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Trilateral Commission

A Rockefeller Cartel?

By William P. Litynski
Origins of the Trilateral Commission
American bankers David Rockefeller (left) and George W. Ball were fonding members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%&'.
(P!oto( George W. Ball Pa)ers* +eeley G. ,dd ,anscri)t Library at Princeton -niversity)
The Trilateral Commission Tokyo Meeting 73 in 1973
American ca)italist David Rockefeller (left)* #!airman of t!e board of #!ase ,an!attan Bank in .ew /ork #ity* visits #!inese
commnist #!o 0nlai (rig!t)* 1oreign ,inister of #ommnist #!ina* in Peking* #ommnist #!ina in $%&'. David Rockefeller
establis!ed t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%&'. "!e -nited +tates maintained di)lomatic relations wit! t!e Re)blic of #!ina on
"aiwan (.ationalist #!ina) in $%&'.
One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony.... There is a very real and pervasive dediation to Chairman
Mao and Maoist priniples. !hatever the prie of the Chinese "evol#tion$ it has obvio#sly s#eeded not only in prod#ing
more effiient and dediated administration$ b#t also in fostering high morale and omm#nity p#rpose. %eneral soial and
eonomi progress is no less impressive.... The enormo#s soial advanes of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of
ideology and p#rpose. ... The soial e&periment in China #nder Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and
s#essf#l in history.(
) *avid "okefeller$ in an artile in the New York Times on +#g#st 1,$ 1973
David Rockefeller (left) and Akio ,orita* #!airman of t!e board of +ony #or)oration* were original members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission in $%&'. (P!oto( !tt)(22www.akiomorita.net2en2interview2)
Prime ,inister of 3a)an .obor "akes!ita welcomes t!e $%44 "rilateral #ommission )lenary )artici)ants in "okyo* 3a)an in
A)ril $%44. American banker David Rockefeller (front row* 5
from left)* former #!airman and #06 of #!ase ,an!attan Bank*
is flanked by Georges Bert!oin of 1rance (front row* '
from left) and 7sam /amas!ita of 3a)an (front row* left).
(P!oto( !tt)(22www.8cie.or.8)28cie2c!rono'.!tml)
"rilateral #ommission 1onder David Rockefeller (front row center) a))ears wit! (front row from left) 3ose)! +. .ye* 3r.* 3ean9
#lade "ric!et (former President of t!e 0ro)ean #entral Bank)* and ,inor ,aki!ara* and (back row) Pal A. :olcker (former
#!airman of t!e 1ederal Reserve) and ,ic!ael 1c!s at t!e "rilateral #ommission;s <=t! Anniversary meeting in Berlin*
Germany on ,arc! $>* 5=$'. (P!oto( "rilateral #ommission)
-oviet Commissar Mikhail %orbahev .3
left/ appears 0ith Trilateral Commission members d#ring a meeting in Moso0$ -oviet
1nion on 2an#ary 13$ 1939. 4rom left to right5 *avid "okefeller$ %eorges 6erthoin$ Mikhail %orbahev$ 7alery %isard d8staing$
9enry :issinger$ ;as#hiro <akasone$ and ;oshio Oka0ara.
4or more than a ent#ry ideologial e&tremists at either end of the politial spetr#m have sei?ed #pon 0ell@p#blii?ed
inidents s#h as my eno#nter 0ith Castro to attak the "okefeller family for the inordinate infl#ene they laim 0e 0ield
over +merian politial and eonomi instit#tions. -ome even believe 0e are part of a seret abal 0orking against the best
interests of the 1nited -tates$ harateri?ing my family and me as Ainternationalists and of onspiring 0ith others aro#nd the
0orld to b#ild a more integrated global politial and eonomi str#t#re ) one 0orld$ if yo# 0ill. Bf thats the harge$ B stand
g#ilty$ and B am pro#d of it.(
) *avid "okefeller$ C,,C$ from his book Memoirs$ p. D,E
!e have fo#nd 0e an deal 0ith F#st abo#t any kind of government$ provided they are orderly and responsible.(
) *avid "okefeller$ 4ebr#ary 193C$ d#ring his trip to Gimbab0e
Original Members of the Trilateral Commission
#yrs R. :ance
-.+. +ecretary of +tate
+ecretary of t!e Army
@arold Brown
-.+. +ecretary of Defense
+ecretary of t!e Air 1orce
David Rockefeller
#!airman of t!e board of
#!ase ,an!attan Bank
George W. Ball
-nder -.+. +ecretary of
+tate ($%>$9$%>>)?
+enior Partner of Le!man
Brot!ers ($%>%9$%45)
Bbigniew BrCeCinski
.ational +ecrity Advisor
Director of Researc!
7nstitte for 7nternational
#!ange ($%>59$%&&)
+ir 1rank Denyon Roberts
Britis! Ambassador to t!e
+oviet -nion ($%>=9
Britis! Ambassador to
West Germany
Lord (0ric) Roll of 7)sden
#!airman* +.G. Warbrg
E #o.* Ltd. ($%&<9$%4')?
director of t!e Bank of
0ngland ($%>49$%&&)
Giovanni Agnelli
#!airman of 1iat
F7talian car com)anyG
Ger!ard +c!rHder
,inister of 1oreign Affairs
($%>$9$%>>) and Defence
,inister ($%>>9$%>%) of
West Germany?
former Member of the
Nazi Party
6tto Wolff von
German bsinessmen?
#!airman and #06 of
6tto Wolff Gmb@
Diic!i ,iyaCawa

Prime ,inister of 3a)an
1inance ,inister of 3a)an
($%4>9$%44* $%%495==$)
0i8i "oyoda

#!airman ($%459$%%5)
and President ($%>&9
$%45) of "oyota ,otor
Akio ,orita

#!airman ($%&>9$%%A)
and #06 ($%&>9$%4%) of
+6./ #or)oration
Denic!iro Domai

#!airman of t!e board
($%&$9$%&&) and
President ($%>$9$%&$) of
@itac!i* Ltd.
,asa!ar ,atss!ita

#!airman ($%&&9c.$%%=)
and President ($%>$9
$%&&) of ,atss!ita
0lectric #om)any* Ltd.
Iotes and 0Jcer)ts abot t!e "rilateral #ommission
The impliation in %overnor "okefellers presentation have beome onrete proposals advaned by *avid "okefellers
ne0est international abal$ the Trilateral Commission. !hereas the Co#nil on 4oreign "elations is distintly national in
membership$ the Trilateral Commission is international. "epresentation is alloated eH#ally to !estern 8#rope$ 2apan$ and the
1nited -tates. Bt is intended to be the vehile for m#ltinational onsolidation of the ommerial and banking interests by sei?ing
ontrol of the politial government of the 1nited -tates. Gbignie0 6r?e?inski and *avid "okefeller sreened and seleted
every individ#al 0ho 0as invited to partiipate in shaping and administering the proposed ne0 0orld orderI Bn his book
6et0een T0o +ges$ p#blished in 197, by 7iking Jress$ 6r?e?inski alls for an international omm#nity of 2apan$ !estern
8#rope$ and the 1nited -tates to s#pervise and g#ide the #nderdeveloped nations of the 0orld. 9e delares$ <ational
sovereignty is no longer a viable onept.( 9e alls for a re0riting of the +merian Constit#tion. 9e ondemns the e&isting
federal system of 1.-. sovereign states as no longer neessary or adeH#ate. Bn his prospet#s desribing the Trilateral
Commission *avid "okefeller said he intended to bring the best brains of the 0orld together to bear on the problems of the
f#t#re.( ) 1.-. -enator 6arry %old0ater$ from his book With No Apologies$ p. C3,
4reedom ) spirit#al$ politial$ eonomi ) is denied any importane in the Trilateral onstr#tion of the ne&t ent#ry. The final
paragraph of that Trilateral Commission report is an admission of the ommissions tr#e aims5 Close Trilateral ooperation in
keeping the peae$ in managing the 0orld eonomy$ in fostering eonomi redevelopment and alleviating 0orld poverty 0ill
improve the hanes of a smooth and peaef#l evol#tion of the global system.( !hat the Trilaterals tr#ly intend is the reation
of a 0orld0ide eonomi po0er s#perior to the politial governments of the nation@states involved. They believe the ab#ndant
materialism they propose to reate 0ill over0helm e&isting differenes. +s managers and reators of the system they 0ill r#le
the f#t#re.( ) 1.-. -enator 6arry %old0ater$ from his book With No Apologies$ p. C3E
Bn the o#rse of 197D B 0as told that 2immy Carter had delared his andiday for the Jresideny and that he needed advie. B
deided$ therefore$ to approah him$ largely bea#se B felt that he 0o#ld spread the Trilateral Commissions onept of loser
and more ooperative relations bet0een the 1nited -tates on the one hand and 8#rope and 2apan on the other. B did not then
think of him as a andidate 0ith 0hom B 0o#ld beome losely identified. B 0rote him a note making an offer of help$ and
reeived in ret#rn a hand0ritten note$ dated *eember 31$ 197D5 To Gbignie0 6r?e?inski ) Thank yo# for yo#r offer to help me
0ith analyses of foreign affairs iss#es. B look for0ard to meeting 0ith yo# for a personal dis#ssion$ and hope that in the
meantime yo# 0o#ld let me have any memos or artiles 0hih 0o#ld be instr#tive to me. The Trilateral Com e&periene has
been a 0onderf#l opport#nity for me$ and B have #sed it perhaps even more than yo# o#ld kno0. ;o#r friend$ 2immy.((
) Power and Principle by *r. Gbignie0 6r?e?inski$ p.E
The Carter +dministration ass#med offie determined to improve relations 0ith !estern 8#rope and 2apan. 8nhaned politial
and eonomi ooperation 0ith these key partners had been the first obFetive listed in the foreign poliy goals do#ment B had
prepared for Jresident Carter. Moreover$ all the key foreign poliy deision makers of the Carter +dministration had previo#sly
served in the Trilateral Commission$ a private body dediated to the vie0 that 1.-. relations 0ith !estern 8#rope and 2apan
provide the strategi hard ore for both global stability and progress.(
) Power and Principle by *r. Gbignie0 6r?e?inski$ p. 3K
The ne0 Jresidents speifi vie0s on foreign affairs ) going beyond his desire for a foreign poliy governed by h#mane and
moral onerns ) had been formed d#ring his time 0ith the Trilateral Commission. Contrary to the #rrent myth$ the Trilateral
Commission is not a onspiray designed to dominate the 0orld b#t gen#inely strives to engage +merians$ !estern 8#ropeans$
and 2apanese in a ommon endeavor to shape a more ooperative 0orld. Many of its sessions and papers are dediated to s#h
themes as aid for the developing o#ntries$ arrangements for the fairer e&ploitation of the oeans$ or programs to delay or halt
the proliferation of n#lear 0eapons. Carter absorbed many of these themes and he atively partiipated in some of the
dis#ssion.( ) Power and Principle by *r. Gbignie0 6r?e?inski$ p. D9
<o organi?ation 0ith 0hih B have played a fo#nding role has attrated as m#h p#bli sr#tiny and attention as the Trilateral Commission.
Jat "obertson has insisted that Trilateral is trying to reate a 0orld government and laims that it springs from the depth of something evil.(
My son "ihard$ 0hen he 0as a st#dent at 9arvard in the 197,s$ told me his friends ass#med that Trilateral 0as part of a nefario#s
onspiray.( On the lighter side$ %arry Tr#dea#$ a#thor of the pop#lar L*oonesb#ryL omi strip$ delights in lampooning Trilateral. Bn one
lassi e&ample a slightly pa#nhy b#sinessman anno#nes to a bartender that he is in the mood to elebrate bea#se he has LF#st been
aepted for membership in the Trilateral Commission.L The bartender has never heard of the gro#p$ so the b#sinessman e&plains it is a
powerful coterie of statesmen and international financiers which periodically meets in secret to shape the destiny of the western
world. 9is Fob$ the b#sinessman relates$ is to set 0orld ?in pries.( Trilateral$ like 6ilderberg$ is a m#h more benign organi?ation than
the onspiray theorists have depited. Bt is a broadly based effort to bridge national differenes and. in this ase$ invite the 2apanese into the
international omm#nity. The idea for an organization including representatives from North merica! "urope! and #apan $ the three
centers of democratic capitalism $ resulted from my realization in the early %&'(s that power relationships in the world had
fundamentally changed. The )nited *tates! although still dominant! had declined relatively in terms of its economic power as both
+estern "urope and #apan recovered from the devastation of +orld +ar ,, and entered a period of dramatic economic growth and
e-pansion. s a result the comity that characterized relationships among these regions for more than two decades had deteriorated
alarmingly! and , believed something needed to be done. B spoke abo#t this in Marh 197C before Chase investment for#ms in Montreal.
Mondon$ 6r#ssels$ and Jaris$ alling for an international ommission for peae and prosperity( omposed of private iti?ens dra0n from the
<+TO o#ntries and 2apan to e&amine s#h vital fields as international trade and investment5 environmental problems5 ontrol of rime and
dr#gsN pop#lation ontrolN and assistane to developing nations.( B tho#ght it essential to inl#de the 2apanese for a n#mber of reasons. 4irst
of all$ 2apan had beome a global eonomi po0er$ and its high@H#ality prod#ts$ espeially a#tomobiles and eletronis$ had made inroads
into markets every0here. 2apanese e&port s#ess$ ho0ever$ had prod#ed a hostile reation in the 1nited -tates and 8#rope$ and there 0as a
strong pereption that 2apan 0as a free rider( on the international trading system$ aggressively e&ploiting opport#nities abroad 0hile only
gr#dgingly opening their domesti market. 2apan's eonomi pro0ess ombined 0ith its #rio#s rel#tane to engage serio#sly in
international dialog#e made it imperative to inl#de them in the proess B had in mind. .bigniew /rzezins0i! then teaching at Columbia
)niversity! was a /ilderberg guest that year! and we spo0e about my idea on the flight to /elgium for the meeting. , had been urging
the *teering Committee to invite #apanese participants for several years! and at our session that pril! , was again politely but firmly
told no. Gbig onsidered this reb#ff f#rther proof that my idea 0as 0ell fo#nded and #rged me to p#rs#e it. B arranged a follo0@#p meeting
0ith Gbig. "obert 6o0ie of the Center for Bnternational -t#dies at 9arvard$ 9enry O0en of the 6rookings Bnstit#tion$ and M%eorge 6#ndy
of the 4ord 4o#ndation$ 0ho all heartily endorsed my proposal to form a trilateral organi?ation. B then onvened a larger gro#p$ inl#ding
five 8#ropeans and fo#r 2apanese$ for a meeting at my o#ntry home in the s#mmer of 197C. +mong the 2apanese 0ere -ab#ro Okita$ 0ho
later beame minister of foreign affairs$ and :iihi Miya?a0a$ 0ho 0o#ld serve as minister of foreign affairs$ minister of finane$ and prime
minister. +fter a lengthy dis#ssion 0e determined to set #p the ne0 organi?ation. Gbig agreed to serve as diretor$ and 6enFy 4ranklin$ my
ollege roommate and olleag#e at the Co#nil on 4oreign "elations$ agreed to help 0ith organi?ational matters. Trilateral 0as established
on a trial basisN at the end of three years 0e 0o#ld revie0 its ativities and aomplishments and deide 0hether it sho#ld be ontin#ed. 8ah
region had its o0n e&e#tive ommittee and seretariat. +t o#r first e&e#tive ommittee meeting in Tokyo in Otober 1973$ t0o task fores
reported on politial and monetary relations among the three regions$ and 0e p#blished their findings in an effort to infl#ene the behavior of
o#r respetive governments. 4or the seond e&e#tive ommittee meeting in 6r#ssels in 2#ne 197D ) F#st after the first OJ8C oil shok( and
alls for a ne0 international eonomi order( ) 0e onentrated on the energy risis and relations 0ith developing o#ntries. !e ast o#r
nets 0idely in terms of membership and rer#ited labor #nion leaders$ orporate C8Os$ prominent *emorats and "ep#blians$ as 0ell as
disting#ished aademis$ #niversity presidents$ and the heads of not@for@profits involved overseas. !e assembled 0hat 0e believed 0ere the
best minds in +meria. The 8#ropeans and 2apanese assembled delegations of omparable distintion. The inl#sion among that first gro#p
of an obs#re *emorati governor of %eorgia ) 2ames 8arl Carter ) had an #nintended onseH#ene. + 0eek after Trilaterals first e&e#tive
ommittee meeting in !ashington in *eember 197E$ %overnor Carter anno#ned that he 0o#ld seek the *emorati nomination for
president of the 1nited -tates. B have to onfess that at the time B tho#ght he had little hane of s#ess. M#h to my ama?ement$ ho0ever$
he not only 0on the *emorati nomination b#t defeated Jresident %erald 4ord in the <ovember eletion. Carter's ampaign 0as s#btly anti@
!ashington and antiestablishment$ and he pledged to bring both ne0 faes and ne0 ideas into government. There 0as a good deal of
s#rprise$ then$ 0hen he hose fifteen members of Trilateral$ many of 0hom had served in previo#s administrations$ for his team$ inl#ding
7ie Jresident !alter Mondale. -eretary of -tate Cyr#s 7ane$ -eretary of *efense 9arold 6ro0n. -eretary of the Treas#ry Mihael
6l#menthal$ and Gbignie0 6r?e?inski as national se#rity advisor. Bn his 197E a#tobiography$ Why Not the Best?$ Carter 0rote that
membership on this ommission has provided me 0ith a splendid learning opport#nity$ and many of the other members have helped me in
the st#dy of foreign affairs.( Jreditably$ B 0as a#sed of trying to take ontrol of Carter's foreign poliy. +s eonomi onditions
0orsened in the late 197,s and the 1nited -tates s#ffered a series of foreign poliy reverses #lminating in the Branian hostage risis and the
-oviet invasion of +fghanistan$ Trilateral attrated a great deal of #nfavorable attention. Bn the 193, presidential primary ampaign$ for
instane$ one of "onald "eagans s#pporters ran an advertisement that stated$ The people 0ho bro#ght yo# 2immy Carter no0 0ant yo# to
vote for %eorge 6#sh$( and highlighted the membership of both in Trilateral. B am not s#re ho0 many votes 0ere hanged by this ad$ b#t
s#h is the nat#re of politis in a demorati soiety. B sho#ld note. 9o0ever$ that Jresident "eagan #ltimately ame to #nderstand Trilaterals
val#e and invited the entire membership to a reeption at the !hite 9o#se in +pril l93D. Bn *eember 1999$ on the trip bak from the
eremonies marking the offiial ret#rn of the Janama Canal$ Jresident Carter and B$ 0ho 0ere both members of the 1.-. delegation$ spoke
abo#t Trilateral. 9e again genero#sly redited the ommission 0ith broadening his #nderstanding of international iss#es and their impat on
the 1nited -tates. +nd that$ B 0o#ld arg#e$ is really the point. Trilateral has never been a sinister foreN rather$ it has provided an inval#able
for#m for dialog#e among the leadership of three pivotal regions of the 0orld. 1 am pleased that Trilateral remains a vigoro#s and effetive
ollaborator on the 0orld sene.(
) Memoirs by *avid "okefeller$ p. D1E@D13
The reassertion of the +merian ommitment to the alliane ehoed the mainstream vie0s held for almost t0o generations by
the very 8astern 8stablishment against 0hih Carter leveled his aref#lly programmed pop#list attaks. 8ven the trilateral note
0as hardly ne0. Bn his 19E3 %odkin let#res at 9arvard$ 2ohn 2. MCloy had predited the need for a gen#ine partnership 0ith
both %ermany and 2apan one they had reovered. 6#t sine 197C trilateralism( had beome a fashionable onept among 0hat
its members liked to all the Lforeign poliy omm#nity.L Bn that year *avid "okefeller$ 0orried that the liberal
internationalists of the !all -treet and !ashington la0 firms 0ho had managed 1.-. foreign poliy #nder "ep#blian and
*emorati administrations alike had been disredited by 7ietnam and replaed by dangero#s <i&onian nationalists like
Connally$ p#t #p the seed money and s#pplied his personal prestige for the Trilateral Commission$ 0hih 0as la#nhed the
follo0ing year. This private organi?ation$ omposed of the Lbest brainsL of the ind#strial 0orld$ as its e&e#tive diretor
reg#larly e&plained to reporters$ 0as a olletion of leading bankers$ senior orporate e&e#tives$ former high government
offiials$ and 0ell@onneted aademis. The 1.-. ontingent represented an aeptable list of the rih$ infl#ential$ and famo#s
s#h as any enterprising *emorati or "ep#bli f#ndraiser 0o#ld like to assemble. The 8#ropean and 2apanese representatives
seemed almost as impressive. Bnto this ompany 2immy Carter$ abo#t to finish his term as governor$ 0as ind#ted in the s#mmer
of 1973. L!e 0ere a little light on people from the -o#th$L %eorge 4ranklin$ an old "okefeller hand 0ho organi?ed the gro#p$
later e&plained. 9edley *onovan$ the p#blisher of Time, had ome #p 0ith his name. The Trilateral Commission 0as barely
mentioned in the 197K ampaign. !hen the Carter abinet 0as anno#ned$ a fe0 ol#mnists noted the oinidene that so many
of them belonged to Mr. "okefeller's ne0 organi?ation. 6y the time 2immy Carter ran for a seond term$ ho0ever$ the
Trilateral Commission 0as a maFor ampaign iss#e$ s#ddenly attaked from the 4ar "ight for being a olletion of rypto@
Comm#nists and one@0orlders and from the fringe Meft for being a "okefeller onspiray to t#rn the Third !orld over to the
m#ltinational orporations. Tho#gh the vie0 of the Meft 0as some0hat more pla#sible than that of the "ight$ both
harateri?ations 0ere e&essively respetf#l of the Trilateral Commissions ohesiveness$ infl#ene$ and drive. 6#t neither 0as
it F#st an elegant seminar. The ommission 0as important for 0hat it ahieved$ 0hih 0as very little$ b#t for its pretensions. The
Trilateral Commission did not mastermind the Carter presideny as some breathless ao#nts of the time ontended. On the
ontrary$ it arti#lated the needs and goals 0hih the administration failed to meet and gave #p trying to meet. 9igh offiials like
-eretary of -tate Cyr#s 7ane$ -eretary of *efense 9arold 6ro0n$ and -eretary of the Treas#ry Mihael 6l#menthal 0ere
not piked for the abinet bea#se they 0ere trilateralistsN they 0ere trilateralists bea#se they 0ere already part of the selet
pool of eligible national se#rity managers. .+ n#mber of yo#nger members of the ommission$ ho0ever$ s#h as "ihard
9olbrooke and C. 4red 6ergsten$ did manage to t#rn their trilateral ontats into assistant seretaryships./ The ommission had
as its p#rpose nothing less modest than the reation of a transnational elite 0ith a shared onsio#sness. The oordinated
management of the inreasingly interdependent market eonomies of <orth +meria$ 8#rope$ and 2apan had beome #rgent at
the very moment 0hen internationalist leaders 0ere beoming hard to find.(
) The Alliance: America-!rope-"apan, Makers o# the Postwar World by "ihard 2. 6arnet$ p. 3E9@3K,
*avid "okefeller tried o#t his idea of a Trilateral Commission at a 6ilderberg meeting. *avid tho#ght things 0ere falling
apart$( %eorge 4ranklin$ an old "okefeller assoiate$ realls$ and many shared his onern. 6ringing 2apan into reg#lar
international elite dis#ssions seemed like a good idea. Bf 0e are going to move effetively$( 4ranklin p#t it$ the ind#striali?ed
demoraies m#st not 0ork at ross p#rposes.( The ommission 0as formed in Otober 1973. Col#mbia 1niversity professor
Gbignie0 6r?e?inski$ a Jolish emigre 0ho gre0 #p in Canada and had impressed "okefeller 0ith a asade of ideas that ran
easily from orthodo& Cold !ar liberalism of the 19E,s to L0orld orderL onerns of the 197,s$ 0as made diretor. 2immy Carter
beame an eager partiipant. 9aving determined to r#n for president in 197K$ he sa0 the Trilateral Commission as a onvenient
gathering plae of the very men he m#st impress. The *emorati andidate in 197K$( 6r?e?inski predited in an intervie0 in
late 1973$ 0ill have to emphasi?e 0ork$ the family$ religion$ and$ inreasingly$ patriotism if he has any desire to be eleted.(
On this 2immy Carter agreed. +s far as 0orld order( 0as onerned$ the energeti$ ambitio#s$ b#t rather olorless politiian
0as eager to learn 0hat he o#ld from the professors rapid@fire presentations. Mike many members of the foreign poliy
omm#nity$( 6r?e?inski 0as onvined that the 7ietnam !ar$ the !aterloo of the elite$( 0as lost only bea#se the elite lost its
nerve. :issinger$ he told $os Angeles Times reporter "obert -heer in 2an#ary 1977 a fe0 days later after settling into his offie
in the !hite 9o#se as national se#rity adviser$ 0as perhaps the last spokesman for the fading elite.( !itho#t a ne0 elite
riding a ne0 0orld vie0$ the foreign poliy onsens#s o#ld not be p#t bak together again and 1.-. foreign poliy 0o#ld
remain paraly?ed. Trilateralism 0as an effort to moderni?e 1.-. foreign poliy thinking to enable the nation to ontin#e
e&erising leadership in a 0orld 0here allies 0ere no longer lients b#t ompetitors.(
) The Alliance: America-!rope-"apan, Makers o# the Postwar World by "ihard 2. 6arnet$ p. 3KC
T)"*12! )3)*T %&! %&4( 5 6etters New 2or0 Times
To the "ditor7
2ohn +nderson's Jresidential Campaign 8ffort
B have a s#spiion approahing onvition that 2ohn +ndersons try for the Jresideny 0as invented by$ or 0ith the onnivane
of$ the Trilateral Commission to #t into the *emorati vote and so se#re the eletion of "onald "eagan.
The Trilateral Commission$ fo#nded by *avid "okefeller in 1973$ is so alled bea#se it brings together top orporate and
finanial po0er$ pl#s a s#pporting ast of aademis$ politiians and labor #nion heads from <orth +meria$ !estern 8#rope
and 2apan. *avid "okefeller is its <orth +merian hairman.
+n e&traordinary fration of the Carter +dministration 0as dra0n from its membership5 Jresident Carter himself$ 7ie Jresident
Mondale$ -e#rity +dvisor 6r?e?inski$ e&@-eretary of -tate 7ane$ e&@-eretary of Treas#ry 6l#menthal$ -eretary of *efense
6ro0n$ *ep#ty -eretary of -tate !arren Christopher$ *ep#ty -eretary of 8nergy -a0hill$ 4ederal "eserve Chairman 7olker$
-peial +ssistant 9edley *onovan$ Co#nsel to the Jresident Mloyd C#tler and a sattering of other high f#ntionaries. .+ll s#h
persons ontin#e to be listed by the Trilateral Commission as 4ormer Members in J#bli -ervie.(/
6oth 2ohn +nderson$ the Bndependent andidate$ and %eorge 6#sh$ "ep#blian 7ie Jresidential andidates are or 0ere
members. -ine the entire listing from the 1.-. inl#ded only 9C members$ 13 in Lp#bli servie$L the Trilateral Commission is
offering an e&traordinary onentration of maFor aspirants in the oming eletion$ overing$ as it happens$ all three politial
Bn a sense$ 2ohn +nderson represents a replay of 2immy Carter's 197K andiday$ +nderson and Carter 0ere both members of the
Trilateral Commission from its ineption. 6oth beame andidates o#t of obs#rity5 2immy Carter a pean#t 0areho#seman and
one@term %overnor of %eorgiaN 2ohn +nderson an #ndisting#ished "ep#blian "epresentative from Bllinois.
6oth ome forth as maveriksN Carter as the anti@!ashington$ anti@8stablishment Jop#listN +nderson$ a right@0ing "ep#blian
0ith 0hat liberal *emorats regard as a dismal voting reord in the 9o#se s#ddenly emerging as a forthright liberal reahing o#t
for the independent vote$ the *emorats disill#sioned 0ith Carter and the single@iss#e votersN anti@n#ke$ pro@abortion$ anti@draft$
pro@8.".+.$ pro@g#n ontrol @ that last an almost s#re form#la in the past for losing eletions.
6#t if B am right$ +nderson 0as not designed to 0in this eletion$ b#t to #t into the *emorati vote.
"#nning initially as a andidate for the "ep#blian nomination$ he displayed his ne0 politial image and made his name
reogni?able. Then 0e 0ere treated to his agoni?ing deision 0hether to r#n as an Bndependent. <o agony. +s a "ep#blian
andidate he had already been eliminated by "eagan. To #t into the *emorati vote$ he had to r#n as an Bndependent.
9is reent onferene 0ith -enator :ennedy seems to me more of the same. Bt says to +merian voters5 -ee$ B'm not only loser
to the *emorats than to the "ep#blians$ B'm like a real$ a#thenti *emorat s#h as -enator :ennedy$ 0ho even agrees that 0e
are lose together on .some/ iss#es.
!hat all this means$ if B am right$ is that *avid "okefeller and his Trilateral Commission$ having had fo#r years of 2immy
Carter$ have deided that they an do even better 0ith "eagan and their man 6#sh. 9enry :issinger$ politial adviser to the
"okefeller family and member of the e&e#tive ommittee of the Trilateral Commission$ hailed "eagan at the "ep#blian
onvention as the tr#stee of o#r hopes.(
B think that 2ohn +nderson is the instr#ment designed by the Trilateral Commission to ass#re "eagan's eletion.
%8O"%8 !+M*
!oods 9ole$ Mass.$ +#g. 1D$ 193,
The 0riter is emerit#s professor of 6iology at 9arvard and o@reipient of the 19K7 <obel Jri?e for Mediine.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 1980 !etter" Ne# Yor$ Time"
To the E%itor&
7 never ceased to be amaCed at t!ose few among s w!o s)ot a cons)iracy nder every rock* a cabal in every corner.
+r)risingly* t!e latest to 8oin t!e cons)iracy t!eorists is Professor George Wald* a .obel lareate* w!o )ostlates in an Ag. $% letter t!at
K3o!n AndersonLs try for t!e Presidency was invented by* or wit! t!e connivance of* t!e "rilateral #ommission to ct into t!e Democratic
Professor Wald* alas is not alone in !is ss)icions.
"o some* t!e "rilateral #ommission is a sinister )lot by 0astern 0stablis!ment bsinessmen w!o will do almost anyt!ing 9 inclding going into
ca!oots wit! t!e Dremlin 9 for t!e sake of financial gain. "!e fact t!at many former members* inclding President #arter* are now members of
t!e Administration is !ailed as )roof of !ow devilis!ly well t!e cons)iracy works.
As fonder of t!e "rilateral #ommission and its crrent .ort! American c!airman* 7 am sally singled ot as t!e Mcabalist9in9c!iefN.
6ne recent tirade !ad me orc!estrating a )lot redce .ew /orkLs )o)lation to a))roJimately for million and si)!on off t!e sr)ls
)o)lation into slave labor cam)s...N "!e same )blication asserts t!at 7Lm already res)onsible for a fascist sc!eme in Latin America t!at M...led
to s!ifts in global weat!er )atterns* marked by drog!ts and severe winters in t!e -nited +tates.N
6riginally* t!is sort of nonsensical defamation was easy to dismiss. 7t came from t!e eJtreme fringes of t!e left and t!e rig!t* and 7 s))ose
being called a #ommnist and a fascist at t!e same time )ts me somew!ere near t!e center of t!e )olitical s)ectrm w!ere 7 am most
comfortable anyway.
Lately t!og!* t!e drm beat of inanities !as grown loder* and a few overactive imaginations !ave attem)ted some!ow to link t!e
commission wit! t!e $%4= Presidential election cam)aign.
7 t!og!t t!erefore t!at Professor Wald and !is co9cons)iracy t!eorists mig!t a))reciate an eJ)lanation of t!e mysterios organiCation t!at
seems to !ant t!eir every moment.
7 am afraid t!e reality is mc! less 8icy t!an t!e t!eories.
"!e "rilateral #ommission now !as abot '== members from .ort! America* Western 0ro)e and 3a)an. Abot one9Oarter are from t!e
-nited +tates and inclde not only bsiness )eo)le* bt labor nion leaders* niversity )rofessors and researc! institte directors*
congressmen and senators* media re)resentatives and ot!ers. "!ere are abot as many Re)blicans and Democrats* and most regions of t!e
nation are re)resented.
Among )resent and former -.+. members are t!e c!airman of t!e Re)blican .ational #ommittee* t!e )resident of t!e A.1.L.9#.7.6.* t!e
)blis!er of t!e #!icago +n9"imes and ot!ers w!o srely wold !ave difficlty !atc!ing t!e same )lot.
"!e "rilateral #ommission does not take )ositions on isses or endorse individals for elective or a))ointive office. 7t !olds meetings t!at
rotate from region to region and assigns task force re)orts t!at are discssed in commission sessions. Re)orts !ave dealt wit! different
as)ects of world trade* energy resorces* t!e 7nternational ,onetary +ystem* 0ast9West relations and more.
7s t!e commission secretiveP .ot at all. 1or Q$= a year* anyone can sbscribe to its Oarterly magaCine* M"rialoge*N and also receive )eriodic
mailings of task force re)orts. 1rt!er* we )blis! a list of t!e sorce of all -.+. contribtions in eJcess of QA.===. "!e only )art of or
)roceedings t!at is Koff t!e recordK are discssions at commission meetings* and we kee) t!ese )rivate to encorage nin!ibited criticism and
7s t!e commission eJclsiveP /es* in t!at we try to select only t!e most able and otstanding citiCens from t!e indstrial democracies. 7n t!at
conteJt* it is gratifying and not at all sr)rising t!at many former members are now Administration officials. ,y )oint is t!at far from being a
coterie of international cons)irators wit! designs on covertly conOering t!e world* t!e "rilateral #ommission is* in reality* a gro) of
concerned citiCens interested in identifying and clarifying )roblems facing t!e world and in fostering greater nderstanding a coo)eration
among international allies.
,y a)ologies* Professor Wald* Bt* as Walter #ronkite wold say* M"!atLs t!e way it is.N
DA:7D R6#D010LL0R
"!e #!ase ,an!attan Bank
.ew /ork* Ag. 5=* $%4=
+mmary of t!e "rilateral #ommission
(from t!e "rilateral #ommission;s website)
Abo't the (r)a*izatio*
The Trilateral Commission 0as formed in 1973 by private iti?ens of 2apan$ 8#rope .8#ropean 1nion o#ntries/$ and <orth
+meria .1nited -tates and Canada/ to foster loser ooperation among these ore demorati ind#striali?ed areas of the 0orld
0ith shared leadership responsibilities in the 0ider international system. Originally established for three years$ o#r 0ork has
been rene0ed for s#essive triennia .three@year periods/$ most reently for a trienni#m to be ompleted in C,,9.
!hen the first trienni#m of the Trilateral Commission 0as la#nhed in 1973$ the most immediate p#rpose 0as to dra0 together
Oat a time of onsiderable frition among governmentsOthe highest level #noffiial gro#p possible to look together at the key
ommon problems faing o#r three areas. +t a deeper level$ there 0as a sense that the 1nited -tates 0as no longer in s#h a
sing#lar leadership position as it had been in earlier post@!orld !ar BB years$ and that a more shared form of leadershipO
inl#ding 8#rope and 2apan in parti#larO0o#ld be needed for the international system to navigate s#essf#lly the maFor
hallenges of the oming years.
T0o strong onvitions g#ide o#r thinking for the C,,K@C,,9 trienni#m. 4irst$ the Trilateral Commission remains as important
as ever in helping o#r o#ntries f#lfill their shared leadership responsibilities in the 0ider international system and$ seond$ its
frame0ork needs to be 0idened to reflet broader hanges in the 0orld. Th#s$ the 2apan %ro#p has beome a Jaifi +sian
%ro#p$ and Me&ian members have been added to the <orth +merian %ro#p. The 8#ropean %ro#p ontin#es to 0iden in line
0ith the enlargement of the 81. !e are also ontin#ing in this trienni#m o#r pratie of inviting a n#mber of partiipants from
other key areas.
The gro0ing interdependene( that so impressed the fo#nders of the Trilateral Commission in the early 197,s is deepening into
globali?ation.( The need for shared thinking and leadership by the Trilateral o#ntries$ 0ho .along 0ith the prinipal
international organi?ations/ remain the primary anhors of the 0ider international system$ has not diminished b#t$ if anything$
intensified. +t the same time$ their leadership m#st hange to take into ao#nt the dramati transformation of the international
system. +s relations 0ith other o#ntries beome more mat#reOand po0er more diff#seOthe leadership tasks of the original
Trilateral o#ntries need to be arried o#t 0ith others to an inreasing e&tent.
The members of the Trilateral Commission are abo#t 3E, disting#ished leaders in b#siness$ media$ aademia$ p#bli servie
.e&l#ding #rrent national Cabinet Ministers/$ labor #nions$ and other non@governmental organi?ations from the three regions.
The regional Chairmen$ *ep#ty Chairmen$ and *iretors onstit#te the leadership of the Trilateral Commission$ along 0ith an
8&e#tive Committee inl#ding abo#t D, other members.
The ann#al meeting of Trilateral Commission members rotates among the three regions. Bt 0as held in !ashington in C,,3 and
6r#ssels in C,,7. The C,,9 plenary 0ill be held in Tokyo. The agendas for these meetings have addressed a 0ide range of
iss#es$ an indiation of ho0 broadly 0e see the partnership among o#r o#ntries. Jresentations from these meetings have been
p#blished in the Commission's .Trialog!e / series and=or posted #nder "eent +tivity on this 0eb site.
The proFet 0ork of the Trilateral Commission generally involves teams of a#thors from o#r three regions 0orking together for a
year or so on draft reports 0hih are dis#ssed in draft form in the ann#al meeting and then p#blished. The a#thors typially
ons#lt 0ith many others in the o#rse of their 0ork. The task fore reports .Triangle Papers / to the Trilateral Commission have
overed a 0ide range of topis.
The regional gro#ps 0ithin the Trilateral Commission arry on some ativities of their o0n. The 8#ropean %ro#p$ 0ith its
seretariat based in Jaris$ has an ann#al 0eekend meeting eah fall. The <orth +merian %ro#p$ 0ith its seretariat based in
!ashington *.C. began <orth +merian regional meetings in C,,C and oasionally gathers 0ith a speial speaker for a dinner
or l#nheon event. The ne0 Jaifi +sian %ro#p$ 0ith its seretariat based in Tokyo$ began regional meetings in C,,,. 8ah
region arries on its o0n f#nd@raising to provide the finanial s#pport needed for the Trilateral Commissions 0ork.
Frequently Asked Questions
+hat is the Trilateral Commission8 +hen and why was it formed8
The Trilateral Commission is a non@governmental$ poliy@oriented dis#ssion gro#p of abo#t 3E, disting#ished iti?ens from
!estern 8#rope$ <orth +meria and Jaifi +sia formed to eno#rage m#t#al #nderstanding and loser ooperation among
these three regions on ommon problems.
The idea of the Commission 0as developed in the early 197,s. This 0as a time of onsiderable disord among the 1nited -tates
and its demorati ind#striali?ed allies in !estern 8#rope$ 2apan$ and Canada. There 0as also a sense that the international
system 0as hanging in some basi 0ays 0ith rather #nertain impliations. Change 0as most obvio#s in the international
eonomy$ as !estern 8#rope and 2apan gained strength and the position of the 1.-. eonomy beame less dominant. The
inrease in global interdependene 0as to#hing the 1nited -tates in 0ays to 0hih it 0as not a#stomed.
Bn this setting$ the fo#nders of the Commission believed it important that ooperation among !estern 8#rope$ <orth +meria
.inl#ding Canada/$ and 2apan be s#stained and strengthened not only on iss#es among these regions b#t in a global frame0ork
as 0ell$ given the 0eight and leadership apaity of these o#ntries. Bt 0as hoped that a poliy@oriented dis#ssion gro#p
omposed of members of high stat#re$ b#t not inl#ding individ#als #rrently holding posts in their national administrations$
0o#ld help foster the habit and pratie of 0orking together among these three key regions by fo#sed analysis of the main
iss#es that lay ahead. The Commission 0as la#nhed in mid@1973 0ith a three@year mandate. Bt 0as later rene0ed for a seond
trienni#m .197K@79/$ and is no0 in its eleventh trienni#m$ 0hih ends in mid@C,,K.
+hat are the goals of the Trilateral Commission8
+t its first meeting$ held in Tokyo in Otober$ 1973$ the Trilateral Commissions 8&e#tive Committee iss#ed a delaration
o#tlining the organi?ations rationale and aims$ a delaration 0hih remains relevant today5
1. %ro0ing interdependene is a fat of life of the ontemporary 0orld. Bt transends and infl#enes national systems. Bt reH#ires
ne0 and more intensive forms of international ooperation to reali?e its benefits and to o#nterat eonomi and politial
C. This interdependene$ espeially among 2apan$ !estern 8#rope$ and <orth +meria$ generates ne0 problems and fritions
0hih endanger not only their 0ell@being b#t affet adversely the other regions.
3. +ltho#gh the risks of n#lear onfrontation have diminished$ 0orld peae and se#rity are still to be given a lasting basis.
<e0 problems have also emerged to heighten the v#lnerability of o#r planet. 9#manity is faed 0ith serio#s risks to the global
environment. +t the same time shortages in 0orld reso#res o#ld breed ne0 rivalries$ and 0idening disparities in mankind's
eonomi onditions are a threat to 0orld stability and an affront to soial F#stie.
D. !hile it is important to develop greater ooperation among all the o#ntries of the 0orld$ 2apan$ !estern 8#rope$ and <orth
+meria$ in vie0 of their great 0eight in the 0orld eonomy and their massive relations 0ith one another$ bear a speial
responsibility for developing effetive ooperation$ both in their o0n interests and in those of the rest of the 0orld. They share a
n#mber of problems 0hih$ if not solved$ o#ld a#se diffi#lties for all. They m#st make onerted efforts to deal 0ith the
hallenge of interdependene they annot manage separately. The aim m#st be effetive ooperation benefiial to all o#ntries$
0hatever their politial systems or stage of development.
To be effetive in meeting ommon problems$ 2apan$ !estern 8#rope$ and <orth +meria 0ill have to5
1. ons#lt and ooperate more losely$ on the basis of eH#ality$ to develop and arry o#t oordinated poliies on matters affeting
their ommon interestsN
C. refrain from #nilateral ations inompatible 0ith their interdependene and from ations detrimental to other regionsN
3. take advantage of e&isting international and regional organi?ations and f#rther enhane their role.
Trilateral ooperation 0ill be failitated as greater #nity is ahieved in 8#rope thro#gh the progress of the 8#ropean omm#nity
and as 8#rope and 2apan develop loser relations.
Bt 0ill be the p#rpose of the Trilateral Commission to generate the 0ill to respond in ommon to the opport#nities and hallenges
that 0e onfront and to ass#me the responsibilities that 0e fae.
The Commission 0ill seek to promote among 2apanese$ !est 8#ropeans$ and <orth +merians the habit of 0orking together on
problems of m#t#al onern$ to seek to obtain a shared #nderstanding of these omple& problems$ and to devise and disseminate
proposals of general benefit.
The ooperation 0e seek involves a s#stained proess of ons#ltation$ and m#t#al ed#ation$ 0ith o#r o#ntries oming loser
together to meet ommon needs. To promote s#h ooperation$ the ommission 0ill #ndertake an e&tensive program of trilateral
poliy st#dies$ and 0ill ooperate 0ith e&isting private instit#tions as appropriate.
The Commission hopes to play a reative role as a hannel of free e&hange of opinions 0ith other o#ntries and regions.
4#rther progress of the developing o#ntries and greater improvement of 8ast@!est relations 0ill be a maFor onern.
+ho are the members of the Trilateral Commission8
4or the kind of broad@based dis#ssion the Commissions fo#nders hoped to eno#rage$ it 0as important to dra0 leading iti?ens
from many setors of soiety and 0ith a variety of politial vie0s. The list of members no0 totaling abo#t 3E, indiates s#h
professional$ geographi$ and politial diversity. +mong the #rrent 1.-. members$ for e&ample$ the largest gro#p is dra0n from
b#siness$ banking and finane$ b#t these individ#als onstit#te only abo#t half of the total. There are also labor leaders$
ongressmen and senators$ #niversity professors$ and researh instit#te diretors. *emorats and "ep#blians are both 0ell@
represented. Members have been dra0n from all over the 1nited -tates and inl#de 0omen and ethni minorities. The
Commission believes this diversity is vital to a 0ell@ro#nded onsideration of the iss#es it addresses.
9ow are Trilateral Commission members chosen8
Membership is by invitation. Bn the 1nited -tates gro#p$ for e&ample$ the 8&e#tive Committee deides on invitations on the
basis of reommendations made by members and staff. + rotation poliy ens#res some openings eah year.
+hat about the individual roles of 1avid :oc0efeller! .bigniew /rzezins0i! ;resident Carter!
;resident 3eorge 9. +. /ush! <ice ;resident Cheney! ;aul <olc0er! and lan 3reenspan8
*avid "okefeller 0as the prinipal fo#nder of the Commission. 9e has served on the 8&e#tive Committee from the beginning
in mid@1973 and 0as <orth +merian Chairman from mid@1977 thro#gh <ovember$ 1991. Gbignie0 6r?e?inski played an
important role in the formation of the Commission. 9e 0as its first *iretor .1973@7K/ and its maFor intellet#al dynamo in those
years. *r. 6r?e?inski reFoined the Commission in 1931 and no0 serves on the 8&e#tive Committee. Jresident Carter 0as a
member from mid@1973 #ntil his eletion$ 0hen he left in aordane 0ith Commission r#les barring individ#als holding
administration posts. Jresident 6#sh 0as invited to Foin in early 1977 after he left the government. 9e resigned in late 1973$ t0o
years before he beame 7ie Jresident. "ihard 6. Cheney 0as a Commission member from 1997 #ntil he beame a andidate
for the 7ie Jresideny and resigned in C,,,. Ja#l 7olker and +lan %reenspan eah departed from membership$ in aordane
0ith Commission r#les$ #pon beoming Chairman of the 4ederal "eserve 6oard. Mr. 7olker 0as invited bak to the
Commission in -eptember 1937$ after stepping do0n as Chairman of the 4ed$ and he served as <orth +merian Chairman from
1991 to C,,1.
+hat is the main activity of the Trilateral Commission8
There are t0o main aspets of Commission ativity. 4irst are plenary meetings of the Commission. These are three@day
onferenes 0hih no0 take plae one a year$ rotating from region to region. + p#blished report on eah plenary is available$
overing key aspets of the meeting.
Task 4ore reports onstit#te the seond main aspet of Commission ativity. %enerally three e&perts @ one from Jaifi +sia$
one from <orth +meria$ and one from !estern 8#rope @ are hosen to 0ork together for ro#ghly a year in preparing a Foint
report on a parti#lar iss#e. The diversity of the iss#es overed is indiated by the titles of reent p#bliations5 ast Asia and the
%nternational &ystem .C,,1/N The New 'entral Asia: %n &earch o# &ta(ility .C,,,/N )*st 'ent!ry &trategies o# the Trilateral
'o!ntries: %n 'oncert or 'on#lict? .1999/N and Ad+ancing 'ommon P!rposes in the Broad Middle ast .1993/.
The a#thors ons#lt 0ith others inside and o#tside the Trilateral regions$ and a f#ll draft of their report is dis#ssed at one of the
ann#al meetings of the Commission. The three a#thors are free to present their o0n vie0s in these reports$ and their vie0s do
not p#rport to represent those of all Commission members. + fe0 reports that 0ere parti#larly ontroversial 0ithin the
Commission have been p#blished 0ith a s#mmary of dis#ssion in the bak. 4ifty@five reports have been p#blished so far.
8ah region also holds ann#al regional meetings to onsider topis of onern 0ithin the region and their signifiane to global
relationships. Bn addition$ eah region holds some events on its o0n.
9ow is the Trilateral Commission directed8
The Chairman and *ep#ty Chairman for eah of the three regions provide the olletive leadership of the Commission. They are
responsible for basi program planning s#h as seleting task fore topis and planning meetings and other events.
+n 8&e#tive Committee$ made #p of members from all three regions$ meets one a year to dis#ss possible task fore topis$ to
revie0 the 0ork of the Commission$ and to give general g#idane to the Chairmen and *ep#ty Chairmen.
The day@to@day 0ork of the Commission is arried o#t by small staffs in !ashington *C$ Tokyo$ and Jaris$ eah #nder the
s#pervision of a regional *iretor.
,s the Trilateral Commission a government agency8 ;art of the )nited Nations8 Connected to the
Council on =oreign :elations or the /roo0ings ,nstitution8
The Trilateral Commission is an independent organi?ation. Bt is not part of the 1.-. or any other government$ nor the 1nited
<ations. Bt has no formal ties 0ith the Co#nil on 4oreign "elations or 6rookings Bnstit#tion or any s#h organi?ation$ altho#gh
many Commission members are assoiated 0ith organi?ations like these.
,s the Trilateral Commission secret8
<o. "ight from the beginning$ the Commissions membership list and informational materials on its aims and ativities have
been available to all free of harge. 8ah of the Commissions task fore reports is p#blily available$ as is the p#bliation
providing e&tensive overage of eah ann#al plenary meeting. Bnformation on the Commissions f#nding and maFor ontrib#tors
is also available. The agenda and a list of partiipants for eah plenary meeting are reg#larly distrib#ted. Jress onferenes are
held d#ring the meetings$ and draft task fore reports are #stomarily made available to the press. Only the dis#ssions at the
meetings are kept off@the@reord$( to eno#rage frankness and ma&imi?e the learning proess for members.
+hy! then! have many people not 0nown of the Trilateral Commission8
The Commission has been overed in maFor ne0spapers and ne0s maga?ines inl#ding$ among others$ Newsweek, Time, ,-&-
News and World .eport, The New York Times, Washington Post, 'hristian &cience Monitor, 'hicago &!n-Times, and $os
Angeles Times- These and other artiles apparently have not reated a s#stained a0areness of the Commissions 0ork among
most people. !ith plenary meetings taking plae only one a year$ and 0ith task fore reports adopting a time@frame that is not
ompatible 0ith most daily ne0s reports$ s#h an a0areness is not easy to reate. The Commission 0elomes overage of its
J#bli #nderstanding and dis#ssion of international iss#es are onsidered to be of great importane by the Trilateral
Commission. The Commission reali?es$ ho0ever$ that it is only part of a m#h larger nongovernmental effort aimed at
eno#raging international ooperation and #nderstanding. Other organi?ations onentrate on other aspets of the total task for
e&ample$ sholarly e&hanges or iti?en ed#ation in 0orld affairs.
,s the Trilateral Commission trying to establish a world government8
<o. The Trilateral Commission eno#rages international ooperation on many iss#es$ b#t does not promote a 0orld government.
<o Commission report proposes that national governments be dissolved and a 0orld government be reated. Bndivid#als or
organi?ations 0ho believe the Trilateral Commission s#pports or intends to form a 0orld government are misinformed.
,s the Trilateral Commission a club for the benefit of the rich countries only8
<o. +ltho#gh the Commission membership does not inl#de individ#als from the developing areas$ their needs are onsidered
important in the broad frame0ork of global peae and prosperity. To this end$ individ#als from developing o#ntries are
reg#larly invited to partiipate in Commission meetings. Bn addition$ a variety of reports to the Commission over the years have
fo#sed on problems of developing o#ntries$ inl#ding The New 'entral Asia: %n &earch o# &ta(ility .C,,,/N Ad+ancing
'ommon P!rposes in the Broad Middle ast .1993/N ngaging .!ssia .199E/N An merging 'hina in a World o#
%nterdependence .199D/N Beyond %nterdependence: The Meshing o# the World/s conomy and the arth/s cology .1991/N and
$atin America at a 'rossroads .199,/. 4#rthermore$ speakers from developing o#ntries have addressed most plenary meetings
sine 193,.
To have added individ#als from all the developing areas as 0ell as iti?ens from the ind#striali?ed demoraies in the
Commissions membership 0o#ld have made the Commission too large for effetive dis#ssion. !e reogni?e that onstr#tive
sol#tions to global problems reH#ire agreement in a m#h broader frame0ork. Bn this global effort$ the ind#strial demorati
regions remain a vital ore$ 0ith parti#lar 0eight and responsibility for 0ider progress.
,s the Trilateral Commission a conspiracy to control the ).*. government8
<o. Jresident Carter 0as a member of the Trilateral Commission before he beame Jresident$ and many members of his
+dministration 0ere members of the Commission before taking on their government Fobs. 8very +dministration sine then has
inl#ded former Commission members. 6#t this fat did not then$ nor does it no0$ indiate ontrol of the 1.-. government by
the Commission.
4irst$ members m#st resign from the Commission #pon aepting an +dministration post.
-eond$ as noted earlier$ the Commission has a very diverse membership in terms of both geography and o#pation. Bt is also
fairly evenly divided in the 1nited -tates bet0een "ep#blians and *emorats$ and it does not take an instit#tional position on
parti#lar iss#es. +side from its general emphasis on ons#ltation and ooperation 0ith !estern 8#rope and 2apan$ there is no
Commission line( on poliy H#estions. Task 4ore reports do not presribe day@to@day ationsN and the Commission does not
lobby for parti#lar legislation or for andidates.
Third$ the men and 0omen 0ho Foin the Commission are of o#tstanding ability$ reeive their information from many so#res$
and think for themselves. 4or many members$ partiipation in Commission ativities does not e&tend beyond attendane at the
ann#al plenary meeting. The Commission$ thro#gh these onferenes and its p#bliations$ does hope to provide an additional
ed#ational e&periene for its members$ 0hile sim#ltaneo#sly ontrib#ting to the general poliy debate in this o#ntry and
else0here$ b#t it annot and does not attempt to do more than this.
-ome individ#als believe that the Trilateral Commission someho0 arranged Jresident Carters eletion in 197K. This is a far@
fethed misoneption. The Commission is entirely non@partisan and has never s#pported any andidate. Bn the ase of Jresident
Carter$ one need only reall that he reeived his partys nomination after a very demanding primary proess. This 0as learly not
some kind of bakroom deal( that o#ld be arranged by a fe0 persons. *avid "okefeller is #s#ally ited as the person
responsible for making Carter Jresident$( yet he voted for and s#pported Jresident 4ord.
Bn the ase of later presidential ampaigns$ many members #ndo#btedly s#pported parti#lar "ep#blian$ *emorat$ or
Bndependent andidates$ b#t the Commission 0as not$ and by its nat#re o#ld not be$ ommitted to any andidate.
9ow did it happen that ;resident Carter chose %' of his top officials from the ran0s of the
Trilateral Commission8
6ea#se Jresident Carter 0as not parti#larly 0ell@kno0n in the field of foreign poliy$ ho0 he 0as seleted for Commission
membership may be of interest. Bn the spring of 1973$ the fo#nders of the Commission 0ere meeting in !ashington to think
abo#t f#t#re members. They had dra0n #p a slate 0hih satisfied their reH#irements of ability$ o#pational diversity$ and
geographial mi& e&ept that the -o#th 0as #nder@represented. Bt 0as deided$ therefore$ to ons#lt 0ith some individ#als in
+tlanta abo#t prospetive members from the -o#th. These individ#als reommended %overnor Carter$ partly bea#se they felt
he had been a very able governor$ and partly bea#se he had taken onsiderable interest in 2apanese and !est 8#ropean trade
offies for the -tate of %eorgia. 9e 0as invited to Foin the Commission$ and he aepted.
!hen he 0as eleted Jresident$ Mr. Carter nat#rally t#rned to some of the people in the Trilateral Commission 0hose abilities
and personalities he had ome to kno0 to ask them to Foin his ne0 +dministration. Most$ if not all$ of these men and 0omen
0o#ld have been nat#ral hoies for any *emorati Jresident$ 0hether or not they 0ere members of the Trilateral Commission.
+ho =inances the Trilateral Commission8
The largest shares of the f#nds reeived in the 1nited -tates sine the ineption of the Commission have ome from a variety of
fo#ndations and an even 0ider range of orporations. + list of all ontrib#tors in the 1nited -tates 0ho have given over PE,,, is
available by e@mail. The Trilateral Commission reeives no finanial s#pport from the 1nited -tates government. 4#ndraising in
2apan and !estern 8#rope .and Canada/ is handled independently. -ine fo#ndations are not as ommon in 2apan and !estern
8#rope$ a larger portion of the f#nding in those regions omes from orporations.
+hat then has been the impact of the Commission8
The Commissions impat an be F#dged in at least three different 0ays5
One 0ay is in terms of the general onepts advaned by the Commission. "eognition of the importane of ooperation among
the main ind#striali?ed demorati o#ntries is indiated most learly by the holding of ann#al plenary meetings$ a pratie
0hih began a fe0 years after the Commissions reation and 0hih has ontin#ed ever sine. "eognition of the gro0ing
international role of 2apan$ another key aspet of the Trilateral( idea$ has made onsiderable progress$ inside as 0ell as o#tside
2apan. "eognition of the e&panding identity of 8#rope .0ith the enlargement of the 8#ropean 1nion/ and of the development of
a Jaifi +sian onsio#sness has been refleted in the Commissions e&panded membership. The progress of these general
ideas is primarily attrib#table to developments beyond the Commission$ of o#rse$ b#t the Commissions 0ork has ontrib#ted
to the general atmosphere in 0hih they have gained inreased aeptane.
The Commissions impat may also be F#dged on the basis of the personal ties established among members. 9ere the ties to
2apan have been parti#larly important$ sine the 2apanese had not had m#h e&periene of this nat#re prior to the Commissions
fo#nding. Ties bet0een 2apan and !estern 8#rope had been parti#larly 0eak. Today's e&panded 8#ropean and Jaifi +sian
membership has ontin#ed and broadened ties bet0een the three Trilateral regions.
+ third 0ay to look at the Commissions impat is by traing the progress of parti#lar task fore proposals. Most Trilateral task
fore reports have so#ght to provide perspetive and diretion rather than to speify onrete ne&t steps.(
01rom a "apanese point o# +iew, % (elie+e the Trilateral 'ommission has played an immensely !se#!l role in (ringing !s more
closely into the international concert- 1irst, and most important to !s, "apan --- was in+ol+ed since the +ery (eginning in the
e2ploratory stages which led to the 'ommission/s creation- This was pro(a(ly the #irst time "apan had (een associated as an
e3!al partner in a disc!ssion gro!p o# s!ch importance and magnit!de- &econd, !nlike the ,nited &tates where (!sinessmen and
lawyers o#ten #ind their way on loan to the go+ernment, pri+ate citi4ens in "apan seldom ha+e a chance to see and think a(o!t
world a##airs #rom a general and (roader point o# +iew- Their 5oining the Trilateral 'ommission has ena(led them to do 5!st
that ---- 678isc!ssions within the 'ommission do a##ect the thinking o# o!r go+ernments and in some cases9altho!gh indirectly9
their policy decisions- %n this sense, % (elie+e that the 'ommission has made a di##erence9e+en i# a n!m(er o# cr!cial pro(lems,
trade relations #or e2ample, still e2ist among the trilateral co!ntries-:
;iichi Miya4awa, #ormer "apanese 1inance Minister and 1oreign Minister and #o!nding mem(er and #ormer "apanese
'hairman o# the Trilateral 'ommission
Jrominent members of the Trilateral Commission meet 0ith 1nited -tates Jresident %erald 4ord at the !hite 9o#se in
!ashington$ *.C. in 197D. To Jresident 4ords immediate left is *avid "okefeller and Gbignie0 6r?e?inski. 4ormer 1.-.
+ttorney %eneral and 1.-. -eretary of *efense 8lliot M. "ihardson is seated third person to right of Jresident 4ord.
8&erpts from the -an 4raniso Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Marh 1937
8&erpts from the -an 4raniso Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Marh 1937
8&erpts from the -an 4raniso Meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Marh 1937
9enry :issinger .enter/ and *avid "okefeller .right/ meet 0ith 4oreign Minister of 2apan -#nao -onoda at the 1,
Meeting in Tokyo$ 2apan in +pril 1979. .-o#re5 Trilateral Commission Trialog!e "eport/
7llstrated @istory of t!e "rilateral #ommission
Co#nt Otto %raf Mambsdorff .left/ appears 0ith 8#ropean Chairman Jeter -#therland .seond from left/$ %erman %ro#p
Chairman Mihael 4#hs .seond from right/ and %erman politiian .later Chanellor/ +ngela Merkel .far right/ at the Otober
C,,D 8#ropean Meeting in the %erman 6#ndestag in 6erlin$ %ermany. Otto %raf Mambsdorff$ Jeter -#therland$ and Mihael
4#hs 0ere members of the Trilateral Commission in Otober C,,D.

"rilateral #ommission member David Rockefeller stands beside "rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard @olbrooke (left)*
+enator 3ay Rockefeller (center and rig!t) and @enry Dissinger (rig!t) at an Asia +ociety )arty.
Jeter -#therland .left/ and Mihael 4#hs .enter/ presents Otto %raf Mambsdorff 0ith an alb#m ommemorating his many years of
servie to the Commission on the oasion of his 3,th birthday in 6erlin$ %ermany in Marh C,,7. +ll three men are members of the
Trilateral Commission. .Jhoto5>Bn>Memoriam.pdf/
"rilateral #ommission member @enry 6wen (left)* a s)ecial -.+. re)resentative* meets wit! Prime ,inister of 3a)an ,asayos!i
6!ira in $%&%. (Associated Press P!oto) !tt)(22www.brettonwoods.org2node2'%&
-oviet Commissar Mikhail %orbahev .3
left/ appears 0ith Trilateral Commission members d#ring a meeting in Moso0$ -oviet
1nion on 2an#ary 13$ 1939. 4rom left to right5 *avid "okefeller$ %eorges 6erthoin$ Mikhail %orbahev$ 7alery %isard d8staing$
9enry :issinger$ ;as#hiro <akasone$ and ;oshio Oka0ara.
"rilateral #ommission members (from left to rig!t) Peter D. +t!erland* +adako 6gata* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* Pal A. :olcker*
and David Rockefeller stand in front of a camera at a "rilateral #ommission )arty on December $* $%%4.
1ormer -.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger c!ats (left) wit! Giovanni Agnelli* t!e !onorary c!airman of 1iat* before t!e $%%4 +occer World
#) Oarter final matc! between 1rance and 7taly at t!e +tade de 1rance in +aint9Denis* 1rance on 3ly '* $%%4. +e*ry ,i""i*)er a*%
Gio-a**i A)*e..i atte*%e% the 1998 /i.%erber) Meeti*)" he.% at T'r*berry +ote. i* Ayr"hire, S0ot.a*% i* May 19981 @enry Dissinger
and Giovanni Agnelli were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Gerard 3lien2A1P2Getty 7mages)
"!e t!ree c!airmen of t!e "rilateral #ommission Georges Bert!oin of 1rance (left)* David Rockefeller of t!e -nited +tates of
America (center)* and 7sam /amas!ita of 3a)an (rig!t) lag! dring a )ress conference before t!e o)ening of t!e annal
conference on A)ril 5$* $%%=. (Devin Larkin2A1P2Getty 7mages)
:ictor D. 1ng (left)* #!airman of t!e @ong Dong "rade Develo)ment #oncil* and Peter +t!erland* #!airman of Goldman
+ac!s 7nternational and BP Amoco* s!ake !ands at t!e start of t!e 5nd 3oint )lenary meeting of t!e 0-9@ong Dong Bsiness
#oo)eration in London on 6ctober 5&* $%%%. :ictor D. 1ng and Peter D. +t!erland are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(Adrian Dennis2A1P2Getty 7mages)
+ !orld Joliy Conferene .!JC/ C,1C onferene is held in Cannes$ 4rane on *eember 1,$ C,1C. 4rom left to right5
*ominiH#e MoSsi$ -peial +dvisor at BfriN 9an -#ng@Foo$ 4ormer Minister of 4oreign +ffairs of the "ep#bli of :oreaN 2im
9oagland$ Contrib#ting 8ditor to The !ashington JostN *onald 2ohnston$ 4o#nding Jartner$ 9eenan 6laikieN former -eretary@
%eneral of the Organisation for 8onomi Cooperation and *evelopment .O8C*/N -erg#ei :araganov$ Chairman of the
Jresidi#m of the Co#nil on 4oreign and *efense JoliyN Bgor ;#rgens$ Chairman of the Management 6oard of the Bnstit#te of
Contemporary *evelopment$ Moso0N !ang 2isi$ *ean of the -hool of Bnternational -t#dies$ Jeking 1niversity$ and diretor
of the Center for Bnternational and -trategi -t#dies$ Jeking 1niversity. 9an *ung5>oo and +ang #isi are members of the
Trilateral Commission? 1omini@ue MoAsi is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.
+ !orld Joliy Conferene .!JC/ C,1C onferene is held in Cannes$ 4rane on *eember 1,$ C,1C. 4rom left to right5
*ominiH#e MoSsi$ -peial +dvisor at BfriN 9an -#ng@Foo$ 4ormer Minister of 4oreign +ffairs of the "ep#bli of :oreaN 2im
9oagland$ Contrib#ting 8ditor to The !ashington JostN *onald 2ohnston$ 4o#nding Jartner$ 9eenan 6laikieN former -eretary@
%eneral of the Organisation for 8onomi Cooperation and *evelopment .O8C*/N -erg#ei :araganov$ Chairman of the
Jresidi#m of the Co#nil on 4oreign and *efense JoliyN Bgor ;#rgens$ Chairman of the Management 6oard of the Bnstit#te of
Contemporary *evelopment$ Moso0N !ang 2isi$ *ean of the -hool of Bnternational -t#dies$ Jeking 1niversity$ and diretor
of the Center for Bnternational and -trategi -t#dies$ Jeking 1niversity. 9an *ung5>oo and +ang #isi are members of the
Trilateral Commission? 1omini@ue MoAsi is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.
3acob A. 1renkel (left)* former Governor of t!e Bank of 7srael (7srael;s central bank)* greets former -.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry
Dissinger (rig!t) at t!e 0conomic #lb of .ew /ork in .ew /ork #ity on A)ril $=* 5=$'. 1renkel and Dissinger are members of
t!e "rilateral #ommission in A)ril 5=$'. (P!oto( 0conomic #lb of .ew /ork)
Pal A. :olcker (rig!t) dis)lays a gift w!ile Roger W. 1ergson 3r.* former :ice #!airman of t!e 1ederal Reserve* smiles dring
a banOet !eld at t!e 0conomic #lb of .ew /ork in .ew /ork #ity on ,ay 5%* 5=$'. Pal A. :olcker and Roger W. 1ergson
3r. were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in 5=$5. (P!oto( 0conomic #lb of .ew /ork)
#rrent and former )residents of t!e 1ederal Reserve Bank of .ew /ork )ose for a gro) )ortrait on ,ay $* 5=$<. 1rom left to
rig!t( William 3. ,cDonog!* William #. Ddley* Pal A. :olcker* 0. Gerald #orrigan* and "imot!y 1. Geit!ner. All five men are
or were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission and t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. 0veryone eJce)t for William #. Ddley
attended t!e Bilderberg ,eetings conference in t!e )ast. (P!oto( 1ederal Reserve)
4ederal "eserve bankers pose for a gro#p portrait at the 4ederal "eserve headH#arters in !ashington$ *.C. on 2#ne 1K$ C,1D.
4rom left to right5 2erome 9. Jo0ell$ 4ederal "eserve Chairman *r. 2anet ;ellen$ *r. Mael 6rainard$ and 4ederal "eserve 7ie
Chairman *r. -tanley 4isher. +ll fo#r individ#als are members of the Co#nil on 4oreign "elations$ a private organi?ation in
<e0 ;ork City. *r. Mael 6rainard and *r. -tanley 4isher 0ere members of the Trilateral Commission.
.Jhoto5 4ederal "eserve/
Left to rig!t( 0rnesto Bedillo (former President of ,eJico)* 3acob 1renkel (former Governor of t!e Bank of 7srael)* +tanley 1isc!er (Governor of
t!e Bank of 7srael)* and Pal Adol)! :olcker (former #!airman of t!e 1ederal Reserve) )artici)ate in t!e A%t! Plenary +ession of t!e Gro) of
"!irty (G9'=) t!at was !eld on ,ay 5<95>* 5==4. All for men are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( Gro) of "!irty)
Left to rig!t( Drt #am)bell* Anne9,arie +lag!ter (Dean of Woodrow Wilson +c!ool at Princeton -niversity)* 3ames B. +teinberg* and 1rancis
1kyama )artici)ate in a #enter for a .ew American +ecrity meeting on 3ne 5&* 5==&. 0veryone in t!is )!oto was a member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission in 5==&. 0veryone eJce)t for 1rancis 1kyama is crrently serving in t!e -.+. De)artment of +tate in t!e 6bama
administration. 3ames B. +teinberg is t!e crrent De)ty +ecretary of +tate* Anne9,arie +lag!ter is t!e crrent +tate De)artment Director of
Policy Planning +taff* and Drt #am)bell is t!e crrent Assistant +ecretary of +tate for 0ast Asian and Pacific Affairs.
(P!oto( #enter for a .ew American +ecrity)
Re)blican Party vice )residential nominee +ara! Palin meets wit! former -.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger in t!e #olmbia ,ission on
Park Avene in .ew /ork #ity on +e)tember 5'* 5==4. @enry Dissinger is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Reters)
-.+. +ecretary of +tate @illary #linton (L) greets former +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger at a dinner after t!e first meeting of t!e -.+.9#!ina
+trategic and 0conomic Dialoge in Was!ington* D.#. on 3ly 54* 5==%. (Reters)
O6+M+ +*MB<B-T"+TBO< T T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO<
President Barack 6bama dro)s by .ational +ecrity Advisor Gen. 3ames 3onesL meeting wit! former national secrity advisors in t!e +itation
Room of t!e W!ite @ose on ,arc! 5<* 5=$=. +eated at t!e table* from left to rig!t are( Brent +cowcroft* Robert KBdK ,c1arlane* #olin
Powell (former -.+. +ecretary of +tate)* Dennis Ross (+enior .ational +ecrity #oncil Director for t!e central region)* +andy Berger* 1rank
#arlcci (former -.+. +ecretary of Defense and former #!airman of t!e #arlyle Gro))* and Bbigniew BrCeCinski. 0veryone seated at t!e
table in t!e +itation Room eJce)t for Barack 6bama is a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. 2bi)*ie# /rzezi*"$i #a" a member
of the Tri.atera. 3ommi""io*1 (6fficial W!ite @ose P!oto by Pete +oCa) !tt)(!otos2w!ite!ose2<>=%==A'$42
Prime ,inister of 7taly ,ario ,onti (left) meets wit! -.+. President Barack 6bama at t!e W!ite @ose in Was!ington* D.#.* -.+.A. on
1ebrary %* 5=$5. ,ario ,onti is a longtime member of t!e "rilateral #ommission and a reglar Bilderberg ,eetings )artici)ant.
(Pablo ,artineC ,onsivais2AP)
-.+. President Barack 6bama (rig!t) s!akes !ands wit! +weden;s 1oreign ,inister #arl Bildt (center) as Britis! 1oreign +ecretary William
@age (left) looks on at t!e start of t!e 7nternational +ecrity Assistance 1orce meeting on Afg!anistan dring t!e 5=$5 .A"6 +mmit at t!e
,c#ormick Place convention center in #!icago on ,ay 5$* 5=$5. #arl Bildt is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Getty 7mages)
President9elect Barack 6bama s!ares a lag! wit! Pal :olcker (left)* former #!airman of t!e 1ederal Reserve* as !e s)eaks at a news
conference in #!icago on .ovember 5>* 5==4. Barack 6bama a))ointed Pal :olcker to serve as t!e new c!airman of t!e 0conomic
Recovery Advisory Board. Pal :olcker is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Associated Press)
-.+. President Barack 6bama (#) meets wit! former -.+. +ecretary of +tate George +!ltC (L) and former -.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry
Dissinger (R) in t!e 6val 6ffice of t!e W!ite @ose on ,ay $%* 5==%. @enry Dissinger is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission and a reglar
Bilderberg ,eetings )artici)ant. @enry Dissinger and George +!ltC are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (Reters)
-.+. +enator Dianne 1einstein (left) s!akes !ands wit! -.+. President Barack 6bama after !e took t!e 6at! of 6ffice as t!e <<t! President of
t!e -nited +tates* dring t!e inagration ceremony in Was!ington* D.#. on 3anary 5=* 5==%. Dianne 1einstein is a member of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. (Reters)
-.+. President Barack 6bama (left) s!akes !ands wit! international banker 3amie Dimon* t!e #!airman and #06 of 3P ,organ #!ase* dring
a meeting of bsiness leaders at a !otel in Was!ington* D.#. on ,arc! $5* 5==%. 3amie Dimon is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Democratic Party )residential candidate +enator Barack 6bama (D97llinois) meets wit! !is foreign )olicy )anel of former -.+. government
officials at a !otel in Was!ington D.#. on 3ne $4* 5==4. 1rom left to rig!t are former #linton administration advisor Greg #raig* former #linton
de)ty national secrity advisor 3ames +teinberg* former national secrity advisor Ant!ony Lake* former -.+. +enator David Boren (D9
6kla!oma)* former -.+. #ongressman Lee @amilton (D97ndiana)* +enator 6bama* former +ecretary of +tate ,adeleine Albrig!t* former
+ecretary of Defense William 3. Perry* 6bama;s senior foreign )olicy adviser +san 0. Rice* former -.+. Re). "im Roemer (D97ndiana) and
former +ecretary of t!e .avy Ric!ard DanCig. +teinberg* Rice* and Albrig!t are (or were) members of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time
t!is )!oto was taken. @amilton and Roemer are former members of t!e %2$$ #ommission. (Reters)
Democratic Party )residential candidate +en. Barack 6bama (left) acknowledges t!e crowd as .ational -rban Leage President and #06
,arc ,orial t!anks !im before t!e adience at t!e .ational -rban Leage in 6rlando* 1lorida on Agst 5* 5==4. ,arc ,orial is a member of
t!e "rilateral #ommission. (AP P!oto)
Democratic Party )residential contender -.+. +enator Barack 6bama (D97L) (center) s!akes !ands wit! -.+. +enator 3ay Rockefeller (D9W:)
as !e ste)s off t!e )lane in #!arleston* West :irginia on ,arc! 5=* 5==4. -.+. +enator 3ay Rockefeller is a member of t!e "rilateral
#ommission and a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (AP P!oto)
-.+. President9elect Barack 6bama (#) is 8oined by designated #7A Director* former W!ite @ose c!ief of staff Leon Panetta (L)* and
designated .ational 7ntelligence Director* retired -.+. .avy Admiral Dennis Blair* at a news conference at !is transition office in Was!ington*
D.#. on 3anary %* 5==%. Dennis Blair was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Reters)
Democratic Party )residential candidate -.+. +enator Barack 6bama greets former "reasry +ecretary Lawrence +mmers (left) dring a
meeting wit! some of !is to) economic advisors at t!e 6mni +!ore!am @otel in Was!ington* D.#. on 3ly 54* 5==4. Lawrence +mmers is a
member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Lawrence +mmers attended t!e Bilderberg
,eetings in #!antilly* :irginia in 3ne 5==4. (Getty 7mages)
+enate 7ntelligence #ommittee #!air +en. Dianne 1einstein (left* D9#alifornia) meets wit! Director of .ational 7ntelligence9designate Adm.
Dennis Blair (-.+. .avy* retired) in !er office on #a)itol @ill in Was!ington* D.#. on 3anary $5* 5==%. Dianne 1einstein and Dennis Blair are
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (AP P!oto)
@enry Dissinger a))ears wit! (clockwise from ))er left) +ara! Palin* 3o!n ,c#ain* President George W. Bs!* and @illary #linton. 3o!n
,c#ain and @illary #linton were )residential candidates in 5==4. +ara! Palin was a vice )residential candidate in 5==4.
%8O"%8 !. 61-9 +*MB<B-T"+TBO< T T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO<
President George W. Bs! (left) waves as t!e former +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger smiles for t!e camera dring a meeting
at t!e 0conomic #lb of .ew /ork in .ew /ork #ity on ,arc! $<* 5==4. (Reters)
President George W. Bs! makes remarks on t!e #entral American 1ree "rade Agreement (#A1"A) at t!e W!ite @ose on 3ne 5'* 5==A.
Democratic and Re)blican officials from )revios administrations stand wit! t!e President in s))ort of t!e agreement. 1rom left to rig!t(
former -.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger (.iJon and 1ord)? former -.+. "rade Re)resentative #arla A. @ills (G.@.W. Bs!)? President
George W. Bs!? former -.+. +ecretary of #ommerce William Daley (#linton)? and former -.+. +ecretary of Agricltre Dan Glickman. @enry
Dissinger and #arla A. @ills were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in 5==A. (Ron +ac!s2#.P2#orbis)
#oncil on 1oreign Relations President Ric!ard .. @aass (seated on t!e far rig!t) watc!es President George W. Bs! deliver a s)eec! to
members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations at t!e @arold Pratt @ose in .ew /ork #ity on December &* 5==A. Ric!ard .. @aass was a
member of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken in 5==A. (W!ite @ose )!oto by Pal ,orse)
President George W. Bs!* backed by -.+. +enator 0dward M"edN Dennedy (D9,assac!setts) and -.+. +enator Dianne 1einstein (D9
#alifornia)* looks ) w!ile signing t!e 0n!anced Border +ecrity and :isa 0ntry Reform Act at t!e Dwig!t D. 0isen!ower 0Jective 6ffice
Bilding in Was!ington* D.#.* -.+.A. on ,ay $<* 5==5. "!e bill )rovides for additional new investigators and ins)ectors for t!e 7mmigration and
.atraliCation +ervice* reOires foreign visitors to carry )ass)orts and visas t!at are tam)er9resistant* and gives border )atrol agents a )ay
increase. Dianne 1einstein was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission in 5==5. (R0-"0R+2Devin LamarOe)
President George W. Bs! greets ,arc ,orial* President and #06 of t!e .ational -rban Leage* after delivering !is remarks in
Detroit* ,ic!igan on 1riday* 3ly 5'* 5==<. ,arc ,orial is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(W!ite @ose )!oto by 0ric Dra)er) !tt)(22www.w!ite!ose.gov2news2releases25==<2=&2images25==<=&5'94Rrban'9A$A!.!tml
-.+. +ecretary of +tate9designate #ondoleeCCa Rice (L) t!anks -.+. +enator Diane 1einstein (D9#alifornia) for !er introdction at !er -.+.
+enate confirmation !earing on #a)itol @ill in Was!ington* D.#. on 3anary $4* 5==A. Dianne 1einstein and #ondoleeCCa Rice are members
of t!e "rilateral #ommission. #ondoleeCCa Rice 8oined t!e "rilateral #ommission in 5==%. (S LARR/ D6W.7.G2Reters2#orbis)
President Bill #linton looks at former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski dring a meeting wit! t!e #ommittee for
American Leaders!i) in Bosnia at t!e W!ite @ose on December >* $%%A. Bbigniew BrCeCinski was a member of t!e "rilatearl
#ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken in $%%A. Bill #linton is a former member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(Lke 1raCCa2A1P2Getty 7mages)
President Bill #linton s)eaks in s))ort of t!e .ort! American 1ree "rade Agreement (.A1"A) in Was!ington* D.#. on .ovember $* $%%'.
7ndividals seated be!ind Bill #linton are (from left to rig!t)( former -.+. "rade Re)resentative #arla A. @ills* former +ecretary of +tate @enry
Dissinger* former +ecretary of +tate 3ames A. Baker 777* former President 3immy #arter* :ice President Al Gore* and Andrew /ong* t!e
former -.+. Re)resentative to t!e -nited .ations. "!e individal on t!e far rig!t is nidentified. @enry Dissinger and #arla A. @ills were
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%%'. (P!oto by Diana Walker2Liaison)
Arkansas Governor and Democratic Party )residential candidate Bill #linton (center) meets wit! !is advisers in Little Rock* Arkansas on 3ly %*
$%%5. 1rom left to rig!t( :ernon 0. 3ordan 3r.* Warren #!risto)!er* Bill #linton* +enator Al Gore* and @illary Rod!am #linton. :ernon 3ordan
and Warren #!risto)!er were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (7ra Wyman2+ygma2#orbis)

President Bill #linton greets "rilateral #ommission members +enator 3ay Rockefeller (left) and Ric!ard @olbrooke.
-.+. +enator Dianne 1einstein meets wit! President Bill #linton in t!e 6val 6ffice. "!is )!oto was )blis!ed on -.+. +enator
Dianne 1einstein;s website.
President Bill #linton and !is #abinet members )ose for a gro) )ortrait at t!e W!ite @ose in 3anary $%%'. +tanding* from left( -.+.
Re)resentative to t!e -nited .ations ,adeleine Albrig!t* ,ack ,cLarty* ,ickey Dantor* Lara D;Andrea "yson* Leon Panetta* #arol Browner*
Lee Brown. (+eated* from bottom left) :ice President Al Gore* -.+. +ecretary of t!e "reasry Lloyd Bentsen* -.+. Attorney General 3anet
Reno* ,ike 0s)y* Robert Reic!* @enry #isneros* @aCel 6LLeary* Ric!ard Riley* 3esse Brown* 1ederico Pena* +ecretary of @ealt! and @man
+ervices Donna +!alala* +ecretary of #ommerce Ron Brown* -.+. +ecretary of t!e 7nterior Brce Babbitt* -.+. +ecretary of Defense Les
As)in* -.+. +ecretary of +tate Warren #!risto)!er* and President Bill #linton. Brce Babbitt* Warren #!risto)!er* @enry #isneros* Bill #linton*
and Donna +!alala were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission )rior to serving in t!e #linton administration.
%8O"%8 9.!. 61-9 +*MB<B-T"+TBO< T T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO<
1rom left to rig!t( George W. Landa* President George @.W. Bs!* David Rockefeller (.ort! American c!airman of t!e
"rilateral #ommission)* -.+. +ecretary of +tate 3ames A. Baker 777* and .ational +ecrity Advisor Brent +cowcroft meet at t!e
-.+. +tate De)artment in ,ay $%%= to discss t!e )ro)osed .A1"A agreement.
"rilateral #ommission member @enry Dissinger (left) talks to President George @.W. Bs! (center) and +ecretary of +tate
3ames A. Baker 777.
3a)an;s Prime ,inister Diic!i ,iyaCawa (left* )odim) and President George Bs! s)eak at t!e W!ite @ose Rose Garden in
3ly $%%5. "!e for individals standing in t!e backgrond are (left to rig!t)( -.+. Ambassador to 3a)an ,ic!ael Armacost*
"reasry +ecretary .ic!olas Brady* nidentified* and -.+. "rade Re)resentative #arla A. @ills. ,ic!ael Armacost* #arla A.
@ills* Diic!i ,iyaCawa* and George Bs! are (or were) members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(P!oto( Dirck @alstead* "ime Life Pictres2Getty 7mages)
@ose +)eaker "!omas +. 1oley (left* Democrat9Was!ington) sits neJt to -.+. President George @.W. Bs! dring a meeting
wit! t!e congressional leaders!i) at t!e W!ite @ose in Was!ington* D.#. on 3ne >* $%4%. "!omas +. 1oley was a member of
t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!omas +. 1oley was also a member of t!e
Bilderberg Gro). (AP P!oto2Rick Bowmer)
"8+%+< +*MB<B-T"+TBO< T T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO<
President Ronald Reagan a))ears wit! (left to rig!t) Alan Greens)an* 1ederal Reserve #!airman Pal :olcker* and +ecretary of t!e "reasry
3ames A. Baker 777 in t!e Press Room at t!e W!ite @ose on 3ne 5* $%4& as !e annonces t!e nomination of Alan Greens)an as #!airman
of t!e Board of Governors of t!e 1ederal Reserve Board. Alan Greens)an was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto
was taken in $%4&. Pal :olcker is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)
David Rockefeller smiles as President Ronald Reagan receives a medal after Reagan delivered a speech to the Council of the Americas on
May 12, 19!" David Rockefeller #as the .ort! American #!airman of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken. David
Rockefeller is a mem$er of the %rilateral Commission and a regular &ilder$erg Meetings participant" 'Photo $y %im Clary(&ettmann(C)R&*+,
President Ronald Reagan meets #ith former +ecretary of +tate -enry .issinger in the /hite -ouse residence on 0une 11, 191" -enry
.issinger #as a mem$er of the %rilateral Commission at the time this photo #as taken"
(P!oto( Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)
"o) ranking officials from siJ )ast administrations gat!er at t!e W!ite @ose to endorse President Ronald ReaganLs bid to sell AWA#+ radar
)lanes to +adi Arabia in Was!ington* D.#. on 6ctober A* $%4$. 1rom left to rig!t( former +ecretary of Defense ,elvin Laird* +ecretary of
Defense #as)ar Weinberger* .ational +ecrity Advisor Ric!ard Allen* former +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger* President Ronald Reagan*
former .ational +ecrity Advisor Brent +cowcroft* former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* and former +ecretary of Defense
@arold Brown. @enry Dissinger* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* and @arold Brown are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(Don Ry)ka2Bettmann2#6RB7+)
President Ronald Reagan is flanked by former "rilateral #ommission members #as)ar Weinberger (left) and 1rank #arlcci
(rig!t) on .ovember A* $%4&. #as)ar Weinberger was t!e +ecretary of Defense* and 1rank #arlcci was t!e .ational +ecrity
Advisor at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken. (P!oto( Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)
C+"T8" +*MB<B-T"+TBO< T T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO<
President 3immy #arter and )rominent dignitaries stand toget!er at t!e W!ite @ose on +e)tember 5%* $%&%. 1ront row* left to
rig!t( Lloyd .. #tler* George W. Ball* Averell @arriman* @enry Dissinger* +ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance* President 3immy
#arter* Dean Rsk* #. Doglas Dillon* and ,cGeorge Bndy. +econd row* left to rig!t( 3o!n ,c#loy* :ice President Walter 1.
,ondale* nidentified* Brent +cowcroft* +ecretary of Defense @arold Brown* and @edley Donovan. "!ird row* left to rig!t(
.ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* nidentified* 3ames R. +c!lesinger* nidentified* nidentified* nidentified.
Lloyd .. #tler* George W. Ball* @enry Dissinger* and @edley Donovan were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%&%.
#yrs :ance* 3immy #arter* Walter 1. ,ondale* @arold Brown* and Bbigniew BrCeCinski were members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission )rior to serving in t!e #arter administration.
(P!oto( George W. Ball Pa)ers* +eeley G. ,dd ,anscri)t Library at Princeton -niversity)
David Rockefeller (left)* c!airman of t!e board of #!ase ,an!attan Bank* greets -.+. President 3immy #arter at t!e W!ite
@ose in Was!ington* D.#. in A)ril $%4= dring t!e ongoing 7ran @ostage #risis.
President 3immy #arter listens to "rilateral #ommission member @enry Dissinger at t!e W!ite @ose on Agst $A* $%&&.
"rilateral #ommission members Walter ,ondale (left* vice )residential candidate) and 3immy #arter (rig!t* )residential
candidate) celebrate after winning t!e )residential election in .ovember $%&>.
President 3immy #arter walks wit! (left to rig!t) .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* +ecretary of Defense @arold
Brown* +ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance* and :ice President Walter 1. ,ondale dring a meeting at #am) David on 7ran crisis on
.ovember $* $%&%. #arter* BrCeCinski* Brown* :ance* and ,ondale are (or were) members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(P!oto by Diana Walker2"ime and Life Pictres2Getty 7mages)
+ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance talks to President 3immy #arter.
President 3immy #arter (left) talks to .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski (center) and +ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance
at t!e W!ite @ose in Agst $%&&. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO< T <O"T9 +M8"BC+<@!8-T8"< 98MB-J98"8 +44+B"-
1ormer President of ,eJico 0rnesto Bedillo (left) stands beside David Rockefeller at an Americas +ociety )arty in .ew /ork #ity
on 6ctober %* 5=='. 0rnesto Bedillo and David Rockefeller are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
"rilateral #ommission members )artici)ate in t!e initialing ceremony of t!e .ort! American 1ree "rade Agreement (.A1"A) in
+an Antonio* "eJas on 6ctober &* $%%5. +tanding from left to rig!t( ,eJican President #arlos +alinas* American President
George Bs!* and #anadian Prime ,inister Brian ,lroney. +eated from left to rig!t( 3aime +erra Pc!e* -.+. "rade
Re)resentative #arla A. @ills* and ,ic!ael Wilson. 0veryone in t!is )!oto eJce)t +alinas and Wilson is or was a member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( George Bs! Presidential Library and ,sem)
1ormer -.+. "rade Re)resentative #arla A. @ills (rig!t) smiles as 0rnesto Bedillo* t!e President of ,eJico* s)eaks to members
of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations on December %* $%%>. #arla A. @ills and 0rnesto Bedillo are members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. "!is )!oto was )blis!ed in t!e $%%& #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort.
LorenCo Bambrano (center) watc!es David Rockefeller s!ake !ands wit! William R!odes (left) at a )arty. David Rockefeller and
LorenCo Bambrano are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.

Left )!oto( @arvard -niversity President Lawrence +mmers (left) meets wit! 0rnesto Bedillo* t!e former President of ,eJico* at @arvard
-niversity on ,arc! $'* 5==5. Lawrence +mmers and 0rnesto Bedillo were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in 5==5.
Rig!t )!oto( "rilateral #ommission member #arla A. @ills stands beside ,eJico;s President :icente 1oJ.
David Rockefeller (left)* t!e .ort! American c!airman of t!e "rilateral #ommission* a))ears wit! ,igel de la ,adrid @rtado*
former President of ,eJico ($%459$%44)* at t!e @arold Pratt @ose in .ew /ork #ity on ,ay <* $%4%. "!is )!oto was )blis!ed
in t!e $%4% #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort.
Argentine President .estor Dirc!ner meets wit! "rilateral #ommission member David Rockefeller at t!e @arold Pratt @ose in
.ew /ork #ity. "!is )!oto a))ears in t!e 5==< #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort.
"rilateral #ommission member David Rockefeller (left)* Prime ,inister of #anada 3ean #!retien* and international banker 3o!n
#. W!ite!ead a))ear at a )arty.
T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO< T 81"OJ8+< +44+B"-
1ormer President Bill #linton greets +wedis! Prime ,inister #arl Bildt at Grand @otel in +tock!olm* +weden on ,ay $A* 5==$.
#arl Bildt is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Bill #linton was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
President of t!e 0ro)ean #ommission Romano Prodi (left) listens to ,ario ,onti (rig!t)* 0- #om)etition #ommissioner* at a
meeting in +trasborg* 1rance on 3ly '* 5==$. Romano Prodi is a former Prime ,inister of 7taly. ,ario ,onti is a member of
t!e "rilateral #ommission? Romano Prodi was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Damien ,eyer2A1P2Getty 7mages)
-.+. +ecretary of +tate @illary Rod!am #linton meets wit! 7talian Prime ,inister ,ario ,onti in ,nic!* Germany on 1ebrary <* 5=$5.
F+tate De)artment )!oto2 Pblic DomainG !tt)(!otos2state)!otos2>4'=$=5$AA2
+ecretary of +tate @illary #linton a))ears wit! +weden;s 1oreign ,inister #arl Bildt in t!e "reaty Room at t!e +tate De)artment in
Was!ington* D.#. on ,ay A* 5==%. #arl Bildt is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission and a reglar Bilderberg ,eetings )artici)ant.
(+tate De)artment )!oto by ,ic!ael Gross)
0- foreign )olicy c!ief 3avier +olana (L) welcomes +)ain;s Defense ,inister #arme #!acon on .ovember $&* 5==% before t!e second
working session of t!e 0- General Affairs and 0Jternal Relations #oncil wit! 0- defense ministers at 0- !eadOarters in Brssels* Belgim.
#arme #!acon is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Getty 7mages)
T98 T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO< T +-B+< +44+B"-
+ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger greets "rilateral #ommission member Diic!i ,iyaCawa.
:ice President .elson Rockefeller greets 3a)anese 1oreign ,inister Diic!i ,iyaCawa at "okyo 7nternational Air)ort on A)ril $&* $%&A.
Rockefeller was a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations w!ile ,iyaCawa is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. .elson;s brot!er
David was a member of bot! t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and t!e "rilateral #ommission on t!at date. At center is -.+. Ambassador to
3a)an 3ames D. @odgson* a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations.
"reasry +ecretary @enry Palson (left) meets wit! "aiCo .is!imro* President and #06 of t!e "okyo +tock 0Jc!ange in "okyo
on ,arc! >* 5==&. Palson is a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations? .is!imro was a member of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. Palson is t!e former #!airman and #06 of Goldman +ac!s. .is!imro is t!e former #!airman and #06 of
"os!iba #or)oration. (P!oto by 3nko Dimra2Getty 7mages)
3a)anese Prime ,inister 3nic!iro DoiCmi (#) attends a meeting wit! former )rime ministers at !is official residence in "okyo on ,ay $<*
5==<. DoiCmi will visit .ort! Dorea for talks wit! s)reme leader Dim 3ong 7l as early as t!e end of neJt week focsing on 3a)anese nationals
abdcted by Pyongyang. At left is /as!iro .akasone and rig!t is Diic!i ,iyaCawa. "!e late Diic!i ,iyaCawa was a member of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. (DaC!iro .ogi2Pool2Reters2#orbis)
"reasry +ecretary Lawrence +mmers (left) s!akes !ands wit! 3a)an;s 1inance ,inister Diic!i ,iyaCawa at t!e "reasry De)artment in
Was!ington* D.#. on A)ril $A* 5===. Lawrence +mmers is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!e late Diic!i ,iyaCawa was a member
of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (George Bridges2A1P2Getty 7mages)
3a)an;s #rown Princess ,asako (left)* !olding !er dag!ter Princess Aiko in !er arm* is greeted by !er fat!er @isas!i 6wada (second from
rig!t) and !er mot!er /miko 6wada )on !er arrival at !er )arentsL residence in "okyo on +e)tember <* 5=='. @isas!i 6wada was a
member of t!e "rilateral #ommission? @isas!i 6wada is crrently serving as a 8dge for t!e 7nternational #ort of 3stice at "!e @age*
.et!erlands. #rown Princess ,asako;s !sband is #rown Prince .ar!ito? #rown Prince .ar!ito;s fat!er is 0m)eror Aki!ito and !is
grandfat!er is t!e late 0m)eror @iro!ito. (/os!ikaC "sno2A1P2Getty 7mages)
-.+. Ambassador to t!e -nited .ations Ric!ard @olbrooke (left) is greeted by 3a)anese Ambassador to t!e -. /kio +ato! at +ato!Ls office
near t!e -nited .ations in .ew /ork #ity on +e)tember $'* $%%%. Ric!ard @olbrooke and /ko +ato! are members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. (@enny Ray Abrams2A1P2Getty 7mages)
Prime ,inister of 3a)an "akeo 1kda (left) a))ears wit! #ommnist #!ina;s leader Deng Tiao)ing in "okyo* 3a)an dring Deng;s visit to
3a)an in 6ctober $%&4.
3a)anese Prime ,inister "akeo 1kda and American President 3immy #arter smile for t!e cameras in Was!ington D.#. in ,arc! $%&&.
1kda and #arter were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
-.+. :ice President Walter ,ondale (left) and Prime ,inister of 3a)an "akeo 1kda (rig!t) )ose for )!otogra)!ers )rior to start of t!eir talks
at t!e )remierLs official residence in "okyo* 3a)an on 3anary '$* $%&&. ,ondale and 1kda were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(S Bettmann2#6RB7+)
T"BM+T8"+M COMMB--BO< ) MB-C8MM8+<8O1-
"rilateral #ommission member David Rockefeller acce)ts a gift from former "rilateral #ommission member George @.W. Bs!.

Left )!oto( 7nternational banker George +oros stands beside retired #!airman and #06 of #!ase ,an!attan Bank David
Rockefeller. George +oros is a former member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. David Rockefeller is a member of t!e "rilateral
Rig!t )!oto( 1ederal Reserve #!airman Alan Greens)an listens to American 7nternational Gro) #!airman and #oncil on
1oreign Relations :ice #!airman ,arice Greenberg at a #oncil on 1oreign Relations meeting in 3ly 5===. ,arice
Greenberg was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission in 5===.
(P!oto( 5==$ #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Ric!ard W. 1is!er* President and #!ief 0Jective 6fficer for t!e 1ederal Reserve Bank of Dallas* s)eaks on 7nternational
0conomics at t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations in .ew /ork #ity on ,arc! '* 5=$=. 1is!er is a member of t!e 1ederal 6)en
,arket #ommittee w!ic! sets interest rates as t!e 1ederal ReserveLs )rinci)al monetary )olicy making gro). Ric!ard W.
1is!er is a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Reters)
"imot!y Geit!ner (left)* President of t!e 1ederal Reserve Bank of .ew /ork* and 1ederal Reserve #!airman Ben Bernanke (rig!t) se na)kins
dring lnc! at t!e 0conomic #lb of .ew /ork in .ew /ork #ity on 6ctober $A* 5==4. "imot!y Geit!ner was a member of t!e "rilateral
#ommission in 6ctober 5==4. (Associated Press2,ark Lenni!an)
7n t!is !andot )!oto )rovided by t!e 7sraeli Government Press 6ffice (GP6)* 7sraeli Prime ,inister Ben8amin .etanya! (left)* a member of
t!e Likd Party* receives t!e Bank of 7srael annal re)ort from +tanley 1isc!er* Governor of t!e Bank of 7srael in 3ersalem* 7srael on A)ril $%*
5==%. +tanley 1isc!er is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission and a member of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (Getty 7mages)
7srael;s Prime ,inister Ariel +!aron (center)* a member of t!e Likd Party* greets @enry Dissinger (5nd rig!t) at t!e 7sraeli #onsl General;s
!ome in .ew /ork #ity on 3ne 5A* 5==$. @enry Dissinger was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken on
3ne 5A* 5==$. (P!oto( Avi 6!ayon27sraeli Government Press 6ffice (GP6))
7srael;s Prime ,inister Ariel +!aron (rig!t) meets wit! 3acob 1renkel (left)* t!en t!e Governor of t!e Bank of 7srael* +tanley
1isc!er (second from left)* t!en t!e 1irst De)ty ,anaging Director of t!e 7nternational ,onetary 1nd* and Gaby 1is!man at
t!e Dnesset on ,ay $<* 5==$. Bot! 3acob 1renkel and +tanley 1isc!er are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission* members of
t!e Gro) of "!irty (G9'=)* and directors of t!e 7nstitte for 7nternational 0conomics.
(P!oto( Amos Ben Gers!om* GP6) .ote( "!e GP6 is t!e 7srael Government Press 6ffice (GP6).
+tanley 1isc!er;s biogra)!y from t!e Bank of 7srael
MProf. +tanley 1isc!er !as been Governor of t!e Bank of 7srael since ,ay 5==A. Prior to 8oining t!e Bank of 7srael* Prof. 1isc!er
was :ice #!airman of #itigro) from 1ebrary 5==5 t!rog! A)ril 5==A* w!ere !e was also @ead of t!e Pblic +ector Gro)
from 1ebrary 5==< to A)ril 5==A* #!airman of t!e #ontry Risk #ommittee* and President of #itigro) 7nternational. Prof.
1isc!er was t!e 1irst De)ty ,anaging Director of t!e 7nternational ,onetary 1nd* from +e)tember $%%< ntil t!e end of
Agst 5==$. Before !e 8oined t!e 7,1* Prof. 1isc!er was t!e Dillian Professor and @ead of t!e De)artment of 0conomics at
,7" (,assac!setts 7nstitte of "ec!nology). 1rom 3anary $%44 to Agst $%%= !e was :ice President* Develo)ment
0conomics and #!ief 0conomist at t!e World Bank . . . Prof. 1isc!er is a 1ellow of t!e 0conometric +ociety and t!e American
Academy of Arts and +ciences* a member of t!e 3o'*0i. o* 4orei)* 5e.atio*"* t!e G9'=* and t!e Tri.atera. 3ommi""io** a
Gggen!eim 1ellow* and a Researc! Associate of t!e .ational Brea of 0conomic Researc!. @e !as served on t!e Boards of
t!e 7nstitte for 7nternational 0conomics* WomenLs World Banking and t!e 7nternational #risis Gro)* as well as t!e 7nternational
Advisory Board of t!e .ew 0conomic +c!ool* ,oscow.N
1ormer President Bill #linton receives an !onorary degree from Prime ,inister of 7srael Ariel +!aron at "el Aviv -niversity in "el
Aviv* 7srael on 3anary 5=* 5==5. "!e man on t!e left is "el Aviv -niversity President 7tamar Rabinovic!* a former Ambassador
to t!e -.+. and a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Bill #linton was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (GP6 P!oto)
1ormer 7sraeli army general ,os!e Dayan meets "rilateral #ommission member Baron 0dmond de Rot!sc!ild in "el Aviv.
#7A Director George Bs! s!ows Gerald 1ord a secret ma). Brent +cowcroft (standing to t!e left of Bs!)* Dick #!eney
(wit!ot glasses* !is c!in resting on !is left fist)* @enry Dissinger are stdying t!at ma). +cowcroft* Bs!* #!eney* and
Dissinger wold later 8oin t!e "rilateral #ommission.
1ormer #entral 7ntelligence Agency directors 3o!n Detc!* William Webster* and George "enet (far rig!t) are members of t!e
"rilateral #ommission. George @.W. Bs! is a former member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.

Left )!oto( 1ormer -.+. +ecretary of Defense Robert +. ,c.amara (left) a))ears wit! former -.+. +ecretary of Defense @arold
Brown. Bot! men were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken.
Rig!t )!oto( 1ormer -.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger (left) s)eaks to #!airman and #06 of A7G ,arice Greenberg at a
)arty. Bot! men were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
1oreign leaders attend t!e 0conomic +mmit in ,nic!* Germany in 3ly >94* $%%5. 1rom left to rig!t( 3acOes Delors
(President of t!e 0ro)ean #ommission)* Diic!i ,iyaCawa (Prime ,inister of 3a)an)* Brian ,lroney (Prime ,inister of
#anada)* 1rancois ,itterand (President of 1rance)* @elmt Do!l (#!ancellor of Germany)* George @.W. Bs! (President of t!e
-nited +tates of America)* 3o!n ,a8or (Prime ,inister of Great Britain)* and Giliano Amato (Prime ,inister of 7taly). ,iyaCawa*
,lroney* and Bs! were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Ric!ard Armitage (left) talks to Assistant +ecretary of Defense Ric!ard Perle on ,arc! 5A* $%4>. Ric!ard Armitage and Ric!ard Perle are
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (+orce( Rise of the 2ulcans3 %he -istory of &ush4s /ar Ca$inet by 3ames ,ann)
Left to rig!t( ,rs. Daft* Doglas Daft (former #!airman and #06 of #oca9#ola)* -nited .ations +ecretary9General Dofi Annan* and ,rs. .ane
Annan a))ear at a rece)tion !osted by ,r. Daft at t!e Belevedere @otel in Davos* +witCerland on 3anary 54* 5==$. Doglas Daft is a
member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (-. P!oto)
+ecretary9General Dofi Annan (rig!t) meeting wit! Diic!i ,iyaCawa* 1inance ,inister of 3a)an* at t!e ,inistry of 1inance Bilding in "okyo on
.ovember $5* $%%%. Diic!i ,iyaCawa was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%%%. (-. P!oto)
-. +ecretary9General Dofi Annan talks wit! former 1oreign ,inister of 7ndonesia Ali Alatas (far left)* former ,eJican President 0rnesto Bedillo*
and 7ris! 1oreign ,inister Dermot A!ern (far rig!t) dring t!eir meeting at t!e !eadOarters of -nited .ations in .ew /ork #ity on A)ril A*
5==A. Bot! Ali Alatas and 0rnesto Bedillo are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Pal WolfowitC (left)* President of t!e World Bank* meets wit! +adako 6gata* President of t!e 3a)an 7nternational #oo)eration
Agency* in 3a)an on ,ay 54* 5==>. +adako 6gata is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Pal WolfowitC is a member of
t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and a former member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( Den Datsrayama2World Bank)
"rilateral #ommission bankers Pal :olcker (far left* wearing a ble s!irt)* +tanley 1isc!er (center* wearing a red necktie)* and
William 3. ,cDonog! (on t!e far rig!t) are seen attending a )rivate meeting.
David Rockefeller a))ears wit! !is dag!ter Peggy Dlany at t!e @arold Pratt @ose on December %* $%%>. David Rockefeller
and Peggy Dlany are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
#arla A. @ills and retired .avy Admiral Dennis #. Blair are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!is )!oto a))ears in t!e
5==& #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort.
3o!n Detc! (left)* former Director of #entral 7ntelligence Agency* and former 1ederal Reserve #!airman Pal :olcker smile for
t!e camera at a #oncil on 1oreign Relations meeting on ,arc! $'* $%%&. 3o!n Detc! and Pal :olcker are members of t!e
"rilateral #ommission.
.ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski a))ears at a )arty wit! President of 1ord 1ondation ,cGeorge Bndy* #oncil
on 1oreign Relations President Winston Lord* and "rilateral #ommission #oordinator George +. 1ranklin. "!is )!oto was
)blis!ed in t!e $%&4 #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort. Bbigniew BrCeCinski and Winston Lord are members of t!e
"rilateral #ommission? George +. 1ranklin was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Debate moderator Gra!am Allison (left) asks for a s!ow of !ands of t!ose o))osed to )ro)osed military action against 7raO as former #entral
7ntelligence Agency Director 3o!n Detc! looks on dring a debate titled K7raO 9 +!old We Attack .owPK on 6ctober $&* 5==5 at @arvard
-niversity* in #ambridge* ,assac!setts. Allison and Detc! were members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken on 6ctober $&* 5==5. (P!oto by William B. Plowman 2 Getty 7mages)
1ormer De)ty +ecretary of +tate Ric!ard Armitage (left) and 3ose)! .ye 3r. (rig!t)* former Assistant +ecretary of Defense for 7nternational
+ecrity Affairs and former #!airman of t!e .ational 7ntelligence #oncil* c!at wit! eac! ot!er dring a break of a !earing before t!e .ational
+ecrity and 1oreign Affairs +bcommittee of t!e 6versig!t and Government Reform #ommittee on #a)itol @ill on .ovember >* 5==&. "!e
sbcommittee !eld t!e second )art of its !earing on K+iJ /ears Later 9 Assessing Long9"erm "!reats* Risks and t!e -.+. +trategy for +ecrity
in a Post %2$$ World.K Ric!ard Armitage and 3ose)! .ye 3r. are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Getty 7mages)
President Bill #linton (left) greets ,eJico;s President 0rnesto Bedillo dring ceremonies at t!e W!ite @ose on 6ctober $=*
$%%A. 0rnesto Bedillo is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Bill #linton was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(Ric!ard 0llis2A1P2Getty 7mages)
0JJon #!airman and #06 Lee Raymond and ,obil #!airman and #06 Lcio .oto agree to merge 0JJon and ,obil. Lee
Raymond and Lcio .oto were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Left to rig!t( 1rank #arlcci* Pal :olcker* and Donna +!alala testify before #ongress. Pal :olcker is a member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission. 1rank #arlcci and Donna +!alala were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
+)eaker of t!e @ose .ancy Pelosi s)eaks to re)orters after meeting wit! economic advisors on #a)itol @ill on ,ay >* 5==4.
+tanding in t!e backgrond are (from left to rig!t)( economist Allen +inai* Lee +ac!s (former assistant +ecretary of t!e "reasry
for 1inancial ,arkets)* former "reasry +ecretary Lawrence +mmers* Re). #!arlie Rangel (D9./)* 7ris Lav (de)ty director of
#enter on Bdget Policy Priorities)* and Atlanta ,ayor +!irley 1ranklin. Lawrence +mmers and #!arlie Rangel are members
of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (AP P!oto)

Left to rig!t( President Bill #linton* -.+. +ecretary of Defense William +. #o!en* and -.+. Air 1orce General 3ose)! W. Ralston
a))ear at a ceremony. #linton and #o!en were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Ralston is a member of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. (P!oto( -.+. De)artment of Defense)
-.+. +ecretary of Defense William +. #o!en and -.+. Army General @enry @. +!elton* t!e #!airman of t!e 3oint #!iefs of +taff*
!onor former -.+. +enator and astronat 3o!n Glenn at a )arty. William +. #o!en and 3o!n Glenn were members of t!e
"rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( -.+. De)artment of Defense)
President Bill #linton receives Raymond #!retien;s credential. Raymond #!retien was t!e #anadian Ambassador to t!e -.+.
Bill #linton and Raymond #!retien were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
1ormer President Bill #linton celebrates wit! -.+. #ongressman #!arlie Rangel (center). #!arlie Rangel is a member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission.

Left )!oto( President Bill #linton greets former "rilateral #ommission member Walter ,ondale.
Rig!t )!oto( President Bill #linton greets +ecretary of +tate ,adeleine Albrig!t. Bill #linton and ,adeleine Albrig!t were
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.

Left )!oto( Brookings 7nstittion President ,ic!ael Armacost* William +. #o!en* and Rssian 1oreign ,inister 7vanov celebrate
at a )arty. ,ic!ael Armacost and William +. #o!en were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Rig!t )!oto( -.+. Ambassador to Poland :ictor As!e (left)* former +ecretary of +tate ,adeleine Albrig!t (center)* and
Ambassador 3erCy DoCminski* former Polis! Ambassador to t!e -nited +tates* stand toget!er in Warsaw* Poland on 3ne $A*
5==&. ,adeleine Albrig!t and 3erCy DoCminski are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( -.+. 0mbassy in Poland)
3ose)! +. .ye 3r. (center) sits neJt to Anne9,arie +lag!ter (left* !olding a men in !er !ands) at a )arty at @arvard -niversity.
.ye and +lag!ter are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.

Left )!oto( Lawrence +mmers (left)* President of @arvard -niversity* s!akes !ands wit! David Rockefeller (center) at @arvard
-niversity in #ambridge* ,assac!setts (near Boston) on December %* 5==<. Lawrence +mmers and David Rockefeller were
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken on December %* 5==<.
"!e ,a!ara8a! of 3od)r (7ndia) s)eaks to "rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard @olbrooke (center) and +trobe "albott.
1rom left* David W. @eleniak* :ice #!airman of ,organ +tanley* 7talian tiremaker Pirelli #!airman ,arco "ronc!etti Provera*
and Brookings 7nstittion President +trobe "albott s!are a word at a meeting of t!e #oncil for 7taly and -.+. Relations in
:enice* 7taly on 3ne 5>* 5==%. Provera and "albott are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. @eleniak and "albott are
members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (AP P!oto)
+ecretary of Defense Donald Rmsfeld meets wit! +ot! Dorean Ambassador to t!e -nited +tates @an +ng 3oo (center) and
,a8. Gen. ,oon /ong @an (left) inside Rmsfeld;s Pentagon office on 6ctober $* 5==<. @an +ng 3oo is a member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission. (De)artment of Defense )!oto by ,aster +gt. 3ames ,. Bowman* -.+. Air 1orce)
Left to rig!t( Ric!ard Armitage (former De)ty +ecretary of +tate)* Ric!ard @olbrooke (former -.+. Re)resentative to t!e -nited .ations)* t!e
Dalai Lama* and +trobe "albott (President of t!e Brookings 7nstittion) )artici)ate in a meeting s)onsored by t!e Asia +ociety* t!e Brookings
7nstittion* and t!e #enter for +trategic and 7nternational +tdies (#+7+) at t!e Park @yatt @otel Ballroom in Was!ington* D.#. on 6ctober $4*
5==&. Ric!ard Armitage and +trobe "albott were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken. Ric!ard @olbrooke
was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( 3lie Adler23ane ,oore)
+ecretary of Defense William +. #o!en (left) and Argentinian ,inister of Defense Ricardo Lo)eC ,r)!y (rig!t) sign an
agreement in ,anas* BraCil* on 6ctober $&* 5===. (P!oto( -.+. De)artment of Defense)
"rilateral #ommission breacrats Ricardo Lo)eC ,r)!y* Argentina;s ,inister of Defense* and William +. #o!en review t!e
troo)s at t!e Pentagon on ,ay $&* 5===. (P!oto( -.+. De)artment of Defense)
Leslie Gelb* @enry Dissinger* David Rockefeller* Peter G. Peterson* #yrs :ance* and Dofi Annan stand toget!er in $%%%.
1ederal Reserve #!airman Alan Greens)an and 1ederal Reserve :ice #!airman Roger W. 1ergson a))ear at a 1ederal
Reserve meeting. Roger W. 1ergson is a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission? Alan Greens)an is a former member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission.
"rilateral #ommission member and Bilderberg ,eetings )artici)ant ,ario ,onti (rig!t) s)eaks to LaCard 1reres #!airman and
#06 Brce Wasserstein (left) at t!e @arold Pratt @ose. Wasserstein is not a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
"rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard .. @aass (left) and #arla A. @ills a))ear at a #oncil on 1oreign Relations meeting.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
"rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard .. @aass (left) and ,arice Greenberg a))ear at a #oncil on 1oreign Relations
meeting. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Ric!ard @olbrooke (left) talks to #yrs :ance at t!e @arold Pratt @ose. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
"rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard @olbrooke (left) and Ric!ard Perle )artici)ate in a meeting at t!e @arold Pratt @ose.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
"rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard @olbrooke (left) and Lois :. Gerstner 3r. (rig!t) meet at t!e @arold Pratt @ose.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
@enry Dissinger* Lara D;Andrea "yson* and 1areed Bakaria a))ear at t!e @arold Pratt @ose. @enry Dissinger and 1areed Bakaria are
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. Lara D;Andrea "yson was a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
3o!n #. W!ite!ead (center) and Peter "arnoff (rig!t) listen to Peter G. Peterson. All t!ree men were members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Winston Lord (center) talks to George P. +!ltC (left) and David Rockefeller at t!e @arold Pratt @ose. All t!ree men were
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%%4. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Leslie Gelb (left) and A7G #!airman and #06 ,arice Greenberg smile for t!e camera. Leslie Gelb and ,arice Greenberg
were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Peter G. Peterson (center)* t!e #!airman and #06 of Le!man Brot!ers D!n Loeb E #o.* delivers a s)eec! w!ile World Bank
President A.W. #lasen (rig!t) listens. Peter G. Peterson and A.W. #lasen were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!is
)!oto a))ears in t!e $%4' #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort.
#yrs :ance (left) talks to #arroll L. Wilson (center) and Robert :. Roosa at t!e @arold Pratt @ose in .ew /ork #ity in $%&%.
All t!ree men were original members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%&'.
#yrs :ance (left) talks to @enry Dissinger (center) and David Rockefeller at t!e @arold Pratt @ose on 3anary $%* $%%%.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Left to rig!t( -.+. +ecretary of Defense Dick #!eney* Lynn 0. Davis* Robert 1. 0rbr* and Warren #!risto)!er meet )rivately in
Los Angeles on A)ril '* $%%5. All for )eo)le in t!is )!oto are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations* and all for
individals !ave been members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Dim Dyng9Won* /an ,ing* and /oic!i 1nabas!i are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
"rilateral #ommission members Ric!ard @olbrooke (left) and Leslie Gelb a))ear at a meeting toget!er.
Ric!ard @olbrooke (left) c!ats wit! fellow "rilateral #ommission member George +oros at t!e @arold Pratt @ose* !eadOarters
of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations* in .ew /ork #ity. (P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
1ormer -.+. +ecretary of Defense @arold Brown (left) and former -.+. :ice President Walter ,ondale a))ear toget!er at a
#oncil on 1oreign Relations meeting. Bot! men were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(P!oto( #oncil on 1oreign Relations Annal Re)ort)
Winston Lord and David Rockefeller listen to President of -niversity of .otre Dame "!eodore @esbrg! at a dinner. All t!ree
men in t!is )!oto were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission in $%4A.
1ormer -.+. +ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance (left)* former -.+. +ecretary of #ommerce Peter G. Peterson (center)* and former
-.+. +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger smile for t!e camera at t!e @arold Pratt @ose in .ew /ork #ity. All t!ree men were
members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
+enator Dianne 1einstein* a Democrat* meets wit! #alifornia Governor9elect Arnold +c!warCenegger* a Re)blican* in
Was!ington D.#. on 6ctober 5%* 5=='. +c!warCenegger is not a member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!is )!oto was
)blis!ed on +enator Dianne 1einstein;s website.

Left )!oto( Anne9,arie +lag!ter a))ears wit! fellow "rilateral #ommission member Robert +. ,c.amara at Princeton
-niversity in 5==<.
Rig!t( 3ose)! +. .ye 3r. (left)* Dean of t!e Dennedy +c!ool of Government at @arvard* takes )art in a )anel discssion on
globaliCation in edcation wit! @arvard President Lawrence @. +mmers* Dean of @arvard Law +c!ool Robert #lark* and Law
+c!ool Professor Anne9,arie +lag!ter (standing). .ye* +mmers* and +lag!ter are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.

Left )!oto( 3a)an;s Prime ,inister Diic!i ,iyaCawa (left) and President Bill #linton stand in t!e )rime ministerLs garden in "okyo
following #lintonLs arrival for t!e G9& +mmit on 3ly >* $%%'. 1ormer Prime ,inister ,iyaCawa died on 3ne 54* 5==&? !e was
4&. Diic!i ,iyaCawa and Bill #linton were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (AP P!oto2Dog ,ills* 17L0)
Rig!t )!oto( Prime ,inister of #anada Brian ,lroney (left) and +ecretary of +tate George P. +!ltC smile for t!e camera. Brian
,lroney and George P. +!ltC were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.

Left( -.+. "rade Re)resentative #!arlene Bars!efsky talks to "reasry +ecretary Lawrence +mmers. #!arlene Bars!efsky
and Lawrence +mmers were members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Rig!t( -.+. :ice President Walter ,ondale c!ats wit! "rilateral #ommission member Robert +. +trass.
1ormer +ecretary of +tate @enry Dissinger (wearing snglasses) is seen walking wit! Pe)si#o. #06 7ndra .ooyi and
Was!ington Post #o. #!airman and #06 Donald 0. Gra!am at t!e Bilderberg ,eetings in +tresa* 7taly in 5==<. @enry
Dissinger* 7ndra .ooyi* and Donald 0. Gra!am are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!e man on t!e far left is
nidentified. (P!oto( Daniel 0stlin)

Left )!oto( -nited .ations +ecretary9General Dofi Annan (left) s!akes !ands wit! former 1oreign ,inister of 7ndonesia Ali Alatas
as former ,eJican President 0rnesto Bedillo and 1oreign ,inister of 7reland Dermot A!ern (rig!t) look on dring t!eir meeting at
t!e !eadOarters of -nited .ations in .ew /ork #ity on A)ril A* 5==A.
Rig!t )!oto( "rilateral #ommission member 0rnesto Bedillo* President of ,eJico* s!akes !ands wit! "ony Blair (left)* Prime
,inister of Great Britain in an ndated )!oto.
.ational -rban Leage President and #06 ,arc ,orial (left) 8okes wit! Re)blican Party )residential candidate +en. 3o!n
,c#ain (R9AriCona) at t!e .ational -rban Leage #onference in 6rlando* 1lorida* -.+.A. on Agst $* 5==4. ,arc ,orial is a
member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (AP P!oto by 3o!n RaoJ) !tt)(22www.daylife.com2)!oto2=<B5ekAoic4@2marcRmorial
7ndra D. .ooyi (left)* t!e #!airman and #06 of Pe)si#o* watc!es -.+. +ecretary of +tate #ondoleeCCa Rice embrace former -.+. +ecretary of
+tate @enry Dissinger* at t!e end of t!e o)ening session of t!e World 0conomic 1orm in Davos* +witCerland on 3anary 5'* 5==4.
#ondoleeCCa Rice and @enry Dissinger attended t!e 5==4 Bilderberg ,eetings in #!antilly* :irginia in 3ne 5==4. 7ndra .ooyi attended t!e
5==< Bilderberg ,eetings in +tresa* 7taly in 3ne 5==<. .ooyi* Rice* and Dissinger are (or were) members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
(AP P!oto by Peter De3ong)
96O Co@Jresident "ihard Jlepler .left/ and 9enry :issinger attend the 96O do#mentary sreening of LTerror Bn M#mbaiL at
Time !arner Center -reening "oom in <e0 ;ork City on <ovember D$ C,,9. "ihard Jlepler and 9enry :issinger 0ere
members of the Trilateral Commission in C,,9. .Jhoto5 Mihael Moisano=%etty Bmages <orth +meria/
4ilm narrator and C<< orrespondent 4areed Gakaria .left/ and 9enry :issinger .right/ address the a#diene follo0ing the 96O
do#mentary sreening of Terror Bn M#mbaiL at Time !arner Center -reening "oom in <e0 ;ork City on <ovember D$
C,,9. 4areed Gakaria and 9enry :issinger 0ere members of the Trilateral Commission in C,,9.
.Jhoto5 Mihael Moisano=%etty Bmages <orth +meria/
@enry Dissinger* #!airman of Dissinger Associates* -+A* s)eaks wit! "arn Das* #!ief ,entor* #onfederation of 7ndian 7ndstry* 7ndia* at t!e
World 0conomic 1ormLs 7ndia 0conomic +mmit 5==4 in .ew Del!i* 7ndia on .ovember $>* 5==4. ($>9$4 .ovember 5==4). @enry Dissinger
and "arn Das are members of t!e "rilateral #ommission. (#o)yrig!t World 0conomic 1orm (!oto by .orbert +c!iller)
3oe #aci (L)* vice )resident of #anadaLs Researc! 7n ,otion (R7,)* and Ry8i /amada (R)* vice )resident of 3a)anLs mobile carrier .""
Do#o,o* !old a big dis)lay of KBlackBerry 4&=&!K dring a )ress conference in "okyo* 3a)an on 3ly $&* 5==&. Ry8i /amada is a member of
t!e "rilateral #ommission. (Getty 7mages)
Godfather of the
Trilateral Commission
@enry Dissinger* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* and ,adeleine Albrig!t lag! toget!er. All t!ree individals in t!is )!oto are members of
t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!is )!oto a))ears in ). '%> of t!e book Madeleine Al$right3 A %#entieth5Century )dyssey by
,ic!ael Dobbs. (+tate De)artment )!oto)
Bbigniew BrCeCinski* President 3immy #arter;s .ational +ecrity Advisor* s!ares a toast wit! +oviet Rssian Ambassador
Anatoly Dobrynin at t!e W!ite @ose in 3ne $%&&. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
!e annot leap into 0orld government in one H#ik stepIBt reH#ires a proess of grad#ally e&panding the range of demorati
oppositionIa 0idening$ step by step$ stone by stone$ e&isting relatively narro0 ?ones of stabilityIthe preondition for event#al
globali?ation ) gen#ine globali?ation ) is progressive regionali?ation$ bea#se thereby 0e move to0ard larger$ more stable$
more ooperative #nits.(
) Gbignie0 6r?e?inski$ in an address to Mikhail %orbahevs -tate of the !orld 4or#m in Otober 199E
+ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance and .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski toast Deng Tiao)ing at Bbigniew;s !ome in
3anary $%&%. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
.ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski and !is wife ,ska (second from rig!t) !ave a dinner wit! Red #!ina;s
#ommissar Deng Tiao)ing in Red #!ina in ,ay $%&4. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
"!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
1rom left to rig!t( Gy 3. Paker* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* .ational +ecrity Advisor ,cGeorge Bndy* 0ric +evareid* @ans
,orgent!a* 6. 0dmnd #lbb* and 3o!n D. Donog!e engage in a debate on :ietnam War on 3ne 5$* $%>A. Paker*
BrCeCinski* Bndy* and ,orgent!a are or were members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations.

Left( Bbigniew BrCeCinski listens to @enry Dissinger dring a meeting at t!e @arold Pratt @ose in $%>A.
Rig!t( Bbigniew BrCeCinski stands beside international financier George +oros at t!e @arold Pratt @ose.
President 3immy #arter (center) and .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski (left) meet wit! former 7sraeli Prime ,inister
Golda ,eir in $%&&. (.ARA 9 #arter Library) !tt)(22www.w!ite!osemsem.org2west9wing2oval9office9!istory.!tm
+ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance and .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski work toget!er at #am) David.
(P!oto( 3immy #arter Presidential Library)
3immy #arter meets wit! "rilateral #ommission members in t!e #abinet Room on .ovember %* $%&%. #onterclockwise from
left to rig!t( Lloyd #tler* @edley Donovan* Walter ,ondale* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* 3immy #arter* #yrs :ance* @arold Brown*
Warren #!risto)!er* @amilton 3ordan* and 3ody Powell. 0veryone eJce)t for 3ordan and Powell is or was a member of t!e
"rilateral #ommission. All eig!t "rilateral #ommission members in t!is )!oto were original members of t!e "rilateral
#ommission in $%&'.
+ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance reads a secret docment w!ile President 3immy #arter (center) talks to .ational +ecrity
Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski on .ovember 5=* $%&%.
President 3immy #arter (left* obscred) talks to .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski and :ice President Walter
,ondale in 3ly $%&&. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
"!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
President 3immy #arter talks to .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* #!airman of t!e 3oint #!iefs of +taff Gen. David
3ones* and De)ty +ecretary of +tate Warren #!risto)!er (left of #arter) at a meeting in 1ebrary $%&%. "!is )!oto a))ears in
Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
-.+. President 3immy #arter (seated* left) signs a disarmament treaty wit! +oviet Rssia;s #ommissar Leonid BreC!nev
(seated* rig!t) in :ienna* Astria on 3ne $4* $%&%. +tanding* left to rig!t( nidentified man* #!airman of 3oint #!iefs of +taff
Gen. David 3ones* .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* +ecretary of Defense @arold Brown* -.+. +ecretary of +tate
#yrs :ance* and +oviet 1oreign ,inister Andrei Gromyko. +oviet Ambassador to America Anatoly Dobrynin is seen standing
be!ind . +tate De)artment official Leslie Gelb (later President of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations) is seen standing be!ind
@arold Brown. #arter* :ance* Brown* Gelb* and BrCeCinski are (or were) members of t!e "rilateral #ommission.
Alfred L. At!erton 3r.* 3immy #arter* W. ,ic!ael Blment!al* @arold +anders* @arold Brown* #yrs :ance* and Bbigniew
BrCeCinski are (or were) members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er
and Principle.
Bbigniew BrCeCinski introdces +a)armrat .iyaCov* President of "rkmenistan (left)* to Pal WolfowitC* Dean of t!e Pal @.
.itCe +c!ool of Advanced 7nternational +tdies at 3o!ns @o)kins -niversity* in A)ril $%%4.
.ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski )lays a game of c!ess wit! 7srael;s Prime ,inister and former 7rgn Bvai Lemi
(7BL) terrorist ,enac!em Begin. (P!oto( 3immy #arter Library)
President 3immy #arter* +ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance* and .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski !ave a meeting
wit! 7srael;s Prime ,inister ,enac!em Begin* ,os!e Dayan (obscred* )art of !is eye)atc! is visible)* and 0Cer WeiCmann
(back of !is !ead facing t!e camera) at #am) David on +e)tember $=* $%&4. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book
Po#er and Principle.
President 3immy #arter smiles as .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski s!akes !ands wit! +!a! ReCa Pa!lavi of 7ran
in Was!ington D.#. in .ovember $%&&. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.

Bbigniew BrCeCinski talks to 3o!n "em)le +wing at a #oncil on 1oreign Relations meeting. (P!oto( #1R Annal Re)ort)
.ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski visits Po)e 3o!n Pal 77 in Rome in 3ne $%4=. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew
BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
Bbigniew BrCeCinski talks wit! #!ester #rocker (center) and 3. Robinson West (rig!t) at a )arty.
"!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
#yrs :ance talks to Bbigniew BrCeCinski. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
.ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski talks to 3a)an;s Prime ,inister "akeo 1kda in ,ay $%&4. "akeo 1kda was a
member of t!e "rilateral #ommission. "!is )!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
"rilateral #ommission members in t!is )!oto inclde 3immy #arter* #yrs :ance* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* and David 6wen. "!is
)!oto a))ears in Bbigniew BrCeCinski;s book Po#er and Principle.
Bbigniew BrCeCinski ins)ects an AD9<& at t!e D!yber Pass in 1ebrary $%4=.
Bbigniew BrCeCinski (rig!t) and former +ecretary of +tate ,adeleine Albrig!t visit :iktor /s!c!enko in December 5==A.
(P!oto( !tt)(22blog.kievkraine.info25==AR$5R=$Rarc!ive.!tml)
+enator #!ck @agel (left)* Bbigniew BrCeCinski (center)* and +enator Ric!ard Lgar meet on #a)itol @ill. #!ck @agel and
Bbigniew BrCeCinski are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. Ric!ard Lgar is a R!odes +c!olar.
Left to rig!t( 1ormer .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* former +ecretary of +tate AleJander @aig* former +ecretary
of +tate Dean Rsk* former President Gerald 1ord* former +ecretary of +tate William P. Rogers* and former .ational +ecrity
Advisor Brent +cowcroft stand toget!er in Gerald 1ord;s )rivate office at t!e Gerald R. 1ord Library on .ovember $=* $%45. All
siJ men in t!is )!oto were members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations at t!e time t!is )!oto was taken on .ovember $=*
$%45. (-niversity of ,ic!igan)
1ormer .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski (left) and +enator 3o!n Warner meet )rivately dring a +enate Armed
+ervices +bcommittee on "!eater and .clear 1orces !earings on +tar Wars on 1ebrary $* $%4A.
(P!oto by "erry As!e2"ime E Life Pictres2Getty 7mages)
President Bill #linton looks at former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski dring a meeting wit! t!e #ommittee for
American Leaders!i) in Bosnia at t!e W!ite @ose on December >* $%%A. (Lke 1raCCa2A1P2Getty 7mages)
President Ronald Reagan (center) delivers a s)eec! concerning aid to .icaraga;s #ontras fig!ters on A)ril $* $%4A as (from left
to rig!t) former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* former -.+. Ambassador to t!e -nited .ations 3eane Dirk)atrick*
former +ecretary of Defense 3ames +c!lesinger* and :ice President George Bs! stand be!ind Ronald Reagan.
(P!oto by Diana Walker22"ime and Life Pictres2Getty 7mages)
Left to rig!t( Retired -.+. Army General Wesley #lark* Re). 3o!n Larson (D9#")* @ose ,inority Leader .ancy Pelosi (D9#A)*
Re). 3ane @arman (D9#A)* former +ecretary of +tate ,adeleine Albrig!t* and former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew
BrCeCinski !old a news conference at t!e -.+. #a)itol on +e)tember $'* 5==>. Wesley #lark* 3ane @arman* ,adeleine
Albrig!t* and Bbigniew BrCeCinski are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (P!oto by #!i) +omodevilla2Getty 7mages)
@ose ,inority Leader .ancy Pelosi (D9#A) (left) watc!es former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski embrace former
#linton +ecretary of +tate ,adeleine Albrig!t before !olding a news conference at t!e -.+. #a)itol on +e)tember $'* 5==>.
1ormer Army General Wesley D. #lark is seen standing in t!e backgrond. +enate ,inority Leader @arry Reid (D9.:) is
standing on t!e far rig!t. (P!oto by #!i) +omodevilla2Getty 7mages)
Left to rig!t( 1ormer .A"6 +)reme Allied #ommander for 0ro)e and retired -.+. Army General Wesley #lark* Re). 3o!n
Larson (D9#")* former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski* @ose ,inority Leader .ancy Pelosi (D9#A)* and Re).
"om Lantos (D9#A) meet )rivately after a news conference at t!e -.+. #a)itol on +e)tember $'* 5==>. BrCeCinski and #lark are
members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (P!oto by #!i) +omodevilla2Getty 7mages)
1ormer .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski (left) and former .A"6 +)reme Allied #ommander for 0ro)e and
retired -.+. Army General Wesley #lark attend a meeting in t!e office of +enate ,inority Leader @arry Reid (D9.evada) before
a news conference at t!e -.+. #a)itol on +e)tember $'* 5==>. (P!oto by #!i) +omodevilla2Getty 7mages)
-nited +tates @ose ,inority Leader .ancy Pelosi (D9#A)* Re). 3ane @arman (D9#A)* former #linton +ecretary of +tate
,adeline Albrig!t and former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski !old a news conference at t!e -.+. #a)itol in
Was!ington* D.#. on +e)tember $'* 5==>. (P!oto by #!i) +omodevilla2Getty 7mages)
1ormer .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski a))ears at a news conference at t!e -.+. #a)itol on +e)tember $'* 5==>.
(P!oto by #!i) +omodevilla2Getty 7mages) !tt)(22www.daylife.com2)!oto2=b$ebAr5rw%lG
President 3immy #arter (left) meets wit! +ecretary of +tate #yrs :ance (middle)* and .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew
President 3immy #arter and Gen. 6mar "orri8os of Panama sign t!e ratified Panama #anal treaties in Panama #ity* Panama on 3ne $>*
$%&4. +itting in rear are (left to rig!t)( -.+. Ambassador to t!e -nited .ations Andrew /ong? -.+. .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew
BrCeCinski? and +en. 3o!n +)arkman* D9Alabama* c!airman of t!e +enate 1oreign Relations #ommittee. 3immy #arter* Andrew /ong* and
Bbigniew BrCeCinski are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations. (Bettmann2#6RB7+)
7n t!is A)ril $A* $%4A file )ictre* President Ronald Reagan meets in t!e W!ite @ose 6val 6ffice wit! conservative leaders of Was!ingtonLs
national defense establis!ment* w!ic! !e !o)es will !el) !im sell #ongress on !is reOest for Q$< million* for gerrillas battling .icaragaLs
leftist government. 1rom left at rear are former .ational +ecrity Adviser Bbigniew BrCeCinski* former -nited .ations Ambassador 3eane
Dirk)atrick* former Defense +ecretary 3ames +c!lesinger and :ice President George Bs!. (AP P!oto2#!arles "asnadi)
+ecretary of Defense Donald Rmsfeld greets former +ecretary of Defense Robert ,c.amara* former +ecretary of Defense
1rank #. #arlcci (left)* and former .ational +ecrity Advisor Bbigniew BrCeCinski (rig!t) in 5=='.
(+te)!en #rowley2"!e .ew /ork "imes)
1ormer .ational +ecrity Advisers Bbigniew BrCeCinski (left) and Brent +cowcroft (rig!t) arrive on #a)itol @ill in Was!ington* D.#. on ,arc! A*
5==%* followed by +enate 1oreign Relations #ommittee #!airman -.+. +enator 3o!n Derry )rior to testifying before t!e committeeLs !earing
on -.+. strategy in 7ran. (AP P!oto)
Red #!ina;s 1oreign ,inister /ang 3iec!i (center) meets wit! #arla A. @ills (left)* t!e #o9#!airman of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations* and
Bbigniew BrCeCinski (rig!t) before s)eaking at t!e #enter for +trategic and 7nternational +tdies (#+7+) in Was!ington* D.#. on ,arc! $5*
5==%. #arla A. @ills and Bbigniew BrCeCinski are members of t!e #oncil on 1oreign Relations and t!e "rilateral #ommission. (AP P!oto)
Bbigniew BrCeCinski and !is family smile for t!e camera. Left to rig!t( 7an BrCeCinski* Bbigniew BrCeCinski* ,ska BrCeCinski
(,rs. Bbigniew BrCeCinski)* and ,ark BrCeCinski. (P!oto( !tt)(22cltre.)olis!site.s2articles2art<'5fr.!tm)

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