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NC STATE \11 11 I N


INd, 125 YEARS

Office of General Counsel Campus Box 7008/304 Holladay Hall Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7008 919 .515 .3071 (phone) 919 .515 .3060 (fax) July 9, 2013

Dear Agent: You are receiving this letter because you are registered as an Athlete Agent with the NC Secretary of State's Office under the Uniform Athlete Agents Act ("the Act"), N .C .G .S . 78C-85, et seq. NC State recently formed a Professional Sports Counseling Panel (Panel) to help facilitate interactions between our student-athletes and agents seeking to represent them . The Panel's priorities are 1) to ensure that our student-athletes retain their athletic eligibility by engaging in only permissible activities with potential agents and 2) to assist our student-athletes to obtain the best possible representation and advice after their eligibility has ended. If you would like to contact one of our current student-athletes, we are now requesting that you make your contact through the Panel chairperson and NC State's Deputy General Counsel, Mike Poterala, who can be reached at mike poterala@ncsu .edu or 919-515-0234 . Please also contact Mike if you have any questions, comments or suggestions . The Panel will be launching a new website later this year with additional information. Reputable agents are familiar with and abide by the requirements of the Act and NCAA regulations. You should never provide a prospective or current NC State student-athlete, relative or friend a benefit, compensation or anything of value . Likewise, you should never enter into a written or verbal agreement with an NC State student-athlete while they remain eligible for college competition. Please contact Ms . Carrie Doyle, Senior Associate AD for Compliance, at carrie doyle@ncsu .edu or 919-515-0604, if you have questions about the proper application of NCAA rules or the appropriateness of any proposed contact involving an NC State student athlete . Ms . Doyle is also the NC State representative you must contact under the Act within 72 hours after entering into an agency contract or before the student-athlete's next scheduled game, whichever is earlier. In the unfortunate event that a violation of the Act damages NC State, NC State has the right to file a civil action and seek recovery against any athlete agent responsible for causing such damages . An athlete agent who engages in prohibited conduct under the Act is also guilty of a Class I felony . Be advised that NC State will take whatever steps are necessary to protect its interests, and cooperates fully when actions are investigated or prosecuted by law enforcement. Please help us protect the integrity and competitiveness of our programs by helping our studentathletes follow the rules . Please contact either Ms . Doyle or Mr . Poterala, as appropriate, with any questions or comments . Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Deborah A . Yow Eileen S . Goldgeier Director of Athletics Vice Chancellor and General Counsel North Carolina State University is a land-grant university and a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina.
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