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Himalayan Crystal Salt is one of the most profound rediscoveries of our time.

For centuries, the energy/information content, in the form of vital mineral elements locked away within these perfectly formed crystals of mineral rich salt, were utilized by doctors for treating most every disorder known to humans, and with unfailing success. Recently. this ancient knowledge was once again uncovered by biophysicists and brought to light in the acclaimed German language book, Water & Salt, The Source of Life, by Dr. med Barbara Hendel and Peter Ferreira. We're honored to have been given Mr Ferreira's permission to present the information from the book here in these pages. We highlight his contributions as an author and research scientist for his biophysical insight to the profound, inherent energy which makes up the world around us.. The following is the forward by Peter Ferreira from Wasser und Salz. For all interested, these following pages will not only give you knowledge of a special branch of science, biophysics, but should also give you the impulse for a new, healthier and independent life. The goal of this book is to make this information available so that everyone can understand it. Nature is less complicated than we might think. In fact, it's quite the opposite. If we look into it, we can discover the cosmic law with its own divine order of simplicity. It's only up to us to recognize the connections, once again, and to understand them. With understanding of the coherent connections, the inner urge will arise in us, leading us to a change. We wanted to allow everyone who is interested, to get closer to the subjective capacity to feel Nature of their own free will. Life is not only to recognize its purpose but to live it. Because life is an everlasting, continuously developing process towards higher consciousness. We invite you to read the information with the necessary critical eye. Real knowledge comes from one's own experience. Listen to your inner voice and make your own practical experience. We should be more critical or doubtful when things get further away from their original source. We would not only like to inform you, but also to inspire and motivate you to recognize that creation not only exists on the outside, but can also be experienced on the inside. Life is the sum total of our experience, and those who haven't experienced, haven't lived. Experience your life again! Consciously, of course, with Himalayan Crystal Salt. We wish you all the best on your new journey.

Peter Ferreira Institute of Biophysics

A Crystaline Comparison of Salt

Himalayan Crystal Salt Common Table Salt Sea Salt

What do these 100x Microscopic Views of Salt Crystals Tell Us?

The balanced crystalline structure reveals fine branching, no shadows or rough edges. The crystal is not isolated from the inherent mineral elements (84) but is connected to them in a harmonious state. This tells us that the energy content, in the form of minerals, is balanced and can be easily metabolized by the body. This crystal is full of life. When taken as food, it will have a vital energetic effect on the body. The result is only a net gain for the body with zero energy loss. The unnatural crystals are totally isolated from each other and dead. In order for the body to try to metabolize these crystals, it must sacrifice tremendous amounts of energy with very little results, resulting in a damaging loss and zero gain. The salt deposits in our bodies look similar to this photo, isolated and dead. Irregular and isolated crystalline structures disconnected from the natural elements surrounding them. Because of this, the vital minerals, however many it may contain, cannot be absorbed by the body unless the body expends tremendous energy to vitalize them. The net gain is small with an even greater loss of energy

In Summary:
The result of this research proves how well developed and vital the crystal of Himalayan salt is. It actually has life generating power for our body and our nervous system. The photo at left is Himalayan salt at 50x mignification. The regular table salt shows no vibrant crystalline structure but exclusively dead crystals. As a food, it's absolutely useless, if not a destructive poison. (This is why doctors tell us to use less salt in our diets). The photo at right is normal table salt (sodium chloride) at 50x magnificaiton. Sea salt fall between the two. It displays structure, however, the crystals are isolated from their important, vital elements. Therefore, an ional-colloidal assimilation of the elements cannot be guaranteed

Energy Deficit = Disease

Sufficient Energy = Health

Now, from this analysis we can see how important it is to add energy/vitality to the body instead of robbing or depleting it of its vitality. Energy increase results in health and vitality whereas an energy decrease or deficit causes dis-ease or disease. It's really very basic stuff.

Salt For Life

As common as is the saltshaker in our daily life, so is the tradition of salt mining around the
world. Those who have had access to salt in ancient times also had access to power. However, in the past 150 years, salt has lost its importance. Modern methods of mining and chemical treatments have turned the 'white gold' into an almost useless substance. Only in recent years have Biophysicists started again to do scientific research on natural, crystal salt. They discovered something astonishing: natural crystal salt consists of exactly the same 84 elements as in human body.

From White Gold to White Poison

Life on Earth is not possible without salt. But our consumption of salt is killing us. Why is that?
Because our regular table salt no longer has anything in common with the original crystal salt. Salt now a day is mainly sodium chloride and not salt. Natural crystal salt consists not only of two, but also of all natural elements. These are exactly identical to the elements of which our bodies have been built and originally found existing in the "primal ocean" from where all life originated. Interesting enough, our blood contains the same salty solution or brine as that of the primal sea; that is, a fluid consisting of water and salt. It also has the same concentration as existed in those days when life left the primal sea. This brine water flows through more than 56,000 miles of waterways and blood vessels throughout our organism with the forces of gravity and levity and regulates and balances the functions of our body.

How Salt Became Sodium Chloride

With the advent of industrial development, our natural salt was "chemically cleaned" and
reduced only to sodium and chloride. Important minerals and trace elements were considered "impure" and removed. This remaining salt by itself however, is not a natuural element and is poison to the body. The body recognizes this chemically cleaned sodium chloride as an aggressive poison to its cells and wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. This causes constant overburden for our excretive organs. In almost every preserved product, salt is used as part of the preservation process. Therefore, by adding more salt to the already salted food, the body receives more salt than it can

get rid of. The body now tries to isolate the over dose of salt. In this process, water molecules surround the sodium chloride in order to ionize it into sodium and chloride to neutralize it. For this process, the water is taken from our cells and the body has to sacrifice its most perfectly structured cell water in order to neutralize sodium chloride. In doing so, the dehydrated body cells die.

Arthritis, Kidney & Gall Stones and Cellulite Caused By Common Salt
Eating common table salt results in the formation of edema, or excess fluid in the body
tissue, which is also the cause of cellulite. That's why doctors tell us to avoid salt. For every gram of sodium chloride that the body cannot get rid of, the body uses twenty-three times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. If the sodium chloride is still too high, the body recrystalizes the table salt by using available animal proteins, which also cannot be broken down and eliminated. The body uses these proteins to produce uric acid in order to get rid of the excess salt. As the body cannot dispose of uric acid, it binds itself with the sodium chloride to form new crystals that are deposited directly in the bones and joints. This is the cause of different kinds of rheumatisms such as arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder stones. The recrystalizing is the body's band-aid solution for the cells and organs in order to protect the body from irreparable damage of irresponsible food intake. But in the long run, it poisons the system because those substances cannot be disposed of.

The Salt in Our Kitchen is Poison

If one considers what we have talked about so far, then the question must
arise: Why do we continue using this chemically refined salt that actually poisons our body? The answer is very simple. Ninety-three percent (93%) of the world's salt is being used directly for industrial purposes and 6% used for preserving processes. And for this, pure sodium chloride is necessary. For every chemical process, sodium chloride is needed. The remaining, natural elements, are considered impurities and discarded as unwanted. Only a very small part of the worldwide salt production finds its way to our kitchens as table salt. With the help of intensive advertising campaigns, the industry tries to convince the people of the health advantage to adding halogens, like highly toxic iodine (in the form of iodide) to the salt. Fluoride is another substance they like to add to salt. But fluoride is the most reactive element. Fluoride is a greenish-yellowish, piercingly sharp gas and also belongs to the halogen group. Iodine is artificially added in order to help the thyroid gland and fluoride is added because it is good for teeth. But both elements actually make the sodium chloride even more toxic. And further, table salt very often contains preservatives that don't have to be listed on the container like, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, as well as aluminum hydroxide, which improved pour ability of the salt. However aluminum is a light alloy that can be deposited in the brain and is known to be one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease. One of the suspected reasons for the high incidents of Alzheimer in the U.S. is the high consumption of products and drinks packaged in aluminum cans. After all, it's the natural salt in our bodies that allows our brain processes to even function. Salts consisting of all the natural elements, are considered, in error, by the biochemical industry to be contaminated. In reality, only the naturally occurring calcium, gallium and magnesium found in salt can be absorbed and used by the body. We need salt in its holistic form, with all the natural elements, in order for our bodies to function perfectly.

Natural Salt Mines

Salt is plentiful on the Earth, especially in the oceans, which cover approximately
70% of the surface. However, the oceans are being degraded to waste disposaldumping facilities and are being polluted with heavy metals like, lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury and more. Not a single year passes without major news of at least one fractured oil tanker causing a catastrophe. Of course, the poison elements also have their own vibration patterns which are dissonant and therefore, harmful to our bodies. So, today, sea salt doesn't have the same positive impact on our health as it used to. In addition, 89% of all the sea salt producers are refining their salt.

Rock Salt
Mined salt consists of 95% rock salt. Even natural rock salt comes close to beings holistically
intact and is more valuable than industrial table salt. From a bio-chemical standpoint, it is not aggressive. However, the elements contained in rock salt haven't been subjected to sufficient compression to be included in the crystal lattice, but are only attached to the surface and in the gaps of the crystalline structure. Natural stone salt is being used today only for feeding animals. It's a cheap alternative to table salt because at least it's a natural product. From a biophysical as well as bio-chemical perspective, it has little value for us. Only under considerable pressure are the elements brought into specific particle size, so as to transcend to an ional or colloidal state. This is important because our cells can only absorb what is available organically or ionic-colloidal. Therefore, we cannot absorb minerals from mineral water because they're not refined enough to penetrate our cell walls. And what doesn't get into our cells cannot be metabolized. Therefore, the best calcium is useless if it cannot be available to the body's cells.

The report below of analysis of our Himalayan salt was prepared by Western Analysis, Inc..



MM-009 Lab# 83632



MM-009 Lab# 83632

1. Aluminum Al 2. Antimony 3. Arsenic 4. Barium 5. Beryllium 6. Bismuth 7. Boron 8. Bromine Sb As Ba Be Bl B Br

ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

0.45 2.27 <0.5 0.18 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 4.76

38. Mercury 39. Molybdenum 40. Neodymium 41.Nickel 42. Niobium 43. Osmium 44. Palladium

Hg Mo Nd Ni Nb Os Pd

ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

<0.02 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.5

45. Phosphorus P

9. Cadmium 10. Calcium 11. Carbon 12. Cerium 13. Cesium 14. Chloride 15. Chromium 16. Cobalt 17. Copper 18. Dysprosium 19. Erbium

Cd Ca C Ce Cs Cl Cr Co Cu Dy Er

ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

0.13 1380 68.0 1.87 0.82 598,000. .191 <0.1 0.69 <0.1 .219 <0.1 7.22 1.72 1.65 0.39 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

46. Platinum


ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

<0.05 2900. 0.19 <0.1 <0.05 7.99 <0.1 3.87 <0.1 <0.05 10.7 0.063 374,000. 6.98 1680. 0.53 <0.1 <0.1 0.69 <0.1

47. Potassium K 48. Pr Praseodymium 49. Rhenium 50. Rhodium 51. Rubidium Re Rh Rb

52. Ruthenium Ru

53. Samarium Sm ppm 54. Scandium 55. Selenium 56. Silicon 57. Silver 58. Sodium 59. Strontium 60. Sulfur 61. Tantaium 62. Tellurium 63. Terbium 64. Thallium 65. Thorium Sc Se Si Ag Na Sr S Ta Te Tb Tl Th ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

20. Europium Eu 21. Fluoride 22. Gadolinium 23. Gallium 24. Germanium 25. Gold 26. Hafnium F

Gd ppm Ga Ge Au Hf ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

27. Holmium Ho 28. Indium In

29. Iodine 30. Iridium 31. Iron 32. Lanthanum 33. Lead 34. Lithium

I Ir Fe La Pb Li

ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

1.42 <0.05 14.2 <0.1 0.07 0.59 <0.1 20,100. <0.1

66. Thulium 67. Tin 68. Titanium 69.Tungsten

Tm Sn Ti W

ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

<0.1 <0.1 0.38 <0.1 8.78 <0.05 <0.05 4.92 0.48

70. Vanadium V 71. Ytterbium 72. Yttrium 73. Zinc Yb Y Zn

35. Lutetium Lu 36. Magnesium 37. Manganese

Mg ppm Ma ppm

74. Zirconium Zr

Helium, argon, neon, krypton, xenon, radon, technetium, and promethium could not be included in this specific test analysis. In order to trace these elements, one needs an extremely sophisticated and costly analysis.

Biophysics Versus Biochemistry

What's the difference between biochemistry and biophysics? Biochemistry studies the chemical reactions in living organisms which can be proven experimentally. Biophysics studies the interaction between living or organic matter and the mutual effects of energy and the potential between them.

Quality versus Quantity

As biochemistry deals with the physical nature of the body and looks at its material aspects, when we feel imbalanced we take pills to supplement our deficit of vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. From a biochemical viewpoint, this makes sense. But the biophysicist asks: "Is the body capable of absorbing inorganic vitamins and minerals, say calcium, from a pill? They state that we could swallow 50 lbs. of calcium pills and yet the body would still have less calcium than if we had eaten a carrot. Biophysics is a field of science that studies the energy behind all things material.

Energy and Information

Einstein's famous formula states that Energy=Matter. Every form of matter is subject to a higher form of energy. The human body has enough energy to light a 100W bulb. Where does this energy come from? Biophysics simply says: Life=Energy. And that from a physical standpoint, Energy=Information. All matter contains energy in the form of information. Life exists as a constant exchange of energy. Information is the foundation of order. Every form of energy has an associated vibration, one that can be measured as an electromagnetic frequency. Every vibration consists of its inherent individual information content. In the cosmic order, there are no accidents. Every form of energy strives to manifest itself according to a structured energetic plan. You can already see in the word itself, INFORMATION: Form comes from the Latin Forma, which means body and in, also from Latin means into - Hence, information means to come into shape or come into body. Therefore, every material form, every mineral, every plant, every animal and every human being is made of the components, in a physical aspect, of energy, vibration and the life force, which gives the impulse its higher order.

Revealing The Source of Vitality

The classic, natural science which reveals the source of everything, can be proven mostly through mathematics. The name in itself reveals the trinity of body, mind, and soul, which are the components of all matter. MA means Matter THE means Theos (Greek...the Divine) MATI is that which binds matter to the Divine....the Spirit For biophysics, the most important aspect of mathematics is Geometry. The word Cosmos (Greek for Order), tells us that nothing in the universe is haphazard or accidental, but exists according to a structured order. GEO explains the Earth and METRIE equals measurement Inherent in the Divine Earth mass is an orderly perfection

The three distince forms of water - Solid, Liquid and Gaseous




The Various States of Matter

Water is a good example for showing what happens to matter when energy is added. Water
has three distinct types of bodies or states; solid, liquid and gas. Ice is nothing but water in its frozen state. We can see it and feel its coolness. By adding energy to it in the form of heat, the ice becomes water. This too we can observe. With the increase of energy, bringing the water to boiling, its molecules start moving so quickly that they reach a gaseous state. This gaseous existence can only be physically observed when this water vapor condenses in the form of clouds. If we point to the sky and exclaim, "water is there", those not involved in our experiment from the beginning will not believe it, since water vapor cannot be seen. Still, it exists in its most subtle form and most important form and we inhale it with every breath.

A Geometrical Structure is Determined by its Energy Content

Matter also comes into existence by the decrease or slowing of energy. The different energy forms, as water can be either solid, fluid or gaseous, are changed into a specific form according to their orderly structure and information content. One of the oldest forms of materialized energy, a solid molecule of matter, we find on Earth in the form of minerals. Each rock crystal displays, in its structure, the exact same perfect geometric shape according to a fundamental principle of order, as every other. They have the same hexagonal structure and represent one of the five known geometric bodies of which all matter consists. Now, why is it, if nature would have been created by accident, that over millions of years of crystalline growth, a rock crystal always has the exact same perfect geometry?



Dodecahedron Tetrahedron


The Five Geometric Shapes of All Crystals in Nature The Life-Force in Matter
What orderly power, in the form of energy, lies behind this geometric perfection? If we look into a rock

crystal we can see that it is composed of a measurable electric charge. In physics we call this current piezoelectric. We also know that electricity equals energy, which represents a life force. This also makes sense because crystals need energy for their growth, and energy means life. That's why we can speak of the vitality of crystals. In this sense, every crystal is a carrier of information. For example, every microchip, the basic element of a computer, is a rock crystal. However, it can only store and transmit information according to its geometric structure. By destroying the structure of a crystal, it remains, from a chemical standpoint, silicate. However, its information content is lost. So, it's not the matter, in this case the silicate that is responsible for the energy content, but the geometric structure.

The Origin of the Word Crystal Check This Out!

Have you ever thought how the word crystal came about? Part of the word is derived from the word "kristos", or Christos, which comes from Greek and means "The Anointed One". However, the word kristos is much older than Christianity and originally means, "consciousness". That's why the human body of Jesus, because of His consciousness, was called the Anointed One, as those who were anointed were initiated into the metaphysical science of the cosmos. The purpose of life is to raise our consciousness to a level of all consciousness or Krist-All = Christ-all = Crystal.

The Secret of Pyramids - Tombs? or More?

The knowledge of the energy/vitality/information, inherent in all matter, goes far back to ancient civilizations. Looking at the Egyptians, isn't it interesting that all of our scientific understanding of mathematics, geometry, physics, astronomy and astrology can be found in the pyramids? To this day we cannot explain, with our materialistically inclined intellect, how this ancient culture was able to realize such perfect structures with the limited means and possibilities of their time. But why did the Egyptians and other cultures put so much effort into constructing their pyramids? Were they really only tombs, as we are taught in school? Couldn't it be possible that they served as initiating centers, to utilize the geometry of the electromagnetic frequency pattern of the building in order to enhance the consciousness of the living?

Energy and Information

Energy and information are identical. Every form of energy has a specific wavelength. Every wavelength has its own individual information content. In the cosmic order, there are no accidents. Every form of energy strives to manifest according to a specific orderly structure according to its information content. Every form of matter is the sum of all of its inherent information which follows an impulse from a higher order. It is not matter itself that is responsible for the energy content, but its geometry. Specific geometric structures like crystals and pyramids, because of their specific frequency patterns, have a specific regulated power.

Health and Disease Through the Biophysical Eye

In biophysics, a disease is always referred to as a deficit of energy. Let's go back to the crystals, as they're of utmost importance for understanding water and salt. How do crystals form? The most beautiful are found in mountains. When geotectonic changes occur, there is pressure. This pressure is responsible for the creation of crystals. If we take enough carbon and apply enough pressure, we will get a geometrically perfect diamond that contains specific energy/information. Similarly, our bodies, when healthy, have a perfect geometric crystalline structure. If this state is not found in our organism, then we are lacking information/energy. The body will then put pressure on us, mostly in the form of suffering, manifesting in disease. When confronted by disease, we are

more or less forced to change something. Our body is telling us that we are lacking something.

Lack of Energy Causes Disease

What we lack is Energy! The simplest and most logical action at this point would be to find out which form of energy we are lacking and bring our body back into balance by replenishing our body with the appropriate energy/information. What does this realization tell us? We are in a healthy state when we have sufficient current/energy/information/vitality, as all are equivalent. Let's look at our bodies as rechargeable batteries. If our body is functioning perfectly we have to watch that our batteries are always charged. If this is not the case, then our body's natural regulation mechanism doesn't have enough energy to recharge itself. It cannot function. Therefore, we can refer to disease as a lack of energy or lack of vitality. The disease signals the lack of energy in the form of a symptom. But to call the symptom the disease is simply wrong. The symptoms are only the desperate cry of the suffering organism that is lacking energy. And normally, the body turns to a weakened organ to give us a hint, through a symptom, that things are not in order.

Suppressing Symptoms Does Not Heal the Cause

A lack of energy creates a chaotic state in our body. Order becomes chaos. If we suppress the symptom, we haven't determined the cause of deficit of energy in our sick body and are not able to balance it. This treatment approach would not only miss its goal, more so, it could trigger even more symptoms, signifying a condition of worse disease. Imagine the oil pressure light in your car lights up while you're driving. This is a signal that there's a problem which could to lead to irreparable damage. This gauge is there to protect against this. Now, if you would treat this example according to conventional medical understanding, by treating only the symptoms, you would simply put a piece of chewing gum over the gauge so as not to see the red light, and continue driving. How far will you be able to drive?,maybe one or perhaps twenty miles. But then the car would finally die. Not because the red warning light is once again flashing, it has never stopped flashing, but because the motor has been damaged beyond repair. The real problem was not the symptom, which is represented by the red light, but the deficit in energy, which in this case was the lack of oil. Therefore, if a symptom of a disease manifests, then it is to show us that there is a deficit of energy. We should replace the cause of the deficit and not the symptom.

Healing Through Consciousness

Pure energy in its original form will always be without form and therefore not visible to us. For many of us it seems to be simpler and easier to accept the taking of a pill than to find the cause of the much more complex source of energy deficit, manifesting as a disease. Taking conventional medicine will not only suppress the symptoms but will often lead to additional blockages of our energy flow. (Commonly Known as Harmful Side Effects about which we are cautioned.) However, if we have conscious understanding, and introduce the needed energy to our body, it's only a matter of time before our self-regulating mechanism will begin to work again. Through our own power our body will be brought back into its original, balanced state. This is what we call healing. It's not the doctor or therapist who heals us. Even with the approximately fifty-eight thousand medications available, we can find practically none that can heal our disease. The healing process can only come about through our own selves, because healing is a process of consciousness. By becoming conscious, we receive the missing information, the energy, a specific range or pattern of electromagnetic vibrations. This could be through the intake of food, which is gross matter or through subtle food, like words or information from a good therapist. But the food or the therapist are only carriers of information and not the energy itself.

Disease Through a Biophysical Eye

Disease = deficit of energy. Symptoms are only pointing to the diseased body. A diseased body cannot be healed by treating the symptoms, but only through replacing the deficit of energy. The healing comes about through adding energy in the form of information and its related consciousness. Now the deficit of energy is being balanced.

A Biophysical View of Living Food

Food, in its original state (living food), is also a carrier of life/energy/information. This food, through chemical processing, then becomes dead food. Even though, from a chemical standpoint, the material body appears the same.

From Living Food to Dead Food

The famous Oxford studies show us what happens to food when it gets changed through processing: They analyzed cow's milk scientifically from both a chemicall and biophysical aspect. From a biochemical aspect they saw that the milk has a very high calcium and protein content. They checked the electromagnetic frequency pattern in the lower frequencies. By doing so, they found that the milk has a natural, holistic structure (the orderly structure of the elements creates a blueprint), where different frequency pattern of an energy spectrum can be detected. From a biochemical viewpoint, the detected elements, like calcium and protein, are of great importance. The biochemist talks of the importance of calcium for building bone in the baby calf and the protein necessary for its muscle growth. After this analysis, the milk was pasteurized. After analyzing the pasteurized milk they found that it still contained the same calcium and protein. From a chemical standpoint, the milk hasn't changed and it can still be fed to the calf because it contains all the elements. However, when this pasteurized milk was fed to a calf for three weeks, it died. How is this possible if, chemically viewed, the chemical nutrients were intact? What changed through the treatment that resulted in the calf's death? Through pasteurizing, the crystalline structure of the milk was destroyed resulting in the destruction of its inherent geometric structure. The result was that no detectible energy or totally changed energy was found. The milk was no longer alive. Food is much more than the sum of its chemical components

How Eating Food Costs Us Energy

The original organic calcium became inorganic due to its processing. In order for the calcium to be assimilated in the intestines, it must be in its organic form. Otherwise, it becomes more of a burden to the body because it no longer supports the metabolism and the body must use its own calcium reserves. Studies with school children showed that those who drank a lot of milk had the poorest teeth and weakest bone structure. If we take dead food instead of living food, the body gets only calories and no information. Instead of receiving energy and vitality, the body has to utilize its own remaining energy to digest and discard the dead food. Although we have eaten food, we have actually robbed the body of its energy instead of adding to its supply.

Lifeless Food
A scientific study done in England has shown the impact of common microwave cooking on our food. The study achieved the following results: A group of cats were kept in a room with artificial light and fed exclusively food and water that had been microwaved. The animals had an abundant variety of food choices. However, they all died within one month. What was the cause of their death? They died of hunger, although they were constantly eating. The short wave radiation of the microwave changed the molecular structure of the food. And it changed to such an extent that not only could no feasible energy be measured, the chemistry of the food had been changed. Those of you owing microwave ovens are invited to make a simple experiment. Just take a piece of bread with cheese and microwave it, not for 30 seconds, but for a few minutes. You will discover that the cheese will not only look and taste like plastic, but that it would have actually undergone a chemical change resembling the structure of plastic. The molecular structure of the elements were actually changed. An original substance was completely changed into another, having nothing in common with the original elements.

Food in its Original State is the Best

From a biophysical perspective, food is only a carrier of information to the body. This vital information is important to a healthy diet. Eat vital food and alter your food as little as possible so that the holistic body is not destroyed. If we extract vitamin C from a acerola cherry in the belief that we will receive natural vitamin C instead of synthetic, we have to consider that we changed the holistic body of the fruit, and with this also, its information content that was to be delivered to us via the vitamin C. This perspective forces us to look deeper into food supplements and sheds a new light on the perceived value derived from their use. When you plant an apple tree, it's highly likely that it will grow. A grain of corn will also bring a new grain into life. Try the same with apple butter and white flour and you can wait for eternity. They will never be able to produce life because both are dead material. In an untreated, natural apple you find more energy and information content than from all the cooked food you eat in a day.

Choosing the Right Diet

If you start your day with fresh fruit and you will have an abundance of energy for your daily routine. Eat you vegetables either raw or slightly steamed instead of cooking them to death. Then you will maintain the valuable structure, and with it, the energy content. Try to eat more alkaline foods because over acidity is the cause of many ills of the body. A balanced diet is composed of alkaline and acidic food. Alkaline foods in general are, fruits, vegetables, greens and spelt. Acidic foods include all sweets, grains, meat, fish, eggs, milk products, animal fats, coffee, tea and alcohol. Generally speaking, we should be careful with animal protein intake. It's difficult for our digestion system to assimilate cow's milk because we lack the necessary enzymes for this. Therefore, our body is restricted in receiving and benefiting from the valuable calcium, vitamins and amino acid. And, as we discussed previously, the milk is being pasteurized and homogenized and its energy and information content has been destroyed.

Why a Plant Based Diet Lacks No Nutritional Deficiencies

Research with 8,000 people who choose the vegan diet, a diet which abstains from all animal protein like milk, meat, fish, and egg, has shown that they had sufficient vitamin B12, although it is said that vitamin B12 can only be found in animal proteins and that the human body cannot produce it on its own. Maybe it can? In nutrition, it's not so much about vitamin B12, but about the body's ability, given the proper energy, to be able to put the elements of which it consists, back into a specific geometrical and molecular structure. This molecular structure consists of what we call, in chemical terms, vitamin B12. A vitamin is nothing but a molecular grouping of different elements already found or inherent in our body. It's not so much about the vitamin B12 in itself, but its potential to transmit information according to its molecular geometry.

How to Become Balanced Again

To live a healthy life you do not have to become a vegan. However, it is recommended that we pay more attention to what we eat and drink and be especially sensitive to the vitality of our food. Our body is able to adapt to the ever-changing environmental influences if it has enough energy. To a certain extent, we are able to get rid of all the poisons and keep them from being deposited in our system, due to the orderly structure of our blood. With the proper energy balance we are able to overcome disorders in our body. But in each case we have to look from a cause and effect viewpoint. According to energy principles, every change of matter can be brought to its original state by adding the missing energy with its information. It's only a question of time and subsequent endurance to re-establish this state of balance .

A Healthy Diet
Food is a carrier of information and vitality. If the geometric structure of food is changed or damaged, this will also change or damage its related information content and vitality. Unchanged plant-based food is the foundation of a healthy, nutritional diet. The diet should consist of mostly alkaline food. The proper diet can help us to balance energy deficiencies and remove disorders in our body.

According to research, the heated salt crystal lamps can be referred to as natural ion generators Salt Crystal Lamps

The salt crystal lamps have a similar effect to the ionizer. However, the natural ionization of a crystal lamp cannot be compared to an ionizer. A salt crystal lamp can only have an ionization effect. However, salt crystal lamps have many advantages in many aspects and improve the general atmosphere of a room. If the lamp is next to a television or computer monitor, it's effect, through its electromagnetic field, of the device is in approximately the 100-160Hz zone. Our brain waves however, produce only 8Hz according to the Schuman resonance frequency. Therefore, the body is exposed to up to 20 times higher frequency patterns than it is generally used to. The consequences of this exposure results in nervousness, insomnia and lack of concentration or concentration weaknesses. In addition, there will be an accumulation of more free radicals in the body, known to be a cause of cancer. The salt crystal lamp binds the negative ions with the excess positive ions. When the lamp becomes warm, it absorbs moisture and the crystal will be damp on the surface. This builds up the ion field. Through the lamp, the positively charged atmosphere of a room can be neutralized. In addition to this, the colors of the salt crystal stones have a healing effect. The therapeutic value of the colored crystals can reorganize the epidermal layer of our skin. Tests made with kids having ADHD symptoms have shown that after only one week of exposure to crystal salt lamps, their symptoms subsided. After removing the lamps, the symptoms returned. The Healing Effect of Colors on our Body and Mind Orange Facilitates a feeling of security and is helpful to our nervous system and our mind and activates the kidneys and bladder. Yellow Encourages intellectual comprehension and activates the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Red Strengthens the vital life force and activates the heart and circulation. Pink Supports the sense of partnership and love and opens your emotional body. White Has a cleansing and detoxifying effect and represents the healing aspect. Brown Helps to find ones own balance and supports earthiness. Research results It's a well know fact that, through scientific and empirical research, salt crystal lamps exhibit biophysical characteristics, which demonstrate a positive effect on our well-being. From a scientific view there are three natural action principles at play: ionization, the electromagnetic oscillation and the transparent-crystalline structure developing the light waves. Before we discuss the above mentioned characteristics of the salt crystal lamps in detail, we would like to point out that salt is a primal element, like water and air and its natural minerals and trace element have unique biophysical and biochemical characteristics. Salt is to be regarded as neutral, chemically as well as

physically, without its own polarity, always balancing and neutralizing. Exactly like our planet earth's makeup, human beings consist of about 70% water; brine water more specifically. This enormous potential on enclosed brine solution transmits the cosmic oscillation (vibration) energy, not only evenly over our planets, but also reaches deep into our most minute cells and nerves. It is not only the salt from chemical view that the body needs salt in order to maintain our entire bodily functions, but the salt, from biophysical view, will always be able to bring the body back into its natural energy vibration rhythm. I. Salt Crystal Lamps and Ionization World-wide laboratory tests with the most diverse kinds of measuring methodology furnished the proof that the lit salt crystal lamps deliver ions to our environment. Primarily, the research points to an increased number of negative ions. The emission of ions is primarily caused by the alternating actions of the salt's ability to first absorb water, then evaporate it. To explain this more precisely, the heated salt crystal attracts the water molecules from the ambient air to its surface. The salt goes into a solution as it mixes with the water molecules. Sodium, as the positively charged ion, and chloride, as a negatively charged ion, becomes neutral and are emitted back into the environment. The uniqueness of this ion emission interrelation is only possible with the mineral salt, since salt possesses this transformation ability with water due to it's electrically neutral atomic structure. Scientific investigations of the last decades proved clearly that a balanced ion relationship with a little surplus of negative ions, can have extremely positive affects on our entire physical condition and our health. The heated salt crystal lamps can be referred to, according to research, as natural ion generators. Here however it is pointed out that the emission of ions by heated salt crystal lamps, should not be regarded as the primary characteristic, because from scientific standpoint, the surplus of negative ions is negligible. More important is it's ability to clean the ambient air. Depending upon size and surface area of the salt crystal used for the lamp, the ambient air surrounding it is measurably cleaned by the transformation cycle of hydrogen and oxygen, as well as sodium and chloride ions. This characteristic is especially helpful for relieving the symptoms associated with asthma and allergies in general. The research of the characteristics of pure, or cleaned air through the action of the salt crystal lamps, is based on a medical therapy called Spelaeotherapy, a treatment where the patient enters an underground salt mine and is exposed to the concentrated atmosphere of negative ions. Further scientific research have not taken place yet under medical guidance, since scientific investigations are still at the beginning stages. One cannot compare the therapeutic effect of a singular salt crystal lamp to the effects found in a salt cave (mine), when conducted according to medical guidelines. However, there have been a great variety of holistic and positive self-therapy results, which can be classified as scientifically subjective, and should be recognized and considered. II. Salt Crystal Lamps and Electromagnetic Oscillation The Earth is surrounded by an electromagnetic belt, and within this belt every form of life comes and goes. Therefore, every form of life on this planet earth depends on the power of this electromagnetic field of vibration, known as the Schuman resonance frequency, which states that the given frequency of this electromagnetic field is at 7.83 Hz (cycles) per second . This value in known to be the resonant frequency of our earth. The resonant frequency is the most often frequency of measurement applied to mammals and can be measured as the resonant frequency of our brains with an EEG. Also, a salt crystal, in its neutral state, exhibits this exact frequency oscillation value. But doe to our industrialized and technical way of life, the human organism is being affected, particularly in our homes and offices, to artificial electromagnetic wavelengths with the most diverse frequency values, caused by electronics devices. These frequencies have been proven not only to disturb our human organism, but also to promote illness, since they constantly overlap our natural resonant frequency. As a result of this constant exposure to various frequencies, our own electromagnetic energy field becomes imprinted by the frequencies forced upon it, which upsets the natural development of our cells. Because of the atomic structure of the salt, which is already neutral, it is most likely that the artificial frequencies can be harmonized or balanced by the lit salt lamp as it works as a natural amplifier for the resonant frequency of 8-10 cycles per second, which is so necessary for our life. With the use of a salt crystal lamp we can adjust and neutralize electromagnetic wavelengths caused by electronic devices in natural way.

III. Salt Crystal Lamps and Light Waves When we talk about light we mean, for the most part, the oscillation energies, or electromagnetic wavelengths, which lie in a nanometer range visible to our human eye. From the color therapy it is well-known that the human organism needs the light waves of the rainbow spectrum (300-700 nanometers) for the health and preservation of the body. Our body's cells are supplied by light with new energy in the form of electromagnetic wavelengths. Thus the atomic structure of each individual cell vibrates in its own given order and can radiate bio photons as the cell's own electromagnetic energy field. The specific oscillation values of salt crystal lamps depend upon crystalline color structure in the so-called warm clay/tone range of 600-700 nanometers. For decades, the field of medicine, has been using irradiation with monochromatic light, since these color vibration areas exert direct influence on our cell producing functions. To what extent a salt crystal lamp can be employed for natural irradiation therapy, is yet to be seen without further research. However, salt crystal lamps have been used therapeutically for years. 1999 - Institutes of Biophysical Research

The Healing Power of Sole - Brine Water

Recognize every disease or illness as a friend who wants to show you that something needs to be changed in your life.

Benefits of Drinking Sole

1. The sole supplies the body with the natural energy stored in the crystals and the body can hold this up to 24 hours. 2. Can harmonize the alkaline/acidity balance in the body and normalize blood pressure. 3. Can dissolve and eliminate sediments which lead to stones and various forms of rheumatism like arthritis and kidney and gall bladder stones. 4. Can lower the craving for addictive desires.

5. Can help with skin diseases by cleaning from inside out. The mixture of water and crystal salt, called "sole" (so-lay), is the primordial
soup of life, and the most flexible physical representation of pure solar and light energy.When water and this salt come together they create this new dimension, Sole. In German, the word sole, which is derived from the Latin word "sol", which means sun. Sole (brine) is nothing but the fluid materialization of sunlight. Sole means fluid sunlight or fluid light energy. When water combines with salt the positive ions of the salt surround the negative ions of the water molecules and the negative ions of the salt surround the positive ions of the water molecules. The ions become hydrolyzed. In this process the geometrical structure of the salt and the water is changed and a totally new structure is formed, a third

dimension. Water is no longer water and salt is not salt anymore. The crystalline structure of the brine is so profound that its vibration pattern lasts over 24 hours in our bodies. With brine water, you can have exactly that vibration pattern that the body is lacking when it is sick. But again, the quality of the salt is paramount for quality brine. Every morning you should take a teaspoon together with a glass of natural spring water on an empty stomach. The amount of intake is not as important as the regularity. It's better to take it regularly than in large doses. From a bio-chemical viewpoint, within minutes, the whole stomach and intestines are being stimulated. And this again stimulates the digestion and metabolism. The overall availability of electrolytes is built up and thus the conductivity in the body is increased, which in turn affects the circulation. The salt allows the current to flow once again. All life started in this sea of water and salt, the primal sea. Every vital process in our universe, from the microcosms to the macrocosm are directly connected with the energy potential which comes about when water and this salt combine.

Balance the Body's ph Factor and Get Rid of Heavy Metals

The brine is an excellent product for balancing the ph
factor of your body. With brine water one can also get rid of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium because the crystal salt is able to break up their molecular structures. A simple example can help you to understand this concept. Put some 26% brine solution in your teapot that has hard water or calcium build up. Heat it briefly and you can watch how the calcium dissolves in the brine. This process is a simple chemical reaction. You can treat your body to a similar therapy in order to get rid of the calcium build up and the heavy metal deposits in your body. For the body to get rid of these deposits it has to first metabolize them. Even animal proteins, which are difficult to break down and eliminate, will be eliminated through the urine due to the strong structural formation of the crystal salt.

Preparation of Sole
Loosely fill the salt stones in a closeable glass container. Add good spring water or "enlivened" water, completely filling the vessel. After approximately one hour the solution will become saturated at 26%, a satisfactory and ready to use brine solution. The 26% concentration now remains stable. The glass can be refilled again and again with water, until all salt dissolved.

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