English Practice 5

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I Choose the correct answer: 1 She occasionally __ to spend a weekend with her cousins.

a) has gone b) go c) goes d) had gone 2 I dont know why he __ fault. a) is always grumbling and finding b) always grumbles and finds 3 __ talking interrupted you? a) Which b) Whose c) Whom d) That 4 The writer is as fascinating as the book ___. a) himself b) oneself c) itself 5 a) Never again shall I take part in such things. b) Never again I shall take part in such things. c) Never shall again I take part in such things. 6 Id rather lose__ than your friendship. a) anything b) everything c) nothing d) something 7 Everybody would be __ motivated by such conditions of work. a) highly b) high 8 One gets used to __ advertisements everywhere in town. a) see b) have seen c) seeing d) to be seen 9 Ill give you the book as soon as I __ it. a) read b) have read c) had read d) will read 10 __ good beginning makes for a good ending. a) a b) the c) an d) / 11 Plans__to build a new settlement here right now. a) had been made b) are being made c) were made d) made 12 Tom and John __ their military service this time next year. a) will be doing b) going to do c) / d) have done 13 You have to decide for __ what to do in a particular situation. a) yourself b) you c) / 14 When I came down next morning he told me Mary would be in__. a) shortly b) short 15 Im sorry for __ to you. a) referring b) to refer c) referring d) has referred 16 He made no __ objection to my doing. a) farther b) further 17 Suppose they might __ away out, too. a) have been looking for b) had looked for c) been looked for 18 __ Americans are__brave people. a) /, a b) The, / c) /, / d) The, a 19 I dont believe its any good__ again. a) trying b) tried c) have tried 20 A lot__about it nowadays. a) writes b) is writing c) is been written d) is being written 21 Its my__ office. a) brothers-in-law b) brother-in-laws 22 Never in his life __ such a sight! a) he saw b) he has seen c) has he seen d) he had seen 23 The__apples that are left are for the baby. a) little b) few 24 He said, Lets find it out as soon as possible. a) He told us to find it out as soon as possible. b) He suggested they should find it out as soon as possible. 25 A special summer school is __ next week. a) to be held b) to have been held c) to hold 26 I shouldnt eat sweets and cakes, Im __ a diet. a) in b) at c) for d) on 27 Listen to me. __? a) Are you kidding? b) Have you been kidding? c) Had you been kidding? 28 She made each of them__ her. a) helped b) help c) helping d) to help 29 There are sitting Mrs Brown and Mrs Jones, but I__. a) which is which b) who is who 30 The last campfires were going __ one by one. a) off b) down c) out 31 I want__ less expensive seat. a) / b) little c) a d0 an 32 She wondered whether this urgent call was the one she__ for all these weeks. a) had been waiting b) was waiting c) waited 33 All__ , he felt great relief. a) forgotten b) forgetting c) forgot d) was forgotten 34 The Cape of Good Hope is in __ South Africa. a) / b) the 35 Dont give me the chair __legs are rickety. a) which b) whose c) that d) those 36 Of the two evils, choose the __. a) little b) less c) lesser d) least II Choose an ending (a to f) for each beginning (1 to 6) and add appropriate forms of these words, using the subjunctive or should where appropriate: arrest give insist recommend send suggestion crucial have not disturb requirement stipulate wear a that the winner.a car as the prize. b that uniforms.at all times. c that the applicant.two years experience. d that the patient . e that theythe wrong person. f that we..a week in Paris.

1 The nurse says its () 2 The advertisement.() 3 The travel agent.() 4 Someone offered the() 5 The school had a..() 6 The prisoner..()

III Make appropriate compound adjectives from each pair of words and add them to the sentences: distance/long home/make end/never wash/white grow/fast keep/peace educate/well funny/look

1 Ghana had to increase food imports to meet the needs of a __ population. 2 Mrs Baxter offered us scones with cream and her__jam. 3 Please dont use this phone to make any__calls. 4 Soldiers have to learn to talk rather than fight when they are sent on__missions. 5 The presidents wife seemed to jave a__supply of new shoes and handbags. 6 We have to invest more in schools and teachers if we want to have a__population. 7 That__piece of cloth at the end of each sleeve is called a frill. 8 We rented a small cottage in Devon, with a red-tiled roof and__walls. IV Correct the mistakes in the use of THERE and IT in these sentences: 1 Im sure it will be someone to help you with your luggage. 2 It was such a nice day in the valley that it was a surprise to hear there was snowing in the mountains. 3 It isnt much time left to prepare for the meeting if its first thing tomorrow morning. 4 There certain to be questions about Ireland in the history test. 5 It was said to be hundreds of people stranded by the floods. 6 A lot of fat and sugar is in pies and cakes. 7 Everyone found very amusing that Id started taking karate lessons. 8 They viewed it offensive that he just slumped in the chair and put his feet up on the coffee table. 9 It really wasnt surprising that there were found no survivors in the wreckage of the plane. V Rewrite these sentences with verbs in the passive, where possible: People have claimed that they cannot use tasks successfully with beginner level students. I designed the following study so that I could investigate that claim. I created two groups of students, each with different proficiency levels. I gave them a task in which I showed them a set of pictures and I asked them to tell a story. I recorded the as they spoke and then I examined their stories.

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