Peterson 2013-2014 Syllabus

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Magnet Traditional School

Mr. Peterson Welcome to the 2013/2014 school year! I am excited to welcome this years group of seventh graders to my classroom. I will be seeing your child for either two or three classes a day, depending on whether or not they are in my homeroom. It will be a pleasure to get to know them this year!

The expectations to which we adhere will set us apart from the other schools in the district and ensure that we are maximizing our time together every day. I encourage all students to: a. b. c. d. e. Be polite, respectful, and helpful Not disrupt the learning environment of others Follow directions the first time given Always use complete sentences Challenge yourself!

Just like my expectations, the rules are straightforward and nonnegotiable. I promise that you will be amazed with the results of your learning if you follow these two basic rules. Failure to abide by these rules will result in an automatic detention. a. Stay in your seat unless permission has been given to leave it b. Perform an action silently unless otherwise noted

Every day we make choices. In school it is no different; you will be faced with hundreds of choices every day. Do we always make the right choice? Absolutely not - no one is perfect - but know that there are always consequences for our actions. Let me be clear: I do not give detentions; you have done something to warrant them. Accepting this responsibility will make the academic year smooth and rewarding; fighting it will lead to more consequences. Every day you have the power to make the correct choice and I encourage you to do so! Outlined is this classrooms consequence system: a. b. c. d. Warning/Private Discussion Lunch Detention Removal from classroom Principal Referral

Our classroom will also operate under a system of rewards. Consequences do not necessarily have to be bad. Weekly rewards will exist (for example, low-key Fridays, choice of music during work time, pizza parties paid by ME) but they need to be earned. This will be explained in class.

There will be more procedures than I wish to burden these pages with, but the following list compiles the ones that we will encounter frequently in the classroom and are invaluable in leading us toward our goal of 100% Meets or Exceeds on AIMS come April. HOMEWORK POLICY Per the expectations set forth in the MTS handbook, you will be assigned homework Monday through Thursday. In many of my classes, there will often be time to finish the homework in class, provided you are working diligently and productively. If you dont like homework, spend your time wisely in class! LATE WORK POLICY This classroom will NOT accept late work. If I assign something, I expect it to be returned on the due date. If an assignment is late, it receives a ZERO that will not be changed. You are all capable of straight As, but just know that the end of the trimester is not the only time to be worried about them. Plan ahead and do your work! I reserve the right to issue a detention for missing homework, as stated in the handbook. BATHROOM POLICY Junior high students will be allotted THREE bathroom passes a week. However, these are not freebies! The only time you may use the restroom is during independent work time. Do not ask during the first 20-25 minutes of class, and even then only after we have completed the lecture/notes/etc. You may only go when it is appropriate. Ask any other time, and I reserve the right to not let you go at all. Additionally, going before or after class is a great idea, but you need permission from the teacher whom you are going to see next. DETENTION POLICY As laid out in the MTS handbook, lunch detentions serve as the primary vehicle for carrying out discipline issues. The most successful people in life are the most disciplined. You will be successful at MTS and beyond, therefore discipline is highly emphasized in the structure of this school. So that you are aware of the common examples of how to break discipline standards and earn detention: Talking disruptively Passing notes Not turning in homework Not following teacher directions Leaving your seat without asking Coming to class unprepared Violating uniform policy


Please keep in mind, the following list is for my classroom only. You may wish to consult the other teachers to determine the total list of classroom sundries.

1.5-inch three-ring binder (for the DRS in math) Double-sided folders with dual pockets (one each for Homeroom and Social Studies) 4x6 Note cards (come in packs of 100 used for content vocabulary) Composition books (one for each subject) Daily Planner/Agenda (if you need to write down homework) Pens and Pencils


GRADES Per MTS policy, this classrooms grading scale looks like the following: Grading Scale A 94% + B 86-93% C 77-85% D 69-76% F Below 69% The following display breaks down how assignments, class work, quizzes, tests, etc. will play into your grade: Assignment Categories Tests/Quizzes...60% Seat Work....20% Homework...20% I am looking forward to working with you this year! By adhering to the guidelines above, and giving your best effort every day, I have no doubt you will be successful this year! Mr. Todd Peterson 602-523-5988 New for this school year is my first attempt at a blog. I intend to post relevant information on what we did in class, and more importantly, what the homework assignments are for each day. On this blog you will also be linked to a site that stores all of our guided notes for math class. Parents: You have quick access to what we did each day in class Students: You have a reminder on what is due for the following class

Contact Information Student Name: _____________________________ Goes By: _____________________

Parent Name(s): _____________________________ and _______________________________

Home Phone: ________________________________

Work Phone: ________________________________

Cell Phone: _________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________

Preferred Method of Contact: _______________________________________________

**FOR PARENTS** Please be advised that you have certain obligations that as a parent of a student at MTS. The handbook explicitly states a requirement of 10 volunteer hours to be served by the end of the school year. You may fulfill all ten hours, if you prefer, but donating copy paper. Please do not wait until the end of the year to fulfill this requirement, as opportunities to help will be limited. Please make sure your student is in 100% compliance with the uniform policy. We would like to avoid calling you back to correct any uniform infractions. As a reminder, it is your responsibility to make sure your student is able to meet all uniform expectations. ______________________________________________________________________________ By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read and understanding ALL of my responsibilities as a junior high student at MTS. X ________________________________________(student signature) Date ___/____/____

By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read and understanding ALL of my responsibilities as a parent or guardian of a junior high student at MTS. X _________________________________________(parent signature) Date ___/____/____

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