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MAY, 1984

- News from Ron and EHan Ritchey, Missionaries to Indonesia

FIELD ADDRESS: Condang, Candi, Ampel, Solo, Jateng, Indonesia



We hope to furlough September, 1984 through July, 1985. Please pray with us for God's help in extending living permits and in making travel arrangements so that this hope becomes a reality. We hope to arrive in Los Angeles the first week in September, visit family and friends, proceed to the National Missionary Convention at Phoenix, Arizona, September 9-12th; then settle down enrolling Deric, Dasen, and Dorothy Ellen in school while Ron starts reporting to supporters. Pray with us asking God's guidance and blessing in arranging our house and goods in Indonesia, in transfering ministry responsibilities; in finding a place to live in the States, a school for the children, transportation for traveling to churches, scheduling speaking dates, preparing reports and sermons.




We want to see you all again, report what God has done through and with us, and refresh our partnership in world kingdom building. We plan to contact you to arrange speaking dates. You may write us at our field address. (PLEASE USE AIR MAIL and allow two

weeks for U.S.A. letters to reach us in Indonesia.) Or, you may reach us via our forwarding Agents: M/M W. H. Ritchey, 18 N. Kenmore, Joliet, IL 60432, Telp. (815) 722-8537.
We'll be co-ordinating all arrangements through them.

What is it?


Since 1981 we've served Indonesian Church of Christ members who've been

moved to Sumatera or Sulawesi by the Indonesian goverments' transmigration program.

transmigrants are in isolated areas recently carved out of the jungle. They get about 6 acres of land to farm. If they stay 5 years the land is theirs. Our goal is to conserve
members and expand the church at these new addresses. Survey and teaching visits by Ron and other church leaders are aimed at establishing stable, growing congregations.
Presently there are about 145 church members in 14 different areas; 11 in Sumatera and 3
in Sulawesi.

What has been done? At least 21 teams of 2 or 3 Cljristians have gone out over the last 3 years to teach, preach, and shepherd members in Sumatera and Sulawesi. They've been

supported by Christian church/church of Christ missionary gifts averaging $2,000.00 per

year. Teams sent out have taken Bibles, teaching materials, and first-aid medicines.

What needs to be done? We need to disciple not only the Javanese who have moved to Sumatera and Sulawesi but also local tribes and ethnic groups. The Bible and politics convince us to work for an Indonesian supported and directed ministry. A Joint-Working Body Among the Churches of Christ of Indonesia (Badan Kerja Sama Antar Gereja-Gereja Jemaat Kristus Indonesia) has been formed to establish Indonesian ministry. Ron serves as

adviser to the board of directors of this group (Mr. Gitowardoyo, Mr. Moelyono, Mr. Paulus Trimanto Wibowo, and Mr. Djoyo). We hope this joint-working body will co-ordinate the ministry to transmigrated church members as well as developing evangelistic, teaching, and building (church buildings) ministries. This group meets regularly. Ron has submitted to them plans for 1984's Transmigration Ministry. We hope most of Ron's present ministry will be carried on by the joint-working body. In addition to the above, Ron continues to co-ordinate the ministry to transmigrated members. Presently Ron is helping train about eight men who hope to travel in teams to four areas during July, August, and September. Ron is helping co-ordinate work Jean Comer is doing in Sumatera and Mark Shelley is doing in Sulawesi. On Sunday Ron continues to
teach at a house-church here on Java which is about an hour's drive from Ampel.



Ron has preached

After we moved from Salatiga last August, we've continued contact.

there every other month.

Also Christian Mission International, Inc. has served as

forwarding agents for gifts designated for buying property and a church building. On February 11, 1984 Ron transfered $2,455.00 worth of Indonesian rupiahs to the Salatiga congregation. This coupled with other gifts totalled about $5,500,00. The congregation has purchased land and a house which seats about 150 people. April 15 a victory service celebrated the first worship service in the building and a victory offering of $521.00 was received to oversubscribe the $6,000.00 needed to pay for the house and land. Thank you for your help and prayers. Rejoice with us all in this progress. FUTURE HOPES

Please join us in praying for these goals in 1984:


* that there will be at least one soul winner in each of the 14 transmigration areas
* that there will be 65 additions in 1984 at these areas

* that there will be two more trained Indonesian church planting evangelists by the
end of 1984

* for the faithfulness of the 145 church members in Sumatera and Sulawesi

* for teams planning to serve in July, August, September

* for God to raise up leaders, especially men who can be trained and set apart as
local elders

* for regular weekly prayer support from each Inonesian Church of Christ * for regular offerings from each Indonesian Church of Christ * that these offerings from Indonesians increase to totally cover ministry costs

* that the program promoting and informing Indonesian Churches of Christ raise support FAMILY NEWS

We PRAISE THE LORD for Dasen's confession of Christ as Lord and Saviour and his

immersion into Christ on Thursday, April 5, 1984.

Several missionaries joined us at the

Maya swimming pool in Salatiga to witness Dasen's confession and baptism at 7:10 A.M. before the children went on to school. Please join us in praying for Dasen's growth in Christ as well as ours and for Dorothy-Ell-nto follow Christ this way- whn the time-is right. You may remember that Deric committed himself to Christ and was immersed
November 16, 1980 during our last furlough.

We are pleased with Deric, Dasen, and Dorothy Ellen's learning at Central Java InterMission School (C.J.I.M.S.). This school started in the fall of 1981. Central Java Church

of Christ missionaries help support this grade one through twelve English language Christian school. C.J.I.M.S. is searching for a couple to serve as dormitory parents for the coming fall-spring terms. The husband must be a qualified teacher to meet government requirements to enter and work in Indonesia. Please ask God to meet this need. Also please pray for: Mr. Ona Liles our principal; his wife Ruth (who also teaches first-second grade); their children; Noel and Jean Flint; as well as the other teachers and staff. Ellen and I are healthy and appreciate our life here in Ampel, a twenty minute drive from Our former city of Salatiga. Our house is adequate with a garage and vard, too. Ellen worked in neighbors' kitchens helping prepare for a wedding and a funeral and enjoyed that close contact with the neighbor ladies. We are grateful for friendly relationships and are trusting God to build on those relationships. We hope to be hearing from you and seeing you soon. Until we meet again, we pray that
your love may abound more and more...(Phil. 1:9). Yours in His service,

The Ritcheys Ron, Ellen, Deric, Dasen, Dorothy Ellen

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News from Ron and Eilnn Rif^chey, Missionaries to Indonesia





lAjhether in the Indonesian, Javanese, or English languagewe hope your holidays are kept holy days centered in Jesus Christ, God's gift to us.




Yes, we're back in the U.S.A. living in a three bedroom furnished apartment provided by Nebraska Christian College. After an invitation from N.C.C. and approval by C.M.I., Inc. board members, Ron agreed to teach mission courses part-time. Fridays through Mondays are free to travel, reporting to supporting churches. Deric, Dasen, and Dorothy are enrolled in the Norfolk, Nebraska public schools in 7th, 5th, and 2nd grades. We left Jakarta September 8th, overnighted in Hong Kong, and then September 9th flew into Los Angeles and straight on to Phoenix and the National Missionary Convention. September 13th
we traveled to Norfolk, Nebraska.
fully recovered.

Hepatitis kept Ron ill for several weeks, but he has




We plan to live in Norfolk while Ron continues traveling to supporting churches and teaching mission courses for the 1984-1985 school year. In June of 1985, we plan to return to Joliet, Illinois, before leaving in mid-July for our fourth term of service in Indonesia. Both of our parents hope to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1985: Dr. Paul and Dorothy Baker in April and Bill and Dorothy Ritchey in July.





C.M.I., Inc. Board Meeting. Christian Mission International, Inc. held its annual Board Meeting Saturday, October 13, 1984. Ron submitted a report about work in Indonesia and also a budget for 1985. After discussion and some adjustments, the board approved the budget and its presentation to supporters for your consideration. A total 1985 needed

income of $36,126.00 is projected. This would be a 25% increase over 1984 giving to C.M.I,, Inc. We're asking supporters to consider raising support to C.M.I., Inc. in this amount in your 1985 budgets. If you'd like a detailed breakdown of this budget with further explanations, please write us (either M/M Wm. H. Ritchey or M/M R. W. Ritchey)
for a copy.

Speaking at churches. Sharing in the faith promise rally at the Church at Bryant, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, October 5,6,7, initiated our sharing within supporting churches.
The next week-end our family traveled to Joliet, Illinois First Christian Church. Since then Ron has spoken at the and Bartonville churchesall in Illinois; at the Calvary Michigan (near Flint); and at Christ's Church in Norfolk, to share there, Ron preaching at Clarendon Hills, Wilmington, Church of Christ in Swartz Creek,


Ron enjoyed speaking

in two chapel services at Nebraska Christian College.

Teaching at Nebraska Christian College. Ron is an instructor in Missions at Nebraska

Christian College. He has a part-time teaching assignment of six hours. This semester he is teaching Mission Life and Work and Cultural Anthropology. Next semester he and Ellen plan to team teach "The Missionary Family" on January 7-10, 1985 at N.C.C. Interim Session. Regularly scheduled courses are "Introduction to Missions, History of Missions," and the

"Missions Program in the Local Church."

with mission students.

Ron's teaching includes guidance and counseling




We've received various news from friends and co-workers in Indonesia. The work Ron was doing was turned over to the newly formed Joint Working Body of Indonesian Churches of Christ. Mr. Jloelyono, an elder from the SaLatiga church serves as secretary; Mr. Gitowardoyo, an elder from the Boyolali church serves as chairman; and Mr. Paulus Trimanto

Wibowo, a minister from Yogyakarta, serves as treasurer. John Milkey serves as missionary adviser to this group. Mr. Tukiman from the Bumi Ayu church went on a two month teaching
and preaching tour to groups in Sumatra.
Java by now.

According to plans, he should be back in Central

Courses taught via the newly established Indonesia Church of Christ Theological School
are to include a course of Soul Winning. We ask your prayers for these men, these

programs, and for all our brethren in Indonesia. Please continue to pray for Jean Comer, now in N. Carolina, for her family, especially her brother. Bill Comer, who has cancer.




We have so much for which to praise and thank God.

We continually thank Him for you,

-Dur supporters. "We thank Him for steady giving and gifts" you've given us above and beyond

our needs. Thanks to family for help in so many ways, to friends who helped us at the National Missionary Convention. Special thanks go out to friends who gave a car for our furlough travel. Thanks to Nebraska Christian College and her supporters for providing a three bedroom furnished apartment rent free and with utilities paid (lights, water, and heat). Thanks to friends who have housed and fed Ron during week-end trips.

Thanks be to God for giving us Jesus, born of a virgin, crucified for our sin, buried,
raised to life again, reigning as King of all, and coming again to establish God's eternal rule, who provides us the Way back to eternal fellowship with God. Selamat bersukaria selama musim ini! (Have great rejoicing during this season).
Yours through Emmanuel,

Ellen, Ron, Deric, Dasen, Dorothy

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