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FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

Name of FS Student: Jessa Jade Obedencio Date of Visit: July 12, 2013 Course: Bachelors of Elementary Education Major: General Education FS 3 (Section): EDD Cooperating School: West City Central School Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Shallimar Amora and Mrs. Mrs. Victoria E. Cainoy

Important Reminders: 1) Extend due courtesy to the Administrators, Teachers, and Staff Members of the school. 2) Follow the rules and regulations of the school and the centers you are visiting. 3) Always ask permission from the person-in-charge before touching any material or operating any equipment. 4) After you have completed your observation, express your gratitude for the time and assistance they gave you for this FS episode.

Aim of this activity: The activity is designed for you to survey on the available instructional and educational materials in the school. After the identification, you shall classify these materials according to the guidelines provided.
Part 1: On Facilities What are the various learning centers in the school? o Classrooms o Library o Learning Resource Center o Computer Laboratories o Science Laboratory o o o Music Room Gymnasium/Covered Courts Others: _______________________________ _______________________________

How do these learning centers facilitate the learning process? The following learning centers facilitate the learning process by making use of these facilities in which it provides meaningful experiences to the students. Who are in charge for the maintenance and upkeep of these centers? o Subject teacher/s o Librarian o Hired staff o Janitors o Technician o Students o Student Assistants o Others: _________________________ Are there policies for the use of these facilities? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Uncertain

(Note: Ask if you can have a copy of the rules.)

What materials/equipments are available in these facilities? o Tables o Chairs o Shelves o Blackboards/Whiteboards o Computer units o Laboratory equipments

o o o o o o

Projectors: OHP,LCD Cabinets/Closets Lockers Charts Bulletin boards Others: _________________________

Does the school include these learning facilities in their annual budget? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Uncertain

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014 Which materials/equipments are MOST HELPFUL






Books Chalkboard Chalk Teachers Manual Art Materials CD/DVD/Audio Player TV

Books Chalkboard Chalk Charts Drawings Art Materials Handouts CD/DVD/Audio Player TV



Part 2. On Teachers Instructional Materials What are the instructional materials used by the teachers? o Blackboard/Whiteboard: related paraphernalia o Handouts o Power Point Slides o Art Supplies o Diorama o TV & CD/DVD Player o Internet o Books o Flip charts
10 Most Useful/Important IM

o o o o o o o o

Transparencies Charts Posters Drawings Movies Portable CD/Cassette Player Puppets Others: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Please rank the instructional materials in order of its importance and usefulness for the teachers.
Brief Description of its use A book where the teachers could find the topics and objective that they need to teach. Advantages It will guide the teachers on the objectives for each topic that they will be teaching. Disadvantages It might limit the teachers ability to think of their own objectives and they might rely only to the manual for the activities. Some books are not reliable source of information and both teachers and students rely too much of the material that they would not consider using other sources. Too much use of the material may bore the students. Plain and may bore students if it is always used. Not all sites in the internet are reliable. Charts must appropriate. be age

1. Teachers Manual

2. Books

A compiled paper which contains useful information. A green board use in class by writing to it some important words that is needed to be remembered by the students. A small white object usually in a stick-form use for writing. A series of computers. A kind of visual presentation that represents a concept. A material used for playing videos and audio file.

Good source for topic and guides students/teachers on their lessons. Good way of showing important words by writing it in this material and could also be used in posting visual aids. Cheap and accessible use for writing in the chalkboard Can be used in finding new Information to add on the topics to be taught. Good way of presenting concepts of a particular topic/lesson. Used for playing music and videos in the class.

3. Chalkboard

4. Chalk 5. Internet 6. Charts 7. DVD/CD/Audio Players

If not used properly, it can distract the students, it must be appropriately used.

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014
Too much exposure to TV can promote eye problems and if not used properly it might promote laziness to students because the students and teachers might rely on this and not have a proper instructions/lecture. It can be lost easily and too much used of this students might not want to take notes anymore. There are materials that are limited and if not used properly it might distracts the Students, example colorful visual aids.

8. TV

A material usually in a rectangular form which is use for showing videos.

Very helpful in showing educational videos to the class.

9. Handouts

A paper which contains summary of reports of a teacher/reporter. Different supplies use for art activities such as crayons and art paper.

Material that is good for giving more information to the students and activities if it is not found in the book they are using. Used in creating visual aids.

10. Art Supplies

Part 3. On Your Insights and Realizations

Which of the centers have caught your attention most? Why? The center that catches my attention the most is the schools computer laboratory because they have that so called Smart board which truly excites me! However, I dont think they are using the material and it saddens me but in the future if I will be the teacher I would definitely love to use that Smart Board! Which of the instructional materials caught your attention most? Why? The instructional materials that catches my attention the most aside from the usual materials is the Smart Board because I just cant believe that I was able to see something like that here in Cagayan de Oro. I mean, I am only seeing it on YouTube. Which instructional materials/gadgets are you confident to use/operate? I am confident and can operate electrical instructional materials such as the TV set, DVD/DC/Audio Player, Computers, tabs, cameras, etc (gaming gadgets). I am also confident using non-electrical instructional materials such as chalkboards, visual aids which I made, chalk, books, puzzles, charts, etc. Which instructional materials/gadgets do you feel the need to learn more about? The instructional materials that I think I need to learn about are the projectors. I am not good in using projectors and I usually need my classmates help in operating the materials that is why I need to practice using it since we are always reporting through the use of power points and it would be beneficial in the future. More insights and realizations for this episode I have realized that the use of different instructional materials, traditional or new gadgets, both are important in facilitating learning. The important thing is that as a future teacher I am capable of using both and create balance between the two and it should be properly used. And as a young future teacher I would really use and share my ability in using the new technologies. And even if I will be old like I will be in my 40s I will never stop and learning new trends in teaching specially with the use of new gadgets in teaching because as far as I am concerned, I would like my future students to experience best of my teaching abilities.

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

West City Central School July 12, 2013

Jessa Jade Obedencio with Mrs. Shallimar Amora

Sharicka Amora with Mrs. Shallimar Amora

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

West City Central School July 12, 2013

West City Central Schools Computer Laboratory.

Electronic Whiteboard.

West City Central Schools Gymnasium

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

West City Central School July 12, 2013

Mrs. Amoras Classroom

Schools Bulletin Board

West City Central Schools Ground

Posters and Charts in Mrs. Amoras classroom.

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

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