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PHI<~ 11

Philippine Mission
Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon

Forwarding Agent:
P. O. Box 1641

Sid and Marj Boudreaux

P. O. Box 49

Mrs. Roberta Pommert


AparrI, Cagayan, 1118 Philippines

Joplln, MO 64801

February 12, 1983

Dear Christian friends.

We are looking forward to beginning our fifth term in the Philippines in May. Our furlough has taken us to ten states for speaking dates as well as to Kansas City for the NACC and Lexington for the Nat'l Missionary Convention. We give God the glory for giving us good health, safety, and the opportunities to share our faith in so
many places.

We also thank the Lord for giving us a new daughter-in-law, Darla, (July 24), and

a new grandson, Andrew, (December 19), suring this time. Andrew's parents, Rob and Berta, are justly proud of their new babyhe's cooing and smiling at us, now, and showing every sign of exceptional intelligence. He may also share his father's talent
for music; the other night at a banquet Andrew provided background music while Rob was singing! Now about our other children. Darla will graduate in May with a degree in Data Processing; Scott is taking classes at OBC and working as teller at Community Nat'l Bank. Jamie is showing progress in the Greek lessons he's taking from Marj;
I think both he and Sharon would do well in linguistics.
for each one.

We have been glad to be

here this year while our children were making major decisions, and we thank the Lord
Carolyn is the only one of our children who will be returning to the Philippines with us. We ask that you be praying for a fourth-grade teacher for her for the coming school year. The local school just does not provide adequate schooling. The Christian

boarding school is in Manila, 400 miles away, and we want her to remain at home until
7th grade. Thank you for praying with us about this need.

In a letter from the Philippines last week, a friend wrote that the church in

Aparri is presently having a faith-promise program. We rejoice that Lowell & Helen Applebury are planning to come in June to head up a discipleship program in the church.
The Aparri Bible Seminary now has video equipment newly purchased, and we just sent a teaching tape, "How to Share Your Faith." With the money raised during an OBC chapel offering, $226, we plan to buy more teaching tapes to take back.

The Seminary in Aparri is in its 31st year, and the enrollment has increased so
much that a new classroom building is underway located fairly near the present building on a 1,323 square meter lot. Just this week we received a letter from a couple who

graduated from the Seminary several years ago and who are now working in the mountaintop city of Baguio. Dardanilla wrote that 40-50 people crowd into their tiny home for worship, and with the help of other Christian brethren, they're buying a lot and plan ning to build a place for worship. We praise the Lord for their steadfastness.
We hope to have all of our travel funds by May 1 in order to obtain our reservations
for the week of May 22 for a flight back to the Philippines. Tickets, passports,

immigration fees, and shipping costs will total about $2,200 for the three of us.
Will you be praying with us about this need?

Thank you for your love and fellowship in the proclamation of the gospel,
Sid & Marj Boudreaux

Phil II

Philippine Mission
Churches of Christ of Northern Lyzon

Forwarding Agent:

Sid and MarJ Boudreaux

P. O. Box 49

Mrs. Roberta Pommert P. O. Box 1641


Aparri, Cagayan, 1118 Philippines

Jopiin, IViO 64801

April 18, 1983 Dear Christian friends,

Our furlough is rapidly come to an end, and in just two weeks we must purchase tickets for our return to the Philippines. The airline requires us to make a 21-day advance reservation and purchase the tickets then if we want to fly on the budget fare. Some churches and friends have already given toward our travel fund; vje have enough to buy Carolyn's ticket and we are very thankful for that.. Earlier, I had estimated $2,200 for travel expenses back to Aparri,
but the air fares have increased and I novj estimate $2,600 will cover our travel.

Please be praying with us that we will be able to return in time for the opening of classes at the Aparri Bible Seminary in June.
The anticipation of vjorking again vjith students in the Aparri Bible Seminary fills us with eagerness to return. Fourteen young people graduated from ABS the

first week of March, the same as last year.

We're looking for increased enroll

ment again this school year.

V/e plan to take video tapes back to help our

teachers and preachers grow; they will then translate and teach thp same material
in the church throughout all of northern Luzon,

Carolyn's 4th grade teacher for this coming year plans to join us in August. We look for-tvard to having Lisa Lewis with us and we feel she will be a great help

not only in teaching Carolyn, but also in sharing her knowledge of the Word in camps and with our ABS students. I know she will appreciate your prayers as she finishes this school year and prepares for summer camp in British Columbia with
her parents.
We are indeed thankful for students like Lisa whom vie've met at Ozark Bible

College this year, and for the opportunities we've had to speak in camps, VBS, churches, Sunday school classes and ladies' groups. V/e have challenged some to go to the mission field, made new friends, attempted to live and teach His k/ord, and spent precious time viith our children. For all these blessings we give

praise and honor to our Lord,

with His Spirit.

He has made all our service possible as He enables

We want to express our appreciation for the continuing support you give, both financially and in your prayers. This fifth term back in the Philippines

certainly will be difficult as we think of leaving, but at thd same time we

consider the challenge He has set before us. We ask your prayers that God will keep us healthy enough to do all that He has in mind.
In Christ,

Sid & Marj Boudre



Philippine Mission Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon


Forwarding Agant:
P 0 Box 1641

Sid and Marj Boudreaux

P 0. Box 49

Mr#. Roberta Pommart


Aparrl, Cagayari-


Joplln, MO 64801

August 3, 1983
Dear Christian friends,

A few years ago during one of our weekly missionary prayer meetings, one lady Drought up the Aparri church for prayer. With tears in her eyes she asked us to pray often for its outreach, for revival, for growth. ( thought of this lady yes terday when I looked around at all the new members, and heard the preacher speak
of the 6-8 Bible studies being conducted weekly by members.

ministry is being planned, and permission has been granted to speak to the soldiers and ptisoners In the local Army barracks. The truly glorious thing is that Filipinos are Initiating and conducting this outreach program; we missionaries supply encourage ment, materials for teaching, and some support. God is moving through us all to bring the lost Into His kingdom. V.'i l 1 you continue to pray with us for the Aparr.

In addition, a prison

We have good news about Lisa Lewis, who's coming to teach Carolyn. She will arrive in Manila on August 28. She still needs help with her travel fund, and could use additional support for monthly needs; she has $150 pledged. We praise God that He is working it out for her to come; we certainly need her. Keep her in prayer, too.
In our last news letter 1 wrote abou t settling In ou r usual resi dence. Sin ce tha t

Fi1i plno Academic Dean and his wi fe. So we are sett Iing In again ! This house Is very spacious and cool, right across from the Seminary buildings, and rents for $100 a month
Sheri Kafton Is sharing it with us, and Lisa will be living here, too.

time we moved to a house for rent, so that our apartment would be available for our

Missionary work is certainly varied.

came to use their skill for the Lord.

Last week we hosted a basketball team who

Having eight hungry young

At half-time they sang and gave personal test-

monies which focused on the saving power of Jesus Christ.

men for meals meant advance planning and concentrated work, but we enjoyed their stay.

Even a mistake in buying meat wherein we ended up with 11 pounds of water buffalo meat Instead of beef turned out all right; we were able to sell It and purchase more beef The young men were bold in their witnessing for Christ; we pray that the seed sown
might bring forth fruit for Him.

Carolyn has recovered her fluency in llocano and when she's not reading, she s playing "house-house" (balay-balay) with her friends on our front porch, using scrap lumber and quilts. When they get hot, they run over and buy ice candy (popsicle) from one of the mother.s, who keeps a freezer full of homemade pops Ides for selling. Carolyn is very eager for Lisa to arrive, as all of her friends are already in school She's taking piano lessons from one of our Seminary teachers who just graduated from
the University of the Philippines, Ruth is a very talented and patient teacher. My classes continue to be challenging--partlcularly Church History. 1 keep hammering away at the lessons we can learn from this study--the need to return to

the Scriptures as our sole authority.

I'm also enjoying teaching N.T. Advanced Drill

to an advanced group of students, and Greek--! always enjoy that. We continue to be grateful for your support In prayer and financial gifts. Both
are absolutely essential for our continuing work here.
Yours in Christ,


Sid &Marj

fhd U

Philippine Mission
Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon

Sid and Mar] Boudreaux

P. 0. Box 49

Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Roberta Pommert P. 0. Box 1641 Joplin, MO 64801

Aparri, Cagayan, 1118 Philippines

November 15, 1983

Dear Friends in Christ,

tine since our return in May. I unloaded the suitcase with winter things: long-sleeved blouses, dresses, and shirts, but no sweaters until it drops below 70, What a joke it
must seem to you experiencing freezing weather that we call our 10 drop WINTER!

'..'Inter has struck Aparri again, as the thermometer plunged below 80 for the first

and teach in the daily Bible classes.

everytime they needed her anyway.

gone, .Marj had a semester break from the Seminary and taught Carolyn every day. The Joybelles, another girls' trio, went to the other Christian high school, and reported great success. Teachers from our Seminary went along to both schools to preach

Our Canadian friend who's teaching Carolyn thinks we've all gone bananas, too, by referring to 70 weather as winter. As with any teacher, she admits she's learning as she teaches Carolyn the ^th grade. Lisa went to one of our Christian high schools during their Ueek of Evangelism October 10-15t Along with singing In a trio/quartet, she taught Scripture songs all day long to different classes in their Music period. While she was

106 young people accepted Christ that week, in

Praise His Name!

addition to the 162 that had confessed their faith in Him earlier.

Pacita, a member of the Joybelle trio, was ill while at the high school, but sang

showed she had hepatitis. After being in the hospital for two weeks, she's now at our house resting for another two or three weeks while she recovers fully. Somehow we felt that the girls' dormitory might not provide quite the peaceful atmosphere she needs! Pacita Is such an excellent student that she's keeping up her lessons, and hopes to
return to classes next week at the Seminary.

When she came back to Aparri, a doctor's examination

to be in a home with just a few children. Sid reads to them, or listens to them read, or tells them stories. At last count there were 51 children at the Home. Please pray for Bert and Mary Bureros, Joy Collins, and their Filipino assistants, as well as the children, Dennis Hall, campus minister at Iowa State University, recently sent us a unique gift. While at the Missionary Convention he made a video tape of greetings from friends there, and video-taped a class on video-taping for our information and use here! Not only were
has given his life to full-time service, and wants to come to the Philippines on a sixmonth internship by the first of next year. Praise the Lord with us, and pray for James.
dear friends on the tape, but our dear son, JamesI From him we learned the news that he

For several weeks we've had one or two of the children from the orphanage come In to spend Saturday nights with us. Carolyn enjoys them, and It's good for the children

We are praying that if it's the Lord's will, He will make It possible for James to a>me then Teaching in the Seminary is such a joy I feel as If 1 should pay someone for the

here and the language would make him a valuable aid to Dennis McKinney sponsoring the group.
I've learned things about the Reformation I never knew (sorry Bro. Hunter!),

from Pacific Christian College who are coming in December.

We would like very much for James to be here in time to travel with a group of Interns

James' knowledge of the customs

of my Greek classes are translating now, so although there's work fnvolved. It's a delight. Thank you for making it possible for us to be here--thank you for your gifts and your
prayers and your letters. Yours in Christ,

and N.T. Advanced Drill is a joy as we discuss different books and topics each week. Both


Sid s Marj

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