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Personal Learning Theory Deanna Stefanyshyn December 4, 2011

Personal Learning Theory

After exploring many different theories through several diverse activities I believe there is no one theory that can explain all human learning. Furthermore, as technology becomes more advanced the way we learn also evolves. Therefore, I believe that learning occurs when we are able to make meaningful connections between new and old information, through strategies that fit our learning profile. For example, while some people may benefit by creating a concept map, others may need to act out the information in a more kinesthetic manner. Furthermore, I believe it is very important to provide opportunities for discovery learning while remaining in the zone of proximal development as described by Lev Vygotsky (Miller, 2002). This enables people to use their strengths and not be held back by someones beliefs. In a formal education setting we are currently preparing students for jobs that havent even been created yet. Additionally with the internet easily accessible to everyone, teachers are no longer the bearer of information; our major role is to provide resources and techniques on how to synthesize and organize data available through technology. We must relate to our students by effectively incorporating technology in the classroom to increase motivation and engagement in all curriculum areas. Finally, in order to develop the type of citizens that will thrive in a fast evolving and unpredictable future, a learning environment where risk taking is encouraged and rewarded needs to be established from a young age. I believe that with few exceptions, being able to think for yourself and problem solve using different strategies defines greater success in future endeavours. Most importantly we all must be able to reflect on

Personal Learning Theory Deanna Stefanyshyn December 4, 2011 our failures and celebrate our successes if we want to be successful learners in this fast paced world. References: Anderson, T. (2008). Toward a theory of online learning. In T. Anderson & F. Elloumi (Eds.) Theory and Practice of Online Learning, Chapter 2 (pp. 45-74). Kanuka, H. (2008). Understanding e-learning technologies-in-practice through philosophies-in-practice. In T. Anderson & F. Elloumi (Eds.) Theory and Practice of Online Learning, Chapter 4 (pp. 91-118). Miller, P. H. (2002). Theories of Developmental Psychology, 4th Ed. (pp. 367-396; Vygotskys Socio-Cultural Approach). New York: Worth.

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