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Subcontractor Evaluation Report

Subcontractor Name Evaluation Executer: Subcontractor's Lot: Evaluation Date

Serial Assessment Emphasize on Assessment Liability The result Weight Factor Number Point Executor of Evaluation The degree of accord in real Period management project period and promised contract for the project

The Description of Evaluation

The Standard of Evaluation 1If the timely delivery rate falled,subtract 1 point each one centigrade point falled ; 2if the delivery time delayed more than one month .subtract 3 points every site; 3if the first acceptance test is failed,subtract 2 points each site. 1to type A problem,subtract 3 pionts each time; 2to type B or C problem,subtract 1 point each time; 3to be punished by customer for quality problem,subtract 5 points each time 4to no self-examination,subtract 2 points each site; 5if the rework report is inauthentic,subtract 5 points each time. 1 the ability of communication and harmony : to assess subcontractor and all related aspect of engineering in communication system and the situation of administeration. to assess the situation of attending each rational meeting to subcontractor 2 the ability of solving problem: to access subcontractor's capablity in identifying, dealing and solving all kinds of problems that have cropped up during the process of engineering, of which will focus on the respond time and the disposal result 3the degree in cooperating with operator and each department of Huawei: to assess subconstractor in the situation of cooperating with each major member of Huawei's project team. PMEMQMCEG and site engineer will evaluate together 4flexibility and elasticity : to assess the subconstractor on the whole flexibility, and the peace and condition's flexibility.The factor also will measure subcontractor on the ability of dealing with the flexibility ,such as, the production capacity and special construction requirement so on.



Result of inspected project Quality quality, and Disposal of management Project quality's problem



Professional Department's Opinion 3 Respond Procurement Qualification Department's opinion


PM/EM/Q M/Site Engineer


Key Event

external complain the issue of honest creditthe issue of security and the other key event,for instance, a cessation of operation not to be agreeed by both sides or the behavior of impeding the other subcontractor to construct



1 External complain : to subtract 3 points for each fateful complain, to subtract 1 points for each normally complain 2The issue of security: to subtract 1 points for each time 3The issue of honest and credit Asuppliers adopt the unqualified material and construction standard on purpose; Bsupplier offer beguiling information to Huawei or operator that lead to the serious consequence Csupplier offer the inauthentic bill of document such as receipt or the list of engineering amount during the phase of payment; to subtract 3 points for each time on the condition of A or B. to subtract 5 points for each time on the condition of C. 4To the other key event, such as a cessation of operation which not to be agreed by bith sides or the behavior of impeding the other subcontractor to subtract 5 points for each time

TotaL Mark Evaluation Result


That will get E if the grade below 55 points,will get D if the grade from 56-65 points, will get C if the grade from 66-75 points, will get B if the grade from 76-90, and will get A if the grade go up 91 points.

Approved byPM/CEG
application according to the result (for project team reference) 1. If subcontractor is graded A in three consequent instances, HUAWEI will assign more work through issuing more POs. 2. If subcontractor is graded B, the subcontractors performance is considered acceptable according to project implementation guidelines. 3. If subcontractor is graded C, problems and mistakes should be remedied immediately upon request by HUAWEI. In case subcontractor fails to satisfy HUAWEI, the payment term will be extended to penalize the subcontractor. 4. If subcontractor is graded D, the subcontractor will be penalized through reduction of PO amount. 5. If subcontractor is graded E, the subcontractor will be excluded from list of Huawei subcontractors and will be Black-listed.

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