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22nd July 2013


The Story of Bahrain
It is a story NOT of a democracy: but of a dictatorship that is headed by a ruling dynasty installed by the British colonial powers and then supported and sponsored by the US, the inheritor in the Middle East of British and French colonialism. The King has NOT been pressured or criticized, and there were NO calls for his dismissal or resignation. Obama and his secretary of state did NOT call on the King to step down. They NEVER said that the King has to go. Western government did NOT call on the Bahraini tyrant to heed the calls of his people. Unlike Syria, Bahrain is we are told complicated. Complicated is a word that is often invoked by Western governments and Western human rights organizations when they wish to cover up occupation, repression, and massacres by allies and clients of the West. But the people of Bahrain were NEVER passive. They have a history of courageous opposition to the House of Khalifah. People of Bahrain were at the forefront of political activism and they produced diverse political movements over the decades: Arab nationalist and leftist causes were popular, and labor unionism had an exemplary history. Read More Police chief Tariq al-Hasan named the suspects as Hasan al-Madhum, 25, Ali Ashoor, 34, and Abbas Zuhair, 32, and said that other suspects were on the run. Public prosecutor Abdulrahman al-Sayyed said in a statement carried by BNA that he charged the men with forming an illegal group that "used terror among its means." Read More island kingdoms National Dialogue. The King of Bahrain called for the National Dialogue a few months ago in an attempt to bring closure to the unrest that has gripped the country since 14 February, 2011. Read More

Gulf rights groups blast abuse of women activists

A number of Gulf-based rights groups and activists on Monday strongly condemned Gulf monarchies over mistreatment of women activists that included sexual harassment, torture, illegal detention and other abuses.

A statement, signed by 50 Gulf rights groups and activists, said that women activists have been targeted in most of the sixnation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, especially after the start of the Arab Spring uprisings. In Bahrain, female activists have been subjected to "sexual harassment and threatened with rape besides verbal and physical abuse" after they were held for participating in peaceful protests, the statement said. Read More Sheikh Isa bin Salman mosque in Rifaa have been arrested," the interior ministry said.

Bahrain holds 3 over mosque bomb

Three suspects linked to a car bomb that exploded outside a Sunni mosque south of the capital Manama have been arrested, the Bahraini government said yesterday. "Three people suspected of involvement in the terrorist act that took place near

Bahrain Sunni mosque blast suspects charged: agency

Bahrain's prosecutor on Monday charged three men arrested in connection with a car bombing outside a Sunni mosque with forming a "terror" group, the ofcial BNA news agency reported.

The royal court is situated in the same area where the bomb, made from a gas cylinder, exploded late on Wednesday without causing casualties. The ministry said the suspects had been referred to the public prosecution. Read More ample evidence of their involvement in the car explosion last week. The suspects, all Bahrainis, have been remanded in custody pending investigations. They had been questioned by the public prosecution, he said at a press conference to shed light on the bombing at the Shaikh Eisa Bin Salman Mosque, the place of worship named after the former ruler of the country. Read More

Bahrain car blast suspects arrested

Bahrain has identied the three suspects arrested in connection with the car blast at the parking lot of a mosque in West Rifaa, a posh area south of the capital Manama. Public Security Chief Major General Tariq Al Hassan said the three suspects were 25, 32 and 34 years old and that there was

Bahrains Education Minister on National Dialogue

Bahrains minister of education is one of the Bahraini governments representatives in the

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