a copy of the Jesus Youth International newsletter. Always carry the power of the Gospel! Always have the joy and passion for communion in the Church! The Risen Lord is always with you and the Madonna protects you! With these closing words of the Holy Father imprinted in their hearts, the group proceeded to visit the tomb of Padre Pio, a great mystic of the modern Church, with which they concluded their pilgrimage. Tojy Tom & James Thomas

Even though I live in Rome, accompanying the JY pilgrim group was memorable for two reasons. Firstly, professing the Creed together as one missionary family at St. Peters tomb was an uplifting and emotional experience. The second moment was at the Pentecost Vigil when I felt these words of the Holy Father were for me, The Church must step outside herself. To go where? To the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be, but she must step out. Jesus tells us: Go into all the world! Go! Preach! Bear witness to the Gospel! (cf. Mk. 16:15). Fr. Chilton Fernandez Pastor, JY Italy


Mission Amazon
13-19 July 2013

Youth Arise Festival

20-22 July 2013


23-28 July 2013

23 July: Opening Holy Mass, Copacabana Main Stage 24 July: Caminho Niemayer, Niteroi, Rio 25 July: All Star Concert, Welcome ceremony of the Holy Father, Copacabana Main Stage 27 July: Night Vigil, Guaratiba

29 July 2013

Mission Rio

30 July 3 August 2013


National Team Reconstitution, Oman

Chalo Punjab, India

CCO Training, India

OMAN National Team Reconstitution Sixty JY leaders from across Oman came together for the National Reconstitution on 31 May. Raiju Varghese along with Spiritual Director, Fr. Mathew, led the process at St. Peter & Paul Church, Ruwi. Lijin Sebastian and Rajiv K. Albert were elected as the new National Co-ordinator and Asst. Co-ordinator respectively. Lijin Sebastian & Rajiv K. Albert USA Southeast Jesus Youth Gathering Thirty Jesus Youth Young Adults from Florida (Tampa, Jacksonville and Miami) and Atlanta came together for fellowship and faith guidance on 25 & 26 May. This quarterly gathering was held in Jacksonville, Florida. Recommitment Day Across different regions of the country, gatherings were held where Jesus Youth, active or inactive in the movement could spend some time in fellowship and in prayer. This was an opportunity for many to recommit themselves to their faith and to the movement. Oblatio From 15-17 June, close to 20 youth leaders in the US came together at Roselle, IL to delve deeper into the need for greater surrender of themselves and as a JY family. The small group grew in communion with each other as they prayerfully reflected on the

materials and attended sessions that urged them to offer their lives to the Lord. Sunil Nadarajan, Thomas Pulickal and Fr. Vinod Madathiparambil were the main resource persons. JYNow JYNow - a 3-hour evening of Praise and Worship, spoken Word, Adoration and confession was planned by the local Jesus Youth on 23 March at the St. Boniface Parish, New York. There were more than 150 youth in attendance. Princy Abraham INDIA Seminar on II Vatican Council A seminar on the Second Vatican Council was organised at Canossa Ashram in Mumbai from 7-9 June. Twenty-five Jesus Youth from Kerala, Karnataka, TN, AP, Gujarat, Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur were present. Fr. Lawrence DSouza (Asst. Parish Priest, Our Lady of Salvation Church, Mumbai), Dr. Fr. Francis Thonippara CMI (Professor, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore) and Dr. Fr. Fiorello Mascarenhas SJ (Chairman, Catholic Bible Institute, Mumbai) were the resource persons. Chalo Punjab A mission exposure programme for teenagers was organised between 9 & 21 May. Following a 5-day retreat and training at Don Bosco, Okhla, Delhi, 25 teenagers from 11 different

states of India accompanied by 8 leaders and 3 Faith Guides set out to the villages of Punga Parish in Punjab. The group visited about 200 families across five villages and also conducted prayer meetings and gatherings. Fulltimers Final Gathering The final gathering of the 21st batch of fulltimers was held at Atma Darshan, Aluva from 20-30 April. Thirty- three fulltimers completed their one year mission and renewed their lifelong commitment for Jesus. Fr. Bineesh Thomas, Fr. George Kumblumoottil, Fr. Shibu Xavier, Fr. Abraham Pallivathukkal, Antony A.J., Benson Mendez, Baby Chacko and Reji Karot led the programme. Faith Conference The Jesus Youth National Team organised Faith Conferences in different regions like the North East, Maharashtra & Goa, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh during the months April - May 2013. CCO Training The first ever international training for campus leaders by the Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) has marked a milestone in the history of the Campus Ministry. 25 senior JY leaders and 41 national campus ministry leaders from across the country participated in a consultation meeting held at Ashir Bhavan, Cochin on 4 June followed by a National Campus Leaders Training
Seminar on II Vatican Council, India

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Exposure Programme, Bangladesh

MTP Final Gathering, UAE

Bliss, UAE

conducted at Maitreya, Holy Cross Convent, Bangalore from 7-10 June. The CCO team consisted of 10 members including the founder of the movement - Andre Regnier and President - Jeff Lockert. Asha Sanil BANGLADESH Exposure Programme Twelve participants had a fruitful experience at the exposure programme organised at the Bandarban Parish of Chittagong Diocese. They eagerly look forward to more such events. John Tripura IRELAND Reconstitution - National Teams The JY of Ireland came together in prayer and reflection for the reconstitution of the National teams during the days from 19-21 April. Raiju Varghese, JY Intl Co-ordinator, led the event and exhorted the members to grow in faith, love and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The new team leaders are Joel Jose (National Co-ordinator), Binu K.P. and Jesteena Abraham (Family team Co-ordinators) and Shaun Austin (Youth team Co-ordinator). Recommitment Day This years Recommitment Day specially marked the growth of Jesus Youth in Ireland with celebrations held in Dublin
Family Retreat, Ireland

and Galway at the same time. Filled with love and ardent conviction, members came in oneness to recommit themselves to the Lord and His works. Fr. Antony, JY Ireland Pastor, also initiated many children into writing by helping them to write Jesus as their first word. Family Retreat Three days of family retreat from 24-26 May brought many couples to reminisce and realise their commitment in covenant relationship to each other and to God. Senior JY leaders, Manoj Sunny and his wife Beena Manoj, conducted the retreat and shared from their immense treasure of insights, experiences and personal testimonies. The days turned out to be fun as well as thought-provoking & meaningful as the participants aspired to live as witnessing Jesus Youth families. Shini Michael UAE Growth Retreats A three day live-in Growth Retreat in English and Malayalam were held at Fujairah and Sharjah respectively on 24, 25 and 26 Jan. 2013. The retreats were led by Tomas Michael, Alex Njavally and Shaji Scaria from India. Active members of different core teams from the various regions, National Youth team members and other senior JY leaders attended the retreats.

LEAD 3 A group of 26 young people from different parts of UAE began their journey at LEAD 3 (Leadership Enhancement for Active Discipleship), a unique one-year formation programme aimed at training active disciples for the Lord through a Jesus Youth lifestyle. The first module The Call to Discipleship & Challenges Ahead, was held at St. Francis Church, Jebel Ali from 7 to 9 February 2013. George Devassy from India, along with local resources - Bejesh Solomon and Calvin DSouza led the programme. Bliss The Bliss music concert, an initiative of Jesus Youth was held on 8 February 2013 at Ras Al Khaimah, with the aim of raising funds for the new Church and formation centre. The event led by Alphons Joseph and Shelton Pinheiro of the Rexband, and the Covenant Singers brought together more than 1000 people from all around the country. Mission Training Programme - Final Gathering After completing their one-year mission formation, 35 young missionaries gathered at St. Francis Church, Jebel Ali, on 15 February 2013 for a time of prayer, reflection and personal sharing. During the one-year of formation, these participants had set apart their weekends to reach out to their assigned regions/emirates by visiting labour camps, families, cities,
New National Team, Ireland


Teens Encounter Programme, Kuwait

Initial Retreats, Singapore

hospitals and accommodation places and sharing the Gospel. In the presence of Fr. Varghese Chempoly, JY UAE Pastor and the National Team members, the missionaries handed over their mission in their commitment places to the respective regional co-ordinators. Praise & Worship Workshop A Praise & Worship workshop led by Shelton Pinheiro, singer and Co-ordinator of Rexband was held in February 2013. Nearly 65 Jesus Youth attended this workshop. The workshop helped the participants learn about the essentials of Praise and Worship and how to effectively lead a Praise & Worship session. B-Cube Seventy teenagers from across UAE gathered in Sharjah from 4 6 April for the first Teens leaders training programme called B-CubeBecome the change. Be His disciple. Build His Kingdom. The programme was aimed at building upcoming teen leaders and equipping them to become teen missionaries in their respective emirates and ministries. Senior leaders from different parts of the UAE led the sessions. Heart Rock concert On 18 April 2013, the MasterPlan Band performed at the Heart Rock concert in Jebel Ali. Almost 400 parishioners, including a large number of Europeans attended the concert. The Band with its mix of original songs and other familiar numbers along with
Bliss, UAE

presentations by the Audio Visual Ministry of Dubai made the concert very fruitful. The event was backed by a massive intercession drive by the Jesus Youth group of Jebel Ali which when coupled with their hard work rendered the event a great success. Vincy Sybin SINGAPORE Crucis Singapura On 23 March, people of all ages from across the country participated in Crucis Singapura, by walking barefoot on the roads of Singapore while meditating on the Way of the Cross. This was the third time JY Singapore organised this event, which had over 100 participants. Initial Retreats The Jeremiah 33:3 retreat in English for local youth and the EEE retreat in Malayalam for campus students was conducted concurrently from 23 26 May at the Choice Retreat House, Boonlay, and was attended by 105 youngsters in all. Fr. Bineesh Thomas, Elvis Kottooran and George Devassy were the key resource persons. Parish Outreaches During the Year of Faith, JY Singapore is conducting parish outreaches wherein booklets containing Christian apologetics and quotes about the Rosary are distributed and people are encouraged to pray the Rosary. A new initiative to collect

commitments from the people participating in these outreaches to pray 10000 Rosaries for more vocations in Singapore has also been undertaken. Spiritual Director Fr. William Goh, the former Spiritual Director of JY Singapore was ordained as the Archbishop of Singapore on 22 Feb. and took office on 18 May 2013. Fr. Fredrick Quek has been appointed as the new Spiritual Director. Ajith Jacob ITALY Reconstitution & Recommitment Day The reconstitution of the Jesus Youth Rome team was held on Pentecost Sunday, 19 May. The new team has Jaimit George as the Co-ordinator, Lijamol Joseph as the Asst. Co-ordinator, Fr. Chilton Fernandez as the Spiritual Father and Deltus Thekealunkal as the Animator. Raiju Varghese, Fr. Jude SDB (JY European Pastor), Fr. Tomy Philip (JY Rome Animator) and other senior leaders guided the reconstitution process. The Recommitment Day celebrations that followed were made extra special by the presence of the JY Priests group and the JY Pilgrim group. Awakening in Rome Jesus Youth Rome hosted Awakening, an initiative of the JY Europan team, during the Pentecost week (11- 19 May). The event was conducted in collaboration with Centro
Reconstitution & Recommitment Day, Italy

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New National Team, Kuwait

Awakening, Switzerland

San Lorenzo, the International Youth Centre given by John Paul II to the youth all over the world. Many religious congregations and youth movements in Rome also joined Jesus Youth Rome for the perpetual Adoration. JY at A moment with Mary As part of the Year of Faith initiatives, the Vatican organised A moment with Mary - a live telecast of reciting the Holy Rosary every weekday in St. Peters Square in collaboration with Aleteia and Telepace. Jesus Youth Rome was privileged to lead the Rosary in St. Peters Square on 9 November. The prayers were conducted in Latin, Italian, English and Malayalam. A group of 20 Jesus Youth including families, youth and teenagers participated in the event. JY Rome Summer programme A series of gatherings based on the WYD 2012 message of Pope Benedict XVI Rejoice in the Lord always was organised as part of the JY Rome summer programme. The JY teens and campus groups came together to reflect upon the message through different workshops, activities and outdoor events, which included a pilgrimage to St. Benedicts monastery at Subiaco, girls gatherings, a day out at the beach, etc. Donna Pinheiro & Sunil Varghese KUWAIT National Family Gathering Around 50 families participated in a national gathering on 17 May. The families had an enriching time of prayer and fellowship. Reconstitution - National Teams New National teams were formed on 25 February under the guidance of Raiju Varghese and Fr. Jose Nirappil (JY Spiritual Director). The National team has Dinoy David as Co-ordinator and Manu Michael as Asst. Co-ordinator; the Family team has Jomon & Lincy as Co-ordinators and Binoj & Bindhu as Asst. Co-ordinators; the Youth team has Sinto Jose as Co-ordinator and Abhilash Varghese as Asst. Co-ordinator. The three new teams were commissioned by

Most Rev. Bishop Camillo Ballin (Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia). Adoration An Adoration with special intentions was held under the initiative of the Medical team at City Cathedral on 13 May. More than 120 people participated and prayed specially for those employees facing problems related to job, accommodation, salary, etc. JY Kuwait is also helping to create a network between medical professionals in different government and private hospitals for better interaction and support to the needy. Recommitment Day On 18 May, Recommitment Day was celebrated at the Holy Family Cathedral in which more than 200 active JYs took part. It was a Spirit-filled occasion with all gathered making the liturgy a meaningful one. Boys Meet and Girls Meet Under the initiative of the Outreach team, Boys Meet and Girls Meet were held in various parts of the countries during the month of May. These catered to single men and women respectively and offered them a time of prayer and fellowship. Around 20-40 members participated in each of the meets. Teens Encounter Programme Lets Go a three-day programme for teenagers was organised at the Carmel School from 14-16 June by the Youth team. Around 320 students participated. Fr. Cherian Nerevettil and Dony Peter were the resource persons. The concluding Holy Mass was celebrated by Most Rev. Petar Rajic, Apostolic Nuncio to Kuwait. Dinoy David & Manu Michael SWITZERLAND Awakening in Swiss As part of the 100 days of Adoration held across Europe, the JYs of Switzerland spent 72 hours before the Blessed Sacrament. The Adoration was organised to coincide with Weltjugentag (National Swiss Youth Day 2013) which had more than 350 youth and 20 priests from all over Switzerland

participating. There was also a procession with the Blessed Sacrament led by the Bishop, the first of its kind to happen in Basel. Annual Gathering The youth of the north region of Switzerland had their annual gathering in May at Mariastein, a pilgrim centre in Basel. The occasion also saw the farewell of spiritual guide, Fr. Jacob Paxy Alumkal. George Thomas GERMANY LichtSein 2012 Nearly 16 participants, mainly teenagers from Switzerland participated in a four-day training programmeLichtSein 2012 from 2730 Dec. at the Jesuiten Haus in Mannheim. Awakening in Germany As a part of the 100 days of Europe-wide Eucharistic Adoration Awakening, four days of Adoration (11 - 12 April and 17 - 19 April) were held in the German cities of Mannheim, Frankfurt, Koblenz and Cologne. Rojo James

Blessed Mother, may the gift of your whole life inspire us to bring the light of Christ to the world by offering our lives in service to the Church. Amen.

Printed and Published by Mr. Raiju Varghese on behalf of Jesus Youth International Office, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin-682 025, Kerala, INDIA, Ph: +91 484-4054870, 4054371, Fax: +91-484-4054870, Email: Editor-in-charge: Shelton Pinheiro Editorial Team: Beena Manoj, Anu Pinheiro & Liss Thomas Layout: Sanil C.A. Printed by SR Graphics, Kottayam, Ph:+91 481-2301142

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