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Moriah Alston W/R: 1 (TA: 1) COMM231 0201 Mar.

6 2013 Assignment #1 P-o-S - Story

SEO: University of Maryland smoking ban Board of Regents implements campus wide smoking ban Students question effectiveness of upcoming policy
by: Moriah Alston Days of students briskly walking to class while smoking or generously offering cigarettes to the golden Testudo statue are numbered. Days of non smokers involuntarily inhaling acrid smoke around campus will end soon as well. A smoking ban will be implemented throughout the University of Maryland campus beginning June 30, 2013.While there is no doubt that the ban will go into effect, smoking and non-smoking Terps alike are torn about its chances of success. Steven Hershkowitz, Student Representative on the Board of Regents says it was the correct decision to pass the ban "It reduces second-hand smoke effects and gives smokers a greater incentive to try to quit smoking. The policy allocates resources for quitting programs on campuses," said Hershkowitz "A smoking ban has already been effective at Towson, Frostburg and Salisbury universities," he said. He is not alone in his support. Blake Heuer, senior music performance major is thrilled about the smoking ban. "I hate walking around campus inhaling smoke from people," said Heuer.


Moriah Alston, W/R #1 TA#1, COMM231 0201, 3/6/13, A#1- Story p. 2 "In wake of recent events, so many cops are patrolling through campus that I believe it's possible for them to enforce the ban," said Heuer. Many have doubts about the ban Patrick Ronk, freshman government and politics major says that he's not looking forward to the ban at all. "Forcing students to go off campus to smoke, perhaps in the middle of the night in more dangerous areas could be devastating," said Ronk. Katie Williams, sophomore early education major says prohibiting smoking is inconvenient to her and many other students' lifestyles. "As a legal, responsible adult I shouldn't be so constricted by a policy." "Being sterner about the 25 feet policy is a better strategy," said Williams when asked about possible alternatives. The current university policy asks smokers to stand at least 25 feet from any campus buildings. However, this policy is widely ignored and almost never enforced.

Patrick Ronk freshman government and politics major fears safety of fellow Terps because of upcoming smoking ban Photo by: Moriah Alston

Sophomore early education major Katie Williams believes the smoking ban is unreasonable. Photo by: Moriah Alston


Moriah Alston, W/R #1 TA#1, COMM231 0201, 3/6/13, A#1- Story p. 3

Many students not only oppose the ban, but doubt its success. Steven Wang, junior accounting major says the policy will be impossible to enforce. "If people are walking and smoking, who is going to stop them? Even if police tried their best to spot every smoker, they wouldn't even come close," said Wang. Looking to the Future Hershkowitz said the board is considering establishing smoking zones on campus. "They would likely be placed for the convenience of visitors to campus, especially for athletic games," said Hershkowitz. The idea of designated smoking areas is more widely supported by students. Smoking zones or not, the smoking ban will begin on June 30, 2013 and only time will tell the effect it will have on the University of Maryland campus.


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